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at the beginning of Lego technic the advertising slogan of the new technic line in Germany was "Technic wie in Wirklichkeit" (eng: technic as in reality)... so i'm wondering which sets would we rate in a retrospection as best "ambassadors" for this slogan: Which ones are the true real ones?

Here are mine:

First place: 8868 Air Tech Claw Rig


(image from Blakbirds Technopedia linked)

Reason: This is realism pure, from the first till to the last brick. The blocky design is pure american truck style, the pneumatic design is 100% as in real hydraulic trucks, the operator panels are located as in reality, even the chuggingsound of the compressor is real. IMHO there is really no room for any enhancements (maybe some pneumatic outtriggers, but that's all) - Conclusion: This is not only excellent, it is as good as it gets - this truck shows children how the real thing works.

Second place: 8455 Backhoe


(image again from Blakbirds Technopedia linked)

Reason: Like with the 8868 this backhoe is real in all criterias: design, function principle, proportions. It's a hard decision between 8868 and 8455 which one is first and which one is second - the compressor of the 8868 tips the balance

Third Place: 8110 Unimog U400


(Image from www.1000steine.com linked)

Reason: More or less the same as with the 8868 and 8455. There is nothing which is not real. It shows children perfectly how the different parts of an unimog work... Concerning to reality the Unimog could also be frist or second place but i have ranked down it as third place cause of some design flaws (crappy steering, not well placed battery box so the mog hangs always slightly to the right side, too flimsy and tottery crane construction - look at the 8868 how this can and should be)

Fourth place: 8459 Front loader


(image from Blakbirds technopedia linked)

Reason: More or less the same as with the 8455: There is nothing which is not real... steering, all-wheel-drive, exceptional well done design, the pneumatic functions - perfect reality.

These four (8868, 8455, 8110 and 8459) are IMHO far away from all other sets concerning realism.

My Fifth place: 8421 Mobile crane


(image from Blakbirds technopedia linked)

Reason: it is in almost all functions real: The boom lifts via pneumatic (and at least if boosted by two additional cylinders it works also very well), the simultaniously and motorized double telescoping is very nifty and also real the synchronized winch seems to be a real feature, engine localization is real, 3-axle steering with different steering radius is real, the overall design is very real.... To summarize: This model also shows children very well how a mobile crane works in reality

Sixth Place: 8880 or 8448 supercar


(both images from Blakbirds technopedia linked)

Reason: Both offer almost all car-functions in a real manner - each of them with pro and cons: The selector gate of the 8880 and therefore the kind of gear shifting of the 8880 is much more realistic as all other other supercars (incl. the 8448) - on the other side the engine localisation of the 8880 is not really realistic, here wins the 8448, which as also the more realistic overall design. Double whichbone suspension is very good solved in both, also the dog box gearbox (here known as synchronized transmission ;-))... Both cars are not hyperrealistic but both show children very well how the most important functions of a car work - my overall favorite is the 8880 cause of its all wheel steering, even if this is nowadays a quite seldom car feature - but it nevertheless it shows well how it can work...

Besides these 7 models IMHO there aren't others which fully represents the slogan "technic as in reality"...


i think the jet plane is pretty good at that.

No it's not as good as these 7...

out of these 7 I'd go for your order too to be perfectly honest. The Air Tech Claw Rig is definitely the best Lego Technic model for realism In my opinion, closely followed like you said by the backhoe :laugh:

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I forgot one

The Pneumatic Excavator from Jennifer Clark - i will not rank it because it is not an official set but a MOC and therefore somehow out of competition...


(image from http://www.genuinemodels.com/jcb.htm)

IMHO we can not ignore this outstanding model when "most realism" comes in discussion: It represents in a perfect sense the slogan "Technic as in reality" in each criteria: overall design and function principle - as good as it gets. Just my 2ct for this MOC...


personally i would rank this model equally to the 8868 at first place...

Is real the pneumatic turn in the 8868?.

Plus no steering wheel at all (not even a dummy wheel)

Is real the pneumatic turn in the 8868?.

Plus no steering wheel at all (not even a dummy wheel)

You two have very good points...

Maybe we need to more look at MOC's like Sheepo's 911...


Or any of sheepo's creations, that's just naming one builder... Jennifer Clark also makes very realistic models

However, I know that you are looking for Official Lego Models. And to be perfectly honest, the 8880 Supercar is very realistic except that not many real life cars actually have all wheel steering.

What about this motorbike? http://www.brickset.com/detail/?Set=8051-1 the functions are all correct (I think, I don't know much about them), and it looks the part too

So I think the trick here is to find something in real life with little functions which Lego have replicated accurately, like a motorbike

Or perhaps you are wanting to find a model which shows how impressive Lego Technic is, if so, people find bigger models more impressive, so go for the Unimog.

PS I was just typing what I thought, so this probably makes hardly any sense :blush:

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Plus no steering wheel at all (not even a dummy wheel)

i hope this is meant ironically.. because otherwise i disagree: it depends on the focus - for supercars i agree - here is a working steering wheel essential - but the focus of the 8868 is completely different...

But the pneumatic slewing is a good point: well, probably not very realistic but i'm not a slewing pro...probably the lego designers wanted to demonstrate the possibilities of pneumatic... but you are right: not really real.. hmm, maybe we have to rank down 8868 to the third or four place therefore? Hmm......

i hope this is meant ironically.. because otherwise i disagree: it depends on the focus - for supercars i agree - here is a working steering wheel essential - but the focus of the 8868 is completely different...

But the pneumatic slewing is a good point: well, probably not very realistic but i'm not a slewing pro...probably the lego designers wanted to demonstrate the possibilities of pneumatic... but you are right: not really real.. hmm, maybe we have to rank down 8868 to the third or four place therefore? Hmm......

At least the slewing is mechanized on the 8868. The cranes aren't...

And you have a good point about the steering wheel, it isn't completely necessary on a truck, more on a supercar.

But the pneumatic slewing is a good point:

A real truck like this may not use hydraulic linear actuators to slew the crane, but it DOES use a rotary hydraulic actuator so I still think this is more realistic than making it electric. Everything which should run off of a compressed fluid does.

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A real truck like this may not use hydraulic linear actuators to slew the crane, but it DOES use a rotary hydraulic actuator so I still think this is more realistic than making it electric. Everything which should run off of a compressed fluid does.

Thank goodness, now my beloved 8868 can still stay on top :wink:

And cause of the lack of pneumatic rotary actuators the "simulation" with two linear ones is still something i call real...

Thanks, Blakbird, for clarification....

I think TLG does a good job overall on their sets, although they could do so much better if they were willing to release more realistic elements (e.g. longer pneumatics, different sizes of clutch gears, etc.). The sets you mention seem realistic, how about the 8258 Crane Truck? (my favorite set ever) Other sets I think to be realistic are 9396 and 42000.

Edited by Porty

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I think TLG does a good job overall on their sets, although they could do so much better if they were willing to release more realistic elements (e.g. longer pneumatics, different sizes of clutch gears, etc.). The sets you mention seem realistic, how about the 8258 Crane Truck? (my favorite set ever) Other sets I think to be realistic are 9396 and 42000.

i agree with you concerning the need of some new parts for even more realism (as you said: longer pneumatics, different sized clutch gears are IMO the most important ones)...

8258: yes, one of my favorite sets, a really great set, but concerning realism i would rank it lower than these mentioned above, because it uses the LAs instead of pneumatic... and no, i do not want to trigger another LA vs. Pneumatic discussion - i personally prefer in most cases pneumatic cause of its realism and the better working without PF (IMHO LAs are unplayable without motorization)..over and out for LA vs PN :wink: - so overall i would rank the 8258 in my Top 5 sets but not when realism is the main focus...

Edited by Kumbbl

i hope this is meant ironically.. because otherwise i disagree: it depends on the focus - for supercars i agree - here is a working steering wheel essential - but the focus of the 8868 is completely different...

A non-working steering wheel is no problem, but not having any is a bit awkward. I can't recall any wheeled Technic vehicles without a steering wheel (okay, obviously the smallest ones don't have any)

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Other sets I think to be realistic are 9396 and 42000.

42000: yep, well and accourate designed, well done and realistic suspension - but now the main drawback (as with all lego F1 racers): no gearbox - and sorry, a supercar or F1 racer without working and well done gearbox is not realistic (for that reason the 8070 is IMHO not a supercar - i will never buy it)... with respect to gearbox the B-model of 8880 would be the most real racer (even if just 2 speed) but unfortunatelly its suspension ist not really a F1-suspension and the look is more Indycar than F1-like ... (BTW: though i like the 8880 F1-model most of all Indy/F1-racers because it is playable, looks good (despite fully studded) and has well done features...

9396: a great model, i love it but i do not know enough about Helicopters to judge if it is realistic or not... the design is real, exactly the look of a rescue heli...

For me this is another quite realistic set: 8284 tractor


(Image from Blakbirds technopedia linked)

The look is great and very realistic and the functions actually too - apart from the fact that lifting implements should be done via hydraulic rsp. with lego via pneumatic and not by worm-gear :wink: - but overall: not bad ...

And not to forget one of my clandestine favorite and most beloved sets: 851


(image from Blakbirds Technopedia linked)

Well, admited, of course not really realstic functions - but this look is very very realistic

Edited by Kumbbl

42000: yep, well and accourate designed, well done and realistic suspension - but now the main drawback (as with all lego F1 racers): no gearbox - and sorry, a supercar or F1 racer without working and well done gearbox is not realistic (for that reason the 8070 is IMHO not a supercar - i will never buy it)... with respect to gearbox the B-model of 8880 would be the most real racer (even if just 2 speed) but unfortunatelly its suspension ist not really a F1-suspension and the look is more Indycar than F1-like ... (BTW: though i like the 8880 F1-model most of all Indy/F1-racers because it is playable, looks good (despite fully studded) and has well done features...

Totally agree here, if lego would quit doing their lame gearboxes and put a real transmission that actually has something to do with the wheels, not doors and spoilers (8070), that would complete the 42000 as a very nice, realistic set. Just my 2 cents.

It would be pretty tricky to add a transmission and a handle in a F1 car (sequential gearbox operated from the steering wheel)

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It would be pretty tricky to add a transmission and a handle in a F1 car (sequential gearbox operated from the steering wheel)

yes, agree - but this would be really a step forward and outstandingly cool... i'm really waiting for a new breakthrough - something as 1994 with 8880 and the its new driving-rings ...

Not always the same cranes, cars and more or less same mechanisms... gearboxes were always a core-feature of lego technic, IMHO it's time for the next revolution, now 20 years after the last revolution....

I like to see interesting mechanisms in Technic models more than strict realism as such. A realistic model is usually but not always mechanically complex or fascinating to build. The 8880/8448 comparison is one example of this, with the latter being more realistic but less complex in a number of ways. In this respect, I would also have 8868 and 8455 as my top choices, but would rank 8480 and 8043 after those two.

Reason: Like with the 8868 this backhoe is real in all criterias: design, function principle, proportions. It's a hard decision between 8868 and 8455 which one is first and which one is second - the compressor of the 8868 tips the balance

For me, what really puts 8868 on top is the alternate model, which adds a lot to the overall package of that set. It's very rare to see an alternate model that introduces entirely new concepts to Technic like this one did.

  • Author

...but would rank 8480 and 8043 after those two.

For me, what really puts 8868 on top is the alternate model, which adds a lot to the overall package of that set. It's very rare to see an alternate model that introduces entirely new concepts to Technic like this one did.

both lines of your argumentation leads more or less to the questions "Which set is the best set ever?" or "Which sets you like most?" or etc... - a question which has been discussed here many many times in different flavours... IMHO this question is in the meanwhile boring because there is already all said what can be said (and more or less there is a quite consensus about a "Top Ten technic sets") - therefore i have consciously here focused to realism as criterium - and sorry, the space shuttle is a very cool (and of course complex) set but realistic? hmmm... same for the 8043: The overall look is very realistic but the working functions are surely not - compare it to the excavator of Jennifer (s.a.) and you will see which one is realistic and which one not...

alternate model of 8868: i have not asked for "cool mechanisms" or "new concepts" or something similar... i asked for realism...


In the typical question "which sets you like most" my ranking would be also different and i would also include 8480 and 8258 and some others - but this is not the question here...

Edited by Kumbbl

I would say that #1 would still be 8880 supercar. It's still the only technic set that uses that hub assembly, giving it the best steering geometry of any set.

The old model team models would be good too, given the amount of detail they had.

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Maybe the 8847 as well? I know it's basic, but so is the real thing.

yes indeed - i would say a V8 engine would be more realistic :wink: but overall i agree - a quite realistic model - a real dragster consists only of few more parts than 4 wheels, an egnine and a seat...

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