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Day Five has begun. You may not vote in the first 24 hours.

Non-playing Characters


Harriet Slutter, Female, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Pandrione Danger, Female, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Rufus Whingesly, Male, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Faggo Foogoy, Male, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Nevrick Longastley, Male, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Albutt Bumblebore, Male, Headmaster of Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Phallonius Phuckwit, Male, Professor at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Odor Eaters / Fermentors / anything evil that needs representation

Players (13)


Ariattny Sugarbottom, Female, Shopkeep


Bartholomew Bearbutt, Male, Queefitch Referee


Belinda Bugglesby, Female, Potato Post Office


Dillpickle Catterweed, Male, Herbologist


Drubulum Panck, Male, Dragon Keeper


Firuz Foxtail, Male, Alchemist


Gertrude Tincanchew, Female, Caretaker


Langston Lionheart, Male, Healer


Lulu Pittoolo, Female, Magizoologist


Orion Kettleboil, Male, Astronomer


Rutherford Habblable-Bibble, Male, Door-to-door Wand Salesman


Timly Dimplebop, Male, Plumber


Twatty Tittlesteen, Female, Barmaid

The dead


Snarky Snickerpuss, Male, Poo Network Repairman, lynched on Day One - Order of the Penis


Regelius Snoot, Male, Ambassador, electrocuted on Night One - Order of the Penis


Flabflom Flimflam, Male, Magical Maintenance, bonerfied on Night One - Order of the Penis


Wong Wang, Male, Mathematician, lynched on Day Two - Order of the Penis


Catalina Kittywhisker, Female, Moogle Relations, electrocuted on Night Two - Order of the Penis


Boris Biddlesdorf, Male, Goblin Trainer, bonerfied on Night Two - Order of the Penis


Durmudgelous Krup, Male, Wandmaker, bonerfied on Night Two - Order of the Penis


Godric Goaty-Blather, Male, Shopkeep, lynched on Day Three - Order of the Penis


Purplonia Pink, Female, Artist, bonerfied on Night Three - third party


Barkonius Twitch, Male, Gardener, lynched on Day Four - Order of the Penis


Nicholas Dickory, Male, Clock Maker, toasted on Night Four - Order of the Penis


Helena Hippopaw, Female, Banker, bonerfied on Night Four - third party


Looney Lumpylove, Female, Applesauce Maker, bonerfied on Night Four - Order of the Penis


The Odor Eaters win when they have outnumbered the Order of the Penis, including any third-parties and the Order of the Penis wins when all of the Odor Eaters are dead, including any third-parties.

The Rules:

  1. You may not reveal or pretend to reveal your true identity throughout the course of the game. Doing so will result in the immediate death of your character. Likewise, be extra certain you do not post in the game as your real Eurobricks identity. If this gives away which character you are playing, this rule will be applied to that action.
  2. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Order of the Penis or the Odor Eaters. To win the game, the Order of the Penis must kill off all of the Odor Eaters (and any third parties), while the Odor Eaters must outnumber the Order of the Penis (and any third parties). Any third party player will have win conditions that are detailed in their role PM...
  3. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format only; Vote: Character. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in this format only; Unvote: Character. No other format will be accepted. You may also proxy your vote to another player, using this format; proxy: Character. Naturally, unproxying a vote is also possible. The player with the most votes is lynched. In the case of a tie, there will be no lynch.
  4. In the case of a no-lynch, a Role Madness night will commence. A Role Madness night favors the Odor Eaters.
  5. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will not end when a majority vote has been reached. If there is time left, a majority vote can be over-turned. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 24 hours, unless otherwise noted. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage, or they will not be accepted, no exceptions.
  6. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day, barring any interference.
  7. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details and pictures of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.
  8. You may not quote PMs from or to other players. Paraphrasing is allowed but no direct quoting. Please refrain from quoting PMs in the game threads and in private.
  9. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.
  10. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. Violation of this rule will result in a multiple game suspension.
  11. If you are converted, you must accept your new affiliation. If it's proven that you gave up your new team after conversion, the whole game will be null and you will most likely not be asked to play one of my games again.
  12. You may not edit your posts.
  13. You must post in every day thread.
  14. You must vote in every day thread.
  15. If you have a Night Action, you are required to use it every night, unless otherwise noted.
  16. If you have a Night Action, you may not target the same player on three consecutive nights.
  17. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. Please please please use only the confirmation PM I sent you to communicate with me if you can.
  18. Violation of the above rules will result in a penalty of one vote per every four living players (1/4 of the active players list) on the first violation and death of your character on the second.

Some additional guidelines, although they are not rules that will incur penalties if you don't follow them:

  • The pictures may or may not contain clues. They most likely do not, but look all you want. Wildly speculate. It's fun.
  • Using acronyms, especially tl;dr, or any 7334 speak will cause major trouble for your character, perhaps even instant death.
  • Roleplaying is a good thing and it is encouraged in this game and will be required at some point. So get to know your personality quirks, they've been created for a reason.

You have all been sent a role PM in this format:


Alignment: Order of the Penis or 3rd Party or Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a (occupation). You have the strange personality quirk (personality quirk).

Action: Your wand is made of (wood) with a (material) core and your special magic (spell, charm, curse, potion) is (Action*). (Action explanation)

*Note that the name of the Action is a Latin mashup of the actual action. The Town blocker and Scum blocker, for example, may have different Action names.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party or You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

(Wizarding advice.)

Any Third Parties may have slightly different role PMs.

Well, at least it seems like Helena could be the last neutral....

I'm worried that Looney was our vig, too.

Barkonius, I think it was him, mentioned a bunny blabbing roles. Belinda, I do believe you are the only bunny here. Who did you tell roles to? They could very well be scum.

Panck has little room to hide as well.

Also, we need to be very careful with our lynch today. It seems likely that there was a start of 6 scum, seeing how that was about 1/4 of the starting player count. If they could recruit, the game would be over by now since we have lost so many townies, and if they could recruit, we would have been over a while ago. This means it is likely 7 townies against 6 scum. We have no room for a mislynch today, so it is very important we don't megabluck things up. Does anybody have any night action results that we can use to determine a lynch? If not, Panck is very well suitable for a lynch as well.

I told you so. I told you SO HARD to lynch Helena. Did you listen to me? No. Did you believe me that Panck was scum over Twitch. No. Arglblarglh. Whatever, we have Bugglesby and Panc as pretty much confirmed scum, that should buy us time if we lynch 'em.

Right, no sense crying over spilled milk. I should know, I'm a cow. Panck should be our lynch target for today, obviously. As he claimed the same thing as Barkonius. As for the four or five other scum... I reckon most of them are hiding in the vote for Barkonius (10 votes, counting Panck and Helena), but It's not impossible some stayed with the Helena vote to hide..

My other current main suspect, without going over everything is Firuz (main reason is he changed his vote to Barkonius because he was confident in the vote now, where earlier he wasn't). I reckon if we can put some time in it we can see who simply voted for seemingly little reason. We might turn this around yet.

I understand that it only makes sense for you to lynch me today. It was me for Barkonius and Barkonius' flipped town. I know that I am town as well, which sucks, and considering that there is likely enough, six scum and seven townies today, I can't see us surviving the night. Still in case we do, I will try to invest what time I can in looking at the remaining folks and pointing out who must be scum. In the odd case that you lynch me and we survive the night, then you will have at least something to work off of. I am sorry for screwing town over, but I really didn't think we'd have two protector roles, but it seems like we do. Furthermore, either Belinda or Firuz must be scum or Helena was never blocked on Night 3. I kind of doubt the latter could be possible, unless she converted someone or something for we would probably have seen a kill. I do reckon that a lot of scum probably did switch their votes from Helena to Barkonius yesterday, as I don't think they would've passed up the opportunity to get two townies fighting head-to-head and lynching each other.

Hold up, Panck. Yesterday, it was said you claimed Bodyguard, as did Barkonius. Is that incorrect or what?

And I reckon Firuz was the one with the one shot protection according to him?

And I reckon Firuz was the one with the one shot protection according to him?

I was the one with the one-shot protection spell.

Belinda had told me there were three bodyguard claims in a PM to me. I pointed out to her at that time that mine was just a one-shot and a not a bodyguard action.

My other current main suspect, without going over everything is Firuz (main reason is he changed his vote to Barkonius because he was confident in the vote now, where earlier he wasn't). I reckon if we can put some time in it we can see who simply voted for seemingly little reason. We might turn this around yet.

My vote was originally with Helena because she was the known threat. Belinda asked me to change my vote to help the town. I asked her if she was confident that voting for Barkonius was the right thing to do. She came back and said she was. I felt I could trust Belinda and therefore changed my vote, believing it was the right thing to do to help town.

May I just ask how Belinda is confirmed scum? It would make sense, seeing how she leaked the PR's and said she was in contact with them, but she could be an immature townie as well.

Were in a really bad situation now because we have lost so many of us in the last day and night and i really think the numbers must be real close right now. Im glad Helenas gone because she lied yet again about not being able to kill any more but at least now she cant threaten to expose the town power roles any more. From the pictures I can only assume she was killed by the vigilant who was Looney and then Looney must have been killed by the scum. Was that just a lucky shot by the scum or did they know because its worrying if there was a leak in the town block. :sceptic: I still think its weird to have more than one protector because in the books I have read you only get one protector with a scum and SK so with Barkonius showing up town i have a hard time believeing Pancks claim to be town.

Well, at least it seems like Helena could be the last neutral....

Thats a really weird thing to say because what would make you think Helena might not be the last neutral?

I told you so. I told you SO HARD to lynch Helena. Did you listen to me? No. Did you believe me that Panck was scum over Twitch. No. Arglblarglh. Whatever, we have Bugglesby and Panc as pretty much confirmed scum, that should buy us time if we lynch 'em.

Although I agree with Twatty that it doesnt make her confirmed scum Bugglesby is worrying if shes been blabbing roles around and Barkoinus said she told on him, and she pushed real hard for Barkoniuss' lynch over Helena and now it sounds like she was trying to talk people into voting for Barkonius behind the scenes. None of that seems very townie to me. :sceptic:

Jump! for my loooooooooooove jump in! and feel my tooooooouuuuuch jump! if you want to taste my kisses in the niiiiiiiiiiight then jump jump! for my loooooooooooooove :sing:

Day 1 votes:

Wong Wang: 8 votes (penalty, penalty, penalty, penalty, penalty, penalty, Dillpickle Catterweed, Snarky Snickerpuss, Langston Lionheart)

Snarky Snickerpuss: 23 votes (Wong Wang, Orion Kettleboil, Boris Biddlesdorf, Catalina Kittywhisker, Gertrude Tincanchew, Flabflom Flimflam, Firuz Foxtial, Godric Goaty-Blather, Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Belinda Bugglesby, Purplonia Pink, Looney Lumpylove, Barkonius Twitch, Twatty Tittlesteen, Helena Hippopaw, Timly Dimplebop, Nicholas Dickory, Durmudgelous Krup, Regelius Snoot, Ariattny Sugarbottom, Drubulum Panck, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Lulu Pittoolo)


Scum kill: Flibflam Flimflam

Neutral kill: Regilius Snoot - Probably killed for being a quiet townie, so unlikely to be targetted by NA, standard SK behaviour.

Vig kills no one. Likely Looney was not confident anough in any other suspects, so he decided not to use his kill.

Day 2 votes:

Wong Wang: 15 votes (Drubulum Pank, Lulu Pittoolo, Godric Goaty-Blather, Orion Kettleboil, Timly Dimplebop, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Gertrude Tincanchew, Ariattny Sugarbottom, Langston Lionheart, Twatty Tittlesteen, Firuz Foxtail, Looney Lumpylove, Cataline Kittywhisker, Nicholas Dickory, Dillpickle Catterweed)

Durmudgelous Krup: 1 vote (Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble)

Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble: 1 vote (Barkonius Twitch)

Gertrude Tincanchew: 2 votes (Purplonia Pink, Durmudgelous Krup)

Godric Goaty-Blather: 4 votes (Helena Hippopaw, Belinda Bugglesby, Wong Wang, Boris Biddlesdorf)


Scum kill: Boris Biddlesdorf - ?

Neutral kill: Catalina Kittywhisker - ?

Vig kill: Durmudgelous Krup - Reasonable Vig target, considering previous events surrounding him.

Day 3:

Godric Goaty-Blather: 17 votes (Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Helena Hippopaw, Lulu Pittoolo, Firuz Foxtail, Ariattny Sugarbottom, Purplonia Pink, Drubulum Panck, Dillpickle Catterweed, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Barkonius Twitch, Langston Lionheart, Nicholas Dickory, Belinda Bugglesby, Looney Lumpylove, Orion Kettleboil, Gertrude Tincanchew, Twatty Tittlesteen)

Purplonia Pink: 1 vote (Godric Goaty-Blather)

Orion Kettleboil: 1 vote (Timly Dimplebop)


Scum kill: Purplonia Pink - ?

Neutral tried to kill: Ariattny, failed, due to Helena being blocked.

Vig kills no one. Loony hasn't said anything suggesting why not, but he does rightfully call out Twatty and Bartholomew for trying to confuse kills.

Day 4:

Helena Hippopaw: 7 votes (Gertrude Tincanchew, Nicholas Dickory, Dillpickle Catterweed, Ariattny Sugarbottom, Timly Dimplebop, Barkonius Twitch, Looney Lumpylove)

Barkonius Twitch: 10 votes (Helena Hippopaw, Twatty Tittlesteen, Belinda Bugglesby, Orion Kettleboil, Langstong Lionheart, Drublum Panck, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Lulu Pittoolo, Firuz Foxtail, Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble)


Scum kill: Loony Lumpeylove - Quite possibly scum learned of Looney's role.

Neutral kill: Nicholas Dickory

Vig kill: Helena Hippopaw- Don't have to explain that one.

I've tried compiling every vote and the night kills and tried to find a pattern. Can't say I have succeeded... Perhaps someone sees more than me?

Firuz' name is in orange because I really think he is scum, and although I am not confirmed, I am sure I am town, so my name is in green.


Scum kill: Purplonia Pink - ?

Neutral tried to kill: Ariattny, failed, due to Helena being blocked.

Vig kills no one. Loony hasn't said anything suggesting why not, but he does rightfully call out Twatty and Bartholomew for trying to confuse kills.

Thankyou for getting all that information as we can hopefully learn alot from reading through it. I cant see anything right now either but i just want to point out something you got wrong when you mentioned me you got me mixed up with Belinda.

Yes, you brought up several possibilities. And none of them were that the scum killed Pinkie and there was no SK or Vig kill. When it has become very apparent that the Bifficus spell is the scum kill, and that is what killed Pinkie. Sowing confusion is a scum ploy, and you and Belinda are doing a fairly good job of trying to sow it.

Helena wanted to know who we thought were Odor Eaters. I've already said above why I don't think Helena is one. I now have Twatty and Belinda at the top of my list.

I only told others' who Barkonius was after I decided he was probably the scum, out of the three "bodyguards." I never blabbed on him until the last minute. I don't get what the hubbub about blabbing roles is, nobody can get anything done unless other's know who each other are. And I didn't go and tell people who's who as soon as I met them.

I really ducked things up, but with what I had to go on given there are two bodyguards and one with a supposed one shot I outed the person i thought most likely to be scum, based on how they posted behind the scenes, because I didn't want Helena to out the vig or myself.

I know Helena was in contact with Looney, the vig, and Drub. Probably other's as well. When i finally got in contact with Looney, our vigilante, I never told anyone who she was. But, she also was in contact with other people so somebody found out. And, it's possible Helena was playing both sides.

Chirrup, chirrup!

What a bad night. I guess it's fair to assume we are on the brink of losing this to the scum, so it's vital we lynch scum today.

I'm worried that the scum may have known the identity of the vig. Sure, they may have gotten lucky, but I think there were better scum targets than Looney yesterday. So it's unfortunately possible that they knew the vig.

We know Helena knew the vigilante, as did Belinda. We don't know if Helena told it someone else, Belinda claims she didn't. However, Helena's entire leverage was that she wouldn't tell anyone other than "the town", whoever she meant by that. So, what am I driving at? Looney, our vig said yesterday he didn't trust Belinda, who knew his identity and today he is dead. That doesn't mean Belinda has to be scum.

But she and Panck (for the obvious reason that it was either Panck or Barkonius yesterday) are my two main suspects for now.

Those who opted not to vote for our known SK are most suspicious now. Even though Helena was taken out by the Vig, she still was able to take out another townie. So, because we didn't do what we all knew we had to, which was vote the one person we knew wasn't town, we lost 2 townies (which we desperately need). Now we stand on a ledge. We have to get scum today!

Belinda and Panck, you two have the most explaining to do.

Twatty, you were also one of the first to not vote for Helena, that's suspicious in my book.

The rest of you who didn't vote for Helena are also on the hook for this. Hopefully we'll get to you in due time.

Bert wants answers, and I'm afraid I won't be able to hold him back for long.

Hold up, Panck. Yesterday, it was said you claimed Bodyguard, as did Barkonius. Is that incorrect or what?

And I reckon Firuz was the one with the one shot protection according to him?

No, I claimed bodyguard. I am a bodyguard. Barkonius, originally, from what I can understand, claimed bodyguard, but with a half chance of surviving, until he publicly stated yesterday that he was, the doctor, I guess. Bodyguard and Doctor are both protector-type roles.

I know that I am town, but at this point I'd almost judge you guys for not voting for me.

What does strike me as odd was that Belinda knew at least me and Barkonius were claiming protector-type roles, yet she allowed us to both target Helena the night before last. Whereas one would assume that she would have used her position as the Watcher, if she is town, to try to organize things a bit. Firuz popping out of nowhere as a one-shot protector seems really odd, and I kind of think he must be scum because I doubt we could have a doctor, a bodyguard, and another one-shot protector as well.

Those who opted not to vote for our known SK are most suspicious now. Even though Helena was taken out by the Vig, she still was able to take out another townie. So, because we didn't do what we all knew we had to, which was vote the one person we knew wasn't town, we lost 2 townies (which we desperately need). Now we stand on a ledge. We have to get scum today!

Belinda and Panck, you two have the most explaining to do.

Sure, although I don't exactly understand what you want me to explain. It seemed unlikely to me that there were two protector-type roles, and knowing that I was town, I assumed Barkonius was scum. Belinda also seemed convinced that he was the most scummy between him, Firuz, and myself.

Alas, we Penises become ever more flacid. This past fourth night of our turmoil didst bring woe upon us, yet there is yet a glimmer of hope to be found within. There may yet be a light which can bring us beyond this peril. Our good Looney didst slay the Hippo as a last and desperate act of valour to our cause. Let us not let this bravery pass unrewarded, instead striving to rid ourselves of the evil betwixt us.

Now to the matter of the day at hand. That we would lynch Panck would seem the most logical course to sail. Lulu is most likely also scum. The remainder I am less certain of, although I have stronger suspicions about some than others. No matter, with Looney gone, we must approach our predicament in increments of one.

Timly- I voted for Helena until she threatened to release the PR's. I said several times that I thought it was too big of a risk to take. How were we supposed to know that Helena could kill? It was hard to tell whether anything she said was truthful or not anymore.

Ariattny- Thank you for the analysis. However, I did not try to confuse the kills. I do believe that I made it clear that I was suggesting different possibilities for the ways that the kills were used.

No, I claimed bodyguard. I am a bodyguard. Barkonius, originally, from what I can understand, claimed bodyguard, but with a half chance of surviving, until he publicly stated yesterday that he was, the doctor, I guess. Bodyguard and Doctor are both protector-type roles.

I know that I am town, but at this point I'd almost judge you guys for not voting for me.

What does strike me as odd was that Belinda knew at least me and Barkonius were claiming protector-type roles, yet she allowed us to both target Helena the night before last. Whereas one would assume that she would have used her position as the Watcher, if she is town, to try to organize things a bit. Firuz popping out of nowhere as a one-shot protector seems really odd, and I kind of think he must be scum because I doubt we could have a doctor, a bodyguard, and another one-shot protector as well.

Sure, although I don't exactly understand what you want me to explain. It seemed unlikely to me that there were two protector-type roles, and knowing that I was town, I assumed Barkonius was scum. Belinda also seemed convinced that he was the most scummy between him, Firuz, and myself.

Hm, I don't have the exact quote, but I'm pretty sure Barkonius also claimed Bodyguard, in thread, and we know he was town so not lying. Would the town have two bodyguards? I guess it's not impossible to have those two instead of an individual blocker and a doctor, but unlikely. Can we hear who you targetted on night 1 and last night?

Ariattny- Thank you for the analysis. However, I did not try to confuse the kills. I do believe that I made it clear that I was suggesting different possibilities for the ways that the kills were used.

Looney's words... I just reread it, and I think it's possible to have it be a move to confuse some people, although I see little gain from such a potential risky move for the scum, I don't know.

Shit. :facepalm: God, I actually really thought she couldn't kill anymore - I'm really sorry guys (especially Gertrude). :sceptic:

I'm surprised, though; Drubulum screamed town to me from Day 1. We even talked about Wang Wong's lynch and his opinions seemed really genuine.

Could it be possible that the watcher is scum? Looney was obviously our vig, and I don't feel like she would have been the best scum kill (I thought she might be scum, actually), so I feel like either Helena was in contact with some scum (which might actually explain the town lynch as well...) or the watcher's scum.

I don't like Firuz's claim either. Firuz, are you a JOAT, or did you just have a single protection action?

Timly- I voted for Helena until she threatened to release the PR's. I said several times that I thought it was too big of a risk to take. How were we supposed to know that Helena could kill? It was hard to tell whether anything she said was truthful or not anymore.

Ariattny- Thank you for the analysis. However, I did not try to confuse the kills. I do believe that I made it clear that I was suggesting different possibilities for the ways that the kills were used.

The case was made pretty clearly yesterday as to why it was a fool's errand to allow Helena to live. Anyone who suggests otherwise, other than Panck, whose vote for Twitch HAD to be made, is scum or gleeking fool-born gudgeon. I can but hope that thou shalt be among those we vote to death shortly.

Hm, I don't have the exact quote, but I'm pretty sure Barkonius also claimed Bodyguard, in thread, and we know he was town so not lying. Would the town have two bodyguards? I guess it's not impossible to have those two instead of an individual blocker and a doctor, but unlikely.

What fool we mortals would be if we didst not test Panck's allegiance with his death. Those that lord over us would be cruel masters to have given us two identical night actions.

Shit. :facepalm: God, I actually really thought she couldn't kill anymore - I'm really sorry guys (especially Gertrude). :sceptic:

I'm surprised, though; Drubulum screamed town to me from Day 1. We even talked about Wang Wong's lynch and his opinions seemed really genuine.

Could it be possible that the watcher is scum? Looney was obviously our vig, and I don't feel like she would have been the best scum kill (I thought she might be scum, actually), so I feel like either Helena was in contact with some scum (which might actually explain the town lynch as well...) or the watcher's scum.

I don't like Firuz's claim either. Firuz, are you a JOAT, or did you just have a single protection action?

Stop being so obviously unhelpful.

I don't like Firuz's claim either. Firuz, are you a JOAT, or did you just have a single protection action?

No, I'm not a JOAT. It was a one-shot and I haven't been given anything else since. I'm vanilla townie now.

The case was made pretty clearly yesterday as to why it was a fool's errand to allow Helena to live. Anyone who suggests otherwise, other than Panck, whose vote for Twitch HAD to be made, is scum or gleeking fool-born gudgeon. I can but hope that thou shalt be among those we vote to death shortly.

Are you saying that you hope I'm lynched, just because I didn't vote for Helena? I told you, I was doing this in concern of the town. I don't think my move was all that stupid. While Helena probably would have been a smarter lynch, she threatened to give out information that would have put the town in jeopardy. I think if we were to lynch Helena, Barkonius would probably have died, and the only thing different would probably be that Nicholas would still be here. So really, I'll give it to you that lynching Helena would probably have kept us here a little bit longer, if my predictions are correct, but it was hard to tell if she was telling the truth about anything, and placing the town at such a disadvantage wasn't worth it to me. Also, my priorities in lynches usually lie in testing claims first, unless we have confirmed evidence towards somebody. am angry that Belinda apparently told the wrong people the information, unless she is scum herself. I would probably say Panck and Belinda are the two scummiest here. Gertrude's aggressiveness has exceeded Ariattny's, to the point where it is actually starting to ping me slightly, to be honest.

Ribbit! Ribbit!

Now to the matter of the day at hand. That we would lynch Panck would seem the most logical course to sail. Lulu is most likely also scum. The remainder I am less certain of, although I have stronger suspicions about some than others. No matter, with Looney gone, we must approach our predicament in increments of one.

Care to elaborate? What exactly makes you think I'm scum?

The case was made pretty clearly yesterday as to why it was a fool's errand to allow Helena to live. Anyone who suggests otherwise, other than Panck, whose vote for Twitch HAD to be made, is scum or gleeking fool-born gudgeon. I can but hope that thou shalt be among those we vote to death shortly.

And how exactly could we have known she was able to kill with a toaster? In hindsight, we know Barkonius is town and Helena was able to kill a townie, and that's bad. But we didn't yesterday, and if Helena had not killed, there'd be absolutely no benefit to the town from lynching her first.

Are you saying that you hope I'm lynched, just because I didn't vote for Helena? I told you, I was doing this in concern of the town. I don't think my move was all that stupid. While Helena probably would have been a smarter lynch, she threatened to give out information that would have put the town in jeopardy. I think if we were to lynch Helena, Barkonius would probably have died, and the only thing different would probably be that Nicholas would still be here. So really, I'll give it to you that lynching Helena would probably have kept us here a little bit longer, if my predictions are correct, but it was hard to tell if she was telling the truth about anything, and placing the town at such a disadvantage wasn't worth it to me. Also, my priorities in lynches usually lie in testing claims first, unless we have confirmed evidence towards somebody. am angry that Belinda apparently told the wrong people the information, unless she is scum herself. I would probably say Panck and Belinda are the two scummiest here. Gertrude's aggressiveness has exceeded Ariattny's, to the point where it is actually starting to ping me slightly, to be honest.

Except the doctor and vig are dead and the claimed watcher is likely scum. She had already leaked behind the scenes, there was literally 0 risk once that became obvious in thread (when she publicly outed a doc claim.) Nicholas and I have been suspicious of you since you were the very first one to try to turn the lynch off Helena, and also the way you volunteered for lynching is a scum move. Real townies know that their lives are the only thing keeping the mafia from winning and would never throw them away when even a random lynch would have at least a chance of hitting scum. Scum would obviously be willing to make that ploy because Townies like martyrs. "Lynch me if he's town!" is an impncresibly common line, yet the utterer rarely gets lynched (case in point: Helena), so martyring oneself seems like a good way to earn trust. My top three suspects are Panck, Belinda, and you.

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