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Rellik: "My Lord! Our forces are taking heavy hits all along the fortress! It is becoming difficult to keep them back-"


Viktor: "Damn you, Rellik! I know what I a doing! Do not falter!"

R: "As you wish, my lord..."

He leaves Viktor to his endless summoning,

A voice breaks the silence, doing the impossible: startling the Black Mage for the first time.

V: "Who...who is there?"

"You have possessed our power for far too long, Mage."

V:" Who dares? Show yourself! So commands the king of Historica, Viktor Revelword!"

Viktor throws bolts of powerful magic around the room, blasting out bits of wall and ceiling.

Abruptly the room goes dark, and an ambient blue light breaks the void.

"We are those whose power you have corrupted. We have come to reclaim what is rightfully ours."



Outside, the battle rages on, with the combined forces of all 4 guilds matching the White Hand's soldiers.


Lord Kelperth turns to his General Kollin Shyre, with a questioning look.

Kelperth: "I haven't seen any elemental summonings in at least ten minutes. Do you think...?"

Kollin: "Something has gotten to the bloody wizard? Hah! He's probably on the toilet! Wouldn't it be hilarious if we could sneak up there and catch him right now?"

He smirks, trying to find the humor amidst the battle.


Suddenly, Kelperth rounds on the Mage Talonmere and the druid, talking clandestinely in the camp.

KE: "Mage! Can you teleport yourself and this druid into the fortress right now? Well?!?"

Talonmere: "Yes! But why? Surely, the place is crawling with soldiers-"

KE: "You must do it right now! Time is of the essence! Something has the Black Mage distracted, and we must take advantage of it."

After a few seconds of counsel, Talonmere takes a small group inside.

Arcs of magic burst out from every opening in the castle, and then all goes quiet. The White Hand soldiers disappear, and the collective forces of Historica look around in confusion.

Talonmere suddenly reapears beside Lord Kelperth.

KE: "What has happened to Viktor, Mage? Is all at peace?"

T: "Worry not, lord. He is in a place that he can no longer harm anyone..."



Rellik: "Still know what you are doing, my lord?"

Viktor: "Oh,shut up Rellik."


The interior scene is definitely the best if you ask me, especially the pillars and the wall.

But the story is also really fun :classic:


Very funny! I agree that the columns in the first build are great. I did not see the chicken spell coming....


I always knew Victor was such a chicken! Indeed most funny story! :grin: And good to see you here again! :wink: I would like to see more of your interior it looks really nice, but I think I'm not seeing everything in it.


Nice job! I would vote this entry number 1 for entertainment! Can't stop laughing at the ending. And the first build looks especially good! :thumbup:


Excellent to have you back again! The first build is my favorite, and I like the blue border along the bottom as well as the brick work in the wall. The chicken ending is brilliant!

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