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  On 4/30/2013 at 9:29 PM, Godric Goaty-Blather said:

Thanks for bringing up some points. I'll be happy to answer them. I'd like to think I'm following along. I do know about the lynches and the reasons for them and occasionally, while I agree with others for their reasons on voting for a person, I feel like adding my own reason in addition. I agreed with everything that people said about Wong, so I didn't feel it needed repeating and I wanted to get my own opinion in. At the time the idea of a neutral gladiator made sense in my head.

It looked like you were trying to find reasons to hop on the bandwagon against Wong. The reasons you gave were that he was a dangerous townie (even tough it was likely he could only use the curse once, or he would have used it again yesterday!) and then that you thought he was a neutral, which is ridiculous.

I'll be happy to field more questions. If you'll allow me to gather my thoughts I'll list who I find to be on my list of Oder Eaters and why.

As I said earlier you alliviate suspicion by actually contributing not by answeting questions. :hmpf_bad: And Im sure were all looking forward to your analysis.

  On 4/30/2013 at 10:17 PM, Helena Hippopaw said:

No, I wasn't surprised. All you who voted for him should be super-surprised, or else you why were you voting for Wang? :hmpf_bad:

I didn't expect Wong to be a penis like you or Purpolona but Im not "super-surprised" (or shocked like Gertrude). I said it seemed suspicous to me that some animals seemed to know he was town.

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:03 PM, Drubulum Panck said:

It seemed too odd to be a coincidence to me that Catalina who had played such a crucial part in discovering information against Wong would be killed the night after we lynched Wong and they both turned up town. That's one of the reasons why I wrote the play so you could help me determine who would be the most likely to be lying/have something to hide, for which reason they would kill Catalina.

Why did you think the odor eaters would kill someone that brought up points against someone they knew would flip penis? :wacko:

So what do you think we can learn from your private interactions now that we know their all penises and its likely that Catalina was killed by the SK?

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:30 PM, Orion Kettleboil said:

I have an opinion and I gave it. Rutherford/Godric are the scummiest ones here, and I made clear that I suspected them during yesterday too. I feel like Rutherford would be a better lynch than Godric, if only because Rutherford's middle-road attitude is a lot more characteristic of an Odor Eater than Godric's explicitly saying that he was voting for Wong despite the fact that he thought he was town (which is similar to what Snarky did).

I don't read Godric as innocently dumb at all. It seems to me like he was trying to find reasons for getting someone lynched that he knew was a penis.

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:48 PM, Rutherford HablabbleBibble said:

That's pretty obvious, you haven't raised any suspicions against me that go beyond "he's got a middle-road attitude." Are you going to let Barkonius make the accusations for you? (Speaking of which, Barky, can you re-state them so I can defend myself?)

Are you going to do the same as Godric and Timly? The reason your name is coming up today is because you have been so middle of the road on day 1 and 2. The only way to prove your a penis is to contribute more.

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:50 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I do agree that my not voting for Wong may be perceived as scummy but remember that I had made my intentions clear much earlier than when my vote was cast; I also feel that my reasoning behind my vote was sound.

You're very defensive today. You were quick to point out we were wrong about Wong this morning and the other times you have spoken up youve been defending yourself. :look: You voted for Gertrude yesterday. I haven't heard you about her today. Are you going to vote for her again today?

We walk together, were walking down the street. I just can`t get enough. I just can`t get enough. Everytime I think of you, I know we have to meet. I just can`t get enough. I just can`t get enough. It`s getting hotter, it`s a burning looooove. I just can`t seem to geeeet enooooouuuugh. :sing:

Well, I guess it's pretty clear that we have some names to choose from today. Godric, Rutherford (Not as much), and Purplonia. Godric seems to be incredibly stupid lataely, Purplonia is incredibly defensive, and Rutherford is in the middle of the pack. However, I'm trying to remember who brought up Rutherford. To that person: Aren't there others in the middle of the pack? Why did you seem to only nominate Rutherford? Do you have any other names?

  On 5/1/2013 at 1:09 AM, Twatty Tittlesteen said:

Purplonia and Timly, you are hoping for a mouthpiece of somebody with a Night Action, correct? Because that statement jus pinged me a little bit, specially if you aren't hoping for one. Do you really expect a Night Action to just randomly pop out and say "Hey, I'm the *insert NA here*! I targeted so-and-so, and he ended up *insert result of action here*"

But at this point, seeing as there are 7(?) Penises down, and no Odor Eaters gone yet, I think it is probably a little hard to find somebody that the PR's can trust. In fact, I'm starting to second-guess whether I think the people who I am socializing with are actually loyal to us(Yes, I am talking with people who I believe are town, but now am slightly worried).

No; you have to agree that usually by this time one person is cleared. Have you never participated in such activities? I my previous experiences, by day 3 someone was a mouthpiece for at least 1 PR if not more. My reasoning for asking for NA results was that we are still going on speculations; there is ZERO tangible evidence against any of us and we can assert that our collective perception of scuminess as so far been garbage.

  On 5/1/2013 at 2:26 AM, Barkonius Twitch said:

Wow wow wow. Ms. Pink, you weren't pinging me before, but now you are. You were never implying that Atrianny isn't cleared?! You should be. She's not cleared. What makes you say that. It looks like as soon as someone disagrees with your accusations, and tries to shine the spotlight back on you... you just comply. That's VERY Odor Eatery. Trying to cast suspicion, but then disappearing into the shadows when it looks like you might be dragged into it. Not loving it.

Are referring to Fertrude? I was .... no one in this setup is named Atrianny; if you meant Ariattny, I have no idead what you are referring to seeing I never mentionded her in any of my posts.

I going to answer you assuming that you meant Gertrude. I didn't say that she was cleared, what I said was that being vocal and in your face MAY mean that she is town seeing that no scum in their right mind would attract that much attention.

To clarify, Gertrude said this:

  On 4/30/2013 at 10:28 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

You said that you town read Krup and Wang because they were too vocal and attracted too much attention. By that logic, I should be clear, because it would be illogical for me, if I knew they would both flip Penis, to vocally and repeatedly call for their lunches, knowing full well people like you would jump on me for leading the lynch. If I were scum, I would have slipped my vote onto the bandwagon while sheeping someone else, then taken it off once the lynch had enough momentum while claiming that I town read him, then I would have pointed fingers at the lynch leader likely a strong, vocal townie, the next day in order to at the least distract the town or at best get a vocal townie, and therefore potential leader, lynched. Oh wait, that sounds pretty familiar to you already, huh?

To which I replied this:

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:03 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I did not say you were scum amd I never implied you were not cleared. Your attitude is very in-your-face and aggressive, great attributes to have! Your attitude and hatred for dumb/new/ignorant players may however blind you as to the scuminess of others;

As you can see, she implied she was cleared based on a argument I made, I then repeated my initial statement which was that her actions resembled those of Krup and Wong.

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:17 AM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

I don't believe I ever said I lynched them for being town-leadery or vocal, I lynched them for lying. Accusing someone for being a leader is a terrible reason to accuse someone. Accusing someone for lying in private and lynching the liar is the only acceptable course of action.

Second, I wasn't saying "If I was an Odor Eater, I'd do this", I said, "According to your logc, If I was an Odor Eater, I'd do this". I was pointing out a contradiction in he logic, that is, she said that she town read Krup and Wang for drawing attention to themselves. I said, by that logic, I'd be cleared and you'd be scummy as hell, giving that hypothetical situation where I was an Odor Eater and the world followed her logic as an example.

Third, you're probably my strongest Town read right now just for how stubbornly you're pursuing me and how you point out all sorts of good stuff that we can debate about. :wub: I definitely agree on Pink, seeing as how she said she thought I was clear right after I accused her of being scummy (lolwut?) It almost seems like buddying, but I'm just terribly confused at this point.

I did not say you were cleared ... you did, see above. When did I imply you were a OE?

  On 5/1/2013 at 7:40 AM, Bartholomew Bearbutt said:

You're very defensive today. You were quick to point out we were wrong about Wong this morning and the other times you have spoken up youve been defending yourself. :look: You voted for Gertrude yesterday. I haven't heard you about her today. Are you going to vote for her again today?

But you were wrong ... most of you had doubts about his scuminess and still followed Gertrude and company in his lynch; I did not for reasons stated earlier and it is my right to tell you that you were wrong.

I have nothing else to say about Gertrude besides the obvious; she led 2 lynches on townies, 1 was lynched and the Vig followed her advice on kiling the other. The logic dictates that we should lynch her.

Hoo-hoo! Hoo-hoo!

Rutherford and Helena are both having good points against Godric; I earlier stated my suspicions against him, and his defense...

  On 4/30/2013 at 9:29 PM, Godric Goaty-Blather said:

As stated, I felt at the time that that was a good reason in addition to the other reasons that people were voting for Wong. There's no reason to repeat the same thing repeatedly each time someone votes for someone if they agree with what's been said. And yes, I'm sure the scum have a protector. Historically in every mafia game ever the scum have had some form of a protector. I'm pretty sure they can recruit as well, however this I'm not sure of.

was rather wishy-washy. I still find it odd that he is certain there is a scum protector, I have rarely seen it so far (checking back, out of the last three games one actually had one). Recruiters are more common, sure, but we haven't seen a lack of scum kills so far, which usually accompanies a conversion. Then of course there is the fact he quickly changed from Wong being town to being certain he is not, and he mentioned him being neutral several times. Also, with his 20 comments he's neither too quiet nor too out-spoken.

I don't want to repeat all the acusations against him right now, others have already done that.

We have already lost seven loyal members of the Order of the Penis, it's time we make up our minds and finally nail a scum member. I've got a good felling about this case :sweet:

Vote: Godric Goaty-Blather


  On 5/1/2013 at 1:24 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I going to answer you assuming that you meant Gertrude. I didn't say that she was cleared, what I said was that being vocal and in your face MAY mean that she is town seeing that no scum in their right mind would attract that much attention.

I have nothing else to say about Gertrude besides the obvious; she led 2 lynches on townies, 1 was lynched and the Vig followed her advice on kiling the other. The logic dictates that we should lynch her.

So, first you say that no scum would be so brazen as to lead the vote against two townies, and in the next breath you say that this logic means we should vote for her? :wacko: Maybe your logic differs from mine.

  • Author

vote tally

Godric Goaty-Blather: 3 votes (Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Helena Hippopaw, Lulu Pittoolo)

  On 5/1/2013 at 1:50 PM, Looney Lumpylove said:

So, first you say that no scum would be so brazen as to lead the vote against two townies, and in the next breath you say that this logic means we should vote for her? :wacko: Maybe your logic differs from mine.

you did not understand what I said .... did you read my other posts?

My point is that Gertrude should probably be lynched because she led lynches on two people who turned town and that both displayed signs of being town in thread. Gertrude is vocal, it MAY mean that she is town as she is drawing a lot of attention; she MAY also be scum as she led lynches on 2 townies ... clear enough? It's all speculations

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:54 PM, Timly Dimplebop said:


You still seem to be all over the place. Sometimes you make sense and other times you let a scummy side through. Are you trying to hide something?

I'm not hiding anything. I have been totally transparent with everyone. I've been able to admit my mistakes but in my opinion there are those who are much scummier than I. It's a shame that Durmudgelous was killed last night since we were both working together and speaking to each other. It was how I determined that he, like myself, was a vanilla townie.

I believe that I've defended myself adequately and since you still find it lackluster, I've no other arguments to use. Therefore, I'll continue to use my defense but I'll also give my opinions on you all.

Alright, let me begin with my reads on the situation:


Ariattny Sugarbottom: I voted for you on Day One as a poke, and while I covered it up by giving the silly reason that it was your counting, it was really just a poke. Based on your reaction I consider you to be a townie.

Barkonius Twitch: You make some good points and you're not too hasty to jump on a lynch. You also question the person before blindly jumping on a bandwagon lynch mob. I'm pretty sure you're a townie, however it might just be a ruse you're throwing up.

Bartholomew Bearbutt: Like Barkonius, you also make some good points and would rather listen to a defense instead of casting your vote. It's because of this that I believe you're a loyal b]townie[/b] and that you're not a scummy scum. A true scum would have voted me out immediately and jumped on the wagon.

Belinda Bugglesby: I can't get a read on you, which isn't particularly good. I'm not sure about you yet, but I'll go back again and make further analysis. At this moment, I give you an Undecided.

Dillpickle Catterweed: You're a puzzling one. If I had to guess I'd pin you as a bit scummy, however at the same time you're like the others listed above (besides Belinda). You're willing to wait instead of jumping and thus I think you're maybe a townie.

Drubulum Panck: You were a bit rambunctious at the beginning but you've seemed to calm down and now you're all business. What happened? What brought you back to reality? Did someone tell you to knock it off? You're at least also willing to question me (albeit you think I can do more for my defense), which is why I'll classify you as a townie.

Firuz Foxtail: You're acting off, which is why it's my opinion that you're likely scum and this is bad. You're not the biggest threat, I'll get to that person later.

Gertrude Tincanchew: I talked about you with Durmudgelous and he was highly suspicious of you. I somewhat defended you, because I think you're one of the more experienced players, but now I'm having second doubts. I'll give you an Undecided because Durmudgelous turned up dead after he attacked you both behind the scenes and in thread.

Godric Goaty-Blather: You're me. And I know I'm a townie.

Helena Hippopaw: You are the biggest threat in my opinion. You make little to no sense sometimes and feel like lynching a person simply because of some strange reason, or you're just a massive nooby scum that's looking for a reason to jump on a vote. When I confronted you about this on Day One you immediately went on the extreme defensive. You're either scum or dumb and whichever you are is dangerous. Therefore, I label you as scum.

Langston Lionheart: Can't get much of a read on you either. If I had to guess, I'd list you as scum as well.

Looney Lumplove: You're a smart elephant and you question and interview before you cast your vote. You remind me of Barkonius or Dillpickle which is good, however there can't be too many people like that. I'll label you as a townie for now. I'll need to observe some more.

Lulu Pittoolu: I'm pretty sure I know your EB handle, but that's neither here nor there. I think you're a townie but if I know you, you're easy at hiding your true intentions. I might be completely wrong about you but either way I'll label you as town. You do seem to follow along with everyone else without putting too much thought into it and just saying "for the same reasons". I think that's very...dare I say it...sheepish behaviour.

Nicholas Dickory: I can't say much about you. You've flown under my radar, and while I don't think you're scum, I'd have to reread some more of what you've said in the past. I'll put you down as town, but that's subject to change.

Orion Kettleboil: I get a genuine scum vibe off of you and I'm not sure why. Therefore, I'll label you as a scum. I can't quite pinpoint what put you on my radar. Yet.

Purplonia Pink: I get a scummy vibe off of you as well and I don't know why. Call it a gut feeling. Straight scum.

Rutherford Habblable-Babble: Hmmmmm. I don't know. You provided lots of points as to why to vote for me and I'll unfortunately admit it, they are good reasons. I'll put you down as town.

Timly Dimplebop: Undecided, plain and simple. You could be the neutral third party that was listed in the rules. You go from a bit scummy to a bit townie, sometimes in the same post. I'm conflicted. I'll get back to you, I have about 40 hours to reread and think about this, after all.

Twatty Tittlesteen: You were also very very outgoing, but suddenly by midway Day One you scaled back dramatically. You became serious business all of a sudden. I don't know why, but I'll mark you as town for now.

Before I forget:

Vote Helena Hippopaw

As I said, either scum or dumb, and while I might fit that profile today because of the stupid things I've done, please keep her in mind if I'm lynched and I flip town.

As I said, I've got 40 hours and I'm going to use them to my advantage as I attempt to further come up with some more thoughts.

Eh, just to make sure:

Vote: Helena Hippopaw

Because I forgot the colon.

I did read your other posts, and I was just confused as to why you would say "no scum in their right mind" would be so vocal, and then call for her lynch. Do you think Gertrude is not in her right mind? Or that her "scummy" friends wouldn't be talking to her behind the scenes, explaining that leading lynches so vocerferously is a bad idea? If anything, being so vocal leans more to the town side. Of course, the scum could know this and use it, yadda, yadda WIFOM....but it seems pretty risky to me.

It does lead to another conclusion, though.

Vote: Purplonia Pink

I think Pink's contradictory logic and unwillingness to actually accuse someone, only throwing around half-hearted suspicions, speaks for itself. Vote: Purplonia Pink

  • Author

vote tally

Godric Goaty-Blather: 3 votes (Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Helena Hippopaw, Lulu Pittoolo)

Helena Hippopaw: 1 vote (Godric Goaty-Blather)

Purplonia Pink: 2 votes (Looney Lumpylove, Gertrude Tincanchew)

I think Purplonia is a good option as well, but for now I will Vote: Langston Lionheart

This craven plume-plucked barnacle hath given me an uneasy feeling and I wish to see what he has to say. There is something scripted and knowing about the way he hath discussed what he "imagines" an Odor Eater might be thinking. Perhaps he is more familiar with their line of thought than he wishes for us to know.

Also, Pink contacted me via Potato and is saying we should "clear the air" between us. Protip, Pinks: Don't buddy up to your primary detractor, it's scummy as hell.

I've said it before and will say it again; How do you expect me to accuse someone when we have nothing tangible to base our accusations on?

You are again accusing me based on my being confused and acting odd, as you did with Krup and Wong; a pattern is emerging!

megablocking CHRIST Gertrude, what am I supposed to do ... let myself be lynched? You would like that too much!

I don't understand why people are willing to turn a blind eye to your leading the lynch on townies!


  On 5/1/2013 at 4:07 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I've said it before and will say it again; How do you expect me to accuse someone when we have nothing tangible to base our accusations on?

You are again accusing me based on my being confused and acting odd, as you did with Krup and Wong; a pattern is emerging!

megablocking CHRIST Gertrude, what am I supposed to do ... let myself be lynched? You would like that too much!

I don't understand why people are willing to turn a blind eye to your leading the lynch on townies!


Maybe they're willing to listen to me because if they listened to you we'd sit around twiddling our thumbs while we're all slaughtered at night? My vote on you son't because you are confused and acting odd, I never said that. I voted you because you are unwilling to even stick a FoS on so,done, let alone a vote, and you just back down and say, "Oh no, I think you're Town, let's look at someone else" whenever someone accuses you. That compliance is scummy. Then you PMed your most vocal detractor and tried to be friends with her. Buddying if I ever saw it.

  On 5/1/2013 at 4:11 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

Maybe they're willing to listen to me because if they listened to you we'd sit around twiddling our thumbs while we're all slaughtered at night? My vote on you son't because you are confused and acting odd, I never said that. I voted you because you are unwilling to even stick a FoS on so,done, let alone a vote, and you just back down and say, "Oh no, I think you're Town, let's look at someone else" whenever someone accuses you. That compliance is scummy. Then you PMed your most vocal detractor and tried to be friends with her. Buddying if I ever saw it.

The way you are saying this is like I complied to several people which I did not, I answered that you MAY be town seeing that your behaviour is similar to Krup's and Wong in being vocal.

You may not have said it, but others have said it to me in private, so yes you are again using confusion to your advantage.

What does this mean "to even stick a FoS on so,done, let alone a vote"?

I am trying to contact you as it is evident you are trying to lead a lynch on me today and that would only result in yet another town's folk being dead.

I have no leads and no reason to vote for someone else except for speculations; I hate Dill's prose, maybe I should vote or accuse him of being too Shakespearian or writting too much to say very ilttle ...

  On 5/1/2013 at 4:07 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I've said it before and will say it again; How do you expect me to accuse someone when we have nothing tangible to base our accusations on?

You are again accusing me based on my being confused and acting odd, as you did with Krup and Wong; a pattern is emerging!

megablocking CHRIST Gertrude, what am I supposed to do ... let myself be lynched? You would like that too much!

I don't understand why people are willing to turn a blind eye to your leading the lynch on townies!


  On 5/1/2013 at 4:22 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

The way you are saying this is like I complied to several people which I did not, I answered that you MAY be town seeing that your behaviour is similar to Krup's and Wong in being vocal.

You may not have said it, but others have said it to me in private, so yes you are again using confusion to your advantage.

What does this mean "to even stick a FoS on so,done, let alone a vote"?

I am trying to contact you as it is evident you are trying to lead a lynch on me today and that would only result in yet another town's folk being dead.

I have no leads and no reason to vote for someone else except for speculations; I hate Dill's prose, maybe I should vote or accuse him of being too Shakespearian or writting too much to say very ilttle ...

This isn't much of a defence, is it? :sceptic: Rather than flying off the handle, perhaps you could explain yourself and try to convince Gertrude why she shouldn't vote for you? Even if you were lying, wouldn't that look townier than screaming your head off? And if you must sling mud at your biggest accuser, can't you at least have the decency to throw an OMFGUS vote her way? :tongue: It is the polite thing to do, don't you know?

I have been so far unable to get a read on you, but the idea of you trying to buddy up to Gertrude, combined with these statements, seals the deal for me, doesn't it?

Vote: Purplonia Pink

Let's take a look at how the Gertrude vs. Purplonia case evolved:

Once the day started, Gertrude was in total shock that they were both town after which I said:

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:03 AM, Purplonia Pink said:

First let's get the formalities out of the way; how not surprising! I told you so ... I guess!

Now are people willing to scrutinize the people who led the lynch on Wong and had Krup killed?

  On 4/30/2013 at 2:07 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

Actually, I'm not going to defend myself by claiming I made a mistake, considering I didn't. Unless leading lunches on the two scummiest guys around counts as a mistake in your head.

I'd prefer to scrutinize people like you, who didn't vote for the obvious scum/dumb, then proceed to tell us "I told you so! He was Town! You should trust me!" The next day. The only way you would have known for sure he was Town before the lynch was if you were scum, since there is no way you could have passed off all their megablocks as Towntells.

  On 4/30/2013 at 8:52 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

To justify my vote, consider this:

Wong was way too vocal and attracted way to much attention on thread (and in private actually) for me to think of him as scum; I cannot imagine that he would not have been "brought back" by his fellow scums or that an attempt at diverting the lynch could not have been done to try and save his megablocks; none of that happened. I was once a confused townie and his behaviour reminded me A LOT of what I once did when scrutinized. Furthermore, the curse he used could not have had, IMO, been attributed to a scum; why would a scum want to put his head on the line by using such a curse? As scum, would you have used the curse and volunteered for the lynch ...it makes no sense!

You are trying to tell us that your pursuit of lynches on both Krup and Wong, which were both town, should be overlooked?

The argument you are making against me can be used against you; the reason you were so adament on lynching Krup and Wong is that you knew they were town and you used their confusion and "dumbness" to your advantage to mount a bandwagon.

  On 4/30/2013 at 10:28 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

Lynching two Penises? Regrettable. Lynching two idiots? Less regrettable. Lynching the two scummiest people in the game? I fail to see what other move would have made more logical sense with the knowledge we had yesterday.

You're misunderstanding me. I claim full responsibility for both of their kills, I led the bandwagon on Krup Day 1 and basically told the vig to get his head out of his megablocks and kill the idiot Day 2. Day 2 I also was a supporter of Wang's lynch, and was vocal about it. I don't think that should be overlooked, indeed, quite the opposite. I think that my actions should be scrutinized just like yours. You said that you town read Krup and Wang because they were too vocal and attracted too much attention. By that logic, I should be clear, because it would be illogical for me, if I knew they would both flip Penis, to vocally and repeatedly call for their lunches, knowing full well people like you would jump on me for leading the lynch. If I were scum, I would have slipped my vote onto the bandwagon while sheeping someone else, then taken it off once the lynch had enough momentum while claiming that I town read him, then I would have pointed fingers at the lynch leader likely a strong, vocal townie, the next day in order to at the least distract the town or at best get a vocal townie, and therefore potential leader, lynched. Oh wait, that sounds pretty familiar to you already, huh?

Plus, I didn't lead lynches on them because they were dumb. I led lynches on them because they lied. Of course, their idiocy meant that they couldn't put up a good defense, so the lynch passed. They shouldn't have tried to gambit or whatever the hell they did. Only scum need to lie, they lied, logically they should have flipped scum. Instead they flipped imbecilic, but we couldn't have known that would happen. Only the Odor Eaters knew.

P.S.: Gladiator is actually a role that can be scum or Town, so your point that Gladiator could not possibly be attributed to scum is you just either being ignorant, which is hard to excuse because I literally posted a link to the Gladiator Mafiascum page on Day 1, or else sowing confusion purposefully.

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:03 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I did not say you were scum amd I never implied you were not cleared. Your attitude is very in-your-face and aggressive, great attributes to have! Your attitude and hatred for dumb/new/ignorant players may however blind you as to the scuminess of others; Would you rather scrutinize me or someone like Orion whom has just said that he has no opinion. Orion just basically told us that even after everythig that transpired last night and yesterday he does not know what to think. I am sorry but at this point if you are just sitting back and waiting for others to move, you are either scum or dumb and I am neither.

To address Pickle's statement; I barely bother to read your posts because your pose gives me headache and that I have yet to see you contribute anything pertinent to the discussion. What I understand is that you are suspicious of me for saying "I told you" in regards to Wong's towniness. Point me to the one post where I explicitely said that I was sure of his affiliation; I merely indicated that I was not comfortable lynching him as I thought he was town seeing that my interpretation of the gladiator role is one where the role makes more sense to be a town role.

  On 5/1/2013 at 2:26 AM, Barkonius Twitch said:

Wow wow wow. Ms. Pink, you weren't pinging me before, but now you are. You were never implying that Atrianny isn't cleared?! You should be. She's not cleared. What makes you say that. It looks like as soon as someone disagrees with your accusations, and tries to shine the spotlight back on you... you just comply. That's VERY Odor Eatery. Trying to cast suspicion, but then disappearing into the shadows when it looks like you might be dragged into it. Not loving it.

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:17 AM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

I don't believe I ever said I lynched them for being town-leadery or vocal, I lynched them for lying. Accusing someone for being a leader is a terrible reason to accuse someone. Accusing someone for lying in private and lynching the liar is the only acceptable course of action.

Second, I wasn't saying "If I was an Odor Eater, I'd do this", I said, "According to your logc, If I was an Odor Eater, I'd do this". I was pointing out a contradiction in he logic, that is, she said that she town read Krup and Wang for drawing attention to themselves. I said, by that logic, I'd be cleared and you'd be scummy as hell, giving that hypothetical situation where I was an Odor Eater and the world followed her logic as an example.

Third, you're probably my strongest Town read right now just for how stubbornly you're pursuing me and how you point out all sorts of good stuff that we can debate about. :wub: I definitely agree on Pink, seeing as how she said she thought I was clear right after I accused her of being scummy (lolwut?) It almost seems like buddying, but I'm just terribly confused at this point.

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:26 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

I think Pink's contradictory logic and unwillingness to actually accuse someone, only throwing around half-hearted suspicions, speaks for itself. Vote: Purplonia Pink

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:50 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

Also, Pink contacted me via Potato and is saying we should "clear the air" between us. Protip, Pinks: Don't buddy up to your primary detractor, it's scummy as hell.

  On 5/1/2013 at 4:07 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I've said it before and will say it again; How do you expect me to accuse someone when we have nothing tangible to base our accusations on?

You are again accusing me based on my being confused and acting odd, as you did with Krup and Wong; a pattern is emerging!

megablocking CHRIST Gertrude, what am I supposed to do ... let myself be lynched? You would like that too much!

I don't understand why people are willing to turn a blind eye to your leading the lynch on townies!


  On 5/1/2013 at 4:11 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

Maybe they're willing to listen to me because if they listened to you we'd sit around twiddling our thumbs while we're all slaughtered at night? My vote on you son't because you are confused and acting odd, I never said that. I voted you because you are unwilling to even stick a FoS on so,done, let alone a vote, and you just back down and say, "Oh no, I think you're Town, let's look at someone else" whenever someone accuses you. That compliance is scummy. Then you PMed your most vocal detractor and tried to be friends with her. Buddying if I ever saw it.

  On 5/1/2013 at 4:22 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

The way you are saying this is like I complied to several people which I did not, I answered that you MAY be town seeing that your behaviour is similar to Krup's and Wong in being vocal.

You may not have said it, but others have said it to me in private, so yes you are again using confusion to your advantage.

What does this mean "to even stick a FoS on so,done, let alone a vote"?

I am trying to contact you as it is evident you are trying to lead a lynch on me today and that would only result in yet another town's folk being dead.

I have no leads and no reason to vote for someone else except for speculations; I hate Dill's prose, maybe I should vote or accuse him of being too Shakespearian or writting too much to say very ilttle ...

Now that everything is in one concise place, let's look at it:

Gertrude was very quick in turning around what was initially a call to scrutinize her.

If you look at my posts and look at what Gertrude is saying I said, you will notice that there is little correaltion;

- I never said/implied she was OE which she alluded to twice

- I never said that Gladiator was a town-only role; I said (several times) that it made more sense, was more balanced

- Twitch said this: " It looks like as soon as someone disagrees with your accusations, and tries to shine the spotlight back on you... you just comply." which Gertrude later recycled into this: "you just back down and say, "Oh no, I think you're Town, let's look at someone else" whenever someone accuses you. That compliance is scummy." -> looking at my posts (from yesterday as well) I cannot see what they are ferring to, I did say once that Gertrude MAY be town based on her being vocal, but I fail to see other instances of such "compliance".

Having said this, look at yesterday's events and how they unfolded, it is fairly similar.

You are free to make up your own mind and cast your votes accordingly but remember, Gertrude called for and lead the lynches on 2 townies; I may not have had a particularily strong defence to offer but I am still unsure of what I am being accused of! (gertrude tells me she accused me three times ... I don;t see it!)

  On 5/1/2013 at 5:00 PM, Nicholas Dickory said:

This isn't much of a defence, is it? :sceptic: Rather than flying off the handle, perhaps you could explain yourself and try to convince Gertrude why she shouldn't vote for you? Even if you were lying, wouldn't that look townier than screaming your head off? And if you must sling mud at your biggest accuser, can't you at least have the decency to throw an OMFGUS vote her way? :tongue: It is the polite thing to do, don't you know?

I have been so far unable to get a read on you, but the idea of you trying to buddy up to Gertrude, combined with these statements, seals the deal for me, doesn't it?

Vote: Purplonia Pink

I have explained myslef, several times! My logic is fairly sound, it has it's flaws but it is sound. You will notice that I did not accuse Gertrude because (as I said) she may be town, but her leading the lynch on 2 townies (now 3 actually!) is suspicious.

Like you did yesterday; vote for someone you are not sure of (which will inevitably turn up to be town)!

People have accused me of not putting forward accusations, but then no one else is!

  • Author

vote tally

Godric Goaty-Blather: 3 votes (Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Helena Hippopaw, Lulu Pittoolo)

Helena Hippopaw: 1 vote (Godric Goaty-Blather)

Purplonia Pink: 3 votes (Looney Lumpylove, Gertrude Tincanchew, Nicholas Dickory)

Langston Lionheart: 1 vote (Dillpickle Catterweed)

I killed the thread!

Either that or everyone's mind was blown off and died ... I WIN!

Chirp, chirp, chirp!

I'm not sure what to make out of this whole Purplonia vs. Gertrude case; Purplonia has pinged me nonetheless. Getrude has been leading lynches, and while they killed town members, it's usually not a scummy thing to do. Also, Purplonia has yet to cast her vote, while Getrude was far more decisive. Purplonia basically calls Getrude suspicious and in the same sentence says that she doesn't want to accuse her.

It's also weird that she wanted to clear the accusation behind the scenes, instead of defending herself in-thread. That sounds like she doesn't want to draw any attention, which is what a scum member would want to do.

I'd like to keep concentrating on Godric today, but tomorrow, if nothing else comes up, Purplonia might make a good lynch.

Thanks for finally providing your analysis, Godric, but I don't think you're off the hook yet. You gave us lots of reasons to believe you were scum yesterday. I won't go over old ground or what others have said about you today, other than to point out this post, which I found particularly scummy:

  On 4/28/2013 at 8:54 PM, Godric Goaty-Blather said:

His ability to manipulate a vote could be disastrous. What's to stop him from simply rigging the vote every day? It's not like he has to listen to us if he creates a gladiator vote again. He could just keep on manipulating the vote as he wishes, especially if he's allied with the scum or if he's some sort of a neutral. You can bet the scum would want to recruit him and protect him at night.

Secondly, I'm not sure if he's a scared townie or not. I might be wrong. He might be the scummiest person in this game or he might be the saintliest townie. Or he might even be completely neutral. We don't know and we will only know if we vote him out.

Why are you defending him so vehemently? You yourself voted for him.

I'm not changing my vote and I'm sticking by my justification. That role is dangerous and should be removed as quickly as possible. I wouldn't trust him if he said to us that it was a one-shot action.

This was wrong on several fronts: that the role was not one-shot, that he could be town, scum or neutral (after you'd already voted for him) and that voting is the only way to test his allegiance is to vote for him.

Today you expect us to believe you are a Penis? You have given us your analysis, as you said you would. I agree with some of your reads, but definitely not this one:

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:16 PM, Godric Goaty-Blather said:

Helena Hippopaw: You are the biggest threat in my opinion. You make little to no sense sometimes and feel like lynching a person simply because of some strange reason, or you're just a massive nooby scum that's looking for a reason to jump on a vote. When I confronted you about this on Day One you immediately went on the extreme defensive. You're either scum or dumb and whichever you are is dangerous. Therefore, I label you as scum.

To me, Helena seems very much a Penis. And the strongest town read I have on anyone. Going after her just reinforces your scumminess. Therefore:

Vote: Godric Goaty-Blather

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:16 PM, Godric Goaty-Blather said:

Firuz Foxtail: You're acting off, which is why it's my opinion that you're likely scum and this is bad. You're not the biggest threat, I'll get to that person later.

I would like to know why you think I'm acting off.

  On 5/1/2013 at 2:26 AM, Barkonius Twitch said:

:laugh: Not an accusation of any sort, just funny to highlight. She said she thought you were only responding when accused, and then you responded to the accusations and she didn't stop the accusations. Surely you see the humor in the situation.

It seemed more absurd than funny yesterday, but looking back at it now and putting it the way you did, I can see the funny side.

  On 4/30/2013 at 11:03 PM, Drubulum Panck said:

Seems to be some concerns about my "beautiful work of art". :tongue:

No, I didn't pre-write it. I wrote it today. I sent messages, as I mentioned, to two people and already had the Wong-related potato messages saved for further study, so the play didn't take long to write, and I didn't have to be online (whatever that is) to do it, which made it easy for me. Originally, I thought that Flimflam had been killed by taking the bath, so I assumed the Catalina had been scum-killed. It seemed too odd to be a coincidence to me that Catalina who had played such a crucial part in discovering information against Wong would be killed the night after we lynched Wong and they both turned up town. That's one of the reasons why I wrote the play so you could help me determine who would be the most likely to be lying/have something to hide, for which reason they would kill Catalina. Furthermore, I had told someone that if Wong turned up town, I would stoop so low as to write a play about the fiasco, and I had to make good on my promise. :blush:

I also wasn't sure if Wong was trying to attempt a sting or something by being so scummy and if so, if he gotten any leads that he had shared with a survivor of the night.


By the way, Dillpickle, as shown in the post, which is the only one the I believe Orion mentioned it. He didn't ask Wong to use his curse only to claim once he already used it. Unless, he did say what you're saying he did elsewhere. That's something of a lie, matey.

I went back over Catalina's posts and couldn't find anything she said that would make her a target. The only thing that I could conclude was that there was maybe something said between her and either P1 or P2 (or both) that would place them at risk because they knew Wong was town? This implies that maybe P1 or P2 is the serial killer. Not saying one of them definitely is, but without any knowledge of what went on behind the scene, this is the only thing that came to mind.

On Dilllpickle's lie, I think he was just confused in that particular instance. Don't take that as a vote of confidence for him. I find his posts extremely frustrating and I can't get a read on him. Sometimes I think he makes sense, other times I think he is confusing us but hiding it behind his role-playing. I'd really like a plain english translation on his posts.

  On 5/1/2013 at 1:24 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

But you were wrong ... most of you had doubts about his scuminess and still followed Gertrude and company in his lynch; I did not for reasons stated earlier and it is my right to tell you that you were wrong.

So as I've alreday said some animals seemed convinced that Wong was a penis yesterday, even after all the evidence of his lying was brought out into the open, and they still question why Wong was voted for and call anyone who did a sheep for it and I still dont get that. All we get is "we told you so", which isnt helpful at all.

I have nothing else to say about Gertrude besides the obvious; she led 2 lynches on townies, 1 was lynched and the Vig followed her advice on kiling the other. The logic dictates that we should lynch her.
  On 5/1/2013 at 2:53 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

My point is that Gertrude should probably be lynched because she led lynches on two people who turned town and that both displayed signs of being town in thread. Gertrude is vocal, it MAY mean that she is town as she is drawing a lot of attention; she MAY also be scum as she led lynches on 2 townies ... clear enough? It's all speculations

So do you propose we lynch her or not? :look:

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:16 PM, Godric Goaty-Blather said:

I believe that I've defended myself adequately and since you still find it lackluster, I've no other arguments to use. Therefore, I'll continue to use my defense but I'll also give my opinions on you all.

It wasn't much of a defence, but your right there isnt much more you can say to defend yourself and at least your contributing by giving your views on people.

There are some weird connections today. it looks like its Godric v Rutherford and Purplona v Gertrude argiung here. Lynching one of each couple might give more information about the other, athough I know that's not always the case but looking at where we learn the most then lynching one person on one side of one of these arguments will be more helpful than lycnhing someone else right now I think.

I think Godric has made some odd comments and posted some dumb theories like the galdiator role being neutral, but he also followed up with his views on a lot of people and thst was at least helpful to see. Rutherford was accused of being middle of the pack and not contibuting but then his case against Godric looked well thought through to me so with both of these I think it really could go either way. :secptic:

I think the difference between Purplona and Gertrude is bigger. I still think its weird that Gertrude was really vocal about both Wong and Drumugelous being scum and kept pushing for their death, but I agreed with voting Wong, he was scummy. :sceptic: As others have also said the vocal animals are more likely to be penises. Purplonia is very defensive today and seems reluctant to vote for Gertrude. Does she know Getrude will turn up penis? :look:

Vote: Purplonia Pink

All good analysis so far today. I'm glad that people are finally stepping up to the plate and giving us something to go off of. As unfortunate as it is, now that Krup and Wong are gone people are finally paying attention to other people.

My mind is not made up about anyone yet. I will continue to watch. Be careful to not split the vote. That will only favor the Odor Eaters. Clearly we must lynch someone who has been in consideration today, so take your pick out of those, and I will do the same. Godric's analysis is at least something to go off of from here on in.

Like I said before, while Godric is scummy, I'm not sure it makes him scum. His analysis looks okay too (aside from marking me as scum :tongue:), so I don't think he's lynch priority #1 today.

Not sure about Purplonia; I could easily see her being scum, but her reaction is throwing me off here. In any case, again, she's not lynch priority #1.

I'm a bit surprised at Rutherford's wall accusation; that's one of the last things I expected out of him. Could it be that he saw that he's in the middle of the pack and posted that to throw everyone off..? Or is he genuinely trying to lynch an odor eater? I think it'd still be cool to get Rutherford checked out some way, but for now I'm a little less sure on him. Not lynch priority #1

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:50 PM, Gertrude Tincanchew said:

Also, Pink contacted me via Potato and is saying we should "clear the air" between us. Protip, Pinks: Don't buddy up to your primary detractor, it's scummy as hell.

That's pretty weird, I have to admit.

  On 5/1/2013 at 4:07 PM, Purplonia Pink said:

I've said it before and will say it again; How do you expect me to accuse someone when we have nothing tangible to base our accusations on?

You are again accusing me based on my being confused and acting odd, as you did with Krup and Wong; a pattern is emerging!

megablocking CHRIST Gertrude, what am I supposed to do ... let myself be lynched? You would like that too much!

I don't understand why people are willing to turn a blind eye to your leading the lynch on townies!


Ding ding ding, this is where my town radar is being dinged. It doesn't get pinged like my scumdar, it gets dinged. There's a difference. Ding ding! Hardcore genuine AtE always gets me, as I'm an avid user of that as town. Plus, she does make a good point that the overtly scummy people never turned up scum.

  On 5/1/2013 at 3:41 PM, Dillpickle Catterweed said:

I think Purplonia is a good option as well, but for now I will Vote: Langston Lionheart

This craven plume-plucked barnacle hath given me an uneasy feeling and I wish to see what he has to say. There is something scripted and knowing about the way he hath discussed what he "imagines" an Odor Eater might be thinking. Perhaps he is more familiar with their line of thought than he wishes for us to know.

Yeah, this was pretty much my feelings for today too. I believe I said before that I sometimes forget that Langston's playing, but when he does turn up, he says a whole lot of nothing. Godric/Purplonia/Rutherford aren't good lynches today, as I said before, so let's go with this.

Vote: Langston Lionheart

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