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Well, I have never heard it before, actually. I can see how it is scum, but I didn't think people would still want to lynch Helena after her threats. While what you said was true, a true townie would also be willing to lynch themselves if a difficult case such as Helena's came up. I was already aware that I had pinged some people, so I thought people might feel more comfortable lynching me after somebody had threatened to bring the town down with their death. I have never in my experience seen somebody volunteer themselves, so I don't know any cases that you are referring to. I wanted to turn the lynch off of Helena because she wanted to reveal the megablocking PR's. I believe that I missed Belinda's public outing, but if I do recall correctly, it was pretty close to the end of the day, so if I had seen Belinda publicly outing a doc claim, I would have switched my vote, but I didn't see Belinda's outing. If that pings you, then go ahead and let it ping you. I just don't think it would be very fair to be lynched over missing something. Also, I will go and double-check, but I do believe, that if I saw the outing, it was at a point where the lynch was close, and we risked Helena actually outing the PR's if I were to have switched my vote. I will have to double-check. However, how exactly does Belinda's outing make Helena the prime lynch subject no matter what? I would also like to add that while I understand you want to lynch me, I think we have other important things to test. Fir example, we need to test Panck's claim.

I did not see where she outed any claims. Would you please direct me to the location of Belinda's public outing?

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You may now vote. You have 48 hours to reach a conviction.

I agree, we need to test Drubulum's claim, since it makes more sense for him to be scum.

Vote: Drubulum Panck

Twatty you still havnt answered my question from earlier. :look:

I only told others' who Barkonius was after I decided he was probably the scum, out of the three "bodyguards." I never blabbed on him until the last minute. I don't get what the hubbub about blabbing roles is, nobody can get anything done unless other's know who each other are. And I didn't go and tell people who's who as soon as I met them.

I really ducked things up, but with what I had to go on given there are two bodyguards and one with a supposed one shot I outed the person i thought most likely to be scum, based on how they posted behind the scenes, because I didn't want Helena to out the vig or myself.

I know Helena was in contact with Looney, the vig, and Drub. Probably other's as well. When i finally got in contact with Looney, our vigilante, I never told anyone who she was. But, she also was in contact with other people so somebody found out. And, it's possible Helena was playing both sides.

I can't see why if Helena knew a scum to tell the identity of the vig to she didn't just out that scum as an alternative lynch target to her? Helena was a serial killer right? so she would have wanted to kill scum just as much as we do so i don't think the vigs identity was leaked by Helena and that makes me look at you more Belinda. I still don't think we can have two doctor claims and we went with Belindas opinion that Barkonius was scum yesterday but I can't see how Panck can't be scum at this point and lynching him might also give us information on whether Belinda was protecting him yesterday and whether she had Looney killed when she found out he was the vigilant.

Vote: Drubulum Panck

Your heart beats in double tiiiiiiiiiiiime Another kiss and you'll be miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine a one track miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind Your gonna have to face it your addicted to loooooooooooooooove. :sing:

Coo! Coo!

Belinda knew the Vigilante, who had earlier expressed his supicions about her, and was killed by the scum. I doubt Helena told anyone else, and we have no proof he himself told anyone but Helena. Furthermore, she was one of the first to hop on the Barkonius Bandwagon, which I realized makes sense for the scum, because Belinda apparently already knew soem of the roles, and Helena telling her the vig's name in private would ensure he wasn't protected (as did lynching the protector).

We still haven't lynched any scum, which makes me believe that the town has been played by the scum all along. And, in my opinion, one of those who played us was Belinda.

Also, yesterday she suggested to keep the SK alive instead of vig-killing him (luckily Loony didn't listen to her):

Unvote: Gertrude Tincanchew

Vote: Barkonius Twitch

I don't see the point in lynching Helena right now, I'd rather go after a Odor Eater. Helena has been very vocal and if there is a watcher, they'd find some way to come out and say this is a lie, if it was. If Barkonius does flip town, then Helena can be lynched tomorrow. But if things work out, then there isn't a reason to kill her until the end. She seems useful.

Why would she want to do that? I agreed about lynching an OE over the SK, but only because I wanted Helena vig-killed. But why keep the SK alive? Simply...

Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Order of the Penis or the Odor Eaters. To win the game, the Order of the Penis must kill off all of the Odor Eaters (and any third parties), while the Odor Eaters must outnumber the Order of the Penis (and any third parties). Any third party player will have win conditions that are detailed in their role PM...

...because the scum don't have to kill them. So, no reason for them to let an extra night kill go to waste :hmpf_bad:

Thus, I vote: Belinda Bugglesby

Coo! Coo! Coo!

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vote tally

Drubulum Panck: 3 votes (Ariattny Sugarbottom, Twatty Tittlesteen, Bartholomew Bearbutt)

Belinda Bugglesby: 1 vote (Lulu Pittoolo)

And how exactly could we have known she was able to kill with a toaster? In hindsight, we know Barkonius is town and Helena was able to kill a townie, and that's bad. But we didn't yesterday, and if Helena had not killed, there'd be absolutely no benefit to the town from lynching her first.

It doth not matter that Helena retained the ability to kill by means of blunt force braining with a toaster. Should wouldst have been the right lynch even if she had become completely impotent. What doth matter is the principle of certainty. Thy continued effort to suggest that it doth not matter and pursue Belinda, along with thy votes on days prior is what convinces me that thou art scum. It was known with 100% certainty that Helena must by killed prior to our victory. Barkonius' liklihood of being scum was based on an "educated" 50/50 guess. There was no certainty, and as proved to be true, he was not scum. Town simply cannot lynch an uncertain victim over certain advancement towards our victory, even in the light of conflicting claims. The very nature of them is uncertain, and the risk of failure was precisely our outcome. Had we lynched Helena instead of Twitch, then the scum would have had to choose whether or not to kill our protector. The onus would have been on them, for at least one more night. By lynching Barkonius, we resolve an issue for the scum, when that issue could have waited another day or been left to those with night actions. Perhaps new evidence would have come to light in the morn. Perhaps scum would have killed Barkonius, but he would still have been able to protect Looney for another day. Those that voted for Barkonius acted out of fear instead of measured response to the risks present, and in fear we are weakest.

To be clear, a vote for Barkonius or Panck would have been the correct choice if we did not already know the identity of Helena as a required kill for our victory, or had we known for certain that one of them was scum. Neither of those were true.

I can't see why if Helena knew a scum to tell the identity of the vig to she didn't just out that scum as an alternative lynch target to her? Helena was a serial killer right? so she would have wanted to kill scum just as much as we do so i don't think the vigs identity was leaked by Helena and that makes me look at you more Belinda.

The victory conditions under which an SK operates are rarely known to anyone but the SK, and hers was not stated for us to know. In Helena's case, it's entirely possible that she could have won simply by surviving to the end, rather than being the last animal standing. In light of that possibility, she had every incentive to side with scum. We are required to kill her for our victory. They are not. In addition, enterprising scum surely recognize the potential of reciprocal threats, and Helena could have been made known to understand that any cooperation with them was conditional upon her aid. While she held some threat agin us, the scum were in greater position of strength than she.

Is it possible that Belinda was the leak and is, in fact a harbinger of scentual consumption? Yea, it certainly is. However, Helena was blocked the night Purplonia was killed by scum. I do find it unlikely that she wouldst have lied about this given that there was no SK kill. Belinda saw three different animals target Helena, and all three of them claimed protective actions. If there be any credence to the notion that we do not have 3 protectors, even in light of one of them being 1-shot, then it seems additionally unlikely that the scum wouldst have sent two of their members to block her and perform an additional action agin her. The only condition under which Belinda makes much sense as scum wouldst be if we really do have 3 protectors on our side, and the weapons levied against us to now do not seem to warrant such defenses.

However, how exactly does Belinda's outing make Helena the prime lynch subject no matter what? I would also like to add that while I understand you want to lynch me, I think we have other important things to test. Fir example, we need to test Panck's claim.

I beseech thee to read the above paragraphs. The uncertainty of all lynches beyond Helena ensure that they were of lesser value to town. Consider that all three protectors knew that Belinda was the claimed watcher as she didst contact them in such manner as to reveal her identity. Both Panck and Twitch were made known to each other as conflicting claimants prior to the end of Day 3, when Helena's initial lies deceived us. They were aware of each other for the fullness of day 4, which is why Panck's vote is the only one that is excused in voting for Twitch.

What I can say is that thy final statement is one with which I am in agreement. 't would be an uncommon form of villainry for our overloards to have bequeathed us with identical protectors of such an unusual variety. It wouldst flummox me greatly to know that we had been given dual Penile Bodyguards. Surely, no man requires the use of more than one. Although, such line of thought doth cause me pause to consider that a spare would come in handy at certain times... but I digress! No, clearly the appropriate course of action is to lynch Panck at this time.

Vote: Drubulum Panck

We, the Order of the Penis, must remain firm in our resolve to overcome our current predicament, brought on by a most flacid effort through all these days. We can but sniff out the Odor Eaters one churlish spur-galled moldwarp at a time. We must take measured and logical steps. We can yet snatch victory from the claws of defeat, but only with a commitment to process that endures until the ultimate satisfaction of victory is achieved.

Coo! Coo!

Coo! Coo! Coo!

A fitting choice for thy inane ramblings. I suspect greatly that thou shalt be my next vote on the morrow.

I'm in a bit of puzzlement at the moment as to who I should choose between Belinda and Firuz. If Belinda were town and since she knew that both me and Barkonius were claiming a protector-type role, I would have assumed that she would have told us to guard different people. However, I have a harder time believing that we could have had a doctor, a bodyguard, and a one-shot protector. Barkonius was town and I know that I'm town, Firuz has been on a number of people's suspicion lists before now, so I think I will Vote: Firuz Foxtail

Drubulum was one of the vocal supporters of not lynching Helena on Day 4 and it doesn't seem likely that we would have two PRs that can protect every single night. Therefore:

Vote: Drubulum Panck

Sorry everyone. Been really busy the past three days. Selling wands door-to-door, obviously.

Less than surprised Helena turned up dead, but less than thrilled she was able to take down another townie with her. Our vig winding up geting killed isn't very reassuring either. :sceptic:

I'm pretty annoyed Barkonius ended up being ton, but even with a scum, vig, and SK, two full-on protectors is pretty unlikely, bodyguard or not. Vote: Drubulum Panck, but Belinda's a close second for my top suspect, as it seems she had access to a good number of PRs right before most of them started dying...but in the event Drub comes up town, we need to take a close look at Firuz. A protector, a bodyguard, and a one shot is just plain ridiculous.

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vote tally

Drubulum Panck: 7 votes (Ariattny Sugarbottom, Twatty Tittlesteen, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Dillpickle Catterweed, Belinda Bugglesby, Firuz Foxtail, Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble)

Belinda Bugglesby: 1 vote (Lulu Pittoolo)

Firuz Foxtail: 1 vote (Drubulum Panck)

Both Panck and Twitch were made known to each other as conflicting claimants prior to the end of Day 3, when Helena's initial lies deceived us. They were aware of each other for the fullness of day 4, which is why Panck's vote is the only one that is excused in voting for Twitch.

Now that's just a complete lie. I told you that I only found out that Barkonius was the one who counter-claimed sometime in the beginning of Day 4. Why would you say otherwise? I believe you already told an untruth yesterday as well. You were snooping around suspiciously behind the scenes already and I'd bet my bollucks that you are scum.

Now that's just a complete lie. I told you that I only found out that Barkonius was the one who counter-claimed sometime in the beginning of Day 4. Why would you say otherwise? I believe you already told an untruth yesterday as well. You were snooping around suspiciously behind the scenes already and I'd bet my bollucks that you are scum.

No, tis not a lie, although it does contradict what thou told me. I concede that untruth is possible in it, yet it is what I believe. Thou didst tell me that thou knew of a conflicting claim prior to the close of Day 3. Twitch told me, prior to the close of Day 3, that shouldst he have died in the night, that I should pursue thee the next morn. At the time, my presumption was that of a conflicting claim between the two of you, but I didst not know what the claim was or who to trust more. Twitch did not die that night, of course, but lived to be lynched the next day when we opted to give Helena another night. I had been in communication with Twitch enough during day 3 that he did trust me enough with the idea that he was not vanilla. Thy claim to me was indeed that thou didst not know Twitch's identity until earlier in day 4. I find it hard to believe this given that Twitch knew prior to the end of day 3. If what thou said was true, to what do thee owe the fact that Barkonius knew long before thee? We know that Belinda didst not trust Twitch as much as you, and she was the one we know had knowledge of the both of you.

To be sure, I do not believe it of consequence. In my mind, the matter of the issue isn't when the conflicting claimants were known to each other so much as the fact that there are conflicting claims. The only purpose of my stating the timing of when I believed thou both were known to each other was to point out that thou were excused in voting for Twitch Day 4. I felt Twatty was complicating the matter. It was a townie vote given what I understand of thy situation. It does not make thee a Penis, but it should not be held against thee, either. The thing I hold against thee at this point is that thy role claim is the same as Twitch's and that thou targetted someone who was blocked. We lynched Twitch for that reason, and he proved town, so thou art the next logical lynch.

As for snooping, I have initiated conversation with some, yet asking for clarification on thy role claim versus Barkonius' role claim when his neck was on the block and thy status as a protector of some sort was already known hardly qualifies. Such information was of importance to me as a townie looking to sort through the validity of Twitch's claim versus yours. Unfortunately, Twitch's lynch yesterday hath sorted that out for me. As such, I move on in the grim task at hand.

Well, glad to see Hell-ena gone. At least the vig hit one non-town member. It is worrying how our efforts to protect the vig's identity yesterday were moot, though. Maybe the scum just got lucky, though it's just as likely the vig's name was leaked. The watcher Happy-sought to terror-friends hippo was talking to is possible, but I did notice that Hoppy was the one to approach Panck (as he himself says), so I wonder if Hell-ena confided the vig's identity to Panck. Hell-ena seemed very certain Barkonius was scum, so she might have assumed (and made a late night decision) that Panck was the true protector and sought to ensure the vig was protected (which obviously did not happen).

I think the best choice today is to lynch Pancake, as I think it's more likely that there's a doctor/bodyguard and a one-shot than two bodyguards, especially since they seemed to have been totally ineffective thus far this game. The one-shot seems well explained enough, and seeing that Barkioni was town, it's logical that this makes Panck scum.

Vote: Drubulum Panck

It's also very weird that Twattsy-toodles offered herself up for lynch yesterday. It doesn't ever seem like a good idea for a townie to offer themselves for lynch, so this is either scum or dumb.

Really sorry for my lack of posting today; stuff's come up. In any case,

Vote: Drubulum Panck

There's no way town has two modifier-free protectors.

My apologies, Bartholomew. I had somewhat explained so in my thinking, but I should also mention that I haven't heard of neutrals being able to kill and recruit. Typically I've seen either cults or SK's, but never a shared action one. Plus it doesn't make sense with the typical distribution. However, it is possible if the scum started out with lower numbers. I see it possible that there are no recruits at all. However, if that is the case, why have a rule dedicated to recruits? I know it goes against my initial thoughts, but if the neutral's can't recruit, then maybe the scum started out lower and can recruit. That seems more likely than neutrals who can recruit and kill, in my opinion. I'll be surprised if the neutrals were able to recruit and kill, though. Besides, I think if Helena and Purplonia were able to recruit, then we would have seen less often toaster kills, assuming that Helena was telling the truth about trying to kill Ariattny. Hope that makes sense.

I've been looking back on some people's odd behaviour, although I couldn't get much passed Day 2, which is kind of frustrating, but sometimes my connection craps out on me.

I'll start with Ariattny since she's first on the list:

Looking back, at back it was not difficult to notice the way Ariattny pushed the “Scum share their actions” thing, which was proven to be not entirely true, at least not to the degree Ariattny said. Now what I wonder is did Ariattny have an agenda behind this? Was she town pushing to clear herself, or scum attempting to look like a town who did not know clearly how the scum actions worked? Or was she just town and confused?

Ariattny then got somewhat offended when Barkonius pointed her out as trying to confuse the town.

She later on gave an excellent and detailed look at the scumminess of Wong, the only problem was that when he was lynched later, Wong turned up town, so Ariattny could be a townie looking for scum, or a scumster wanting to appear town by picking up on a suspicious-looking townie and getting them lynched. (Of course, this could be said of Gertrude or myself as well).

For some odd reason Ariattny did not seem to want to be one of the first to vote for Wang. She posted that great and detailed look into Wong’s posting history, but then failed to vote. Whereas before she seemed to think for certain that Wong was scum, she then said she was not sure he’s scum. When Catalina (a proven and generally good townie) looked disapprovingly at the comment Ariattny got defensive and made an odd statement about saying facts when not knowing facts. Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I don’t get it.

On Day 3 Ariattny calls out Gertrude, but doesn’t really do anything about it. He called her out for pressing on Purplonia. Now Purplonia was not scum, so if Ariattny is scum, she would likely have thought that Purplonia was town, could she have been trying to set Gertrude up for the next day’s lynch?

It should also be noted that Ariattny made only two comments in all Day 3.

The quiet animals are suspicious to me because they could be afraid to make mistakes when they speak up and I agree there are too many quite animals around. Timly needs to give us more opinion of what he thinks rather than fluff, and also Purplonia who turned up to call out quite people and then just disappeared again. :sceptic:

I found this comment somewhat amusing, Barty! You talk about quiet animals being suspicious beause they may be afraid to make mistakes.

You are one of the quieter ones around. Were you speaking from experience when you said that?

Vote: Drubulum Panck

Two protectives is one too many.

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vote tally

Drubulum Panck: 10 votes (Ariattny Sugarbottom, Twatty Tittlesteen, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Dillpickle Catterweed, Belinda Bugglesby, Firuz Foxtail, Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Langston Lionheart, Orion Kettleboil, Gertrude Tincanchew)

Belinda Bugglesby: 1 vote (Lulu Pittoolo)

Firuz Foxtail: 1 vote (Drubulum Panck)

24 hours remain in Day Five.

I've been looking back on some people's odd behaviour, although I couldn't get much passed Day 2, which is kind of frustrating, but sometimes my connection craps out on me.

I'll start with Ariattny since she's first on the list:

Looking back, at back it was not difficult to notice the way Ariattny pushed the “Scum share their actions” thing, which was proven to be not entirely true, at least not to the degree Ariattny said. Now what I wonder is did Ariattny have an agenda behind this? Was she town pushing to clear herself, or scum attempting to look like a town who did not know clearly how the scum actions worked? Or was she just town and confused?

Ariattny then got somewhat offended when Barkonius pointed her out as trying to confuse the town.

She later on gave an excellent and detailed look at the scumminess of Wong, the only problem was that when he was lynched later, Wong turned up town, so Ariattny could be a townie looking for scum, or a scumster wanting to appear town by picking up on a suspicious-looking townie and getting them lynched. (Of course, this could be said of Gertrude or myself as well).

For some odd reason Ariattny did not seem to want to be one of the first to vote for Wang. She posted that great and detailed look into Wong’s posting history, but then failed to vote. Whereas before she seemed to think for certain that Wong was scum, she then said she was not sure he’s scum. When Catalina (a proven and generally good townie) looked disapprovingly at the comment Ariattny got defensive and made an odd statement about saying facts when not knowing facts. Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I don’t get it.

On Day 3 Ariattny calls out Gertrude, but doesn’t really do anything about it. He called her out for pressing on Purplonia. Now Purplonia was not scum, so if Ariattny is scum, she would likely have thought that Purplonia was town, could she have been trying to set Gertrude up for the next day’s lynch?

It should also be noted that Ariattny made only two comments in all Day 3.

Hm. Could you give us the rest of "your list" as well? Most of that stuff I have explained already, or there is nothing really to explain. I was quiet on day 3, which is my fault, but would it have mattered much? Godric got lynched unanimously. :sceptic: I did call out Gertrude, and read her other stuff, and that suspicion kind of faded after that. I'm not at all convinced she's town though. Her insistance on lynching Helena could be played (No offense). Do you really think I would have been protecting Purplonia, as we know Purplonia and Helena tried to kill me that night? And if I was trying to set up a lynch for Gertrude, would I not at least have given reasons why Gertrude should be lynched. The most I said was that she was more suspicious to me than Purplonia. Not helpful to anyone, but there you go.

Panck, how do you explain that earlier you said it must have been Firuz the one that blocked while you are a bodyguard? I think that's you messing up, so we're sure you're scum. :sweet:

Panck, how do you explain that earlier you said it must have been Firuz the one that blocked while you are a bodyguard? I think that's you messing up, so we're sure you're scum. :sweet:

What do you mean by this, exactly? How does Firuz being the scum blocker effect me being a bodyguard? Firuz was seen targeting Helena when she was blocked along with Barkonius and myself. I know that Barkonius wass not scum and I know that I am not scum, it's only logical for me to conclude that Firuz is the scum blocker. :sceptic:

Sorry, nevermind. I was confusing Bodyguard and Jailer.

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vote tally

Drubulum Panck: 10 votes (Ariattny Sugarbottom, Twatty Tittlesteen, Bartholomew Bearbutt, Dillpickle Catterweed, Belinda Bugglesby, Firuz Foxtail, Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble, Langston Lionheart, Orion Kettleboil, Gertrude Tincanchew)

Belinda Bugglesby: 1 vote (Lulu Pittoolo)

Firuz Foxtail: 1 vote (Drubulum Panck)

12 hours remain in Day Five.

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