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How can one be a Star War and Star Trek fan at the same time?

Some ask the same question about Marvel and DC (Although my choice is obvious)... I think that some people seek out conflict. Personally I don't see why one can't like both big Star franchises.

How can one be a Star War and Star Trek fan at the same time?

Easily. I started getting into Star Trek with TNG and have been into Star Wars since around the late '90s. Granted both are from the same sci-fi genre, they are vastly different in many regards.

Some ask the same question about Marvel and DC (Although my choice is obvious)... I think that some people seek out conflict. Personally I don't see why one can't like both big Star franchises.

I know, they are both great for different things and I'm fans of both. I agree some people live for making conflicts, and making people miserable.

Edited by GandalfofHoth

  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure about the reboot, still love the original. The TOS movies are my favorites.

Wow. They're actually doing it.

From that trailer (on the previous page), the new movie is clearly a re-make of The Wrath of Khan.

I wonder if JJ will go the whole way and re-make all three of the movies in that trilogy? Q knows The Search For Spock could REALLY use it...

Wow. They're actually doing it.

From that trailer (on the previous page), the new movie is clearly a re-make of The Wrath of Khan.

I wouldn't say that. Although there are some clear similarities (the hands on the glass pane, for example) it's clearly not a direct re-make. I don't remember San Francisco under fire in Wrath of Kahn, or the Enterprise crashing into the water, although it has been a while.

I wouldn't say that. Although there are some clear similarities (the hands on the glass pane, for example) it's clearly not a direct re-make. I don't remember San Francisco under fire in Wrath of Kahn, or the Enterprise crashing into the water, although it has been a while.

Good point, that seems to be a reference to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey in The Voyage Home. Perhaps the new movie will be combining plot points from all three movies in that trilogy?

Edited by Flipz

Good point, that seems to be a reference to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey in The Voyage Home. Perhaps the new movie will be combining plot points from all three movies in that trilogy?

Do you mean will someone die on a quest through time to find a whale to stop the brilliant Christopher Lloyd from dooming Earth with the Genesis project? No. No such luck. At least, I should hope not. Those having Christopher Lloyd in another time travel movie would be amusing in itself. I merely think that J.J. Abrams is intentionally nodding back to the original 'reality' and films. It's kind of interesting to see the two timelines echoing themselves, actually.

Edited by The Legonater

  • 4 months later...

Did anyone see the new Star Trek movie? I was initially worried about Episode VII, but Abrams has now knocked two straight Star Trek films out of the park, and they are fun movies like Star Wars should be. I think if Abrams does the full trilogy they will be as popular as the original trilogy was, and that means a great future for Star Wars Legos in general.

I hope they find a role for Simon Pegg (Scotty) in the new trilogy, he's a

The only response I see fitting to this is this video. I agree I think JJ will knock it out of the part. Just don't give Lucas any creative license and we are good. On the theme of Lego. I hope they introduce new ships but they kinda have to stick to most of the current after Return. Definitely star destroyers and x-wings and things of that nature. The EU is so in dept they really don't have to make new designs. I would love to see e-wings v-wing airspeeders eta-5 and so on. Of course slave II also.

Did anyone see the new Star Trek movie? I was initially worried about Episode VII, but Abrams has now knocked two straight Star Trek films out of the park, and they are fun movies like Star Wars should be. I think if Abrams does the full trilogy they will be as popular as the original trilogy was, and that means a great future for Star Wars Legos in general.

Yeah, I just returned from seeing it. It was indeed pretty good, but keep in mind that there are also many hardcore Trekkies who don't like the new movies. Chances are high that if you are an OT fan and didn't like the PT, you wont like the ST (sequel trilogy) either because it will probably try to appeal to a newer generation, much like the PT and these new Trek movies did. However, JJ has stated in several interviews that he has never been much of a Star Trek fan, but always a big Star Wars fan, so it is likely that he will try harder not to piss off old fans. I think as long as he doesn't reboot it like Star Trek and learns from Lucas' mistakes, I think we'll be fine. Then again, some fans are never pleased, and trying to please everybody usually doesn't turn out well. I guess we'll just have to see what direction Abrams and the people at Disney will take the franchise, but so far things are looking up in my opinion.

I hope they find a role for Simon Pegg (Scotty) in the new trilogy, he's a

Well, he could reprise his role as Dengar from The Clone Wars. :grin:

From that trailer (on the previous page), the new movie is clearly a re-make of The Wrath of Khan.

The movie combines several aspects of previous Star Wars films: in Star Trek VI, there was a conspiracy that aimed to undermine the peace process. In Into Darkness, there's a single Admiral that tries to steer the Federation into a war against the Klingon empire because he believes war is unavoidable anyway. I think that the similarities between both films are obvious, although the roles changed ("evil Klingon" vs. "evil Admiral"), just like the roles changed in the somewhat emotional "dying scene" with Kirk and Spock.

The character of Khan was finally disappointing. There was a chance to portray him differently, not as the one-dimensional "evil" character he turned out to be when he beamed Kirk & Co. back to the Enterprise just to kill him, since he showed a sign of compassion and humanity when it came to his crew, and when it appeared that his actions were driven by revenge or by feeling betrayed rather because of his general sense of superiority.

I found the film ok, but it failed to catch my full attention. It didn't offer something really new, and the story lacked plausibility. Isolated, the actors were pretty good, but to me, it felt more like a sequence of scenes than a consistent movie, creating a consistent mood (one of the weaknesses of the Star Wars Prequels).

Personally, I found that the NYT's review hits the nails on the heads.

Edited by Brickadeer

The character of Khan was finally disappointing. There was a chance to portray him differently, not as the one-dimensional "evil" character he turned out to be when he beamed Kirk & Co. back to the Enterprise just to kill him, since he showed a sign of compassion and humanity when it came to his crew, and when it appeared that his actions were driven by revenge or by feeling betrayed rather because of his general sense of superiority.

This film is more like a remake of Space Seed, and with Kahn in suspension not dead it leaves room for a proper WOK analogy, possibly to develop the character more. Though I didn't think Khan was the villain here rather it was Admiral Marcus, sure Khan was the driving force behind the film, but the fact that his motivation was revenge and he wasn't a 'proper' villain made him more interesting.

I'm going to move this to the community forum, since it doesn't really have to do with Star Wars LEGO.

This film is more like a remake of Space Seed, and with Kahn in suspension not dead it leaves room for a proper WOK analogy, possibly to develop the character more. Though I didn't think Khan was the villain here rather it was Admiral Marcus, sure Khan was the driving force behind the film, but the fact that his motivation was revenge and he wasn't a 'proper' villain made him more interesting.

I agree, it's kind of hard to place him as worse than the Admiral who seemed to be a war-monger - but in saying that, Khan was still pretty bad, the impression given in the movie is that he is a sociopath (a very OP one), he was able to restrain himself when his objectives required it but otherwise it seemed like he had a bubbling rage just beneath the surface that he was itching to act on.

I'm a big fan of the original series episodes, but I found this to be one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I normally write satirical abridged scripts for movies, and I was planning on doing one for this movie, but after seeing it I can't. Sure, there's some things to point fun at, but this was just such an amazing film that I can't do one for it.

He's taken the film from a sort of "nerdy" stigma to a film where everyone can watch it, and he's done it so successfully that it still is enjoyable to watch by normal casual fans. The 2009 movie is what got me into Star Trek, so I imagine that's what happened with other people.

I'm basically a filthy casual when it comes to star trek as I've always sided more with Star Wars, but this was a decent movie. While there may be some changes in the villain building and such that displease many hardcore fans, i think a sequel to the first movie in this new series it was excellent. most movie sequels rely on bigger fights, bigger enemies, bigger destruction, this one seemed to handle that a lot better than other ones, and I think that's a fantastic step in the right direction. While an all out war would have been nice (cough klingons) it was still well done in my opinion. Then again since I am not too knowledgeable on the subject, I'm sure many of the things I liked, others hated.

TOS: Too much before my time. I've seen it and it seems that most episodes are just too old fashioned or slow. I like some of the movies a lot though. New ones too.

TNG: Great. Great characters. Some of the strongest characters in fact and unlike TOS everyone got a fair amount of attention. Love Geordi and Data especially.

DS9: Like TNG it's first seasons are a bit slow and bland. But it gets amazing. You get Trek in a different light. The characters aren't as strong but the plot and story arcs are amazing.

VOY: This is where things start getting really old. They recycle ideas more and more. The characters are the weakest group yet (Nelix is probably one of the most annoying Trek characters ever). It's not BAD but it's not that good either on average. Too many holodeck episodes. They literally RUIN the Borg and make them easily defeatable and wussies. In TNG the Borg were a force to be reckoned with. Voyager destroyed that. Just... problems....

ENTERPRISE: I have no idea how people can like this. It's just BAD. It recycles soooo many episodes. They somehow made the great actor Scott Bakula suck at acting. A few good episodes here and there but mostly complete and utter crap. I'm glad it was cancelled. It was the perfect example of the growing irrelevance of Star Trek. It used old ideas too often. Recycled too much. Had lame as crap bad guys based on the Taliban. It DID get better towards the end but still not good enough.

I also think it's characters sucked. Generic and/or underused. I mean seriously, the pilot. He got like 2 freakin' episodes.

I hope if they have a new series after these new movies it brings change. Star Trek is largely irrelevant these days. It's message old fashioned. You can still have it be Trek with a similar message but put a new coat on it...

Anyways... hope Lego does them too. :P

He's taken the film from a sort of "nerdy" stigma to a film where everyone can watch it, and he's done it so successfully that it still is enjoyable to watch by normal casual fans.

True, but I'm not sure if this is a good thing. It's probably good for the franchise as it makes it popular again, but I think the fact that it was so "nerdy" is partly what Star Trek fans liked about it. Making the movies lighthearted popcorn flicks instead of the more serious suspense movies they used to be probably makes them more appealing to casual viewers, but it may not be what the true fans like, and I think I would feel the same way too if I was one of them. Except for Han's sarcasm, humor has never really worked in Star Wars, so I can't see the same working for that franchise. I mean, could you imagine Luke or Obi-Wan joking around as much as Kirk does in these new movies, or C-3PO being even more clumsy than he was in Episode II? I think not.

Therefore, I hope he wont take the same approach for the new SW movies as he did with Star Trek and will keep them as serious and nerdy as the OT. Star Wars doesn't need a popularity boost like Trek did, it just needs new stories to keep it interesting. That's just my theory/opinion though.

True, but I'm not sure if this is a good thing. It's probably good for the franchise as it makes it popular again, but I think the fact that it was so "nerdy" is partly what Star Trek fans liked about it. Making the movies lighthearted popcorn flicks instead of the more serious suspense movies they used to be probably makes them more appealing to casual viewers, but it may not be what the true fans like, and I think I would feel the same way too if I was one of them. Except for Han's sarcasm, humor has never really worked in Star Wars, so I can't see the same working for that franchise. I mean, could you imagine Luke or Obi-Wan joking around as much as Kirk does in these new movies, or C-3PO being even more clumsy than he was in Episode II? I think not.

Therefore, I hope he wont take the same approach for the new SW movies as he did with Star Trek and will keep them as serious and nerdy as the OT. Star Wars doesn't need a popularity boost like Trek did, it just needs new stories to keep it interesting. That's just my theory/opinion though.

I guess I can't speak as a full on Star Trek fan, but I have watched various of it on and off ever since the originals (well reruns of the originals, as it was a little before my time). Personally I felt that "The Next Generation" is really where that "nerdy" element started to take force launching DS9 and Voyager which took those themes further. I did enjoy TNG as a t.v. series as it had some great storylines, but I can't say that those TNG movies did much for me.

I felt the TNG movies were overtly reliant on played up but poorly rendered versions of the t.v. characters and lacked compelling sci-fi elements that you would ordinarily expect in a sci-fi movie (I didn't see nemesis, nor the first Abrams Star Trek movie as I was done with it by then). Where this movie I think differed is that they retained the questionable sci-fi elements and just made up for it with some fun to watch characters and entertaining action sequences... I also liked that the Enterprise was presented more as a tin-can hurtling through space.

Personally I don't consider Star Wars OT as nerdy, at it's heart, they were action adventure movies and always played to a wide audience (rather than relying on the "nerd" factor which I felt the PT did)... After seeing Star Trek I'm actually now only just becoming hopeful for the upcoming Star Wars movie.

I'd anticipate C3PO to be a bit clumsy, he always was - the issue will be how the director and editor handle it - in the OT (original release) the humor was added thoughtfully and so it helped balance and add variety to the movies (I always think to Chewie and C-3PO's err I mean R2D2's chess game as a great example of a bit of humor a bit of interest - the game - and a bit of characterisation all leading into that main MF interior scene in new hope).

Edited by Alternator

  • 3 weeks later...

Just a weird thought popped up when I was looking at some music videos... If I could, I would;

Somebody should make a videomash up from '

' and Klingon Birds of Prey. :laugh::grin:

So, I need some advice... I've watched all ST movies, plus a good deal of episodes from TOS, TNG and DS9. My girlfriend is a huge fan of Star Trek as well, but she had seen only movies (We intend to watch some episodes this summer) and her birthday is coming up in three weeks. I want to buy her a season or two on DVDs, but I'm not sure which would be the best. I was thinking first/second TOS series. Can someone recommend anything specific?

So, I need some advice... I've watched all ST movies, plus a good deal of episodes from TOS, TNG and DS9. My girlfriend is a huge fan of Star Trek as well, but she had seen only movies (We intend to watch some episodes this summer) and her birthday is coming up in three weeks. I want to buy her a season or two on DVDs, but I'm not sure which would be the best. I was thinking first/second TOS series. Can someone recommend anything specific?

People like different things but... I'd probably recommend getting NETFLIX if possible. They have all the series so there's no reason to choose.

I personally think TNG (after the first few seasons) and DS9 (again, after the first few seasons) are the best. TOS might be too old for a n00bie. Every time I introduce someone to it after they love the new movies they find the series too slow and boring.

People like different things but... I'd probably recommend getting NETFLIX if possible. They have all the series so there's no reason to choose.

I personally think TNG (after the first few seasons) and DS9 (again, after the first few seasons) are the best. TOS might be too old for a n00bie. Every time I introduce someone to it after they love the new movies they find the series too slow and boring.

Thanks for suggestion, but we live in Slovenia, so Netflix currently isn't an option :hmpf_bad: She loved the old movies the best, but I might rewatch some TNG episodes and decide if that'd be a better idea.

Edited by MikroMan

People like different things but... I'd probably recommend getting NETFLIX if possible. They have all the series so there's no reason to choose.

I personally think TNG (after the first few seasons) and DS9 (again, after the first few seasons) are the best. TOS might be too old for a n00bie. Every time I introduce someone to it after they love the new movies they find the series too slow and boring.

TOS has some of the best stories. But it is that earlier style of scifi. Basically a stage play. So it can look a little dull today. It benefited from some great character chemistry.

TNG Solid cast, wonderful chemistry. At its best in the mid seasons. 3 to 6. By the end was getting a little repetitive. Probably the most universally liked Trek series. Ends almost perfectly.

DS9 My personal favorite. The only non "Ship Show" it focused on life in the 23rd century. Life in or near the Federation. A huge cast with some great points of chemistry. And even larger recurring and supporting cast. Politics, Intrigue, War, Mysticism. And the best ending of any ST series. Particularly noteworthy is DS9 characters changed and grew and had full character arcs. Just good stuff.

ENT Actually not a bad show. The beginings were slow and cheesy retread stories. Once they got Berman and Braga out of there and the actual Trek Writers took over it became fantastic. The 4th season was some of the best ST ever put on screen, excepting the nauseatingly bad last episode. Watch the 4th. Skip the rest.

VOY ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzz Sorry I know this incarnation has fans. I just don't know why. The show had 2 or 3 good characters. Paris, The Doctor, Harry Kim and Tuvok, and a whole lot of really really bad or boring. (The rest) The stories were just awful, and rarely had to do with their plight. Their plight made no sense. Capped off with the absolute worst ending of any ST show. (beating out even ENT's ending, which takes some doing).

Edited by Faefrost

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