May 28, 201311 yr I'm not sure wether to buy: Option 1: LOTR Black gate £60+ LOTR Wizard battle £13+ LOTR council of elrond £30 total £103 Or Option 2: LOTR Pirate ship ambush £85+ LOTR wizard battle £13 total £98 I would go with Option 2... especially since you should wait Black gate to be discounted (which will be fast enough so you can buy 2 for like 80 pounds)
May 28, 201311 yr If you don't want to wait for a sale, I would choose option 1 either way. The sale being a good idea for Black Gate OR the Pirate Ship Ambush. I don't think the ship is worth that much to me, so I will wait on a sale for that one for sure. But the Black Gate is actually good price for what you get. Plus, option 1 gives a lot of great new figures. Six new figures compared to five. And two of the six are Elves. As much as I love the dead soldiers, they won't hold a candle to Arwen.
May 28, 201311 yr Going to go down to the Mall of America on Saturday. LOTR Black Gate and Wizard Battle OR.... LOTR Council of Elrond, Wizard Battle, and Hobbit Mirkwood Spiders. I'm a huge Tolkien fan (well DUH) got all LOTR sets, 2 EXTRA Uruk-Hai Army sets, video game, Elrond, and all Hobbit sets except Mirkwood. I am planning to get two Gates, Orthanc, and the ship and board game for my bday. (Is the board game still coming out btw? And if so, when?)
May 29, 201311 yr Although the purchase won't happen any time soon, I have a question regarding the Modular Buildings. Pet Shop or Town Hall? There are details about each that I absolutely love, and the price difference will not be a deciding factor. What do you guys like about each? I'd like arguments that will be convincing! Tolkien, my personal preference would be option 1, but that's me. I do like the Wizard Battle I got recently, but I too want that council!
May 29, 201311 yr 8BrickMario, I love the modulars, and while I don't have any, I plan on purchasing Grand Emporium this Summer. Really, unfortunately, modular purchases come down to personal preference. I think the Emporium is better since it's one of the older ones, but it appears that it's not of your interest. I think you should go with Town Hall IF you aren't going to collect them. The interior appears to be far better, and it actually appears the strongest overall to me. If you're going to start collecting them, though, I would definitely go with Pet Shop, as it is older, though it probably has a good year or two left.
May 29, 201311 yr This is going to sound really ungrateful because some people have nothing. I want to make it clear that I understand just how fortunate I am. I currently have just about enough to buy Arkham OR a couple of the Batman sets that I missed last year. Sometimes I don't even like having such money to spend because I'm quite indecisive so making choices on what LEGO sets to buy is quite difficult for me. What should I do?
May 29, 201311 yr Tolken I would go with option 2, you get 2 sets from the new wave and finish off the hobbit wave, a win-win in my opinion. But if rounding of the hobbit wave isn't that important to you, I'd go with option 1.
May 29, 201311 yr TT, Which of last years sets are we talkin'? IMO, the Batmobile and Batwing are essential vehicles in Batman's arsenal. The Funhouse is pretty good because it has a lot if functions and the exclusive Harley and Riddler. The Batcave is okay, but I could take it or leave it. Same with the Catwoman sets. Arkham is great and detailed. If you're missing the Batwing or Batmobile sets, I'd get those because they are going to be gone soon. Arkham will likely be around for awhile longer because its a S@H exclusive.
May 30, 201311 yr I don't have The Batwing, Batmobile, Batcave or Hulk Helicarrier, or Doc Ock Ambush. I do however have all the Avengers minifigures and Two Face. Oh, I also didn't get Loki CC. The thing is, I won't ever have enough money to buy Arkham for a considerable time.
May 30, 201311 yr Although the purchase won't happen any time soon, I have a question regarding the Modular Buildings. Pet Shop or Town Hall? There are details about each that I absolutely love, and the price difference will not be a deciding factor. What do you guys like about each? I'd like arguments that will be convincing! Tolkien, my personal preference would be option 1, but that's me. I do like the Wizard Battle I got recently, but I too want that council! If you plan to buy both eventually I would go with Pet Shop first just because it is the oldest. I love both sets and they both have aspects that make them more appealing than the other. The Pet Shop is obviously smaller of the two but I feel it has a much more interesting build than town hall and that is not to take away from the build of town hall just that you get a bit more variety with Pet Shop. There really isn't a bad choice when it comes to which modular to buy to be honest so I think it really comes down to which one you find more interesting as they are all excellent in their own ways and great builds.
May 30, 201311 yr Tolkien - I would actually go with option 2 mostly because the Elves are awesome. As great s the Black Gate looks, I wouldn't want to pass up on Arwen or Lord Elrond. Plus, since you have the other Hobbit sets, this completes it with 2 more Elves. 8Brick Mario - I don't own the Town Hall, but I do like the Pet Shop. I originally only bought it because I wanted to "collect them all," but I ended up really liking it after I built it. It has some neat features and the finished product looks great on my shelf. The elevated townhouse and the curves stairs are interesting features. I think the downside (but also the impressive side) to the Town Hall is the height. It may be hard to display for a lot of people. But the dark orange color is awesome and the elevator seems neat. If price really isn't a concern and you don't want them all, I would probably go Town Hall. Go big or go home. But if you want all eventually, go for Pet Shop. You might be pleasantly surprised. RaincloudDustbin - It sounds like you answered your own question. You say you don't have these other sets, but won't be able to buy Arkham for quite some time. To me, that sounds like you should go for Arkham. The wording comes off as disappointment if you don't have Arkham. Plus, it has a lot of great figures in it. I don't have the set, so I can't attest to the build, but the end product seems to look good. I glanced at it briefly at the LEGO store last month, but don't recall specifics. As far as the other Super Hero sets, the batmobile was decent, especially compared to the previous version, but since you already have Two-Face, there isn't a lot of draw for that set. I didn't buy the Batwing or Batcave (no interest), so I can't sway your opinion there but I haven't heard too many off-the-chart wonderful things about them. Doc Ock Ambush was cool for a new Spider-man, but unless you like the cartoon, the Doc Ock is a bit of a put-off and I didn't know who Iron Fist was. And Hulk's Helicarrier set is great for the big version of Hulk, but I didn't care for the build otherwise. It didn't really portray the movie too well and Hulk wouldn't even be able to fit into his own glass cage. Hope some of that helps!
May 30, 201311 yr I don't have The Batwing, Batmobile, Batcave or Hulk Helicarrier, or Doc Ock Ambush. I do however have all the Avengers minifigures and Two Face. Oh, I also didn't get Loki CC. The thing is, I won't ever have enough money to buy Arkham for a considerable time. Yeah like TheLegoDr said, I would go with Arkham. I do have the Arkham set, as well as most of the other Superhero ones, and that build just take the cake. I would say though for the other sets they are take or leave. I really don't like the look of the new Batcave, so I never bought it (Though funny story I ended up with doubles of Ivy and Bane after buying them individually, then wining them in a Eurorbicks contest), and I don't care for the new Batmobile set, though I do have the original of that set, so I'm a bit biased there. If you can get a Batwing I would though--it's one of the better Batman sets, and Joker's chopper is just perfect. Personally, I'd skip the Hulk set since it just seems like a money pit, as well as the Ock one because it's build is just too terrible. Arkham is a very nice set, but it will be around for a long time since it's an exclusive, so don't worry about that time part too much.
May 31, 201311 yr Is it worth getting Weathertop and missing out on pirate ship ambush for a while, or skip weathertop and get all of the new LOTR sets? Edited May 31, 201311 yr by Propicz89
May 31, 201311 yr Is it worth getting Weathertop and missing out on pirate ship ambush for a while, or skip weathertop and get all of the new LOTR sets? If you can afford it, I'd go with the entire new wave.
June 1, 201311 yr anyone have a good idea which set i should buy out've these 3?: Lego Man of Steel Metropolis Showdown Lego Lone Ranger Calvary Builder Lego LOTR Wizard Battle Edited June 1, 201311 yr by TDKR2012
June 1, 201311 yr A local toy shop in my area has three big, discontinued sets on sale and I don't have the budget to buy all three of them.They are: 7066: Earth Defense HQ for €50 7985: City of Atlantis for €50 4194: Whitecap Bay also for €50 I like all three themes, as I like most fantasy/science fiction themes and I already own some sets of those themes. I am aware that the price-per-piece ratio is best with 7066 and worst with 7985, but still, every one of those sets has a certain appeal. Which set should I buy? oh, and: anyone have a good idea which set i should buy out've these 3?: Lego Man of Steel Metropolis Showdown Lego Lone Ranger Calvary Builder Lego LOTR Wizard Battle I would buy the LOTR set. The Superman set has a car, and I don't have any use for more car pieces, the Lone Ranger one is quite nice for the minifigs and the horse, but there is very little to build. If it's important to you that the finished set looks good, go for LOTR. Edited June 1, 201311 yr by Cerlin
June 1, 201311 yr anyone have a good idea which set i should buy out've these 3?: Lego Man of Steel Metropolis Showdown Lego Lone Ranger Calvary Builder Lego LOTR Wizard Battle LOTR.
June 2, 201311 yr ^Why am I not surprised by that recommendation, Tolkien? Thanks for your advice. I love the London-style town house in the Pet Shop, and it is overall more appealing to me. The TH is good, but doesn't have as much charm to me.
June 2, 201311 yr A local toy shop in my area has three big, discontinued sets on sale and I don't have the budget to buy all three of them.They are: 7066: Earth Defense HQ for €50 7985: City of Atlantis for €50 4194: Whitecap Bay also for €50 I like all three themes, as I like most fantasy/science fiction themes and I already own some sets of those themes. I am aware that the price-per-piece ratio is best with 7066 and worst with 7985, but still, every one of those sets has a certain appeal. Which set should I buy? I own Whitecap Bay and Earth Defense HQ, and I'd go with Earth Defense HQ. Whitecap Bay isn't bad, I enjoyed the build (although I hate the exploding building play feature...), but Earth Defense HQ is an incredible set. I didn't think I'd like it, waited to find it on clearance, and then wondered what I was thinking.
June 2, 201311 yr Posted this in the discussion for the new Ewok Village but might as well ask here also: I'm considering saving up a bit above $300+ this summer from work to put aside specifically towards one exclusive I may actually pay full price. I was thinking possibly getting the 10212 Imperial Shuttle that just retired (I know of a store that still has it, albeit a fairly "slight" markup of the Canadian price; probably at most "for now" $350+tax) or the new 10236 Ewok Village. The Imperial Shuttle I know is retired and will only go up in price, but I've been teeter-tottering on getting this one for some time. When it was in production I wasn't sure because of its price plus the fact it was all white basically meant if I ever display it, it would turn yellow horribly. The new Ewok Village will be out not until September, but honestly it's a heck lot better than what I was expecting. It does have a horrible price but wow was I ever surprised by it; was actually considering getting it full priced soon after launch when I mistakenly read the price as $250 for Canada...quickly said no when it was $300 full price in Canada. It does have at least a year or 2 to be in production though. EDIT: Oh, and now that I've seen the review of the new large X-Wing which reminded me, add that set into the mix. Edited June 2, 201311 yr by Canada_7
June 2, 201311 yr I currently have the choice between two sets. I would like to know which one do you think I should buy. I can have them for approximatively the same price here in France : 95€. I know the flatbed was really appreciated but the F1 racer looks really accurate as a displayed set I think :) The Flatbed #8109 The Grand Prix Racer #42000
June 2, 201311 yr 7066: Earth Defense HQ for €50 7985: City of Atlantis for €50 4194: Whitecap Bay also for €50 Earth defends HQ is great and a must have if you have any adu sets, its the best of the lot. 7985 does not seem like a great saving and I wouldn't go for that.
June 2, 201311 yr Hey everyone I'm looking to Spend £50 to get Jor-el. I'm a big TMNT fan and was looking to get some of the sets but I don't really know what ones. I also want to get as many of the main characters as possible. I also have about £25 off with my VIP card, so the Question is what TMNT sets should I get?
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