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Posted (edited)

Hi Guys

Besides being a Star Wars fan I am also a Star Trek fan.

Now here is the real question is there any other Star Trek Fans on this forum.

If so could you awesnar some questions.

What is your favorite Series:

Your Favorite films of the series:

Your favorite Characthers from the shows:

And your favorite epsiode :

So here we go and also just chat about Star Trek and upcoming news about Star Trek

Well Live Long and Propser.

Oh and my Awnsers to the Questions above are

What is your favorite Series: DS9 and TNG

Your Favorite films of the series: IV Star Trek Insurrection and First Contact also Star Trek 3

Your favorite Characthers from the shows: Data Picard, Scotty, Sisko, Worf, The Borg, Quark, Tribbles.

And your favorite epsiode : Too many to list

Edited by Sam Vimes
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I love all Star Trek but here are my two favorite series of them all: The Original Series and Enterprise

My favorite films: Wrath of Kahn, The Motion picture, The voyage Home, undiscovered country, and probably First Contact.

My favorite characters would be: Kirk, Spock, MCcoy, Archer, Reed, Shran. However I like all the characters from both enterprise and The Original Series.

My favorite episodes: Get ouuta here! :tongue: Too many to count.

I really am a big Trekkie at heart but I also like Star Wars a lot too. It good to know that there are other Star Trek fans around here on the forums. Here are some MOCs i've done for TOS and Enterprise I put in the sci-fi forum.


Posted (edited)

Sorry to veer off the topic a bit, but just the other day I saw a documentary on TV regarding the Star Trek fandom/fanatics/fanboys. I never really was a fan of the series simply because it wasn't shown here in our place. But what kinda surprised me about the docu is the relatively huge following that this TV series seem to have gotten throughout the years, to the point that the ST fans are even proclaiming themselves as "the most dedicated fans" of a Sci-fi fiction genre, which if course ticks off a bit of the SW fan in me. With all due respect to the Trekkers or Trekkies or whatever they want to call themselves, but isn't Star Wars lightyears away from Star Trek in terms of popularity and dedicated fandom?

Edited by KielDaMan

What is your favorite Series:

Your Favorite films of the series:

Your favorite Characthers from the shows:

And your favorite epsiode :

Voyager is definatly my fav, but TNG makes a close second

Films.... Voyage Home... First Contact... Insurrection.... probably others

Charecters? Ungh... Data, the Dcotor, Scotty, Spock, Sulu, Kirk.... and agaion, many others.

Episodes? I don't think I'd be able to list them all...

My pet peeve is when people claim SW fans can't be ST fans. Pretty much my whole family is.

Posted (edited)

Not a true trekker here. I grew up with TNG and DS9 and watched them when I was a kid. About 5 years ago during a slow summer (college), I decided to download and watch every episode of Star Trek. I must have watched 15 episodes a week or more during that summer. If only I still had that kind of time still... I couldn't stand to make it through the original series, so I stopped that short and skipped to The Next Generation. I then watched all of DS9 and Voyager. Watching all of Voyager was kind of rough, due to some pretty spotty acting (Captain always whispers for no reason and that chef alien guy is terrible). And then when I got to "Enterprise", I don't know what it was about that one but I couldn't make it through that series. Maybe I was burnt out at that point, lol. Pretty much all of TNG was fantastic, and DS9 got really good after the second season or so.

Favorite Series: The Next Generation

Favorite Films: I haven't seen many of the older ones. I've seen the first movie and then the 4 or 5 most recent ones, since the mid 90s. Honestly, most of them are forgettable to me, but the latest one "Star Trek" (reboot) was really fantastic, so that's my favorite. (Sidebar: I loved the James Bond Reboot and the Batman reboots too. I guess there's a pattern for me?)

Favorite Characters: I'd say my favorite was that Kardassian (spelling?) character from DS9. He was a former spy and ran a tailor shop on the station. I can't remember his name. But the actor was really good and I liked his charisma and such. *looks up character name* Ah yes his name is Garak. My runner-up for favorite character would be Riker.

Favorite Episode: Can't remember the title, but it's a TNG episode where they come across a satellite device and Picard is knocked out for about 5-10 minutes, and in that time he experiences an entire alternate lifetime with these people on their planet.

As for lego Star Trek, I don't think I would buy any. I'm a big Star Wars fan too, and I don't buy any SW stuff mainly because it's mostly from episodes I-III, and also because I don't want to feel the urge to buy every SW set that comes out (money).

Edited by Zeya

Excuse me while I spam your topic :grin:

I personally will pick SW over Stay Trek any day. I mean, it's just so much more action packed, with better effects and better space battles and everything. And they were the first to go to the great lengths that they went to to make those awesome space battles. And there really is a much larger fanbase of Star Wars fans then there are of Trekkers. I mean, we have are own celebration for crying out loud! I'm sure there is a Star Trek convention somewhere (yjough I've never heard of it). But SW really started the ball rolling for special effects in movies.

My pet peeve is when people claim SW fans can't be ST fans. Pretty much my whole family is.



Posted (edited)

Excuse me while I spam your topic :grin:

I personally will pick SW over Stay Trek any day. I mean, it's just so much more action packed, with better effects and better space battles and everything. And they were the first to go to the great lengths that they went to to make those awesome space battles. And there really is a much larger fanbase of Star Wars fans then there are of Trekkers. I mean, we have are own celebration for crying out loud! I'm sure there is a Star Trek convention somewhere (yjough I've never heard of it). But SW really started the ball rolling for special effects in movies.

You have to remember too that motion pictures have a much much higher budget than television shows. While the special effects are there for Star Wars, IMO Star Trek has it beat when it comes to acting and storyline, especially when comparing to the prequels. I cringe every time there's a "love scene" for a lack of a better term between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman.

Anyway to answer the OP

What is your favorite Series: TOS, TNG

Your Favorite films of the series: First Contact, The Voyage Home, The Wrath of Khan

Your favorite Characthers from the shows: Kirk, Spock, Bones, Picard, LaForge, Data, Worf

And your favorite epsiode: All Good Things

Edited by Destroydacre

Excuse me while I spam your topic :grin:

I personally will pick SW over Stay Trek any day. I mean, it's just so much more action packed, with better effects and better space battles and everything. And they were the first to go to the great lengths that they went to to make those awesome space battles. And there really is a much larger fanbase of Star Wars fans then there are of Trekkers. I mean, we have are own celebration for crying out loud! I'm sure there is a Star Trek convention somewhere (yjough I've never heard of it). But SW really started the ball rolling for special effects in movies.

Hmm.... Well, I'll agree that Star Wars started and revolutionized space battles and special affects. In many ways first three movies (meaning the original three) were ahead of there time in terms of special affects. But taking alook at the last three movies (numerically the first three) they fail miserably in the special affects area. Which is a real shame because that's where Star Wars had the real edge of Star Trek. Now i believe S/T has the advantage now.

As far as who has the larger fan base, your claim of S/W fans having a larger fan base is purely subjective. But one thing you must remember is that S/W has 6 movies and one (?) series under its belt While S/T has 11 movies, and 5 series. Also S/T started around more than a decade before the first S/W movie came out. Also the last 3 S/W movies were really a turn in the wrong direction for the franchise. If it weren't for the original 3 they would have been long forgotten. The last S/T movie was a huge step forward, as not only was it loyal in the eyes of the fandom (well, for the most part at least), but the general public to a real liking and it related to them that no other S/T film has in the past. For the first time you could watch a S/T movie, and no prior knowledge of the franchise and have a complete understanding of what was going on.

You have to remember too that motion pictures have a much much higher budget than television shows. While the special effects are there for Star Wars, IMO Star Trek has it beat when it comes to acting and storyline, especially when comparing to the prequels. I cringe every time there's a "love scene" for a lack of a better term between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman.

Agreed. The acting in those movies was terrible and beyond corny. S/T defiantly has it beat in those departments. S/T has also always been story based with science as the key point. Now this made for far better stories IMO, but i have to admit the space battles in S/W overall were better.

But to answer the OP's question..

Favorite series- TNG

Favorite film- Star Trek 6 The undiscovered Country, and Star trek 4 the Voyage Home

Favorite characters- Worf, Spock, Kirk, and pretty much the whole original cast.

Episodes- Hmmm.. Well, to many to list, but if i had to pick one, it would probably be "Yesterdays Enterprise" for TNG series.


Here's hoping to see more Trek-related MOCs in the Sci-Fi forum in the future, especially vignettes and dioramas!

As for my choices:

Favorite series- TOS, DS9

Favorite film- ST VI, ST First Contact

Favorite characters- The original cast, Benjamin Sisko

Episodes- Too many, but off the top of my head: TOS The City on the Edge of Forever, TNG Yesterday's Enterprise, TNG Best Of Both Worlds, DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations, DS9 The Way of the Warrior...


Wait, no one is picking ST V as their favorite movie? :tongue:

Anyway, I was really into ST when TNG first came out. Since then I have sort of cooled on the enitre franchise. Still, I do watch old episodes from time to time.

Favorite Series: Tough call. I'll go with TOS here.

Favorite Film: Another toughie. ST VI was great, as was II. But I think the re-boot gets my vote, as it was pretty well done.

Favorite Character: As much as I don't like Shatner's acting style, Kirk was just such a brash and raw character.

Episodes: Picard Gets Laid (not sure what the actual title on that one was).


Let's not start a flame war though people. I think we should have a rule in this thread that is to not fight for which is better, Star Wars or Star Trek. Both are great and have pros and cons on both ends of the spectrum.

Not that much of that has happened so far but........ Both sides have very-- enthusiastic fans. :laugh:


A good point, he was off too. But his lines wre great! I absolutly loved the 'Wicter, Wicter' gag default_laugh_new.gif

I didn't understand that joke. Can you explain it? It sounded like he was saying "wheat-er", and I didn't understand what he was really trying to say. What does "wicter" mean?


I didn't understand that joke. Can you explain it? It sounded like he was saying "wheat-er", and I didn't understand what he was really trying to say. What does "wicter" mean?

The code was Victor Victor 2. Checkov, being Russian, pronounced it 'Wictor Wictor 2' and the computer didn't recogvnise the code. It's just playing on accents, like 'The Craw' from get Smart.


The code was Victor Victor 2. Checkov, being Russian, pronounced it 'Wictor Wictor 2' and the computer didn't recogvnise the code. It's just playing on accents, like 'The Craw' from get Smart.

Oh I see. Thanks!


The code was Victor Victor 2.

Oh, I always thought it was Vector Vector, since he was trying to navigate something and 'vector' made more sense to me.

Anyway, more on topic, I've only ever seen the films really, and bit and pieces of just a few episodes. TV in general really isn't my thing, and the Star Trek shows are no different, but I do enjoy some of the films. The Voyage Home and the Undiscovered Country our my favorites from the original crew films, and I like both Generations and Insurrection from the newer crew.

Maybe since I'm not such a Trekkie I found the new film to be absolutely fantastic, and I hope they can keep it up with the following films in the series that have yet to come out. I'm afraid that the new films might just fall off very fast, but you never know. I'll try to stay optimistic until I see the second one.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay how about this commercial for Star Trek which is hilarious.


that's awesome!!! :laugh:

i love Star Trek!! :classic: it's all cuz of my brother really... he convinced me to watch the Trouble With Tribbles episode, and i've been a Trekkie ever since!! :wink:

i'm partial to the Original Series, and then The Next Generation has been pretty good too! :classic: haven't seen any of the other series yet, or very many of the old movies.. :cry_sad:

Favorite character has gotta be Spock! spockstartreksmileyemot.gifBy smittyfan

and then i really like Scotty, Data, LaForge, Picard, and Kirk, to pick out a few... :wink:

and by the way... STAR TREK LEGOS WOULD BE EPIC!!! :pir-sweet::classic::wink::pir-cry_happy::grin::pirate::wub::pir_laugh2::monkey:


i love Star Trek!! :classic: it's all cuz of my brother really... he convinced me to watch the Trouble With Tribbles episode, and i've been a Trekkie ever since!! :wink:

i'm partial to the Original Series, and then The Next Generation has been pretty good too! :classic: haven't seen any of the other series yet

You're in for a treat then, because in DS9 there's an episode where they time travel into the Trouble With Tribbles episode. I can't remember which season, but I don't think it's the first. Time for you to watch DS9!


You're in for a treat then, because in DS9 there's an episode where they time travel into the Trouble With Tribbles episode. I can't remember which season, but I don't think it's the first. Time for you to watch DS9!

Season 5, if you believe Wikipedia.


What is your favorite Series:

Your Favorite films of the series:

Your favorite Characthers from the shows:

And your favorite epsiode :

Big Trekkie here. Some of my earliest memories involve watching TOS on a black and white TV with my parents. Seriously. Star Trek TOS was one of the very few shows to ever really fulfill the promise of science fiction - not just entertainment, not just flash and bang, but a show that held up a mirror to our own world and showed us everything we were and everything we could be. Sure, some of the ideas have become anachronistic, and most of the sets and effects are horrendously cheesy by today's standards, but the ideas still shine like diamonds in the wasteland of general TV programming.

Favorite series: Duh, TOS.

Favorite films: Wrath of Khan, First Contact

Favorite characters: Spock and McCoy

Favorite episode: Too many to even list, but extra fond of Balance of Terror, Space Seed and the Trouble with Tribbles.

As far as fandom goes, Trekkies set the mold for fandom as it exists today. Fan-fic was invented by Trekkies. Slashfic, ditto. Trekkies saved the show from cancellation once - the *only* time that I know of that this feat has ever actually been accomplished. Trekkies kept the show's memory alive long enough to make The Motionless Picture a reality, and then bring on no less than four sequel series! Star Wars has a lot of fans, sure enough, but Trekkies really set the standard for fan devotion as far as I'm concerned.


You're in for a treat then, because in DS9 there's an episode where they time travel into the Trouble With Tribbles episode. I can't remember which season, but I don't think it's the first. Time for you to watch DS9!

I remember that episode. I liked the line about Worf and the original Klingons default_laugh_new.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I love Star Trek. Grew up with it, 'cause my dad loves it too. I wish we had Star Trek Lego. Also, to whoever said it, Star Trek has a much bigger fanbase then Star Wars. Star Wars has six movies, and Star Trek has... however many series. =P I love 'em both, but Star Trek's also been responsible for the invention of lovely things like Cellphones, Sliding doors, comm badges, etc.

Anyway, here's my list:

Favourite Series: Voyager, DS9

Favourite Movie: The new one. Also loved Wrath of Khan though, and Voyage Home.

Favourite CHaracters: Harry Kim, Janeway, Tom Paris, Geordie Laforge, McCoy, Checkov.

Favourite Episode: Probably the one where Voyager gets frozen in the ice planet and everyone dies but Harry and Chakotay. Great episode. :D


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