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Congratulations (l to r) Timly Dimplebop (Clanure), Langston Lionheart (Scouty), Firuz Foxtail (Kristel), Bartholomew Bearbutt (Rick & Pandora), Rutherford Hablabble-Bibble (CallMePie) & Lulu Pittoolo (Peanuts) Odor Eaters, winners of Harriet Slutter and The Philosopher's Balls. Clean sweep.







The game has now concluded. Anyone can post in this thread. Thanks to everyone who played! Great game...even if it was a tragedy for the Town and a clean sweep for the Scum! :thumbup: Great job, guys.

Non-playing Characters


Harriet Slutter, Female, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Pandrione Danger, Female, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Rufus Whingesly, Male, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Faggo Foogoy, Male, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Nevrick Longastley, Male, Student at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Albutt Bumblebore, Male, Headmaster of Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Phallonius Phuckwit, Male, Professor at Pigblister's School of Sorcery and Magicky-doings


Odor Eaters / Fermentors / anything evil that needs representation

Players (6)


Bartholomew Bearbutt, Male, Queefitch Referee played by Rick & Pandora - Odor Eaters


Firuz Foxtail, Male, Alchemist played by Kristel - Odor Eaters


Langston Lionheart, Male, Healer played by Scouty - Odor Eaters


Lulu Pittoolo, Female, Magizoologist played by Peanuts - Odor Eaters


Rutherford Habblable-Bibble, Male, Door-to-door Wand Salesman played by CallMePie - Odor Eaters


Timly Dimplebop, Male, Plumber played by Clanure - Odor Eaters

The dead


Snarky Snickerpuss, Male, Poo Network Repairman played by Sandy, lynched on Day One - Order of the Penis


Regelius Snoot, Male, Ambassador played by Cecilie, electrocuted on Night One - Order of the Penis


Flabflom Flimflam, Male, Magical Maintenance played by Fugazi, bonerfied on Night One - Order of the Penis


Wong Wang, Male, Mathematician played by KingoftheZempk, lynched on Day Two - Order of the Penis


Catalina Kittywhisker, Female, Moogle Relations played by Darth Potato, electrocuted on Night Two - Order of the Penis


Boris Biddlesdorf, Male, Goblin Trainer played by Cornelius Murdock, bonerfied on Night Two - Order of the Penis


Durmudgelous Krup, Male, Wandmaker played by Esurient, bonerfied on Night Two - Order of the Penis


Godric Goaty-Blather, Male, Shopkeep played by Bob, lynched on Day Three - Order of the Penis


Purplonia Pink, Female, Artist played by PirateDave84, bonerfied on Night Three - third party


Barkonius Twitch, Male, Gardener played by Zepher, lynched on Day Four - Order of the Penis


Nicholas Dickory, Male, Clock Maker played by Capt. Redblade, toasted on Night Four - Order of the Penis


Helena Hippopaw, Female, Banker played by def, bonerfied on Night Four - third party


Looney Lumpylove, Female, Applesauce Maker played by Walter Kovacs, bonerfied on Night Four - Order of the Penis


Drubulum Panck, Male, Dragon Keeper played by Palathadric, lynched on Day Five - Order of the Penis


Twatty Tittlesteen, Female, Barmaid played by TrumpetKing, bonerfied on Night Five - Order of the Penis


Ariattny Sugarbottom, Female, Shopkeep played by Scubacarrot, bonerfied in the Conclusion - Order of the Penis


Belinda Bugglesby, Female, Potato Post Office played by Nightshroud99, bonerfied in the Conclusion - Order of the Penis


Dillpickle Catterweed, Male, Herbologist played by fhomess, bonerfied in the Conclusion - Order of the Penis


Gertrude Tincanchew, Female, Caretaker played by Kadabra, penesed in the Conclusion - Order of the Penis


Orion Kettleboil, Male, Astronomer played by Tamamono, bonerfied in the Conclusion - Order of the Penis


The Odor Eaters win when they have outnumbered the Order of the Penis, including any third-parties and the Order of the Penis wins when all of the Odor Eaters are dead, including any third-parties.

The Rules:

  1. You may not reveal or pretend to reveal your true identity throughout the course of the game. Doing so will result in the immediate death of your character. Likewise, be extra certain you do not post in the game as your real Eurobricks identity. If this gives away which character you are playing, this rule will be applied to that action.
  2. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Order of the Penis or the Odor Eaters. To win the game, the Order of the Penis must kill off all of the Odor Eaters (and any third parties), while the Odor Eaters must outnumber the Order of the Penis (and any third parties). Any third party player will have win conditions that are detailed in their role PM...
  3. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format only; Vote: Character. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in this format only; Unvote: Character. No other format will be accepted. You may also proxy your vote to another player, using this format; proxy: Character. Naturally, unproxying a vote is also possible. The player with the most votes is lynched. In the case of a tie, there will be no lynch.
  4. In the case of a no-lynch, a Role Madness night will commence. A Role Madness night favors the Odor Eaters.
  5. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will not end when a majority vote has been reached. If there is time left, a majority vote can be over-turned. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 24 hours, unless otherwise noted. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage, or they will not be accepted, no exceptions.
  6. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day, barring any interference.
  7. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details and pictures of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.
  8. You may not quote PMs from or to other players. Paraphrasing is allowed but no direct quoting. Please refrain from quoting PMs in the game threads and in private.
  9. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.
  10. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. Violation of this rule will result in a multiple game suspension.
  11. If you are converted, you must accept your new affiliation. If it's proven that you gave up your new team after conversion, the whole game will be null and you will most likely not be asked to play one of my games again.
  12. You may not edit your posts.
  13. You must post in every day thread.
  14. You must vote in every day thread.
  15. If you have a Night Action, you are required to use it every night, unless otherwise noted.
  16. If you have a Night Action, you may not target the same player on three consecutive nights.
  17. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. Please please please use only the confirmation PM I sent you to communicate with me if you can.
  18. Violation of the above rules will result in a penalty of one vote per every four living players (1/4 of the active players list) on the first violation and death of your character on the second.

Some additional guidelines, although they are not rules that will incur penalties if you don't follow them:

  • The pictures may or may not contain clues. They most likely do not, but look all you want. Wildly speculate. It's fun.
  • Using acronyms, especially tl;dr, or any 7334 speak will cause major trouble for your character, perhaps even instant death.
  • Roleplaying is a good thing and it is encouraged in this game and will be required at some point. So get to know your personality quirks, they've been created for a reason.

You have all been sent a role PM in this format:


Alignment: Order of the Penis or 3rd Party or Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a (occupation). You have the strange personality quirk (personality quirk).

Action: Your wand is made of (wood) with a (material) core and your special magic (spell, charm, curse, potion) is (Action*). (Action explanation)

*Note that the name of the Action is a Latin mashup of the actual action. The Town blocker and Scum blocker, for example, may have different Action names.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party or You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

(Wizarding advice.)

Any Third Parties may have slightly different role PMs.

Night Actions:


Notes from confirmation, Day One and Night One:

Confirmation Notes

Thank you to def for pointing out that players and alter egos could log in at the same time by using two different browsers.

def is so brilliantly hilarious not capitalizing sentences and pretending like he doesn't know how to change his avatar. :thumbup:

Day One Notes

It is fascinating to watch some people, like def, actively try to behave differently. This is the smuttiest, most sophomoric beginning to a game in EB Mafia history! :grin: Wait, ... am I proud of that? :sceptic: I keep waiting for the one statement that's going to throw ice water on all of it and get them talking about a lynch. And who will they vote for? Will not knowing the players make a big difference? The Day One lynch is sometimes a noob, or a more emotional reactor. We could still see an emotional reaction out of somebody. However, the fun isn't likely to stop. I wondered why they wouldn't listen to Walter or Cornelius when they talked about starting to look into who to lynch, but then I realized Walter and Cornelius have no clout when they're anonymous! :wub:

Oh, stay anonymous, please stay anonymous! :cry_happy: Despite the Esurients of the world, please stay anonymous. :tongue: Only joking, Esurient. Esuirent was very apologetic after posting as himself in the confirmation thread.

Scuba can't seem to post with his alter ego account and def using his patented :sadnew: is pretty obvious. Is this worth it? I think so. I kind of love it. I wonder if people can keep their identities hidden through the whole game.

I hope they don't lynch def. Don't lynch my serial killer on Day One! It's like the revenge of Jim Butcher. :laugh:

Esurient confesses to being Twatty's odd PM sender but nobody notices.

Scubacarrot has been given the most strangely specific personality quirk and is playing it so hilariously. And Bob hates it, for some reason. Don't tell Bob you have three reasons and only list two! That's Scummy. :laugh: Oh Bob... :blush: Where would we be without you?

Scum Peanuts and Serial Killer def find themselves in the cross-hairs very early, but they are both pretty adept at shrugging their votes off. Let's see if it works. My favorite character name ever, Durmudgelous Krup, may be voted off first. :sad: Just like when Rufulzud Novadora and Derwar Gravis were the first two night kills in Prison Riot! and they were my favorite build of original characters I had created up to that point. :cry_sad: The life of a games host is hard. You build fun characters only for their lives to be cut short...

One more reason I just love Cornelius Murdock:

Don't blame me. I think he's stupid, too.

Interesting that even with aliases, Cecilie, Walter and Cornelius seem to be connecting. Cornelius thinks Looney is Dave, though. :laugh:

Actually, Helena, "don't post out of character in thread" isn't a new rule. It's been in every one of my games, so shut it, Little Miss Smarty Pants. :hmpf:

I don't think Snarky would've been quite so suspicious if everyone knew that it was Sandy. :laugh:

Night One Notes:

Esurient - you saved yourself by claiming a role. That was...not necessary I suppose, especially since you don't have one and when you're caught lying, they will "Lynch All Liars". But Zepher chose to protect you because of your roleclaim. Way to go, jackass. Pull the Town protector to save your own megablocks. At least you play Scum really well. :tongue: The point is, survival is not the point of the Town. You severely screwed up your first day as a Townie. Your defense was flailing. Remember the team wins. For Town to win they need to clear up confusion and keep their power roles. They do not need you to save yourself just so you can play. You may have done an amazing job as Scum in Aperture Academy but I think it will take you some time to figure out how to play Town. Hopefully, you'll figure it out during this game. If not, I still hope you keep playing. :thumbup:

Note to future hosts who want to use dummy accounts: Scubacarrot cannot handle it for his life. :laugh: Not only can he not stop posting as Scuba in the thread, he's posting in Heroica as Ariattny now. :wacko: Not to mention, everyone knows it's him because of his particular brand of harsh posting. Why aren't more people trying to act like other people? I guess nobody wants to be metagamed as anyone else either. :look: Really, if you act like Rick, you get killed early. If you act like a dumb noob, people will have no problem lynching you. ... Anyway, this is fun.


Notes from Day Two & Night Two:

Day Two Notes:

I stay up until 2am to finish the Day Two thread and I wake up to only 4 replies? :cry_sad:

Palathadric doesn't notice that he's been re-directed. Makes a mockery of the discussion I read about Redirector results on Mafiawiki. :snicker: Well, it's Palathadric's first Night Action, so I'm kind of relieved he didn't notice. Might have really confused him...

In general, I would advise vigs to not speculate about what a vig should be thinking. :sceptic: Walter's "giving the vig more credit" makes it pretty obvious (to me, who knows) that he's the vig. It's like what Cecilie did in EBII. The Scum are sure to pick up on that.

I'm going to say, cautiously, that Palathadric is doing an awesome job so far! He nailed Clanure for not speaking up on Day One, and that's the Godfather! :thumbup: Speaking of which, come on Clanure! Step it up! I was excited about having you in my game because of how active you were in Aperture. Do something. :sceptic:

Likewise, Dave picks up on two Scum with his post about inactive posters.

Then again, if you list all low activity players, you're bound to pick up a Scum or two, so maybe they don't deserve that much credit. Palathadric just seems to be more active and focused and really trying to get better at the game. I wonder how Dave feels his first time as anti-Town.

Where are all of these people getting the idea that the Scum can share their Actions? I said, clearly, that Scum pass their Actions on after they die and the Scum can choose what Actions they want to keep, but they cannot share their Actions. I'm not sure what I said that people are misinterpreting but people should go back and check things before adamantly stating them repeatedly, Ariattny Sugarbottom (Scubacarrot).

Looney Lumpylove (Walter Kovacs) a bulldog is not a Walrus in a witch's hat. :hmpf:

Durmudgelous Krup (Esurient), there are no clues in the megablocking pictures!!! :wall:

I can't say enough how much I love doing this anonymously. Some people are saying things that are being pounced out that would otherwise be ignored and chalked up to the player's usual game. And everyone is cracking me up. I really love how KingoftheZempk (Wong Wang) is playing his occupation as much as his quirk. Day Two, posts 48-58 are particularly funny.

Again, read the town PM posted by Hinckley at the end of the first post. It states clearly "Odor Eaters and any 3rd Party."

Of course, the scum also do need to outnumber the 3rd party, but our job is explicit.

Of course, you could also just read the Potato Message you received from him if, you know, you're actually town.

Hey megablocks! They're all the same megablocking PM!!!! :facepalm: And stop trying to use your PM to your advantage because you can't!

I hesitated for quite some time to give the three players penalties who were discussing the role PM. Did it confirm them as Town? Did it make everyone else think Wong was Scum? Since Wong is Town, it's massively stupid for them to be insinuating he didn't have the same role PM. In the end, a rule is being violated and they deserve the damn penalty votes, so that's that. I'm agonizing over what to do about the difference between the objective and rule 2. :facepalm: Why do they seem so different from each other? I want to change it and clarify it, but then it may make Wong even Scummier. That is my fault as a host for having that difference there in the first place. However, the actual objectives are laid out quite clearly in two other places. The standard rules are from EB and I just cut and pasted the appropriate terms. The way that rule is worded makes sense. Scum vs. Town, Town vs. Scum, third parties have their own objectives. That's the standard rule, as that is how any game could be structured. Each player's role PM, (Penises or Odor Eaters) says they need to get rid of the third parties. Ugh, what a conundrum. I feel somewhat responsible for Wong's lynch in that regard, but why is he citing the rules instead of his role PM or the objective or the role PMs I posted for everyone to read?? :facepalm: Ugh...

You can't please all of the people because they're too stupid to read what's written in plain megablocking English right in front of them. Everyone gets the same role PM. Everyone. That is the point of me posting them. Town, Scum, all get the same role PM. Stop trying to use role PM structure to base suspicions off of!!!! It's in plain black and white that they are the same. The only confusing thing is the win condition in the role PMs and the objective vs. the wording of rule 2. My fault, really, but come on...

I'm glad Esurient made this post: http://www.eurobrick...00#entry1578219 restores my faith in him. What was up before that? Made a little mess. Not sure he can fix it at this point, but I'm glad to see he relaxed his mind and made it back into a good spot in the game. It may be too late for others to trust him, but I trust him again. :grin: He's wrong anyway. Gertrude isn't Scum, just a very snarky Kadabra Townie. But hey... Kadabra is acting pretty Scummy and Esurient provides good analysis.

Props to Wong Wang (KingoftheZempk) for doing his best with an unprecedented role that people are confused and freaking out about. I'm glad he used it when he did. It made sense to me. I was even checking with him about it as he was trying to use it. :laugh: Welcome back KingoftheZempk. A lot of people are calling you dumb and I really can't stand that, but I think you're doing the best with what you were given and are taking the insults really well.

So, the noobs are still being attacked and the vets are killed off first, even with alias accounts. :laugh: Brilliant. However, nobody would be as concerned about Twatty's accusations if they knew she was Trumpetking. No offense, Trumpetking, but anyone who lists three of the six Scum (and a serial killer) as suspects on Day Two is going to piss off the Scum. And by the way, if you had listed three of the four Scum and a serial killer as suspects in your last game, people wouldn't think of you as a noob. Anyway, congratulations on doing much better this time. You really improved in the first couple of days here. It's a huge improvement and a lot of that shows just in the quality of your effort. You didn't spaz and get Twatty lynched on Day One! :thumbup: Amazing, really.

It's so weird how many people are speculating about Wong Wang being able to use his Action again. He has the most votes and there has been no Gladiator challenge... This is the best thing for the Town, though. Get Wong Wang out of the way so they can stop megablocking talking about it. The Scum is thinly veiled in the discussion about Wong's Gladiator role. Will they all try to get Durmudgelous Krup killed tomorrow? Let's hope the vig or SK take out a Scum. Town isn't off to a great start, but then again, five of the six Scum have been accused for inactivity or blatantly Scummy posts at this point...

Speaking of the vig, where'd she go?


Notes on Day Three & Night Three:

Day Three Notes

I love what is happening right now. Everyone thinks Gertrude is def, but def is actually Helena. The Scum see Helena as the leader of a potential Town block but she's actually the Serial Killer! :laugh: Her only hope to make it through the night would be one of the protectors. However, they may be pre-occupied because the watcher watched Ariattny the obivously-Scuba cow. Everyone targeted him last night so the watcher saw the protector and bodyguard. Hopefully, they'll start talking and start forming a Town block. I don't know that they'll choose Helena to protect, but if they start to see her as a potential Town leader as well, they could try to protect her.

Ooooh, good. Balance is happening. Either we lose the Serial Killer tonight or the Scum don't kill. :thumbup: After losing 7 Townies in a row, the Scum are due for a setback...

Firuz Fox (Kristel) gets into the swing of being Scum and makes a really good post here: http://www.eurobrick...2 . Followed by Godric Goaty-Blather (Bob)'s usual nonsense post, she looks pretty penisy.

Come on suck-wads. You really can't understand what Dillpickle is saying? :wacko: What utter megablocks.

I would love to see them lynch Purplonia Pink (PirateDave84). That would certainly strike a more even balance. If they go for Godric, I hope Looney Lumpylove (Walter Kovacs) will kill Purplonia. A host shouldn't care who wins, but I want to see an interesting game. I want to see proof in the balance I set. :look: Then again, I know well enough, balance can be perfect and luck could just be on one side or the other...or smooth criminal skill. :laugh:

Oh wow! Interesting play by Helena Hippopaw (def). To save her partner, Purplonia Pink (PirateDave84), she plays the gambit, "I'll bet my life that Godric is Scum" and he isn't. :laugh: But we'll see who gets through to the next phase and who doesn't. What's unfortunate for the Town here is that Looney Lumpylove (Walter Kovacs) is the vigilante and voted for Purplonia. He was likely to kill her if it wasn't for def's gambit. However, the Scum want to get rid of Helena because they see her as a Town leader. With def's gambit to save Dave, the protector or bodyguard are likely to target def tonight. What could've been good for the Town, now might turn out to make their job harder.

It'd be interesting to see Dave and def target a Scum and the Scum rolecop def. :snicker: What to do, what to do at that point! :laugh: Well, it looks like Godric Goaty-Blather (Bob) will be lynched. No votes have changed yet, but they're likely to follow the (empty) lead of Helena that she knows for a fact Purplonia is Town. That might've been short-sighted on def's part, but he also may be gambling that Godric is Scum...

Interestingly, def says it's going to get him blocked. That's a powerful statement to make. Certainly indicates that he has something to do that can be blocked. However, the Scum know that Godric isn't Scum, so they may let def live to face the lynch tomorrow. And they probably will block him... unless they're afraid he'll be watched...which he should be. Oh, what an interesting day this has turned to be in about just the last five minutes. Nobody else has even read the post from def yet. But, he may still have his work cut out for him to "prove" how he knows for a fact that Purplonia is Town...

This is so interesting. Dillpickle Catterweed (fhomess) just unvoted Purplonia and voted Godrick, but asked why Helena (def) doesn't want to vote Gertrude Tincanchew (Kadabra). Why doesn't Dillpickle (fhomess) vote for Gertrude (Kadabra)? Maybe he's just asking why Helena (def) doesn't follow her own logic. It's a good question, for sure. It's best for def to claim the he and Purplonia are lovers. I wonder if Catalina Kittywhisker (Darth Potato) told anyone about her role? That would be so awesome if she did!!

Godric Goaty-Blather (Bob) has it right this time. I just hope he can make the argument to make a difference. Maybe he can say "I make the same offer! Lynch Helena and if she's Town, you can lynch me tomorrow. That would seem pretty weak considering how strong of a leader Helena seems right now. Obviously, the Scum is scared off of targeting Helena (def). They want to target Barkonius Twitch (Zepher) instead, the Town protector and one of my absolute favorites this game. He was caught targeting Ariattny by the watcher last night. I wonder if they've been communicating...I hope so.

I love love love love love what is happening in this game. The Scum are terrified of targeting Dave or def because they're so convinced that they're part of a Town block and completely confirmed. Clanure (who is steadily stepping it up!) is the only one to ask how def could know Dave is Town if they blocked and killed the Investigator. Scouty blows it off and says it must be the Watcher. It isn't Scouty. Explore all avenues! There's a serial killer out there so someone will be lying besides the Scum. But they don't expect a serial killing team! Mwahahahahahahaha. That's the other side of the coin. Def expects that he and Dave are lovers and he'll die if Dave dies, thus the gambit. Well, he's wrong. I hadn't planned on making them lovers, but it does make sense. However, it only makes sense because it will save the Town a wasted day since they already know that Dave and def are connected. If they didn't know this, keeping two killers that can operate without each other if the other dies, gives the SK a chance to really win it. However, this may be a point of contention afterward. I don't have The Foog to advise me this time, so I'll just stick with my original plan. If one of the SK team dies, the other lives and kills solo...

So, note to future Town: if a player comes out and saves another player with a soft PR claim, and the saved player comes in and says "What a relief. Sorry I flailed!" then something is wrong. And no, you shouldn't assume that one is confirmed to the other and not the other way around. Purplonia's non-defense should've included some allusion to the fact that she had been investigated. At least there shouldn't have been a "Sorry I flailed" post. That is the Scummiest post I've ever seen and she's not even Scum. :laugh:

Night Three Notes

This is the problem with being able to see what people are planning. I really want their original plan to happen. However, it may change. Right now, both protectors are targeting Helena Hippopaw (def), the same way they both targeted Ariattny Sugarbottom (Scubacarrot) last night. So, Purplonia Pink (PirateDave84) is not protected. If Belinda Bugglesby (Nightshroud), the watcher, had contacted them both after seeing them target Ariattny (Scuba), they would be coordinating right now and Purplonia (PirateDave) and Helena (def) would both be protected. Fortunately, for the Scum, def is the only one protected and they will be killing Purplonia. That will cause such an amazing ruckus tomorrow! :wub: But, I'm waiting for them to change their mind and/or Drubulum Panck (Palathadric), the bodyguard, to change his target. This could be such a cool night!! :wub:


Notes on Day Four:

Day Four Notes

This is off-the-hook fun watching all the confusion and speculation this is causing. Why are so many people giving Helena her explanation. She said she "knew for a fact that Purplonia was Town", Twatty so don't just jump to the conclusion that she got an investigation result that said "Not Scum". Let people explain themselves. If you jump to conclusions, you're playing right into their hands. Come on. Anyway, people are so dead set in the traditional ways. Why can't there be a serial killing team? Unlock your minds, people. I showed them come from different directions on Night One. They only found the water jug on Purplonia's dead body. I hope they figure out def by the end of the day, but I also hope def makes it through. That would be awesome. I wonder how he feels right now. I know he suspected they were lovers, but they're not. As soon as they see a death caused by toaster, they'll know it's def. So much fun to watch this. Come on, Belinda Bugglesby (fhomess), kills don't take priority over other kills.

People don't remember what you do, they remember how you made them feel.

Props to Rick for coming up with the idea that there is a partner Serial Killer team. But super Kudos to Peanuts for really piecing it all together. I'm glad the Town has two protectors. They're going to need it when the Serial Killer is gone and they're up against six Scum.

This is one of the downfalls to being able to see the Scum writeboard. They make comments you can't speak to. :sceptic: Rick says if I wanted to give def a fighting chance, I never should've mentioned the Water Bearer to Scuba. Well, Rick, if that is your real name, the reason I mentioned it because that was the plan from the beginning, long before def pulled that unforeseeable gambit to save Purplonia. If we went through the game and there were two serial killers and one less Town than people expected, how fair would that be to the Town? If the SK target had been re-directed, only Dave's target would've changed, splitting the two and exposing the Water Bearer and Toaster Salesman. Having a concept that the Town is wholly unaware of stinks. Remember the Cult that nobody knew anything about in Heartlake? Yeah, Town deserves a chance to figure out that there's a Serial Killing duo. Hell, it's right in front of their faces right now and they can't see it.

In the mean time, def threatens to work with the Scum. They can't win together, so go ahead. That's why I gave the Town two protectors...who keep protecting the same person every night. :laugh:

I'm behind on taking notes because so much has been going on. This Town is ducked. And it's probably due to their focus on ego rather than strategy. That, and they're letting themselves be led by a Serial Killer who can't find Scum either. Not one person Helena is accusing is Scum so it probably is best for Helena to survive today and for them to lynch Barkonius Twitch (Zepher). I'm a little disappointed that there isn't more fight from Zepher or that people wouldn't remember I had a bodyguard and protector in The Forest II...and the Forest I...and Baritones 3. There are two threats to the Town after all. Barkonius's big error is drawing the line between himself and Panck. It's Panck, Zepher, not Panek. Everyone else can read it right. What's your deal? :tongue: Drawing that line and ignoring the claimed one-shot protector (with no corroborating inventor claim) really dooms the Town to kill both of their protectors. This was the last remaining defense against the Scum. Now it will be 7:6:1 if the Scum kill a Townie and Helena kills a Townie. If the vig goes after a Townie, it will be 6:6:1 and that will definitely be interesting. But, why is Barkonius rolling over and dying? That's not the behavior I would expect from Barkonius Twitch (Zepher). I'm surprised and disappointed. Anyway, it's official, once Twatty Tittlesteen (TrumpetKing) voted for Bartholomew Bearbutt (Rick & Pandora) every Scum has received at least one vote. Every time one of them has received a vote, it's been with the caveat "I don't think they're Scum". :wacko: What the megabluck are you voting for them for, then? To get them to talk? You don't think Scum can talk their way out of being Scum because they are quiet? Has anyone noticed they slink back into the shadows of the Helena controversy? Blah, I turn my back for a second and Looney Lumpylove (Walter Kovacs) has come up with the correct theory that they can both be Town. That's great! He receives a :facepalm: from Helena for thinking clearly. This knocks Barkonius further from a lynch, which is good. The Town without Helena will be better off either way. If only because she's wrong about all of her accusations. But also because they won't waste another day focusing on her. If they wake up on Day Five with more dead Townies and Helena saying "A vote for me is a vote with the Scum!", they'll all scream at each other all day and lynch her and lose when the sun sets... :sceptic: I think the Town has lost this...hard.

So, Rick has finally posted on the writeboard what he and Pandora have been figuring out for their best course of Action. I can finally stop hitting "Refresh" on the writeboard. They think that def is a Mentor, which is hilarious because the lover recruiter (Catalina Kittywhisker(Darth Potato)) is now dead. The lover recruited was basically a mentor/mentee, but I thought that was over-powered for the SK team. I have to re-read why Rick thinks that means they should keep def alive, but whatevs. Town is ducked. They're lynching their protector. The Town is split into two sides right now and they both suspect the other side of being Scum while the Scum sits back and rides down the middle. def seems convinced that anyone voting for him is Scum, while the Scum sit back and happily take advantage of what's happening and are in true control of today's lynch. If the Scum go through with tonight's plan, the Town will be losing its vig. I'm not sure who def will target but I suspect either Gertrude or Nicholas. The vig may target the other. So, that would be super bad news for the Town come tomorrow. The Town will want to lynch Helena at that point, leaving the door open for a Scum win. However, it's possible def will not kill tonight to make people think he really can't kill anymore. Maybe the vig will decide to stay home as well. If the only kill is the Scum kill, then the Town has a chance. However, right now, there are too many hot-heads calling for the vig to kill...and they're all naming Townies.

The Town was kind enough to hand their own protector over to the Scum. I don't know what Barkonius Twitch (Zepher) could've said behind the scenes, but neither does anyone else. Taking one person's word for it that what they said "was Scummier" is not a good idea to follow a lynch. Especially one that is led by a serial killer who has already been caught lying several times. :laugh:

Words to live by: Just because someone says "Scum or dumb" doesn't make it so.


Day Five notes

Town is pissing me off now. There aren't two conflicting claims. There aren't two non-modified protectors. Read! All the correct info is there. Drubulum Panck was playing an awesome game until he gave up fighting. When the Town needs him most, he rolls over! Boo! It's easy to see how many people are misinterpreting the claims. Clarify Drubulum!! Get out there! Do something. Dillpickle has been brilliant but is so far off the mark. Orion played pretty well but his vote is clearly from the perspective of someone not paying attention. But only one person can truly be fighting for the truth right now and that's Drubulum and he's failing. Maybe that ludicrous Scummy post from Langston will slap them all awake. Nobody even checks my previous games to see I've used a bodyguard and protector in The Forest I, The Forest II and Baritones 3. Fuckin' come on!

If Belinda is the one who caused all the confusion and seems to be the one coordinating everything behind the scenes, why would she just come in and vote and say nothing else? And how many people are confusing bodyguard with jailkeep?

Drubulum rolling over and dying is really aggravating. Yes, he went back and made a case about Ariattny's behavior on Days One and Two, but... I don't know. He can be clarifying so many things that people aren't understanding. Why why why isn't he explaining that the protector and bodyguard claims are different? Why isn't Belinda explaining that? Now that Barkonius is dead, they should know that his claim of protector is real, leaving it completely reasonable for there to be a bodyguard.

Lazy Town dies. Period. Next time, they shouldn't focus on attitude and insults and should actually look at and listen to everything that is being said about the roles, the game and the mechanics. Town loses hard.

Further notes on behavior: I am disappointed by all the negative energy that occurred in this game, especially from those who have been around for a while. Nothing excuses that, no matter who started it and you always have a choice in how you respond. I can speak to specifics about why I didn't pause the game or officially reprimand anyone if need be. However, the most important thing I learned this time is that when people display this type of negative behavior, no discussion or rules can really stop it. People who behave this way consistently will simply not be chosen for my games any more. Everyone involved in that is equally responsible for what occurred. You should know when you cross the line from character to real life.

Additionally, do not ever PM the host to complain about your role or the game structure while the game is in progress. I think I'm pretty open to constructive criticism and am constantly trying to take feedback into consideration each time I host a game. It is bad form to criticize a host while a game is in progress.

Role PMs:


Name: Langston Lionheart (Scouty)

Alignment: Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Healer. You have the strange personality quirk that you like to makeup up nicknames for people based on their actions or outstanding physical characteristics.

Action: Your wand is made of Willow with a Mallard Feather core and your special magic curse is Bifficus Stifficus. Each night you may target one player and remove that person from the game by petrifying them. They will be turned to stone and no longer able to participate in helping Harriet Slutter get to school! (Night killer)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Albutt Bumblebore “It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our testicles.”


Name: Lulu Pittoolo (Peanuts)

Alignment: Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Magizoologist. You have the strange personality quirk of randomly making animal sounds, but never the sound a lamb makes.

Action: Your wand is made of Dogwood with a Frog Heartstring core and your special magic charm is the Speculatorus Charm. Each night you may target one player and discover what their Action is, if any. (Role Investigator)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Barfer Whingesly “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its testicles.”


Name: Firuz Foxtail (Kristel)

Alignment: Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as an Alchemist. You have the strange personality quirk of reminiscing about times past…but its obvious you're just telling the tale of Return of the Jedi from an ewok’s perspective.

Action: Your wand is made of Birch with a Pegasus Feather core and your special magic curse is the Obturatus Curse. Each night you may target one player and block them from performing their Action, if they have one. (Blocker)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Albutt Bumblebore “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the vibrating dildo.”


Name: Bartholomew Bearbutt (Rick & Pandora)

Alignment: Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Quidditch Referee. You have the strange personality quirk that you tend to break out into song, specifically tunes of the 1980’s.

Action: Your wand is made of Ebony with a Troll Butt Hair core and your special magic curse is the Commutation Curse. Each night you may target one player and redirect all Night Actions targeting that player to another player. For example if you target Player A to Player B then all Night Actions directed at Player A will then be directed at Player B instead. (Bus Driver)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Snogius Blech, "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his wiener.”


Name: Timly Dimplebop (Clanure)

Alignment: Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Plumber. You have the strange personality quirk that you treat your trunk as a separate person. You have conversations with him and have even given him a name.

Action: Your wand is made of Cactus with a Leprechaun Hair core and your special magic charm is the Occulata Charm. Your role is passive. The charm hides your true affiliation from any investigator. The charm makes you appear as Order of the Penis in investigations. It cannot be blocked. (Godfather)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Phlegm Whingesly “Anybody can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and fart.”


Name: Rutherford Habblable-Bibble (CallMePie)

Alignment: Odor Eaters

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Door-to-door Wand Salesman. You have the strange personality quirk of using the incorrect word with a similar sound. For example, you may tell people to be careful of allegories, because of their sharp teeth. Look up the word malapropism on Wikipedia (or google) for other examples.

Action: Your wand is made of Yucca with a Unicorn Tail Hair core and your special magic curse is Stifficus Bifficus. Each night you may target one player and remove that person from the game by petrifying them. They will be turned to stone and no longer able to participate in helping Harriet Slutter get to school! In addition, you have mastered the Abscondo spell, which allows you to dissaparate one night which will protect you from all Night Actions for that one night. You may only use this spell once. You can use it on one of your teammates, but it will not affect them until the Night after you cast the spell. You may not use Abscondo on the same night you use Stifficus Bifficus. (Night killer with one shot commute)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you outnumber the Order of the Penis and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Barfer Whingesly “Time like these, applesauce times, they do funny things to testicles. They can tear them apart.”


Name: Purplonia Pink (PirateDave84)

Alignment: 3rd Party

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as an Artist. You have the strange personality quirk of having conversations with inanimate objects.

Action: Your wand is made of Rubber with a String core and your special magic … well, you’ve never excelled at magic, despite being from a long line of wizards. This pisses you off so much, you want to murder every witch and wizard you meet! And this is the perfect time to do so. Each night you may target one player and draw them a bath as you are the Water Bearer. Your twin sister, Helena Hippopaw, must also target that same person for the kill to be successful. When you draw them a bath, she throws her toaster in as she is the Toaster Salesman. If you target someone that she does not target, you will simply draw a bath for them and they will be cursed to play their personality quirk in every post for that day. (Serial Killer)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You and Helena win when you all the other players are dead!

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Slippery Stiffy “The buttocks are not a book to be opened at will and examined at leisure.”


Name: Helena Hippopaw (def)

Alignment: 3rd Party

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Banker. You have the strange personality quirk of calling animals by the wrong name, so you might call a dog a sheep, or a bunny a squirrel, what-have-you. You’ve always found this quirk rather embarrassing since, as an elephant, you’re supposed to have a good memory.

Action: Your wand is made of Redwood with a Pegasus Heartstring core and your special magic … well, you’ve never excelled at magic, despite being from a long line of wizards. This pisses you off so much, you want to murder every witch and wizard you meet! And this is the perfect time to do so. Each night you may target one player and sell them a toaster as you are the Toaster Salesman. Your twin sister, Purplonia Pink, must also target that same person for the kill to be successful. When she draws them a bath, as she is the Water Bearer, you throw your toaster in. If you target someone that she does not target, you will simply sell them a toaster and they will be cursed to play their personality quirk in every post for that day. (Serial Killer)

As you come from a long line of wizards, you are immune to the commutation curse...

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You and Purplonia win when you all the other players are dead!

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Reamus Shtoopin “You can exist without your testicles, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working.”


Name: Looney Lumpylove (Walter Kovacs)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as an Applesauce Maker. You have the strange personality quirk of regaling everyone with amazing stories about flying saucers and close encounters.

Action: Your wand is made of Birch with a Goblin Pubic Hair core and your special magic curse is Torpeo Obrigescunt. Each night you may target one player and petrify them, removing them from the game. (Vigilante)

During Role Madness you are Macho-meaning you would refuse any protection offered to you (cannot be protected).

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of One-Eye Broody “Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you gas.”


Name: Regelius Snoot (Cecilie)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as an Ambassador. You have the strange personality quirk of making up new words to suit what you’re talking about. Sometimes they make sense and are rather clever combinations of existing words. Other times they are just utter nonsense…but somehow they make sense to you!

Action: Your wand is made of Snakewood with a Viper Skin core and your special magic curse is the Obturatus Curse. Each night you may target one player and they will not be able to perform their action that night. (Blocker)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Screwbius Backrid “What’s coming will come and we’ll bring it applesauce when it does.”


Name: Barkonius Twitch (Zepher)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Gardener. You have the strange personality quirk of thinking everything people say to you is a come-on and that they’re really trying to get you into bed.

Action: Your wand is made of Cherry Wood with a Gryphon Feather core and your special magic charm is the Protegius Charm. Each night you may target one player and protect them from any killing Action. (Protector)

During Role Madness you will behave as a bodyguard. If your target is targeted for a night kill, it will kill you instead.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Jiggly Whingesly “You start to think that anything is possible if you’ve got enough applesauce.”


Name: Boris Biddlesdorf (CorneliusMurdock)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Goblin Trainer. You have the strange personality quirk of making up little rhyming couplets to summarize the things you’ve said.

Action: Your wand is made of Birch with a Siren Hair core and your special magic spell is the Invenires Spell. Each night you may target one player and, barring any interference, will be told their true allegiance as either “Odor Eaters” or “Not Odor Eaters”. (Investigator)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Harriet Slutter “I don’t normally go looking for testicles. Testicles usually find me!”


Name: Drubulum Panck (Palathadric)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Dragon Keeper. You have the strange personality quirk of believing you are actually a dragon yourself!

Action: Your wand is made of Yucca with an Ogre Nose Hair core and your special magic potion is the Absconderamus Potion. Each night you may target one player and when you take your potion you will transform into an exact decoy of that player, which is great except that if a Night Kill is directed at your target, they’ll kill you instead. (Bodyguard)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Slippery Stiffy “Discipline your testicles!!”


Name: Belinda Bugglesby (Nightshroud99)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world at the Potato Post Office. You have the strange personality quirk of stopping in the middle of sentences to shush everyone then quietly asking if they hear someone…or something coming. Then you continue with what you had been saying.

Action: Your wand is made of Maple with a Mermaid Hair core and your special magic charm is the Vigilous Charm. Each night you may target one player and you will see which other players targeted your target. (Watcher)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Slippery Stiffy “If used properly, the power of applesauce will shield you from testicles and buttocks.”


Name: Nicholas Dickory (Capt. Redblade)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Clock Maker. You have the strange personality quirk of stating everything you say as a question.

Action: Your wand is made of Birch with a Mermaid Hearstring core and your special magic spell is the Dispicio Spell. You are able to target a dead player and determine what Action they had, if any. This spell can only be used once. (one-shot Coroner)

Your role cannot be used during Role Madness.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Screwbius Backrid “When a wizard goes over to the applesauce side there's nothin', and no one matters to 'em anymore.”


Name: Catalina Kittywhisker (DarthPotato)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Caretaker. You have the strange personality quirk insulting people under your breath while being very nice to them at full volume.

Action: Your wand is made of Holly Tree with a Centaur Tail Hair core and your special magic charm is the Amicus Charm. You use this charm to target one player that will then be connected with you. Your affiliations will not be verified to one another but if you die, they will die also. (Lovers, but more of a “pick-your-lover” variation)

Your role is a one-shot lover recruitment that you are not required to use.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Perva My-Dong-a-Dingle “There is great power in simply believing there is more applesauce in the world.”


Name: Wong Wang (King of the Zempk)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a mathematician. You have the strange personality quirk of making up fantastic stories to demonstrate points you are making.

Action: Your wand is made of Ash Tree with a Dragon Wing Vein core and your special magic curse is the Provocarus Curse. If you are being voted for, you can target one other player. At that point all votes will be cast out and the only two players anyone can vote for are you and your target. This curse can only be used once. (One-shot Gladiator)

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Pandrione Danger “Fear of a name only increases fear of the testicle itself.”


Name: Ariattny Sugarbottom (Scubacarrot)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Shopkeep. You have the strange personality quirk of breaking down your thoughts into short lists, but never getting the number of list items correct. For example, you may say “I have two things to say about this: Player A is Scum.”

Action: Your wand is made of Pine with a Dragon Heart String core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Snogius Blech “What’s life without a little applesauce.”


Name: Dillpickle Catterweed (fhomess)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Herbologist. You have the strange personality quirk of randomly acting like you are a character from a Shakespeare play.

Action: Your wand is made of Oak with a Unicorn Tail Hair core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Fiona Phuckgood “The testicles we lose have a way of making their way back to us in the end.”


Name: Durmudgelous Krup (Esurient)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Wand Maker. You have the strange personality quirk of constantly thinking that dragons are attacking.

Action: Your wand is made of Oak with a Pegasus Feather core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Snogius Blech “The ones the love us never really leave us. You can always find them in applesauce.”


Name: Flabflom Flimflam (Fugazi)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as Magical Maintenance. You have the strange personality quirk of trying to sneak advertisements for Myrtle’s Magical Maintenance Supplies into your conversations.

Action: Your wand is made of Birch with a Troll Butt Hair core. It’s disguised inside your duster. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Albutt Bumblebore “Curiosity is not a sin, but we should exercise caution with our testicles.”


Name: Gertrude Tincanchew (Kadabra)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Caretaker. You have the strange personality quirk of chewing on things that aren’t food and that belong to the people you are talking to.

Action: Your wand is made of Willow with a Dragon Whisker core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Mr. Ballhander “The testicles choose the wizard.”


Name: Godric Goaty-Blather (Bob)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as Shopkeep. You have the strange personality quirk of gossiping about what you overheard people saying about other townsfolk in your store.

Action: Your wand is made of Black Bamboo with a Dragon Vein core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Slithery Stiffy “I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in Applesauce.”


Name: Orion Kettleboil (Tamamono)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as an Astronomer. You have the strange personality quirk of grooming people and eating bugs our of their fur, hair and feathers.

Action: Your wand is made of River Birch with a Dragon Heartstring core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Fiona Phuckgood “A dick beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure!”


Name: Snarky Snickerpuss (Sandy)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Floo Network Repairman. You have the strange personality quirk of randomly telling knock-knock jokes.

Action: Your wand is made of Willow with a Troll Vein core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Reamus Shtoopin “Your actions suggest that what you fear most of all is testicles. Very wise…”


Name: Twatty Tittlesteen (Trumpetking)

Alignment: Order of the Penis

Role: You make your living in the wizarding world as a Barmaid. You have the strange personality quirk of being a hypochondriac, except the diseases you are afraid that you have are completely made up.

Action: Your wand is made of Oak with a Phoenix Heartstring core. You aren’t particularly good at magic yet, but you do have the power of your vote.

If you have any questions about your role PM, please contact the host via PM. Please use the attached image as your avatar for the duration of the game and also leave your character name in your signature for easy reference. Please confirm your participation in this thread.

Win Condition: You win when you kill off all of the Odor Eaters and any other 3rd Party.

Best of luck and don’t forget the wise words of Screwbius Backrid “You’re a slut, Harriet.”

More analysis and player feedback...and tongue lashings to come. I'll start by saying, "What the hell?" Not only were the two protector claims not identical, I've used a protector and bodyguard (along with a firefighter/antidote) in my last three full-scale games. What an aggravating thing to watch. :blush: I'm sure you're just as frustrated, Townies. Great job, Scum! What an excellent team. Nice work! Really great teamwork. Way to discuss everything that happened and check every angle, check every possibility, discuss all outcomes and give each other really good advice. Clean sweep.

How did you guys like playing anonymously? Did it make it more difficult for the Town? Was it harder? Easier? Fun? Difficult to remember what account you were logged in with, Scubacarrot? :laugh:

It's late here and I'm tired, so discuss and I'll join you after a full night's rest.

The bonerfied writeboard

Password: rutroidied

I thought so.... Well played scum! It was actually close, even if no scum died, we were at least accusing the right people, for the most part. Funny story, I was talking with someone, I don't recall, I think Nicholas, about Ariattny's aggressiveness, and we actually said "Is Scubacarrot playing this game?". And I had a feeling Helena was def. There was something about her...

Nice job scum, I have not been around for a clean sweep before. That's something to see.

Also, I must apologize to poor def over what happened. That was really uncalled for on all of our parts.... Sorry...

Also, I am aware that I acted pretty stupid towards the end..... Might as well just change my name to Capt. Stupid until the next game.... I swear, I get so caught up by the end that I'm spewing out random theories.....

  • Author

Palathadric, my notes are incomplete. I was impressed with you stepping your game up, this time. I did see you came back and fought. I was your fight would've included more clarification on the two role claims...that did not conflict, but you still did a very nice job. Definitely an improvement, in my eyes. How did it feel?

Also, I must apologize to poor def over what happened. That was really uncalled for on all of our parts.... Sorry...

Thank you for that. There was some tension that I believe was caused by both sides, but the Town slipped from "this serial killer is blackmailing us" to "this person is a bad player" which was not only unnecessary, but subjective. I thought he was in his right to do with his info what he wanted. The Town foolishly ran to him and claimed. Where is it written that a player mustn't reveal info if it was given under the assumption that said player was of another affiliation? That's really the point of the game, to figure out who is lying and who to trust. If you trust the wrong person, they can do anything with what you've told them. That's why you're supposed to be careful. But, I digress about that. I'm glad to see you recognize where it went overboard. I appreciate that.

You're welcome, Hinck. I hope def's feelings weren't hurt too badly. It was a fun game nonetheless, if you exclude that day. At least until I forgot to come up with random inflammatory diseases. I kind of gave up there, which is a shame, because I had a lot of fun doing so. I just wanted to focus more, but I'm overall pleased with my game, moreso than all of my other games, I think this is the best game I've played, other than my craziness at the end.

  • Author

Did you see my notes about you? I was impressed with how you played. I agree it's the best you've played. No lie detector cookies here. :tongue:

Also, I must apologize to poor def over what happened. That was really uncalled for on all of our parts.... Sorry...

No worries. As I wrote in the Deadboard, for the first 48 hours I thought it was pretty hilarious, then that last 24 it got pretty tiresome.

I didn't appreciate being called a poor sport for my strategy, because it was a thought-out, legitimate strategy. I would never ruin people's game out of sour grapes.

Anyway, thanks for the game, it was probably the most well-designed of all the four Hinck games I played, though I had my issue with my role changing halfway through. Pretty amazing nobody targeted me till day three. My Fanglish must have worked pretty well :sweet: I also worked hard to use a lot of emoticons that I hate, just to not be like me, and probably only used " :sadnew: " once... Until day four :laugh:

I didn't see anything about me other than some comments on my stupidness, but I haven't really read through all of the notes completely yet. Were they comments in the deadboard, or in here? I find a way to add some sort of stupidness in my games, if you haven't noticed :wink:

Police Infiltration- Day 1. All of it. And Day 2 as well.

Heartlake Heartbreak- I think we all know that one. Possibly my worst play ever.

Eb 1- My kills, which led to killing every night to be known as "The Trumpetking thing to do".

The Pearl- My scumminess, as well as tunneling on Tammo Day 1.

EB II- Do we need to mention this either?

This one- Most of the end.

I should trademark my stupidity, or find a way to be stupid in all of my games.....

  • Author

Anyway, thanks for the game, it was probably the most well-designed of all the four Hinck games I played, though I had my issue with my role changing halfway through. Pretty amazing nobody targeted me till day three. My Fanglish must have worked pretty well :sweet: I also worked hard to use a lot of emoticons that I hate, just to not be like me, and probably only used " :sadnew: " once... Until day four :laugh:

Thank you! That means a lot coming from you. I understand the concern about the role PM changing. Sorry that caused you frustration. I explained my thoughts on the balance, but I also viewed it, simply, more as a kill passing down to another player on a Scum team, when one killer dies. I know your concern was more about knowing from the beginning, which I did purposely leave out. If I had it to do over again, I'm not sure how I would handle it, but I'd definitely take your feedback into consideration.

Anyway, you made this game rather exciting and made some bold, fun moves. I think this is the best I've been able to see you really play the game. I've only seen your Scum game once and you play pretty hard as Town. It was nice to see you with an anti-Town role. You certainly put a lot of work and though in, and as a host, I loved watching your strategy. Loved it.

I didn't see anything about me other than some comments on my stupidness, but I haven't really read through all of the notes completely yet. Were they comments in the deadboard, or in here?

They're in here. The Scum was worried about you going after one of them and I commented they probably wouldn't if they knew it was "just you." But, the post they were referring to, that day, you named 3 or 4 of the Scum and the Serial Killer. If you'd been that analytical before, I'm sure they would pay attention, knowing it was you. But now I'm just re-wording what I already wrote. Go read the notes, lazy. It's in Day One or Two...

I didn't appreciate being called a poor sport for my strategy, because it was a thought-out, legitimate strategy. I would never ruin people's game out of sour grapes.

For the record, other than Scubacarrot, who was very obviously Scubacarrot, I didn't really pay much attention to who was saying what, and I don't think I'll be reading through it again to figure out, so while I wrote that in response to you, I'm not necessarily saying you were someone who said that.

  • Author

Pretty amazing nobody targeted me till day three. My Fanglish must have worked pretty well :sweet:

Exactly. Nobody targeted you because you were just misspelling Helena. :laugh: At least you didn't fake an edit penalty. :wacko:

:tongue: Flabflom...

You certainly put a lot of work and though in, and as a host, I loved watching your strategy. Loved it.

Thanks. Talking to Dave on our Writeboard, we were planning to do something that we had never seen in Mafia: holding the town hostage. It was delightful to do.

And since I was SK, the first thing I said to Dave was what I said to Zepher in EB Mafia 1: The goal is not to win, it is to kill and cause chaos. If a SK wins, Yahtzee! But there should be no expectation of it without drastically changing the balance of the game by overpowering the role.

Yeah, I found it. Thanks, it really means a lot.

At least you didn't fake an edit penalty. :wacko:

I was thinking about it on day one... :blush:

Thank you very much for having me, I had a lot of fun, for the most part, and this is an interesting concept. Congratulations to the scum, you were awesome. Clean sweep, wow. :thumbup:

  • Author

I was thinking about it on day one... :blush:

You and Foog, great minds think alike.

Or is it grape vines? :look:

No, it's great minds...that makes more sense. :grin:

And sorry for being so bad at posting with the right account.

  • Author

Thank you very much for having me, I had a lot of fun, for the most part, and this is an interesting concept. Congratulations to the scum, you were awesome. Clean sweep, wow. :thumbup:

Do you know which account you're using? :tongue: I should change the password now so you never post in Heroica with it again.

I thought Flabflom was Brickington until I found out he didn't pass Aperture..... No offense Brickington!

Do you know which account you're using? :tongue: I should change the password now so you never post in Heroica with it again.


Better. In all seriousness, I was really bad this game, I frequently confused the town, I bet the scum-team loved me. :blush: I will be taking a break from mafia for a while, I think. Again, good job scum. :laugh:

Also, a big apology to Esurient, whom I made fun of for posting with the wrong account, which I did myself like 10 times...

And I don't think this is going to do any more good than bad, but I apologize for any unpleasantness. I never go after people, I stay in the game. That's all I have to say about it.

  • Author

Oh, and Cecilie, you did block Scum on Night One. I had been waiting to tell you, but you can feel good about that. What clued you in on Pie? It's funny, there was a bit of a debate on who to use for the killer on Night One and it was between Pie and Scouty. You had already submitted your block, so I was just kind of watching the conversation on the Scum writeboard, biting my nails.

Great work team! Thanks for all the advice and your patience. You guys were amazing!

Hinckley, thanks for letting me play. I had an absolute blast! Loved the theme and the comics.

Great work team! Thanks for all the advice and your patience. You guys were amazing!

Hinckley, thanks for letting me play. I had an absolute blast! Loved the theme and the comics.

You scumster. :hmpf_bad:


Scum aside, it was great to actually play with you Kristel, though I do think you do better as town. I hope you don't take any offense. I didn't find you as very convincing when you tried to persuade us that you were town, but you always have time to work on that. I would also be more active next time you're scum. I'm not sure if you were just busy, or trying to be the scumster you were, but you were pretty transparent, IMHO. :sceptic: However, you probably shouldn't even listen to me as I've never been scum before. :laugh:

EDIT: Fixed a typo. Holy crap, I can actually Edit again. But no more swearing. :cry_sad:

Edited by TrumpetKing

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