August 19, 201212 yr Either Zombies or Samurai X...a bit more Zombies if it were me though.. Thanks. I ended up getting the Samurai Mech because I like that it's one big build instead of the smaller pieces of the zombie set. I have to say it was a really interesting build - SNOT in every direction, a little Technic, some great parts, and a beautiful mecha. Plus, Nya!
August 20, 201212 yr Does anyone know if the Monster Pack is available in Legoland Windsor? What's better? 9465, 9461 and 9462 or 9461, 9462 and 9643 (Zombies swamp creature and mummy or werewolf swamp creature and mummy) Zombies. Definitely Zombies. The Zombie wedding figs are classic, the graves/crypt is nicely detailed and the vehicle is more interesting. The only thing distinctive about the werewolf set is the werewolf himself. The main build is basically yet another tree. Not that far removed from the Ewok set or the Kings Carriage Ambush set. It's a nice tree and has some real unusual colors, but it's still just another tree. The car while cute, is the weakest of the main MF vehicles and you also get the Major minifig in the better (but more expensive) Crazy Scientist set.
August 20, 201212 yr I've just repoked my head out of my dark ages, and seeing alot of neat stuff :> One thing I really want, is 4-5 werewolf monster fighters, I love the werewolf, plus the tree stuff be good for some nature stuff I want to make. Dino set, for some of the dinosaurs and other parts. Monster hunter castle, and mansion, and helms deep for parts and just think they look awesome. Some of the ships from Ninjaq or pirates of the caribean. Star wars, "Xwing, Tie fighter, Jaba the hutt palace. And maybe some otehrs. I plan on most likly getting them all over time, my main concern is, since I don't know when they came out exactly and when they be out of print, which ones should I get first to make sure I'm not paying post or too much post print costs?
August 20, 201212 yr I'm wondering what set would go well with the new Lederhosen Guy from Series 8. Any ideas?
August 20, 201212 yr I've just repoked my head out of my dark ages, and seeing alot of neat stuff :> One thing I really want, is 4-5 werewolf monster fighters, I love the werewolf, plus the tree stuff be good for some nature stuff I want to make. Dino set, for some of the dinosaurs and other parts. Monster hunter castle, and mansion, and helms deep for parts and just think they look awesome. Some of the ships from Ninjaq or pirates of the caribean. Star wars, "Xwing, Tie fighter, Jaba the hutt palace. And maybe some otehrs. I plan on most likly getting them all over time, my main concern is, since I don't know when they came out exactly and when they be out of print, which ones should I get first to make sure I'm not paying post or too much post print costs? You'll want to hurry up with the PotC sets, since they're one of the next themes to be discontinued. Monster Fighters and LotR just came out, so there's plenty of time for those. A little less so with Dino, since it was released a half year before the others; on the other hand, it's a one-wave line, and a small one at that, so it's just what I'd prognosticate for a half-off clearance sale in a year's time. Star Wars seems to me to be (but isn't really, it's just a joke) released in one large, continuous wave, and each set is released at least once every three years. I wouldn't know about those. So, my advice: Get a few Monster Fighters sets because they're awesome (say, the Castle), a few early Ninjago sets if you want that (because they've reached the point where each new wave takes another one down), watch out for sales with all the other stuff, and wait for someone else to come along who knows about Star Wars. =) I'm wondering what set would go well with the new Lederhosen Guy from Series 8. Any ideas? I'm thinking the mill from 7189? =)
August 21, 201212 yr Okay people... looking for some advice from the experts! I think my wife has given me the greenlight to invest in a train. A TRAIN!!! Question is, which one-- the Passenger (which I love how it becomes a part of the City & the figs), the Yellow Cargo (which I love the containers and container trucks), or the Red Cargo (whose locomotive design I prefer over the yellow). Obviously I know if I get the Passenger I'll have to invest money in lots of track, to the point that I'll be spending as much as the Cargo Trains... AND bear in mind this will be my first train. Any thoughts from the Train or layout experts??
August 21, 201212 yr I'm wondering what set would go well with the new Lederhosen Guy from Series 8. Any ideas? Medieval Market Village? Maybe the barn from the Mill Village Attack? On a smaller scale perhaps the horse and cart from Gandalf Arrives? Or combine him with the soon to be re-released series one Witch and the Harry Potter Hagrids Hut, maybe thrown in the series 7 Grandma Visitor to create a fairy tale scene? Edited August 21, 201212 yr by Faefrost
August 21, 201212 yr Medieval Market Village? Maybe the barn from the Mill Village Attack? On a smaller scale perhaps the horse and cart from Gandalf Arrives? Or combine him with the soon to be re-released series one Witch and the Harry Potter Hagrids Hut, maybe thrown in the series 7 Grandma Visitor to create a fairy tale scene? Great ideas. It's that kind of thinking that gets me buying more Lego than I normally would have.
August 21, 201212 yr Great ideas. It's that kind of thinking that gets me buying more Lego than I normally would have. LOL! Going in the opposite direction get the LotR Frodo Polybag. It has a beer keg, a goblet a bottle and a suasage. Everything a Barvarian needs after a salty pretzel.
August 21, 201212 yr OK, I'm in a pickle! Grand Emporium + Pet Shop or Super Star Destroyer I don't really do the Star Wars thing. In fact, I don't have a single Star Wars set. But this model is huge and really quite impressive. Is it worth the asking price, or does the license get in the way? It comes down to me having ~$400 to spend and deciding how I should go about it.
August 21, 201212 yr OK, I'm in a pickle! Grand Emporium + Pet Shop or Super Star Destroyer I don't really do the Star Wars thing. In fact, I don't have a single Star Wars set. But this model is huge and really quite impressive. Is it worth the asking price, or does the license get in the way? It comes down to me having ~$400 to spend and deciding how I should go about it. I am a Star Wars fan, but with that said I prefer the Grand Emporium and Pet Shop. They are just more of a fun set of models with lots of things going on. The SSD is an impressive display model if you have the space. (I think it would make a fantastic piece inside a glass topped coffee table.) But it is still mainly just a huge slab of bley plates. If you have a nearby Lego store it is worth paying them a visit, just because many of them have all three of those models built and on display.
August 21, 201212 yr I am a Star Wars fan, but with that said I prefer the Grand Emporium and Pet Shop. They are just more of a fun set of models with lots of things going on. The SSD is an impressive display model if you have the space. (I think it would make a fantastic piece inside a glass topped coffee table.) But it is still mainly just a huge slab of bley plates. If you have a nearby Lego store it is worth paying them a visit, just because many of them have all three of those models built and on display. SSD will be around for a while, yeah? I guess I could base my decision on that fact, too. :P
August 21, 201212 yr I'm torn between a few Friends sets. I really want the beauty shop, the cafè or the dog show. Beauty shop- A great set, I'm not sure If I can say anything bad about it! Café- I really love this set, I'm just not sure f it is worth $30. Dog show- I haven't actually seen it, I just know it has one figure, and while I want two, I want this for reviewing purposes, as no review has been made. Anyways, post your thoughts,and they will be highly valued.
August 22, 201212 yr This is not a question between two sets, is more like if a price for a set is fair. A close friend was recently offered with a 7946 King Castle for 65 dollars, which does not include any of the minifigs. Is it worthy? Greetings.
August 22, 201212 yr SSD will be around for a while, yeah? I guess I could base my decision on that fact, too. :P With the UCS sets it is sometimes hard to judge. Most have a fairly short shelf life, but the Death Star has been around for ages. I think the Imperial Shuttle will probably be discontinued before the SSD, but it all depends on sales. The Pet Shop will be around to at least next year, it is fairly recent. The Grand Emporium is the one of all three that will probably disappear any month now. It's the oldest modular currently on the shelves.
August 22, 201212 yr I'm torn between a few Friends sets. I really want the beauty shop, the cafè or the dog show. I recommend the cafe. It has a nice selection of parts including the utensils which you can use in a lot of different settings, green plates, curved roof pieces and others, and the detail building is more interesting than the other two. I would say it's definitely worth $30. The beauty shop has nice trans pieces, but overall the build is pretty boring. It has a lot of the colors from the Friends palette, which is good if you want those colors but not so good for general use. It also relies heavily on stickers for its impact. The dog show never interested me at all, so I can't say if it's worth it.
August 22, 201212 yr OK, I'm in a pickle! Grand Emporium + Pet Shop or Super Star Destroyer I don't really do the Star Wars thing. In fact, I don't have a single Star Wars set. But this model is huge and really quite impressive. Is it worth the asking price, or does the license get in the way? It comes down to me having ~$400 to spend and deciding how I should go about it. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I'd still go with the Grand Emporium and Pet Shop. They just look more interesting and would have a higher "play" value. The SSD is just a big ship that looks good on display and feels more like a "bragging rights" set (no offense to anyone who has it). Edited August 22, 201212 yr by Hawkman
August 22, 201212 yr Grand Emporium + Pet Shop or Super Star Destroyer Definitely go for the modulars. As Hawkman said, the large Star Wars ships are really more of a 'bragging rights' type of set. The Pet Shop will be around to at least next year, it is fairly recent. The Grand Emporium is the one of all three that will probably disappear any month now. It's the oldest modular currently on the shelves. The Fire Brigade is still available, at least on the Danish and British S@Hs. I'll give the GE a little more than a year from now. I'm torn between a few Friends sets. I really want the beauty shop, the cafè or the dog show. I'd go for the cafe, and indeed I have; of these three, it's the only set I have. Then, I don't personally have much use for the pieces in the Beauty Shop, while the Dog Show just seems like bad value compared to the other two. This is not a question between two sets, is more like if a price for a set is fair. A close friend was recently offered with a 7946 King Castle for 65 dollars, which does not include any of the minifigs. Is it worthy? Greetings. It's worth it! I bought the same set (although with minifigures) for 500 DKK, which is roughly 30% more than $65, and I considered myself very lucky. Of course, this depends on whether your friend already has it. I wouldn't buy another for that price.
August 23, 201212 yr This is not a question between two sets, is more like if a price for a set is fair. A close friend was recently offered with a 7946 King Castle for 65 dollars, which does not include any of the minifigs. Is it worthy? Greetings. That doesn't sound like a bad price, but check Bricklink and see what it would cost to fill it out with the minifigs? That should give you a better idea. if he is a castle builder and is looking to use it to expand one he already has it sounds like a great deal. I'm torn between a few Friends sets. I really want the beauty shop, the cafè or the dog show. Beauty shop- A great set, I'm not sure If I can say anything bad about it! Café- I really love this set, I'm just not sure f it is worth $30. Dog show- I haven't actually seen it, I just know it has one figure, and while I want two, I want this for reviewing purposes, as no review has been made. Anyways, post your thoughts,and they will be highly valued. I have the Dog Show and the Dog house (The Wife shows dogs). It's not a bad set. Although I think the cafe looks a lot better. The dog show has a lot of interesting parts and colors, but really it's just a sort of dull stage. The most interesting part of it is the Dogs.
August 27, 201212 yr I want to buy a set for my friend as a gift (18 male). He loves Lego but doesnt have a favourite theme. I only want to pay £15 (~$20) or less, from a UK Bricklink store or Amazon. It should be a general or widely accepted theme. Preferably Star Wars because it is a very general theme of Lego and has the highest quality sets. The more pieces the better. Nothing small. I haven't looked into much Star Wars yet because there are so many sets but so far I've considered buying '7590 Woody and Buzz to the Rescue' and '6866 Wolverine's Chopper Showdown'. It doesn't have to be Star Wars so please recommend as many of any set that could fit my criteria. Thanks. Edited August 27, 201212 yr by Simple1DEA
August 28, 201212 yr I only want to pay £15 (~$20) or less, from a UK Bricklink store or Amazon. ... The more pieces the better. Nothing small. This is what we all want, but it's hard to achieve and quite contradictory. Considering he has no special interest, I always recommend Creator sets. They have the best play/build/number of bricks - rate. Here my suggestions: Creator: 7291 - Street Rebel or 7292 - Propeller Adventures (both 20$) depending on if he's more interested in bikes or planes. Star Wars you only get small sets but with cool minifigs. I'm not sure if that is, what you're looking for. Anyway - my recommendation: 9488 - Battle Pack (13$) Talking about Amazon it's always a clever idea to look out for discounted sets. You won't receive more bricks with buying regular sets instead. So grab whatever you like for 20$: The toy story set 7590 is great and you may call it an icon from the first TS movie. 6866 is a good set as well, but comes with >40 bricks less than the Creator set 7292. Here you once again get cool minifigs (licensed set) and some really nice dark red bricks. It all depends on what you or your friend prefers. I checked, here's what I found else: City 3221 - Big truck (discounted 12,99 GBP from 29,99 original price!) - Fantastic set. If your friend is somehow into City, this is a "must buy"! Technic 8067 - mini mobile crane (14,99 GBP instead of 20,99) - a good start with Technic and a nice set with cool play features Well - it's hard to spend money on LEGO wisely...
August 28, 201212 yr Thanks 7292 looks like a really good set but not exactly what I'm looking for. 9488 seems kinda underpriced but great value. But its not big enough. I would go for a higher price than that. What I'm looking (for which I'm sorry to not mention) is something that looks cool display. I stumbled across which has a lot of star wars reviews/list of products I could reference. 7915 is close to what I'm looking for but I'm still looking for better. 8093 has the right size but too expensive. So far my list of products I might consider is at 7590, 6866, 7292 and 7915.
August 28, 201212 yr Thanks 7292 looks like a really good set but not exactly what I'm looking for. 9488 seems kinda underpriced but great value. But its not big enough. I would go for a higher price than that. What I'm looking (for which I'm sorry to not mention) is something that looks cool display. I stumbled across which has a lot of star wars reviews/list of products I could reference. 7915 is close to what I'm looking for but I'm still looking for better. 8093 has the right size but too expensive. So far my list of products I might consider is at 7590, 6866, 7292 and 7915. Have you considered the Star Wars Luke Landspeeder set? Great looking vehicle that displays well and comes with major characters - Luke, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, R2, and a Sandtrooper. It's the perfect "gateway" set into Lego Star Wars, though it's alittle more expensive at $24.99. Otherwise, I would go with the Wolverine Chopped Showdown.
August 28, 201212 yr Hey guys, I'm thinking of getting back into Lego after a considerable absence from the hobby (seeing the potential Portal Lego got me interested again). Now, I've been thinking of which set to get as my first, and I was wondering what your suggestions might be. The modular buildings may be gorgeous, but they're completely out of my price range - below 50 euro would be good. My main choice is probably between the seaside house and the lighthoue island (can't really remember the exact names), I like sets that are compact and detailed, have minifigs, and have several official instructions in the same set. I do enjoy the themes as well, the alien conquest stuff looks fun, but I hear it's OOP. The other themes that I like I'm mostly waiting on (Hobbit sets, Iron Man 3, Dark Knight Rises, etc.) So what do you guys think? Any suggestions for me? Thanks!
August 28, 201212 yr Thanks for the responses received, now I can advice with a more complete information. Greetings.
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