January 18, 201312 yr Hello all I've just sold a couple of sets and I have bunch of money to burn! Recommend me a set to buy - I want the set that offers the best building experience as I will inevitably sell the thing on Bricklink when I've finished it. I've been considering the UCS B-Wing; or one of the modular buildings; or that 10228 Haunted House. /ben Do you have a specific price range you'd like to stay in?
January 19, 201312 yr I have finally come into about $180 to spend freely on my hobby. Here is my dilemma: The Fire Brigade (I have no other modulars, but may get started with this)) vs. Arkham Asylum (I love Batman and I've been salivating over this). I know the Fire Brigade is about to be discontinued, but I don't know if I'll come into this kind of cash to spend like this in the near future. Anybody have both and could say which one you would save in a fire? I've also considered R2-D2 and the Haunted House. Please advise. Thanks.
January 19, 201312 yr I have both and also the haunted house. I personally am in love with my arkham and I would consider it the best £130 i could spend. The fire brigade is good too but without any other modulars to go with it it would look a bit plain. Also the haunted house is fantastic, It is a great build and really looks the part! So its really a question of are you a superhero fan? If so get arkham if not get the haunted house. Sorry I cant help you with R2.
January 22, 201312 yr For minifigures- and piece-wise would I be better off getting the Clone or Republic Trooper battle pack?
January 22, 201312 yr I have finally come into about $180 to spend freely on my hobby. Here is my dilemma: The Fire Brigade (I have no other modulars, but may get started with this)) vs. Arkham Asylum (I love Batman and I've been salivating over this). I know the Fire Brigade is about to be discontinued, but I don't know if I'll come into this kind of cash to spend like this in the near future. Anybody have both and could say which one you would save in a fire? I've also considered R2-D2 and the Haunted House. Please advise. Thanks. I have Arkham Asylum and R2-D2. I love Arkham. The detailing in the set is absolutely wonderful, and there are some cool play features and good minifigs. I have seen the Haunted House up close, but I don't own it. It looks great. So many things going on on the inside, but looks good all the way around on the outside too. R2-D2 is nifty, but it felt a little underwhelming for its price. For minifigures- and piece-wise would I be better off getting the Clone or Republic Trooper battle pack? The Republic Troooper pack as some cool-looking figs, but I've never played SWTOR, so they don't do much for me. I like the Clones and the Droidekas, and I think the Clone set has some useful pieces. Also, you can scrap down the Droidekas if you want more parts and fewer "figs"
January 22, 201312 yr For minifigures- and piece-wise would I be better off getting the Clone or Republic Trooper battle pack? I would get the republic one. The figs are much cooler.
January 29, 201312 yr So with the tax returns coming I'll have a little extra money left over and I'm going to spend it on what else, Lego! I'm down to three choices, the Horizon Express, Pet Shop, or Robie House. Pet Shop would look great with my Fire Brigade and is probably be discontinued soon. The Horizon Express would get me back into Lego trains. The Robie House I'm just in love with and all the dark red would help with my fire station pipe dream MOC that I've been planning for months. So here's my options, what do I buy? Is the extra cost of track and motors worth the extra money for the Horizon Express? Is the Pet Shop as beautiful as it loos in pictures? Is the Robie House worth it as a display piece that may end up just being dismantled for the lovely dark red bricks and tiles? Tell me oh wise Eurobricks community which should I buy? I have finally come into about $180 to spend freely on my hobby. Here is my dilemma: The Fire Brigade (I have no other modulars, but may get started with this)) vs. Arkham Asylum (I love Batman and I've been salivating over this). I know the Fire Brigade is about to be discontinued, but I don't know if I'll come into this kind of cash to spend like this in the near future. Anybody have both and could say which one you would save in a fire? I've also considered R2-D2 and the Haunted House. Please advise. Thanks. I would get the Fire Brigade, it was also my first modular and it looks fantastic. Full disclosure, I'm a fire buff so I'm a little biased. Edited January 29, 201312 yr by tomdobs55
January 30, 201312 yr I have finally come into about $180 to spend freely on my hobby. Here is my dilemma: The Fire Brigade (I have no other modulars, but may get started with this)) vs. Arkham Asylum (I love Batman and I've been salivating over this). I know the Fire Brigade is about to be discontinued, but I don't know if I'll come into this kind of cash to spend like this in the near future. Anybody have both and could say which one you would save in a fire? I've also considered R2-D2 and the Haunted House. Please advise. Thanks. I may be too late, while all 4 are great sets and definitely worth buying I would... If you're a big fan of Star Wars I would, without a doubt, buy 10225 R2-D2. The build is by far the best and most fun build I have done since getting back into LEGO(and I've built over 300 sets). If you're not, I'd would say 10197 Fire Brigade. I was going to say 10228 Haunted House, but because 10197 is close to its retirement, it gets my vote. You really can't go wrong with Modulars. They're great parts pack if you like to MOC. The finished model on their own are great, but even better if you have others. If it is gone by the time you buy, go with 10228. So with the tax returns coming I'll have a little extra money left over and I'm going to spend it on what else, Lego! I'm down to three choices, the Horizon Express, Pet Shop, or Robie House. Pet Shop would look great with my Fire Brigade and is probably be discontinued soon. The Horizon Express would get me back into Lego trains. The Robie House I'm just in love with and all the dark red would help with my fire station pipe dream MOC that I've been planning for months. So here's my options, what do I buy? Is the extra cost of track and motors worth the extra money for the Horizon Express? Is the Pet Shop as beautiful as it loos in pictures? Is the Robie House worth it as a display piece that may end up just being dismantled for the lovely dark red bricks and tiles? Tell me oh wise Eurobricks community which should I buy? I wouldn't worry about 10218 Pet Shop being retired soon, 10197 is just about there, so you'll have some time to get it. You gotta be careful when purchasing 10233, because unless you're really strong willed, you WILL buy 2. That train was meant to be doubled up. I think either of these two would be a good buy, really. I guess I'll give the boring ol' 10218 Pet Shop will being retiring(next year) first, so I'd buy it first.
January 30, 201312 yr I wouldn't worry about 10218 Pet Shop being retired soon, 10197 is just about there, so you'll have some time to get it. You gotta be careful when purchasing 10233, because unless you're really strong willed, you WILL buy 2. That train was meant to be doubled up. I think either of these two would be a good buy, really. I guess I'll give the boring ol' 10218 Pet Shop will being retiring(next year) first, so I'd buy it first. I'm not really concerned with buying two 10233's, I know think okay maybe I'll get two... . What I'm really concerned with is the extra cost of powering it. I think 10218 might win out due to cost. 21010 is so pretty though.
January 30, 201312 yr Jahab - I would suggest Fire Brigade. It was my first Modular (and I've since bought them all), but it is also my favorite Modular. They captured the essence of what I would suspect a fire hall to be like. As much as I love Batman (and I want Arkham also), I think you may be happier with the overall build of a Modular. I just recently got into Star Wars so I don't know much about Artoo, but I think he looks neat and would be a great display piece. I just don't have use for him at this time. And I haven't built the Haunted House yet, so I can't attest to that, but it looks really neat. I think I may dive into that this weekend. But I do know the Fire Brigade was a very satisfying build and display piece. tomdobs55 - I would again highly recommend the Modular series, so the Pet Shop is a fun building. I like how it is a 16 wide instead of the full scale, although I haven't built the apartment building yet. I do really like the Pet Shop individual building though. It should stick around for a while. Do you have the Grand Emporium? That one is nearer to retirement and as monotonous as the top two floors are, it is actually a great looking set. Robie House is neat and a great parts pack, but I'm always hesitant spending that kind of money on parting something out. But, if you have a MOC idea that would require those pieces, you may want to look into Bricklink/Pick-a-brick if they have the pieces for less than what the set would retail at? Just an idea.
January 30, 201312 yr I've no more money for LEGO until March, but my Mines of Moria and Helm's Deep are arriving today, so that should help. :)
January 30, 201312 yr For minifigures- and piece-wise would I be better off getting the Clone or Republic Trooper battle pack? Personally I much prefer the Republic Trooper pack, just because it is 4 really good figures instead of two figures and two brick built droid thingies. I can never bring myself to count them as figs. But I played SWTOR and loved the designs from it.
February 1, 201312 yr Okay guys help me out, I have the chance and the cash to either get: either these three sets together: http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6270-1 http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6105-1 http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6034-1 OR http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6074-1 All sets are used with intact boxes. A big spanner in the works is set 6270 was a favourite of mine as a child which I sold during my dark ages 6 years ago but 6074 was a set I always wanted my friend had it and it was the reason I became interested in Lego in the first place. Opinions welcome Edited February 1, 201312 yr by Slobey
February 1, 201312 yr Hands down 6074 Black Falcon's Fortress. I love those other three sets (also some of my favorites as a child), but you can't pass up Black Falcon's Fortress. That is one of the few castle sets I do not own. I'm not running out to buy it, but if I had the chance I would totally snatch it up. And if that is the set that got you interested in LEGO originally, how could you pass it up? Plus that many Black Falcons
February 3, 201312 yr I asked this a while ago, but I would really like more feedback. I only had one reply, and I want a bit more wide-spread thoughts. Grand Emporium, Town Hall, or Palace Cinema? Obviously, GE will be leaving first, but I emailed LEGO and they said it wouldn't be leaving for a while. So, what are your thoughts? I really like all of them. Edited February 3, 201312 yr by TrumpetKing67
February 3, 201312 yr I asked this a while ago, but I would really like more feedback. I only had one reply, and I want a bit more wide-spread thoughts. Grand Emporium, Town Hall, or Palace Cinema? Obviously, GE will be leaving first, but I emailed LEGO and they said it wouldn't be leaving for a while. So, what are your thoughts? I really like all of them. I hate to say it, but I think it is just a matter of preference. I own at least one of each of the modulars (except Market Street), and I like and dislike aspects of each. For instance, I really like the overall look of the emporium as well as the escalator and chandelier on the inside, but the rest of the interior is rather empty for an "emporium." Based on the pictures, I love the old Hollywood vibe of the Cinema, but the inside is also rather bland and the car is horrible. As to the Town Hall, it's massive, and has a lot of nice little touches, especially on the inside, but I find the exterior design to be a little underwhelming. Personally, I like the Town Hall least of the three. I would go for the emporium or the cinema and of those two, probably the cinema (but that could also just be because I've been wanting a theater for a long time and its new - hence I may be biased before actually seeing and building it). In all honesty, you really can't go wrong. All of the modulars (except MS, in my opinion) have been great builds and have some great pieces if you ever use them to MOC later (I just display them).
February 4, 201312 yr I can buy a lot of used fantasy sets. They all have original boxes. I don't have and fantasy set but I am a huge Kingdoms fan. I am beetwen: 1. Kingdoms joust or 2. 7048 Troll Warship + 7038 Troll Assault Wagon +7040 Dwarves' Mine Defender +7090 Crossbow Attack +5615 The Knight +5618 Troll Warrior +7009 The Final Joust It would cost me the same. I don't have the place for all the fatasy sets (my exuse for not buying them) Maybe I can resell them. Or I will fall in love with them. I know that I want the joust. Please help me to decide. Will I regret if not buying the fantasy lot?
February 4, 201312 yr Please help me to decide. Will I regret if not buying the fantasy lot? 10223 Kingdoms Joust is a beautiful set but those Fantasy sets are nice too, and include a joust. I don't own the Fantasy sets but if I were you I'd probably get them and hope I get the cash for 10223 in the near future. 10223 is still in production and those others aren't but then you have the space issue. Why are the Fantasy sets for sale? The person selling them has decided to go with LOTR or the new Castle sets? You might buy the Fantasy sets and later decide that you too would rather have LOTR or the new Castle yourself? Basically it's up to you to decide what you want. Hope that helps, Joe
February 4, 201312 yr @bjtpro thanks. The person is selling because collecting onla city sets. I am not a huge fan of LOTR sets and I have no plans in buying them. Maybe one day a good exlusive set only.
February 4, 201312 yr TrumpetKing67 - I actually really love the GE, unlike a lot of other people. Some say the upper floors are monotonous, which the builds are repetitive, but I think to get the design aesthetic that the set is going for, it has to be that. The end result is a beautiful department store. The tan and dark green combo work well together too. And you can add in whatever interior details you want since the modulars aren't always the best for interiors. I don't own the other two, so it's tough to say about them, but price-wise I'd go for GE first since that will be the first to disappear, even if it does take a while. october - The Joust is beautiful, but I've since talked myself out of it. I don't own any of the Fantasy sets (I was in my dark ages during that time). But I don't know how much I'd use them, especially since LOTR is out and I much prefer those types of orcs and whatnot. So for full display, that Joust is the way to go. If you don't have the space for the Fantasy, you'd basically buy them to sell them and hope you make a profit enough to buy the Joust in the end. Is that really what you want to do? It might work out in your favor though. Edited February 4, 201312 yr by TheLegoDr
February 4, 201312 yr Okay guys help me out, I have the chance and the cash to either get: either these three sets together: http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6270-1 http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6105-1 http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6034-1 OR http://www.brickset....ail/?Set=6074-1 All sets are used with intact boxes. A big spanner in the works is set 6270 was a favourite of mine as a child which I sold during my dark ages 6 years ago but 6074 was a set I always wanted my friend had it and it was the reason I became interested in Lego in the first place. Opinions welcome I would go with Black Falcon's Fortress. I know this is really weird, but... Escape from Mirkwood Spiders or Ultimate Speedor Tournament? I'm a huge Hobbit fan, but Speedorz look kind of interesting and it has the two main characters.
February 4, 201312 yr Escape from Mirkwood Spiders or Ultimate Speedor Tournament? I'm a huge Hobbit fan, but Speedorz look kind of interesting and it has the two main characters. Mirkwood Spiders; better+more minifigures, and it seems to be a much better build.
February 4, 201312 yr That's what I thought but now I am sure. Plus, I'll also be picking up Barrel Escape and Attack of the Wargs.
February 4, 201312 yr I can buy a lot of used fantasy sets. They all have original boxes. I don't have and fantasy set but I am a huge Kingdoms fan. I am beetwen: 1. Kingdoms joust or 2. 7048 Troll Warship + 7038 Troll Assault Wagon +7040 Dwarves' Mine Defender +7090 Crossbow Attack +5615 The Knight +5618 Troll Warrior +7009 The Final Joust It would cost me the same. I don't have the place for all the fatasy sets (my exuse for not buying them) Maybe I can resell them. Or I will fall in love with them. I know that I want the joust. Please help me to decide. Will I regret if not buying the fantasy lot? The Troll Warship alone normally costs much more than Joust. I would go with the Fantay sets just for that alone. But the Kingdoms Joust is probably the single best set of all of those if viewed individually. Personally I would go with the Fantasy sets, just because it is rare to get them at a good price.
February 5, 201312 yr I can buy a lot of used fantasy sets. They all have original boxes. I don't have and fantasy set but I am a huge Please help me to decide. Will I regret if not buying the fantasy lot? Wow, you're in a unique opportunity, October. I own none of the fantasy sets, and wish I did. On the other hand, I do own the Kingdoms Joust, and can confirm that yes, it is indeed pretty special. My two cents is this-- are you looking more for display or actual role play? Are you looking to build up factions of figs or is it just for the sets themselves? Are you looking to build up a war campaign, or more interested in the everyday people at court? And finally, how quickly could you raise up more funds? I'd probably suggest you get the fantasy sets... You'd get a wealth of beautiful figs, lots of sets to build and retired ones at that, AND the window would still remain open for a bit longer to get the Kingdoms Joust. In fact, in many venues its recently been discounted. But what I usually do in this scenario is fast-forward in my head and ask, in a year from now which would I most regret not getting??! Good luck! Edited February 5, 201312 yr by Mr. Elijah Timms
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