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  On 4/16/2013 at 11:16 AM, Mencot said:

Psst Jeanie, read all my comments


And thank you for your comment about your role

Sorry luv!

  On 4/16/2013 at 12:22 PM, mostlytechnic said:

I'm also suspicious of Jeanie, Allison, and Bobby not flipping their votes to finish Chuckie yesterday. However, Claire was the only post anyone made between me summarizing that we needed 1 more vote and the end of the day, so it's possible they just weren't around to change.

I said I was willing to change my vote if needed, and it wasn't needed so I didn't change it.

  On 4/16/2013 at 12:06 PM, Purpearljellyblob said:

Allison and Bobby, why didn't both of you flip to seal off the lynch on Chuckie when the town needed 1 more vote?

Seemed to me that both of you wanted a no-lynch and therefore scums.

This is going to sound really stupid, but I was busy at a formal party on at the end of Day Eight and hadn't adequately checked to see that Chuckie had been lynched. I got back close to the end of the day, but after Dragonsworth had closed voting.

  On 4/16/2013 at 1:23 PM, Mencot said:

A new ping to my scum radar has come:


Lucy in her first post she is "I have good reasons for suspecting Claire" than when she reads mary-Janes comment she all over is lynching me and screaming "he is the scum"

making up that it was your theory to do this is just flawed

Claire was definitely less danger to scum than Adriano was (I mean, no-one trusted her after Simone) so I don't see why Adriano being expelled instead of her paints her as scummy. The thing is, you jumped onto Lucy's deliberately bad logic and tone. Look at this:

  On 4/16/2013 at 5:26 AM, Esurient said:

I have taken the back seat long enough and I blame myself for not contributing enough. I looked at myself and asked myself why am I still here and those who have contributed a lot like Cameron and Adriano are gone. Because I am not a threat to the scum! I am not analyzing enough! Now I feel that if we make the wrong move today the scum might have the chance to capitalize on that. I am throwing away all my previous perceptions about people and I am going to revisit previous Day threads and see what we can find.

Very dramatic, to give a sense of urgency. A little bit weird, but at the suggestion, you agreed that Claire must be scum. Stings happen, and it looks like one caught you.

Alright, let's really drive some conversation today. Here's my personal read on everyone, with my estimations on town/scum. Chime in with your thoughts!

60% loyal Jeanie: Investigation said loyal, but that could be a godfather too. On day 5, Shawna had gotten the needed 8 votes and THEN Jeanie and chuckie jumped on with theirs. Seems suspicious. The only votes to come after them were Brian (I think he's proven himself with the blocker info) and Adriano. OTOH, Shawna repeatedly wanted to kill her off based on Adriano's info.

75% scum Davey: Been wavering on him for a while - there was nothing to really make me think solidly scummy, but nothing to make me think loyal either. I think this morning he got caught in Lucy's trap though!

90% loyal Lucy: I believe today's actions were just as she claims, a trap, and it made up my mind. It was well played and I think confirmed a scum.

50% Allison: Another I've wavered on. Been back and forth over and over. Her voting's been all over - Brian (before he started being the blocker's relay though), me, Jeanie twice, etc. Frequently changes votes during the day too. I just don't have a solid read on her.

90% loyal Bobby: My basis for this is basically one event. When Shawna was claiming serial killer, people were seriously considering believing her and letting her stay. Bobby came out VERY vigorously against that right away and said she HAD to go. That was not something a scum would have done. Lately he's been seeming more scummy though, but I think it's just a difference of opinion from me and being a newbie, rather than actually scum.

90% Loyal Brian: I think his reliable info from the blocker speaks for itself.

80% loyal Claire: Posted her defense earlier today. Basically she's been very vocal and helpful, although had bad info and that REALLY set her back in people's minds, definitely including me. She's redeemed herself in mine though.

100% Loyal Mary Jane: Myself, of course I know I'm town. And hopefully I've been helpful and trustworthy enough to prove it to everyone else too.

  On 4/16/2013 at 3:14 PM, jamesn said:

This is going to sound really stupid, but I was busy at a formal party on at the end of Day Eight and hadn't adequately checked to see that Chuckie had been lynched. I got back close to the end of the day, but after Dragonsworth had closed voting.

Claire was definitely less danger to scum than Adriano was (I mean, no-one trusted her after Simone) so I don't see why Adriano being expelled instead of her paints her as scummy. The thing is, you jumped onto Lucy's deliberately bad logic and tone. Look at this:

Very dramatic, to give a sense of urgency. A little bit weird, but at the suggestion, you agreed that Claire must be scum. Stings happen, and it looks like one caught you.

  On 4/16/2013 at 3:19 PM, mostlytechnic said:

75% scum Davey: Been wavering on him for a while - there was nothing to really make me think solidly scummy, but nothing to make me think loyal either. I think this morning he got caught in Lucy's trap though!

The problem here is I didn´t read Lucy´s comment throughout, I read the first part and then I made my comment and then read it again and the afterwards again. As you can see, the my comment has nothing to do with Lucy´s comments, it has not any agreements with it nor resemblance.

And maybe the trap would had worked a little better (on the real scum) if not Lucy would had started shouting around immidiately because there is most likely 2 scum left.

Ladies and Gents for the last four days out of school I have been on a double stag do in Budapest and Slovakia. This has unfortunately meant that my time has been rather limited in school. I couldn't flip my vote because I was only able to get online when I did early in the day. Let's behest is there anything more suspicious ban a last minute vote change? I don't think so?

I have been voting honestly and not with bandwagon, l get repeatedly accused of being quiet yet when I voice my own opinions I get shot down.

It seems to me some people are criticised whatever they do? You are too quiet SCUM! Now you are suddenly talking SCUM! You aren't changing your vote SCUM. I was in contact with Adrianno regularly and often voted as he told me too as I have referenced before! I'm in contact with one other townie MaryJane who I trust. I'm a newbie to the academy and am just doing my best to not repost the same info as other people write before me? Is it so bad when isolated to have your own opinion?

Yesterday I voted for Claire and I've given my reasons, I voted early during the only time I could get to class doesn't seem particularly unreasonable for me to state my reasons and do so. I'm more suspicious of people who vote then change rather than those who express an opinion and have enough gumption to stick to it!

The problem I have with comments on other people's theories is that a lot of them seem very reasonable but unfortunately one times two people can say contradictory things and yet alone they make sense. I am observing and making my own judgements.

Mary Jane, I agree with most of your sentiments. I'm still wary of Jeanie (long-term suspicion; others trust her), Bobby (gut feeling) and Davey (today's sting and long-term wariness) but I only expect a maximum of two are scum.

I won't put numbers to how I feel, but I feel in order of towniness (excluding myself; I know I'm 100% townie) are:


Mary Jane



I think they're all fairly trustworthy students and I don't get that feeling from the three I'm wary of.

  On 4/16/2013 at 3:14 PM, jamesn said:

This is going to sound really stupid, but I was busy at a formal party on at the end of Day Eight and hadn't adequately checked to see that Chuckie had been lynched. I got back close to the end of the day, but after Dragonsworth had closed voting.

I thought I saw you lurking around the school's front yard between Mary's post and the closing. :hmpf:

No, I don't think so. My memory for times and things isn't great, but if I'd seen Mary asking for votes on Chuckie, I'd have switched.

And there's nothing new going on to share now. Seems I'm just your favourite whipping-boy (girl).

Scummy slumber party? :look: If we had a lie detector you would be first. :cannon:

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Voting is now open.

With 8 players left, it takes 5 for a successful expulsion.

  On 4/16/2013 at 6:39 PM, Hammerstein NWC said:

Ladies and Gents for the last four days out of school I have been on a double stag do in Budapest and Slovakia. This has unfortunately meant that my time has been rather limited in school. I couldn't flip my vote because I was only able to get online when I did early in the day. Let's behest is there anything more suspicious ban a last minute vote change? I don't think so?

I have been voting honestly and not with bandwagon, l get repeatedly accused of being quiet yet when I voice my own opinions I get shot down.

It seems to me some people are criticised whatever they do? You are too quiet SCUM! Now you are suddenly talking SCUM! You aren't changing your vote SCUM. I was in contact with Adrianno regularly and often voted as he told me too as I have referenced before! I'm in contact with one other townie MaryJane who I trust. I'm a newbie to the academy and am just doing my best to not repost the same info as other people write before me? Is it so bad when isolated to have your own opinion?

Yesterday I voted for Claire and I've given my reasons, I voted early during the only time I could get to class doesn't seem particularly unreasonable for me to state my reasons and do so. I'm more suspicious of people who vote then change rather than those who express an opinion and have enough gumption to stick to it!

The problem I have with comments on other people's theories is that a lot of them seem very reasonable but unfortunately one times two people can say contradictory things and yet alone they make sense. I am observing and making my own judgements.

@Bob This is so true, but it is in every game the same.

You have done a good job, I can understand your point of not getting in everytime (your situation IRL)

This is your first time in a school like this, as it is for me also. It could had gone better but we are still around trying to help this class to succeed.

I have really not much clue on who to vote for

My list from yesterday, (with todays notes)

I little memorylist and some of my personl notes (so don´t take it too hard and serious :wink: ) over who is left:

Bobby Busch (very quiet)still quiet, but he has his own thing

Jeanie Bueller (hmm don´t get much out of her, not always helpful)still think this, but her loyalty for town is pretty much clear now

Brian Johnson (helpful)yes helpful

Claire Standish (clearly 100 % town, hasn´t always been too trustworthy but we all do mistakes)still think she is 100 %, not gonna say more

Chuckie Miller (also very quiet, don´t get much out of him)scum

Adriano Parbritzzi ("town hero", our personal stats collector)sadly was night killed

Mary Jane (pretty sure she is town, helpful)not so sure anymore

Allison Reynolds (helpful)been a one I have trusted from day one, with Adrianno the one I have talked much too, todays feelings are mixed

Lucy Emerson (quiet, but when speaks my opinion helpful)thinking she is helpful, though today she was a bit too entusastic and it failed her but in my eyes she is town now

Davey (me)this is still me

So quiet today... no one has anything to say?

Based on everything I've said earlier, I'm going to

Vote: Davey Osborne (Mencot)

I think everybody wants to see how things go? It appears that being the one to seal a vote on a lynch is a good way to stay around so I wouldn't be surprised to see a flurry of late voters.

I'm a little surprised that some of our more vocal people haven't thrown out their votes, Honestly I'm undecided - I guess thinking about it I am waiting to see if anyone else has anything pertinent to say before casting my vote.

Hey seriously guys whats up, if we (town) want to win we need to talk (that much I have learned from this) discussion, discussion

We have "enjoyed the silence" enough today, lighten up

'starts singing'

Dum dum

Oh dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

Anyone care to join me, lets dance those scum out of here

I'm not sure what that singing is al about? Depeche Mode? I trust Mary Janes instincts,

It doesn't seem anyone is going to add anything else to the conversation so I'm going to vote with Mary, things could be looking black for our resident Goth!

Vote: Davey Osbourne (Mencot)

We have about another 27 hours right now, I'm still working on some things. I was feeling better about Davey in recent days, but he may have just gotten himself caught up in that little sting this morning. Very undecided right now.

Allison, you've been pretty dodgy about things lately and haven't wanted to really come forward with any real information or help. Right now, I will:

Vote : Allison Reynolds (jamesn)

This is all subject to change. I have gone through many scenarios in my head going back several days and this seems to me to make sense. What are others feelings on this?

My vote for today also goes to:

Vote: Allison Reynolds (jamesn)


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Davey Osbourne (Mencot) - 2 votes (mostlytechnic, Hammerstein NWC)

Allison Reynolds (jamesn) - 2 votes (LegoDad, Purpearljellyblob)

There are 24 hours left in the day.

Well, we're now at 2 davey and 2 allison - since we need 5 and they're not going to vote for themselves, this is likely to end in no-lynch. So anyone wanna make an argument for one over the other? I've made my position on both above, but I'm willing to vote either way.

I admit I should have read the thread more carefully before I disappeared at the end of Day Eight. And I know I haven't said very much today (or yesterday) but I have of late been at a loss as to what to say and how to vote.

I don't know who feels left out of PM, but I feel that way a little now. I write ideas to see what people think, and get no response. Because I don't want to come charging out of the gates at someone. Hopefully we talk more, but that just hasn't been happening.


What I'm doing at the moment is trying to decide whether to vote for Davey. Lucy came out this morning accusing Claire of being scum, based on the huge assumption that Claire is the new scum killer. It was scummy that Davey sheeped her so readily.

Davey does lots of things that look helpful, but I don't pretend to be helpful if I can't be. For example, he posted all of Adriano's marked-up votes with errors today and posted this picture yesterday:


Yesterday when Adriano probed him about the different line styles and why he didn't green-circle himself, he responded with something John Bender told him to do, and didn't reason for himself:


Ofcourse I could had made my number green but Johns idea was that only those who were voted off where painted with green (loyal) and red (scum)

And in PM Davey straight-up told me not to suspect him of being scum many days ago.


So that's what I'm mulling over at the moment. It's just for my sake, which is why I haven't shared it with the group as a whole.

There are plenty of people (other than me and Davey) who aren't contributing much: Jeanie, Bobby, Brian. So don't attack me for that. It isn't really valid to do that to me and not the others.


Brian, of course it's in your character to sheep any accusation on me. If you weren't the blocker's mouthpiece, you'd be pinging my scumdar all over the place. That you're definitely town is part of what puts me at a loss.


Also, since I'm town, talk more and vote less. I don't want what scum remains hammering me out of school because that would be devastating to us.

  On 4/18/2013 at 3:07 AM, jamesn said:

Davey does lots of things that look helpful, but I don't pretend to be helpful if I can't be. For example, he posted all of Adriano's marked-up votes with errors today and posted this picture yesterday:


Yesterday when Adriano probed him about the different line styles and why he didn't green-circle himself, he responded with something John Bender told him to do, and didn't reason for himself:

And in PM Davey straight-up told me not to suspect him of being scum many days ago.

I also answered this in the same sentence:

Why they are diffrent, "free hand and in paint with red airbrush" Adriano asked again about this but it was forgotten then, (I used the program paint, thats why it was freehand)

All who are left in the game are white, not green nor red

Ofcourse I could had made my number green but Johns idea was that only those who were voted off where painted with green (loyal) and red (scum)

And I continued to make it that way, becuase it didn´t seem that there is anything to this number thing so I didn´t wanna waste much of my time for it

If you remember this was Adrianos answer on why I didn´t green circle myself:

Makes sense, but I wanted to hear it from you. I have done the same with my voting pattern analysis. Would be easy enough to make myself green but I am not objectively confirmed town. So are you. Good answer. :wink:

Altough I am town, I don´t gonna scream out I AM 100 % TOWN others are 50 % 75 % like :poke: Mary-Jane (don´t know if she is Town or Scum but her beheivour today is really aggressive and from the M. games I have followed some scum start doing that if the end is near)

"And in PM Davey straight-up told me not to suspect him of being scum many days ago."

I don´t know what to say about that, don´t know what you are trying to achieve saying it.

Every one here would say they are town, so that doesn´t help... or are you trying also to :poke: suspection against me

If so I have a question for you Allison, why did you ask me if I was and wanna know so badly who the blocker was a few days ago?

I didn't want to know badly, I was just curious because no-one was contacting Cameron about it, meaning the blocker was suspicious of Cameron. Cameron wanted to know who the blocker was, and he thought you fit the bill. Knowing who the blocker was would have helped him build a stronger town because he was already in contact with the investigator and the doctor.

I'm not pushing suspicion on you; I'm just trying to decide whether to vote for you and I think the evidence against is circumstantial. It's all about weighing pros versus cons. Claire wanted to know what i was doing, and let her know what I was thinking.

Okay (not ok-ey) thanks Allison, thats fair enough and ofcourse something we have to do to read out the scum.

Whatever happened this morning, I will not only base my vote on who jumps, but also how those who jumped defended him/her self.

I base my vote on two factors.

1. Your defence for yourself.

2. If anyone else support whatever you said.

Bobby, you defended yourself well. And Mary had a 90% confidence in you. And you have been doing the same thing over the past few days. So I would defer my judgement on you until something new poops up.

Davey, you defended yourself well. But the main problem is that I could not verify that with anyone else. So far no one came up to defend you.

If this happens on Day 1 or 2, I would have deferred my judgement till later since it's very hard to determine who is Town and who's not. But it is Day 9 now and no one defended you (I just need one). Either 1. you are town but no one trust you or 2. you are scum and your scum buddies think you made a bad move this morning so they decided to ignore you or 3. you are the last scum.

I don't wish to vote out Town so whoever thinks Davey is Town but is still hesitating, please step up and give your opinion.

So for now, my vote today goes to:

Vote: Davey Osborne (Mencot)

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