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New Star Wars animated series confirmed to start airing Fall 2014!

A video promoting the series can be found here. Dave Filoni, Kilian Plunkett and Joel Aon (all known for Star Wars: The Clone Wars) will be among those working on the series:

First clips will be released at Celebration Europe II this July. More information can be found below:


I don't know about the rest of you, but while I'm still bummed out about The Clone Wars being cancelled, I'm very excited for this show. :thumbup:

Wow . You are fast . Anyway i'm very excited too . Ithought it is gonna be post ep6 , but this era holds more possibilities .

I'm wondering , next year's summer will bring us SW Rebels sets ?

And we can say goodby for the 'live action series : "Underworld' ...

Edited by nrg

Dark Times, OT-era series replaces The Clone Wars! Just as the team is starting to get good at making these series! Making use of Ralph McQuarrie's concept art! No amount of exclamation points or emoticons could describe how excited I am! :excited: !

Please don't ruin the Death Star novel.

Also please don't bring back Ahsoka. Or Rex. Or Jar-Jar. Or... you get the point.

Talk about fantastic news to wake up to on a Monday morning!! :laugh:

I'm incredibly excited for this series. I have no doubt that it will be of the utmost quality, too. The Clone Wars took 1-2 seasons to really hit its stride, so I expect "Rebels" to hit the ground running. Man, it's a great time to be a Star Wars fan!!

Dear Disney,

re: Cancelation of The Clone Wars

All is forgiven! We still love you!

I think they found the point where the classic fans and the modern TCW fans finally intersect. Post episode 3. The rise of the Empire. The rise of the Rebellion. We still get to see more recent characters from TCW, especially those with unfinished stories. We expand on the OT environment that we have known and loved for so long. I am a Happy Nerd! :cry_happy:

This has the potential to be much better than the Clone wars TV series. So excited, I am glad this era of Star wars is finally being explored.

Ah, one of the most empty eras is about to be filled.

On the subject of CW characters, perhaps we'll see Trench commanding a Separatist Holdout base.... Hmm...

Well, I'm actually interested in LEGO sets based on these! I like the OT stuff for the design, not only because of the recognition on the sets. :wink:

GREG WEISMAN! YESSSSS!! Any cartoon he has been involved with in the past has been absolutely great, so I'm very happy to hear he'll be working on this too! :cry_happy:

I too am surprised that this isn't set after the OT since I thought the point behind cancelling Clone Wars and everything else was to draw attention to the new movies, but I guess moving away from the PT era and closer to the OT is good enough I suppose. Dave and his team have shown that they can use McQuarrie's designs to good effect in The Clone Wars, so it will be interesting to see them do more of that. Not to mention that we'll probably get Lego sets based on those!

I wish they would have talked a bit more about what the story is going to be about, but I guess it's safe to say that it will be about the Rebel Alliance forming and start fighting the Empire while Vader is hunting down Jedi. Should be promising! :excited:

And suddenly Disney doesn't eat babies for breakfast any more.

Anyhoo, sounds interesting. I tired of the Clone Wars after a while, but a new setting could revitalise my interest. Plus, all of the inevitable bounty hunter arcs will make more sense if the series is set in a time when the galaxy isn't quite in full-blown conflict. Plus, we're likely in for some cool new sets! :thumbup:

I liked the Clone Wars, and though it got better after the first season, it still had its ups and downs. Anyway, I think it had mostly run its course, though hopefully we'll get to see the remaining un-aired episodes someday.

That being said, it's great to hear that there will be a new series, seemingly involving some great talent. I hope we don't get to see any R2-D2 and C-3P0, except in very rare cameos.

That sounds promissing.

I too am surprised that this isn't set after the OT since I thought the point behind cancelling Clone Wars and everything else was to draw attention to the new movies, but I guess moving away from the PT era and closer to the OT is good enough I suppose.

I guess the point is that the PT and the OT are part of one story, the rise of and fall of Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, and the Empire. Seen it this way, a new and larger context is required the new trilogy can refer to and be placed in, so I'd be pretty surprised if the new animated series and the new trilogy were fully distinct.

And suddenly Disney doesn't eat babies for breakfast any more.

Yeah, it's interesting how cancelling the Clone Wars and 1313 was the worst crime ever to many people until a few hours ago, then they announce a new series and suddenly everything is forgiven. :sceptic:

And we can say goodby for the 'live action series : "Underworld' ...

Yeah, probably, but perhaps they will make use of the ideas they had for that series in this show.

I hope we don't get to see any R2-D2 and C-3P0, except in very rare cameos.

Well, I'd be surprised if they wouldn't include those two highly marketable characters and I usually don't mind them being around, especially R2, although I certainly hope there wont be any more episodes solely centered around them like in TCW. That was just terrible.

I guess the point is that the PT and the OT are part of one story, the rise of and fall of Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, and the Empire. Seen it this way, a new and larger context is required the new trilogy can refer to and be placed in, so I'd be pretty surprised if the new animated series and the new trilogy were fully distinct.

True, I guess they could still be using this series to set up the events of Episode VII, but I don't think it will be the main focus of the series as I had originally expected.

This looks awesome, especially excited about Greg Weisman, who worked on the great Spectacular Spiderman show, being on the team. I also love them makng use of Ralph McQuarrie's artwork.

I hope we don't get to see any R2-D2 and C-3P0, except in very rare cameos.

I suspect that there will bad news for you in that regard. The last place we see R2 and Threepio in RotS is aboard the Tantive IV, in the possession of Bail Organna. The First place we ever meet R2 and C3PO is aboard the Tantive IV, in the possession of Leia Organna, in Star Wars (sigh! Episode IV ANH. Bleah!) So it is safe to assume that they remain with the Organna household for the intervening 17 years. And we know that Bail Organna is central to the formation of the Rebellion. Figure the droids are the best positioned to be featured.

Some positive stuff we may get to see.

- Bounty Hunters. With it being open season on Jedi, figure they can easily use any of the known Bounty Hunter characters. We will probably get to see Boba Fett don the armor. Cad Bane is too cool a character to ignore.

- Leia as a bit more than a hostage. Depending on where in that 17 year scale this is set, we may see Leia in that audience and new fan POV role that Asokha had in TCW. She would be a young rebel. Don't forget she was the one smuggling the Death Star plans in ep IV. We may see her as a real active female lead.

- What happened to some fan favorite Clones? Particularly Rex and Fives. Do they become Stormtroopers? Rebels? Something else?

- the horrible bloody, gruesome and hopefully painful death of JarJar Binks... Please? I'm begging here? Sarlac Pit maybe?

- this time period would give them a nice slot to fit in an official Thrawn story arc or appearance without conflicting with the books, EU, new movies etc.

- Obi Wan was watching over Luke during this period. But why would they be just watching Luke? Leia was Luke's twin. Both the children of the most powerful Jedi ever. The Jedi did not seem concerned with male, female or other in who they handed a Lightsaber to. So they would not have simply bet on Luke. Who was watching and guarding Leia?

The possibilities are just so many.

Edited by Faefrost

Just to put it out there...

All isn't forgiven for everyone. Although for the most part I welcome Star Wars in any form, this doesn't change the decisions that ended a successful show in The Clone Wars. It's not that I wanted TCW to go on forever, I didn't like how the show ended incomplete.

Just to put it out there...

All isn't forgiven for everyone. Although for the most part I welcome Star Wars in any form, this doesn't change the decisions that ended a successful show in The Clone Wars. It's not that I wanted TCW to go on forever, I didn't like how the show ended incomplete.

I think you are missing something important here? With this announcement TCW did not end incomplete. It jumped forward over RotS. TCW really only had another season left in it. It was limited by the amount of quickly decreasing time between the current TCW story arc and RotS. RotS is always the conclusion to TCW. The only question was some of the non PT and OT characters story arcs. Asohka Rex, Fives, Hondo, Cad Bane, Ventriss, Maul, etc. Disney XD wanted a more open ended show. This solves that problem and still allows them to give us the resolution to the TCW stories.


Some good points there, although I wouldn't hold my breath about Jar Jar. :laugh: And I disagree on the Thrawn part. That's a post-OT story, and seeing how they butchered a lot of EU stuff in The Clone Wars, I would prefer if they wouldn't touch that masterpiece.

As for Leia's guardian, Bail promised to protect her, and if you think about it, he's probably a better person to keep her safe than a Jedi would since those are being hunted.

I suspect that there will bad news for you in that regard. The last place we see R2 and Threepio in RotS is aboard the Tantive IV, in the possession of Bail Organna. The First place we ever meet R2 and C3PO is aboard the Tantive IV, in the possession of Leia Organna, in Star Wars (sigh! Episode IV ANH. Bleah!) So it is safe to assume that they remain with the Organna household for the intervening 17 years. And we know that Bail Organna is central to the formation of the Rebellion. Figure the droids are the best positioned to be featured.

No, they go off on adventures with Mungo Baobab and Jann Tosh, and they help defeat Kybo Ren, and they fight Admiral Screed...

Yes, I know that much of Droids is borderline canon if canon at all, and I'm sure that the Rebels team won't really pay much attention to any conflicts between the two series. But I'm still hopeful that the earlier series isn't completely overwritten; I guess I like it because it was one of the first Star Wars productions outside of the movies that I saw.

Some positive stuff we may get to see.

- Leia as a bit more than a hostage. Depending on where in that 17 year scale this is set, we may see Leia in that audience and new fan POV role that Asokha had in TCW. She would be a young rebel. Don't forget she was the one smuggling the Death Star plans in ep IV. We may see her as a real active female lead.

This was expanded on a little in the Star Wars Radio Drama, and done pretty well. Hopefully this new series can build on that.

- the horrible bloody, gruesome and hopefully painful death of JarJar Binks... Please? I'm begging here? Sarlac Pit maybe?

Yes. :thumbup: We need to see that.

- Obi Wan was watching over Luke during this period. But why would they be just watching Luke? Leia was Luke's twin. Both the children of the most powerful Jedi ever. The Jedi did not seem concerned with male, female or other in who they handed a Lightsaber to. So they would not have simply bet on Luke. Who was watching and guarding Leia?

I think the current canon storyline has What's-His-Name-Siri-Tachi's-Apprentice-Who-Left-The-Order keeping an eye on Leia after he survives Order 66. I don't really care for that series of books, so if Rebels overwrites that, I'll have no complaints.

When Clone Wars was cancelled and Lucasfilm said they were working on a new series, I thought to myself, "What if the new series is about Rebels in the Original Trilogy. That would be cool." And then this Star Wars Rebels was announced...

Disney does make dreams come true.

Edited by xboxtravis7992

Some good points there, although I wouldn't hold my breath about Jar Jar. :laugh: And I disagree on the Thrawn part. That's a post-OT story, and seeing how they butchered a lot of EU stuff in The Clone Wars, I would prefer if they wouldn't touch that masterpiece.

As for Leia's guardian, Bail promised to protect her, and if you think about it, he's probably a better person to keep her safe than a Jedi would since those are being hunted.

Well that's kinda the beauty of using Thrawn should they choose to. He appears in the books as a Grand Admiral. So he must have had some earlier career in the Imperial Navy. Just as TCW made fairly good limited use of Tarkin, without conflicting with anything from ANH, we can see an earlier Thrawn story with him as a tactically brilliant antagonist.

When Clone Wars was cancelled and Lucasfilm said they were working on a new series, I thought to myself, "What if the new series is about Rebels in the Original Trilogy. That would be cool." And then this Star Wars Rebels was announced...

Disney does make dreams come true.

Agreed. I always thought that the perfect way to extend TCW would be to jump the story forward, past RotS, and turn it into a Rise of the Empire series. I just never thought they would ever actually do it.

It would be great if they could make this new series, using the graphic style of TOR trailers, but thats not gone happen I guess.

Still great news though. :)

Are the graphics going to be the same as TCW?

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