Posted April 27, 201311 yr Before Revolword came to power, and even before the search for the crystals, a great tournament was held in Valholl. People came from far and wide to participate or just watch. Here Glorfindel jousts another Mitgardian knight: I tried to include as many sigs as possible, so you might just find yourself I wish I could have included more, but some of you I just don't have the pieces to even make a recognizable version All C&C welcome Edited January 19, 201411 yr by soccerkid6
April 27, 201311 yr Is that me there? (Note to self: never use the Actor's hair for Ageven... ) Naw, great job! Nice details there and I hope Sir Glorfindel wins!
April 27, 201311 yr A great series of MOC's SK! The planning you Mitgardians put into play here is great!
April 27, 201311 yr Author On 4/27/2013 at 1:51 PM, Kai NRG said: Is that me there? (Note to self: never use the Actor's hair for Ageven... ) Naw, great job! Nice details there and I hope Sir Glorfindel wins! Yup that's you On 4/27/2013 at 1:53 PM, Infernum said: Wow! The only thing that could be better is if I was there. Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't do everyone On 4/27/2013 at 1:57 PM, Kayne said: A great series of MOC's SK! The planning you Mitgardians put into play here is great! Thanks Kayne! And this was Ecc and kabel's idea originally, I just did some building
April 27, 201311 yr I spot Masa! Your painter must have gotten visions of the future as Masa wasn't around back then. I really need to get Masa's origin story done. Reveal hidden contents Masa is Mikel just fused with an elemental something that happened in the tunnels below Nocturnus when he was searching for lost species. He hid out in a remote fishing village until Yesil taught him how to keep the elemental in check.
April 27, 201311 yr Author On 4/27/2013 at 5:41 PM, Masa of Kaliphlin said: I spot Masa! Your painter must have gotten visions of the future as Masa wasn't around back then. I really need to get Masa's origin story done. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Masa is Mikel just fused with an elemental something that happened in the tunnels below Nocturnus when he was searching for lost species. He hid out in a remote fishing village until Yesil taught him how to keep the elemental in check. Maybe it was a look alike
April 27, 201311 yr Already an excellent build!! Too bad Lord Damaximus was too busy to join the tournament!
April 27, 201311 yr Author On 4/27/2013 at 8:21 PM, Damaximus said: Already an excellent build!! Too bad Lord Damaximus was too busy to join the tournament! Thanks, and indeed it was unfortunate Damaximus couldn't attend
April 28, 201311 yr TIS A DEMON!!! This horrible winter weather from the north has left me unmoved, yet I will congratulate the extreme measures to get the top spot. Its a good thing that Owlan wasn't there! That would have altered the Historica continuum.
April 28, 201311 yr Author On 4/28/2013 at 12:03 AM, SkaForHire said: I see a ghost!!!! :) On 4/28/2013 at 5:28 AM, Penkid11 said: TIS A DEMON!!! This horrible winter weather from the north has left me unmoved, yet I will congratulate the extreme measures to get the top spot. Its a good thing that Owlan wasn't there! That would have altered the Historica continuum. First time I've heard of someone being glad they were left out
April 28, 201311 yr Well Soccerkid, I wouln't comment on all of them, I hope you're alright with that. But I acutally like this one the best. It has all the cool figs in there, which to me is an hommage to everybody here, not an offense!
April 28, 201311 yr Author On 4/28/2013 at 2:20 PM, kabel said: Well Soccerkid, I wouln't comment on all of them, I hope you're alright with that. But I acutally like this one the best. It has all the cool figs in there, which to me is an hommage to everybody here, not an offense! Thanks kabel, it was a lot of fun being able to include so many other sigs, about 15 in total
April 30, 201311 yr I like mocs with sigfigs in them. Make the whole GoH feel so alive! The moc itself is great SK!
April 30, 201311 yr Author On 4/30/2013 at 9:27 PM, de Gothia said: I like mocs with sigfigs in them. Make the whole GoH feel so alive! The moc itself is great SK! I definitely agree, including other sigs makes GoH so much more fun
May 2, 201311 yr I really like your MOCs inside the city walls, and the variety of nicely composed minifigs in this makes it really come to life! There is something about the ground however that lowers the impression for me, maybe it's just the fact that the structuring of the brown dirt gets lost on my screen. Maybe some other earth colored patches (dark tan?) would have created more variety.
May 2, 201311 yr Author On 5/2/2013 at 11:21 AM, Gideon said: I really like your MOCs inside the city walls, and the variety of nicely composed minifigs in this makes it really come to life! There is something about the ground however that lowers the impression for me, maybe it's just the fact that the structuring of the brown dirt gets lost on my screen. Maybe some other earth colored patches (dark tan?) would have created more variety. Thanks Gideon, good suggestion about the ground, I'll keep it in mind for future MOCs
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