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Currently those will run you to around €280 or so without shipping from the US. Complete but not in boxes. Probably around the €320-€330 with shipping included.

So I'd say it would depend on just how incomplete they were.

Hmm really doubting... 3 of the 4 sets i got another incomplete so i'd might with a bit of luck complete them...

I'm not really sure if this belongs here or not...but today while looking for a few figures on my CMF 12 to-find list, I bought a few, and looked at the receipt, and was only charged 1.99 Euro per figure. Has anyone else encountered this price? It seemed so odd to me, especially at a grocery store.

1.99 Euro very interesting price.

I found (but didn't get) Web Dash and Bat Strike for $6 each at the LEGO Store.

Found a retail display flag from Star wars a while ago, traded with someone for a fantasy castle flag.

Sometime this month I got off eBay (for £20 + £4 shipping) a "small" collection of Bionicles.

bug.jpgWhile there were two or so knockoffs, managing to get mostly complete Roodaka, Krekka, Nidhiki, Turaga Dume & Nivawk, Rorzakh, Keerakh and Morak, as well as spares of Takanuva, Vorzakh, Bordakh, '03 Matoro, Vezok, Thok, Dekar, Defilak, Kongu Inika, Matoro Inika, Nuvhok and Pahrak and numerous other parts (both to complete other sets/models and other purposes) was, really quite a steal to say the least.

One of my Targets has the Series 12 Minifigures for $1.48. They had a whole case of Series 9 and the Simpsons at that price too, so I'm guessing they mistakenly marked down 12w as well.

One of my Targets has the Series 12 Minifigures for $1.48. They had a whole case of Series 9 and the Simpsons at that price too, so I'm guessing they mistakenly marked down 12w as well.

A local Sainsbury's of mine has the S12 Minifigures for £2 (usually £2.50). I felt them out and got a Pig Suit Guy! :tongue:

Just yesterday got the City Airport 10159 (re-release of Century Skyway) for 22 dollars/18 euros! Complete and not a single scratch on any of the pieces (exept for the baseplate, minor scratches underneath). Looks like the previous owner wasn't a big fan of Lego. Good for me :laugh: . The current average on BL is 150$! :grin:

Edited by Savvvas

I was recently shopping at a local market when I found an old gentleman selling a crate nearly full of LEGO bricks. He quoted me €25 for the entire lot. I did a quick check on the parts included and immediately knew I was getting it. I had an old boat hull, a motor, some practically mint classic Space figures with intact helmets, and some Building with People figures. After checking it out, I think I hit a jackpot. A 4.5V motor (I can't test it, no cables), plenty of near mint space minifigs, the original minifigs, some macro figs, 4x3 doors, and other assorted parts were within. This is a listing of the sets I can identify major parts of within the crate. There are enough classic space parts and red slopes to make me wonder how many sets the person had of each. Regretfully, a few parts have teeth and/or fingernail marks and about half the hinges were broken.


Sets I think are in the crate:

6690 Snorkel Pumper (1980)

6382 Fire Station (1981)

842 Baseplates, Red and Blue

314 Police Launch (1976) or 709 Police Boat (1978) Got the old style minifigs in Black with hats

256 Police Officers with Motorcycle (1976) or 192 Policemen (1977) Building with People theme

276 Nurse with Child (1977) Building with People theme

664 TV Crew (1977)

107 Universal Motor (1976)

Might have been:

387 Excavator and Dumper (1976) Evidence points to both vehicles based on broken parts I've found.

If anybody can help me identify the set the trans dark blue 4x6 inverted slope and trailer came from, I would be most appreciative. Also, I have never seen the solid windscreens in the middle. One is a convex one, and all have studs across the entire top. Also, I got a pair of 24x32 green baseplates that I didn't know existed.

I'm open to selling some of the parts from this. All the macro scale Building with People, most of the original minifigs, a red classic space minifig, the classic train wheels, the 4x3 doors, and the 4.5V motor are up for sale. PM offers.

Edited by Feuer Zug

I was able to get the new ninja turtles movie set: turtle van takedown for $28. Although it had the repackaged tag on it, everything was complete except the stickers. I'm not complaining, i didn't want to put the stickers on it.

Found an mantizoid for 5 bucks, and a darth sidious for 6, including book!

Found an unopened classic Town 556 Emergency Van set in my parents garage yesterday. Box is in near new condition!

Also found an unopened, but no longer sealed 6433 Coastwatch - City Center set.

Got Lego Marvel Superheroes and Lego Hobbit, both with minifigs, just for 15 bucks. :)

I was finally able to get myself a Grand Emporium (my first modular!). I was lucky enough to grab it at the Lego shop in Liverpool, last one on the shelf. The guy at the register actually mentioned it was the last one in stock and they wouldn't be getting anymore in as I was buying it.

Edited by Zanki

Boy do I have a few but I'll name the best ones.

First was finding that World Racers set 8898 for $0.99 at a thrift store. The box was battered but could still hold up on it's own and after opening the box the contents were still neatly organized. Pieces sealed in their bags, stickers in excellent condition, instruction booklet looking like it was hot off the printing press, everything was still crisp. I haven't built it as I'm debating whether to build it and use as a set or scrap for parts. Either way it was an excellent find.

The second one is when I was browsing a Target and found a Fire Car polybag set 30221 in bulk quantity. Seeing the firefighter caught my attention and gauged my interest in buying it but that's not the real find. I found a small number of LEGO Movie sets and this was back in December 2013, three days before New Years. I felt compelled and found the CMF bags. Carefully feeling them I didn't which to take so I took one and made my way to the cash register. Upon scanning, the cashier couldn't scan the CMF bag as it's data made it un-purchasable until the beginning of 2014. After seeing that I thought I might have to return it but instead the cashier put in my bag along with my original purchase saving me a few bucks. Needless to say it was a good night.

wow, those are some real rare sets

Picked up my third used Diagon Alley in the past 4 months! All sets have been complete. Got this one for $75!

Picked up my third used Diagon Alley in the past 4 months! All sets have been complete. Got this one for $75!

That's the one set I'm missing from the last 2 HP waves. Wish I could find something close to that price in the UK!

Last week i found a brand new Town Hall in a local toyshop, but it was the very last one.. Feeling lucky :)

Sometime this month I got off eBay (for £20 + £4 shipping) a "small" collection of Bionicles.

bug.jpgWhile there were two or so knockoffs, managing to get mostly complete Roodaka, Krekka, Nidhiki, Turaga Dume & Nivawk, Rorzakh, Keerakh and Morak, as well as spares of Takanuva, Vorzakh, Bordakh, '03 Matoro, Vezok, Thok, Dekar, Defilak, Kongu Inika, Matoro Inika, Nuvhok and Pahrak and numerous other parts (both to complete other sets/models and other purposes) was, really quite a steal to say the least.

Whoa! That is one lucky find! Can I have Takanuva? :classic:


Whoa! That is one lucky find! Can I have Takanuva? :classic:


I have two incomplete not counting Takutanuva, but no.

Okay. Just making sure.

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