Posted March 29, 201311 yr ***Updated pictures ***Added .LXF file - http://www.mediafire...15pccqmlrfh27uw ***Updated .LXF file (changed non-existant pieces, replaced rear "storage boxes" with safes, strengthened some areas) Behold the second ever LEGO Ultra XT 6x6 built to date haha You've seen it in 6-wide, now let's see how it looks in the mighty 8-wide! Features: -Opening doors -Rolling wheels -Colors -Made of plastic lol -There's a hidden floor compartment to stash dirty underwear: -Just to add a play feature, I made the top hinged so it can easily be filled with "water". -Ideally I'd use a 2x2 manget plate with magnet for the rear dump valve, but I can't find the magnet plate in LDD. -There's a 10-stud long, 2-stud wide, 4-plate tall compartment running down the middle of the chassis, great for storing shovels, pulaskis, fishing rods, hot mermaids, etc. -Not exactly sure what's supposed to go in that empty section visible from the top -Could easily make it modular, it would just take some strategic placing of tiles on the chassis. You might also like: Type-2 Ambulance http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=77140 Vactor 2100 http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=66784 I got certified as a Wildland Firefighter last year, passed with flying colors, but couldn't keep going because my stupid deviated septum makes it impossible to breathe when doing heavy labor. Oh well, another crushed dream for the bucket. :( Edited March 31, 201311 yr by DrNightmare
March 30, 201311 yr Author No problem, just give credit if you build it/submit it somewhere/etc. Broken down into major pieces:
March 30, 201311 yr Alright, thank you very much ! And don't worry, I just want to see how it is built. I'm not even sure all the parts are avalible for real.
March 30, 201311 yr Author lol cool It's not that complex, I like to keep stuff simple. I rough out the shape/proportions, then fill any gaps, then go back and rearrange/optimize areas. The only thing I would change now on this model is maybe do what I usually do with big trucks and use long technic beams as a base to attach the wheels and create a strong chassis at once. The only reason I didn't do that here is because I wanted the body to look as raised as possible, adding the technic beams to attach the wheels would lower the underside's silhouette by 1 or 2 plates. I'm pretty sure this is like 99% buildable, I didn't use any exotic parts. Edited March 30, 201311 yr by DrNightmare
March 31, 201311 yr The only thing I would change now on this model is maybe do what I usually do with big trucks and use long technic beams as a base to attach the wheels and create a strong chassis at once. The only reason I didn't do that here is because I wanted the body to look as raised as possible, adding the technic beams to attach the wheels would lower the underside's silhouette by 1 or 2 plates. I think you can use this part to attach the wheels. And to strenghten the chassis, add a plate, or even a brick, in the hole between the cabin and the three other "modules" (I don't know how they are called), because the chassis is only two plates thick. I'm pretty sure this is like 99% buildable, I didn't use any exotic parts. Beside the trans-clear ingots (on the top of the cab), the light bley glass, and the obvious lime Tile 1 x 1 with White and Red Gauge Pattern (and maybe some other parts I haven't noticed), I think every part exist, so no, it shouldn't be a problelm. ^^ There are just some flying parts : (That cab is magnificent !) Also, I'm currently rendering the MOC with POV-Ray. May I post it here when I my computer will have finished rendering ?
March 31, 201311 yr Author Yep, you can do whatever you want with the file and model, I only ask that if anyone enters it to a contest or something that I get some of the prize money haha. Oops, the ingots have the perfect shape but they should be replaced with either cheese wedges or 1x1 tiles. Trans-red for the outer 2, and trans-clear for the inner 2. And yeah, the area behind the cab needs to be filled in, I just don't know what goes there, I think some kind of equipment rack? Like you said, the chass should be stronger once that's filled. I left the cab empty so people can have fun designing it (also, I'm lazy ) Oh yeah, and I don't know if it's accurate but the two black 2x4 tiles on top can be removed to reveal more storage space. Another thing, with some minor rearranging, you can replace the two window frames with glass in the rear with 2 more of those safes. I left them as window pieces because they're one plate shorter than the safe and I could add the red lights. You'll have to sacrifice the lights if you want the safes for more storage. Edited March 31, 201311 yr by DrNightmare
March 31, 201311 yr Author -New .LXF file link with updated model in first post ***Updated .LXF again, made a few areas stronger. Edited March 31, 201311 yr by DrNightmare
May 2, 201311 yr Author Here's progress on the brick-built version, along with a shot of the Wrecker's progress too. Saving money for another BL order and to get some vinyl dye spray.
May 2, 201311 yr This firetruck is from San Diego FD and based on Tatra chassis from Czech Republic. ATC Wildland Ultra XT 6×6 S & S manufacturer.
May 2, 201311 yr Author That's the model the guy who built the 6-wide version used, I used the Colorado Rocky Mountain version, probably mixed a few details though Next time I'm by San Diego I'll try to get a look at their version though, just to gawk at it in person haha. Edited May 2, 201311 yr by Henchmen4Hire
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