Kai NRG Posted April 20, 2013 Posted April 20, 2013 (edited) Return of a Kingdom (Complete) Sand, sand, sand. As far as the eye could see. Who would live here - and why? The bleak and barren desert seemed uninviting in the extreme. "Caw, caw!" screamed a lonely vulture, flying high above the dusty plain. From his bird's eye view there was perhaps more to see. Yes, indeed; far to the southward, a small oasis - and - wonder of wonders - a group of people, going about their daily life. We will go where the bird could not; into the largest hut, hastily built, but looking as though it must have been the main house of the camp. "We have waited too long already! Far, far too long!" "And what," the second knight paused for effect, "what if the right man is not here?" His companion scoffed, "Do you really believe that? I say the sooner we go in, the sooner we leave here, the sooner we face Victor! Why are we just standing here? He is in Cedrica already; we are safe here perhaps, but will we hide here forever?" "Gadilitus is right," sighed a third knight, "we cannot remain here much longer. The time to battle Victor is ripe!" "We go in tonight," Gadilitus said, in a calmer voice. "We cannot afford more delays." "You spoke truly," sighed the second knight to Archtip, his companion, as they left the hut in which they had been consulting, "You spoke truly - what we need is a leader." Archtip nodded, his eyes on Gadilitus. Perhaps, after all, he was the one. *** Sand, sand, sand. As far as the eye could see. No, down there, in the valley! Ageven and his companion, Kaflar, eager to be finally at their journey's end, hastened down the sand dune, blinking their eyes in the bright glare of the afternoon sun. "It is deserted." Ageven sounded like he could not believe it. "No, that is not possible! Look, they have left all here." He shook his head. Kaflar and he stood on the edge of the camp, surveying the scene. Dishes and tents, a few small huts, pack animals - all of life's necessities were here - where were the people? Kaflar, who had not been to the site of the Red Ruby before, was more taken up with the beautiful building before them. "Well," Ageven said, with a slight simile at his companion, "I have been here before, you know. It is the Temple of the Red Ruby - here, I have found this scroll." In silence Kaflar read: Long, long ago, before Kaligem, the one time capitol of Kaliphlin, was destroyed, a wise and wealthy group of dwarfs, foreseeing the devastation that was to come upon their city, created a chalice of pure gold, that would hold the red ruby, the legendary crystal that led the founders of the city of Kaligem to the location it then had. They built a temple for it, hidden deep in the great escarpment, where the crystal would not be found before the time was ripe, when the wisest man, apart from the leader of Kaliphlin, would find it and, with it, would re-establish Kaligem as a powerful city once more. And to protect this man from his enemies, they created a helmet of protection, that would, it is said, keep him from any harm. When he was done, Kaflar asked, "Do you believe it?" Ageven shrugged. "What do I know? We might as well go in though. I was hoping the settlers here would give us their help..." Kaflar froze suddenly. "What is it?" "Listen - what is that?" "I hear nothing." "I must have been imagining it, then. Shall we go in?" They both climbed up the rickety ladder, eager now, but silent. Inside, in a chalice of pure gold, lay the ruby, surrounded by a mass of shimmering yellow. Kaflar stepped forward, but hesitated suddenly. "Go ahead," Ageven motioned. "But wait. The helmet first. That ought to let you know whether or not to take the ruby." He pointed out a helmet, farther in. Kaflar nodded. He advanced slowly. It fit. But as he stepped to the side there was a sudden snapping sound and he glanced around apprehensively. With a sudden swing a trapdoor opened in front of him, revealing a glittering chamber below. Both Kaflar and Ageven glanced at each other, then they bent over, peering inside. A sudden scream made them jump; but after the moment's initial scare, Ageven exclaimed, "Wait! I recognize the voice." Raising his voice, he shouted, "Who is it? I am Ageven, I have come for..." Gadilitus' voice had a note of relief in it as he shouted back, "Ageven! Is that you! Hurry, let us out!" "But... how come you to be down there?" "It is a long story - lower a ladder down here, I will explain..." *** Kaligem. The city of long, long ago. The city of Kaliphlin's power; the peak of it's rule over the guilds. It had been long gone - so long that no one knew where it had stood, except perhaps the vultures, wandering to and fro in the Parched Lands. Legend told that it had been buried, ages ago, beneath the swirling sand. For days the group from the Camp at the Red Ruby traveled on - the people of Nadur, who had left their home when it had been destroyed by fire, and were now eager to do what they could in the fight against Revolword. They were led by Ageven and Kaflar - who possessed the Ruby that, it was said, would lead them to the site of the old city. Finally, after one week of wandering, they arrived at a spot, more barren then all the rest, where the ruby glowed. Kaflar, uncertain of what to do next, stepped forward hesitantly, It was nearing dusk - the sun, a red hot ball in the sky - would soon be gone, and the people were setting up camp. And suddenly, out of the whirling sand, a golden minaret appeared. Around it, far into the distance, walls took shape; tall, ponderous walls, strong enough to keep out an army. Awed, the people stepped back - the beautiful city that stood before them, indeed, all around them, would be the perfect place to gather the resistance to Revolword. And so it was decided, here - in the heart of Kaliphlin, would be the gathering place for all the Historicans who were willing to fight for freedom! (First Scored Build) (Unscored Build) Nearly three weeks later, a sizable band had gathered at the site of Kaligem. Some had made repairs to the houses and shops, and were now living within the city itself, but others were content merely to pitch there tents around the walls. There were desert mummies from the mountains, elves from the forests of Avalonia, creatures from Nocturnus, warriors from all corners of Historica - brave Mitgardians, nomadic Kaliphlins, bold Avalonians, and even a few adventurous Valaryinas. Raz and Gad returned from their journey in a truly remarkably short amount of time, bringing with them reinforcements that seemed almost innumerable. From all sides soldiers poured in - from far off islands and peninsulas to Historica's many mountains. Exactly one month and a half from Victor's capture of Cedrica, Ageven's forces began to move. Fearing that the sympathies of the city were not in his favor, Victor had removed to an almost impregnable fortress. And so thither marched the army, through the blazing sand, over rocky hills, to the tallest peak in Avalonia, just out of the Wither Woods. And finally, their goal was in sight. After camping for the night, Ageven summoned all the great nobles who were accompanying him. "It is time," he said, "we make preparations for battle in earnest. Undoubtedly the enemy already knows of our presence - their spies are everywhere. We need to elect a general, and I would suggest we choose one leader from each guild in addition. Victor, I have no doubt, will remain fast in his fortress, waiting for us to attack him, confident in the numbers of his forces. But before propounding other plans, I would like to hear who you would suggest as leaders." "May I suggest Lord Vladivus from Nocturnus?" quired Dr. Rod. "An excellent choice," muttered several members, and Ageven nodded his assent. "I am sure Steen Larsson would be a perfect man for the job of leader," added Sir Glorfindel. "Good, I am in agreement. Would the two of you be willing?" Both men assented, and Ageven continued, "Then I would suggest we choose one from Avalonia and one from Kaliphlin, and those four will work together. I do not think there are many Valaryian nobles here, else I would include them. Does anyone have more suggestions?" "Who but Zakon GoldBlade?" the Lord of Gelvim threw in, admist a slight titer from the assembly. Zakon smiled. "I would be honored, if the rest of the council would still feel safe despite my presence." This was followed by shouts of laugher - though Steen Larsson did find it expedient to bring a trusted guard to the council later that night. "It is only right that the representative from Kaliphlin would be yourself, Ageven," spoke up Uridius Dratiphe - who, now that he had no chance at the spot himself, could afford to be quite liberal. But Ageven disagreed. "No, I am not a warrior. I have been in very few battles, and though I was trained in all the arts of war in my own land, I am not fit for the job. No, Tafik Regex Marmota is the man. All his experience in slave revolts will stand us in good stead now I am sure!" he added with a quiet smile. Gex attempted to remonstrate but to no avail. It was insisted, however, that both Ageven and Kaflar would be present in the council. During the meeting later that night, a battle plan was finally devised. Zakon GoldBlade, whose ambition was rightly pronounced unconquerable, would lead the main bulk of the assaulting forces, while Ageven and a band of fifty picked volunteers would try to see if trickery would avail them anything. (Location of Victor's Fortress) The wind howled among the rocky fastnesses of Victor's Retreat that night, as friend and foe alike strained their eyes to see in the intense darkness. Zakon, with the main bulk of the army right behind him, kept his eyes fixed firmly on the pole star, waiting for the precise moment when he was to strike. Finally the moment of action came. With a fierce grin, quite lost in the dark, he charged forward, leading the united forces of Historica. At first they advanced silently, but when concealment was no longer possible, a shout arose from every throat. Archers of the hand instantly opened fire from the fortress walls, but the army stormed on. Then the ponderous gate opened, and a band sallied forth. At first it seemed like the forces the return of Kaligem had called up from the four corners of Historica were no match for the disciplined soldiers of the hand, for they swept all before them, until Steen Larsson's voice rang out above the fray, "Soldiers of Mitgardia! Fellow Historicans! Hold your ground!" Infused with a new hope, the army of the guilds threw themselves once more on the enemy, driving them back into the castle and leaving many of their number behind. Now it was time to batter down the walls. At Zakon's signal the siege engines rolled up. *** In the darkest corner of the night, careful to keep out of the sight of any of the guards on the wall, crept a small band. At a nod from Ageven two of the most agile scaled the ponderous walls, quickly disappearing in the thick darkness. Minutes crawled by - it seemed like hours - when a rope fell suddenly down right in front of Kaflar's face. "That means it is safe," whispered Ageven. Presently all fifty stood on the ramparts, looking eagerly round, trying to discern where in the castle they might be. "Follow me," Ageven commanded, "I was here once before, on my tour of Historica. If I mistake not, I know where we must go." And so they pressed on until they reached a dark building, against which Ageven ran so suddenly that several of the soldiers nearly fell down. Kaflar turned swiftly, out of the corner of his eye he saw something move; the next instant another of the hand had fallen, and he drew his knife out of the prostrate guard. He had been standing in front of a door, and Ageven opened it cautiously. There were no guards in sight, and he motioned the rest in. Silently, stealthily, they advanced, the torches hanging on the walls giving an eerie and uncertain light to the scene. At a bend in the corridor Ageven stopped to look. It was as he had feared; another soldier stood there, his back to the heavy oak door that lead, Ageven was sure, to Victor's throne room. He stopped, unsure of how to proceed. One of the side doors, he knew, opened next to the king's room, and from there it would be easy to access the guard - but which one? Fortunately they all had small peepholes - Victor trusted no one - and that way it was possible to tell, at least that there were no soldiers behind any of them. Dividing the band in five - one group for each room, he told them to examine each room and, should their room be the one, to wait for the others there. Five minutes later, the guard was dead, and forty men were assembled at Victor's door. Kaflar's band was the one that was missing. Ageven waited for quite a while, as long as he thought prudent, but as time passed on, and as at any minute the forces of the hand outside, if pressed, could take refuge here, he determined to push on regardless. Throwing the door open, he found, much to his surprise, that Kaflar's band was already there - they had entered in through a side door, he found, and were now having to fight for their lives. Immediately Ageven led his men pouring in, and the fight was doubled in its intensity. (Second Scored Build) Up to that time the soldiers of the hand that were guarding Victor - at least presumably he was in the curtained recess at the farthest end of the room - had more than held their own, but seeing forty more men pour in from the front door, with who knew how many more behind, they began quickly to loose heart. Gradually they were pushed back farther and farther, until there was only a small band left, just around Victor's throne - when suddenly, all the forces of the hand vanished, and Kaflar, who had been about to sever his antagonist's head from it's body, found it necessary to quickly pull back his sword lest he cut Ageven's leg off. Those that remained of the band looked about them in great surprise - what kind of magic was this? Then, with a noise that nearly burst their eardrums, the very throne of Victor went up in flames, illuminating the dark night outside and warning the brave warriors to escape as soon as they could! *** Outside, Zakon was watching with impatience the slow progress of the siege machines. He knew that, at least, he was creating an important delay and distraction, but while he was delaying the hand, he might as well as force his way into the castle! With this thought in mind, he maneuvered a group of his troops in such a way as to be ready to spring in the door the moment the enemy made another sally - which was quite likely, for no doubt they would like to set the engines on fire - yet in such a way as to be completely concealed in the dark night. He was right; almost before they had time to settle comfortably in position the great gates opened, and out poured the soldiers of the hand, yelling and screaming horribly. Something must be wrong though - they were no longer the disciplined troops of only minutes ago - flailing their arms wildly, they darted hither and thither. Almost petrified by the bewildering sight the Historicans could do little more than look on with amazement. Suddenly, and without warning, the hand seemed to disappear - in less than a minute the battlefield was clear, and cleared far more effectively than any army could have done. Zakon, bewildered, stepped out into the open, walked up to the castle's gate, even ventured inside. The dawn was beginning, and in the eerie gray light the castle looked deserted - the hawk depicted on the coat of arms above stared down mysteriously, as though there was some secret that he was determined not to let out. "What kind of trick is this?" wondered Zakon aloud. Not a soul was upon the ramparts - the entire army, every last hand of corruption - had simply vanished, leaving not a trace behind. The rocky, barren spot seemed to hold an awful secret - was the feeling of mysterious horror real or imaginary? The seconds seemed to drag by as the army waited, in dreadful suspense, powerless to do anything, for they knew not what to do. In that breathless silence a crash was suddenly heard - so load, and so prolonged, that the very mountain seemed to tremble because of it. Scarce ten seconds later, flames burst out of the roof, and the entire castle was speedily enveloped by the lurid glare- not, however, before Ageven and his band had dashed, breathless and perspiring, from the chambers within. The sun grew bigger and brighter in the sky, but even that great luminous ball of fire could scarce compete with the roaring flames and yellow tongues of fire that reached out from every crevice in the once beautiful structure. Spell bound, the warriors watched as the castle was consumed, one question in there minds - who had done this? Such a fire could scarce have been lit by the hands, much less by themselves - and what purpose could Victor have in the scene of devastation? Gradually, in proportion as the sun rose higher in the sky and the day waxed hotter, the fire burned out, leaving only the charred remains of the edifice. Suddenly, from the very heart of the ruins, a whirlwind arose; that amazing sound - the sound of gushing water - was heard, and the next instant a waterfall lept from rock to rock, down the cliff, carving a path through the sand as though it was endowed with life. Startled, the explorers drew back in consternation, every eye riveted to the spot - and now, along the banks of the new formed river, vegetation began to spring up, green grass, spreading ever farther along the banks. A column of red shot suddenly up, and a cry of wonder was echoed from the crowd, as similar columns rose up from every corner - one out of the midst of the verdure, green as the grass with which it was surrounded - another out of the tornado, clear as ice, sparkling as crystal - and yet a third from the center of the river, blue and vibrant, the color of water. The scene, a minute ago one of deepest desolation - had become beautiful in the extreme. (Third Scored Build) But the cry of astonishment was redoubled when, out of the swirls of color, the four explorers - Owain, Ragnar, Kathryin, and Karzoul - rose up out of the ground, each holding the elemental crystal of their guild. But there was something different now about the crystals - they were no longer the mere sparkling jewels they had been when rescued from the sands, forests, mountains and wastelands of Historica - each was now larger, longer - the new saga of Historica had added to them, leaving an indelible imprint for all time. The onlookers gazed on, spellbound. The barren cliff top was now becoming a lush forest, the center of a clearing around the vibrant waterfall. Then the four explorers stood up, looking around them in admiration. "This chapter of Historica has come to an end," murmured Owain, looking round him in wonder. "Yes," added Kathryin, "but there will be others!" "And we'll be ready when they come!" exclaimed Ragnar. The four explorers raised their crystals and voices, and a echoing cheer came from the crowd - Revolword had been defeated, Historica was saved, but still greater adventures lay ahead! (Unscored Vig) I hope you've enjoyed both the story and the builds, I managed to keep it under 3500 words which is really quite good - for me! C&C are welcome, I'd love to hear what you think about it! Edited April 27, 2013 by Kai NRG Quote
Maxim I Posted April 20, 2013 Posted April 20, 2013 Like I already said on flickr: very nice first chapter!!! Also superb last picture, it almost looks like the front stones are made of silver Quote
Derfel Cadarn Posted April 20, 2013 Posted April 20, 2013 Great interesting story and moc. I like the use of both dark tan and tan for the ground as it helps break up the empty space. It's not easy creating a Desert as there are not many features you can put in apart from sand. Great job. Quote
robuko Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Very nice first chapter, Kai. I really like the use of colour, the sand looks fantastic. Nice link up of your story too Quote
kabel Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 This is looking really nice already, can't wait to see and read the rest! Quote
soccerkid6 Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 One of my favorite builds from you, the tudor section adds a lot to the wall and while the river is simple it fits nicely with the scene and gives a good color contrast Interesting story as well Quote
Infernum Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Wow! Nice story! Nice work on the sand and river! Can't wait to see the rest! Quote
ZCerberus Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Man Kai, you really have improved your skills. Excellent work m'boy! Quote
Kai NRG Posted April 22, 2013 Author Posted April 22, 2013 Thanks guys, I'm really glad you all like it so much! I built it quite a while ago actually, though I did do a pretty sloppy job on the figure posing... One of my favorite builds from you, the tudor section adds a lot to the wall and while the river is simple it fits nicely with the scene and gives a good color contrast ... Thanks! I love putting rivers in my desert scenes... in fact I have another desert scene with a river as one of the other builds! Great interesting story and moc. I like the use of both dark tan and tan for the ground as it helps break up the empty space. It's not easy creating a Desert as there are not many features you can put in apart from sand. Great job. Thanks DC! One of those things suggested by my parts... I have quite a few large Dark Tan plates and hardly any tan! Quote
Gideon Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Nice build! I like that you have made up a good story around it, and at least I can really feel myself zooming in from the birds eye perspective Quote
Kai NRG Posted April 24, 2013 Author Posted April 24, 2013 Thanks Gideon! Part two is up now, I hope you guys enjoy it! Quote
soccerkid6 Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Excellent interior, the black and grey wall works well The mention of kabel's fig in the story was cool. Interesting addition to the story Quote
de Gothia Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 You keep improve your mocs every time! The battle scene and the posing is outstanding! Quote
Alfadas Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 Nice story, cool palm trees and epic battle scene! Quote
Kai NRG Posted April 27, 2013 Author Posted April 27, 2013 Thanks guys, I'm glad you liked the interior as I thought it was the worst of the three. And the third (and last) section is up now! Quote
Gideon Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 Great story and nice twist at the end :) It was well worth the time reading through! Quote
soccerkid6 Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 Well written story, and of course I enjoyed the mention of Glorfindel and Steen The rockwork and stairs in the third scene are excellent and the waterfall adds a nice touch The top of the cliff seems rather flat but I assume that's because the fortress used to be there? Quote
Kai NRG Posted April 30, 2013 Author Posted April 30, 2013 Thanks MK, Gideon, and SK! Of the three I kind of felt I did the best with the third one, but I'm glad you like the first, MK! ...The top of the cliff seems rather flat but I assume that's because the fortress used to be there? Yes, that's why, at least in theory. The real reason is that I have a tendency to make flat cliffs... in fact this is probably the least flat of all my cliffs so far... Quote
robuko Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 There's something about the last build and the ending that gives me a sense of optimism, like a 70s Disney movie. I really like the action scene in the interior, great posing there. Excellent work Quote
SkaForHire Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Great story! I do like the river build, I think perhaps shooting it at a different angle might have helped the forced perspective though. Still, great job with your builds and your story. This is one of my favorites!! Quote
Kayne Posted May 3, 2013 Posted May 3, 2013 Great story Kai! I thought I commented the other day, but I must have stepped away...so anyway, great builds you have done Kaliphlin proud! The only critique would be to have the wall a little taller in the interior build, but still a good build! Quote
Ecclesiastes Posted May 3, 2013 Posted May 3, 2013 Great stuff Kai, very nice story I wouldn't mind if it was over 3500 words . I really like your way to make sand the tan works really well on the dark tan. The scene I like the most is the one where they change into humans again, you can just feel it happen! Quote
Kai NRG Posted May 3, 2013 Author Posted May 3, 2013 (edited) Great story! I do like the river build, I think perhaps shooting it at a different angle might have helped the forced perspective though. Still, great job with your builds and your story. This is one of my favorites!! Glad to hear you say so! I actually wasn't trying to get the last build looking like I had used (tried to use) forced perspective though, but I can see where that would have helped! The reason I didn't take it at an angle though was because I was running out of room on the paper... Great story Kai! I thought I commented the other day, but I must have stepped away...so anyway, great builds you have done Kaliphlin proud! The only critique would be to have the wall a little taller in the interior build, but still a good build! Thanks! Yeah, somehow I seem to have less light grey every time I use it... Great stuff Kai, very nice story I wouldn't mind if it was over 3500 words . I really like your way to make sand the tan works really well on the dark tan. The scene I like the most is the one where they change into humans again, you can just feel it happen! Thanks! It's great that you can feel it, that's what I was aiming for! Edited May 3, 2013 by Kai NRG Quote
Rogue Angel Posted May 10, 2013 Posted May 10, 2013 Great story! It always takes a while to read through the stories for your builds. I would think Zakon would be quite interested in the magic that engulfed this castle... Quote
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