May 21, 201311 yr Are the graphics going to be the same as TCW? Well, they will probably use the same technology, but the art style is going to be based on the McQuarrie art as they said. I just hope the characters wont look so wooden in this new series. It would be great if they could make this new series, using the graphic style of TOR trailers, but thats not gone happen I guess. That would be AMAZING, but yeah, very unlikely.
May 21, 201311 yr I think you are missing something important here? With this announcement TCW did not end incomplete. It jumped forward over RotS. TCW really only had another season left in it. It was limited by the amount of quickly decreasing time between the current TCW story arc and RotS. RotS is always the conclusion to TCW. The only question was some of the non PT and OT characters story arcs. Asohka Rex, Fives, Hondo, Cad Bane, Ventriss, Maul, etc. Disney XD wanted a more open ended show. This solves that problem and still allows them to give us the resolution to the TCW stories. The opportunity is there. Will they take advantage of this opportunity and resolve anything? That remains to be seen. Personally I'm not counting on it. The way I see it, TCW did end incomplete as Season 6 was not completed. We have yet to see the "bonus material" and how much of the planned Season 6 will we see? We know it's not going to be complete because if it was complete, why not capitalize on it and air the full season on television where it was intended? Edited May 21, 201311 yr by Sir_Basil_Ashton
May 21, 201311 yr Basically, I agree. We know that 7 seasons were planned. What we don't know is what and how many "crucial" arcs, that means arc that are directly related to events of the features, like the framing of Order 66, were planned, and how Filoni & Co. supposed TCW to end. That's something I really would like to know; however, it doesn't seem likely that this is gonna happen. Anyway, I think Disney should have fused the planned final seasons to one single "extended" season consisting of 20+x episodes, and aired them on their own channel beginning this fall, and beginning to air the new animated series in 2014. Disney is willing to pay US-$ 1.200.000 per episode as bonus content; so whatever the reason is that TCW was cancelled, I don't believe that costs are an issue. Edited May 21, 201311 yr by Brickadeer
May 22, 201311 yr This is great news! Lego-wise however would we get 'clone wars' like OT characters for minifigures? Edited May 22, 201311 yr by Ceroknight
May 22, 201311 yr This is great news! Lego-wise however would we get 'clone wars' like OT characters for minifigures? I think the only named major characters from the OT that haven't snuck in a TCW appearance already are Han, Luke, Leia and Lando.
May 22, 201311 yr What are the chances of seeing Starkiller/Galen Marek? After all his family crest is the symbol of the alliance. I hope he is included.
May 22, 201311 yr What are the chances of seeing Starkiller/Galen Marek? After all his family crest is the symbol of the alliance. I hope he is included. Honestly I hope they ignore that. Heck, I hope they ignore most of the expanded universe. Too much of it sucks (but some is good). I mean if you can force lift a freakin' Star Destroyer I don't know why you can't just squish any of your enemies or enemy ships with a thought. That's just one of the problems in that stupid story/game.
May 22, 201311 yr What are the chances of seeing Starkiller/Galen Marek? After all his family crest is the symbol of the alliance. I hope he is included. Not very high since this series will probably take place after that story. Honestly I hope they ignore that. Heck, I hope they ignore most of the expanded universe. Too much of it sucks (but some is good). I mean if you can force lift a freakin' Star Destroyer I don't know why you can't just squish any of your enemies or enemy ships with a thought. That's just one of the problems in that stupid story/game. Because you choose not to. With great power comes great responsibility, and when it comes to the Force, size doesn't matter, remember? Quite frankly, I don't see what's so stupid about that story.
May 22, 201311 yr Because you choose not to. With great power comes great responsibility, and when it comes to the Force, size doesn't matter, remember? Quite frankly, I don't see what's so stupid about that story. This is horrible horrible logic man. They choose not to? Even when they're actively trying to kill someone? Even the bad guys who don't hold back? Even when there's tons of lives on the line? Save everyone by force squishing Darth Vader and Palpatine or just "choose not to"? Seriously? I consider the writing so freakin' terrible in that story. Size matters not, but it does. You don't see Yoda pulling that garbage. You don't see ANYONE doing that in canon. It's just poor, stupid writing. And saying they "choose" not to is just wrong.
May 23, 201311 yr What are the chances of seeing Starkiller/Galen Marek? After all his family crest is the symbol of the alliance. I hope he is included. I think if anything it there might be a slightly greater chance of seeing Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors from the pre lightsaber wielding days of the original Dark Forces game. They were mercenaries and agents of the Rebellion, which would dove tail into the time period. Plus while having Galen Marek in the show would not get we Lego fans anything new, we already have his minifig and ship. Having Kyle and Jan would almost guarantee we would get a Moldy Crow set!
May 23, 201311 yr Because you choose not to. With great power comes great responsibility, and when it comes to the Force, size doesn't matter, remember? Quite frankly, I don't see what's so stupid about that story. There does come a point where it becomes ridiculous. Yoda's and Windu's Force powers in the original CW cartoon come to mind, Force-pushing entire legions of droids backwards and C-9979s into each other.
May 23, 201311 yr Regardless of the overuse of the force powers, which I agree was over the top. I still think the story of Galen Marek was good and introduced the origins of the Rebel Alliance in a good way, with the use of Rahm Kota and having a surviving Jedi help kickstart a group of rebels. Again this is my opinion and I know many don't agree. I just think it would be nice to tie some things together and really make it one continuity. The one problem I do see with the show is that the Rebel Alliance was not really winning many battles during this period or am I mistaken? How can they have a show where the "good guys" are not really fighting a winning battle?
May 23, 201311 yr What I hope is that they ignore the Galen Marek story altogether. To me, this show is going to trump TFU when it comes to where things live within the canon. I hope that they use the one deleted scene from ROTS of Padme, Bail, Mothma and a few others meeting and discussing a Rebel Alliance. That way, Bail and Mothma can play larger roles, along with possibly Ackbar. Theycoulddrive the political side of the show (which will inevitably be there), while characters like Chewie, 3P0 and R2, and possibly Han while he's in the Imperial Fleet, can drive the action side of the show. What will be interesting is seeing what sort of stories and relationships they decide to show. Possibly how Lando and Han met, how the Falcon got into Han's hands, and how Chewie became his friend. One this I really hope for is that this new show will have the same look as the CW did. Same animation style and character design. I feel like if they maintain the look and feel of The Clone Wars with this show, they will create a good sense of continuity between the CW, Rebels, and the films. I would like to think of this show as a continuation of The Clone Wars, just after ROTS. One thing I would be super happy about would be if Ahsoka was in the show and played a major role.
May 23, 201311 yr The one problem I do see with the show is that the Rebel Alliance was not really winning many battles during this period or am I mistaken? How can they have a show where the "good guys" are not really fighting a winning battle? I don't think that'll be a problem; the CW team has shown that they have no problem with overriding existing canon or with making the good guys win pretty much every story arc. They could also pick up the story a little later if they want to make the increased fighting a little more plausible. (Nineteen years is a lot of time and I don't think they plan to cover it all - though I could be wrong considering how far into the future Disney wants Star Wars movies to be produced.)*Hopes Zahn is involved in the story and Garm Bel Iblis gets a major role but knows it probably won't happen.*
May 23, 201311 yr This is horrible horrible logic man. They choose not to? Even when they're actively trying to kill someone? Even the bad guys who don't hold back? Even when there's tons of lives on the line? Save everyone by force squishing Darth Vader and Palpatine or just "choose not to"? Seriously? Yes, seriously, "man". That's what separates the heroes from the villains, having the power to hold back. Why do you think Superman never just instantly annihilates any of his enemies when he clearly easily could? Because he's a good guy and that's a line he won't cross. It's a common trope in comics and other fictional media, and it certainly applies to Star Wars as well. Besides, Vader and the Emperor are some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, so it wouldn't be as easy as you say. There does come a point where it becomes ridiculous. Yoda's and Windu's Force powers in the original CW cartoon come to mind, Force-pushing entire legions of droids backwards and C-9979s into each other. Granted, things like that are definitely over the top, but I'm a sucker for over-the-top action and it doesn't violate any cannon, so I'm totally fine with it. I mean, if Yoda can lift an X-Wing out of a swamp, why not push some C-9979s together? The one problem I do see with the show is that the Rebel Alliance was not really winning many battles during this period or am I mistaken? How can they have a show where the "good guys" are not really fighting a winning battle? That's a very good point. In the Clone Wars, the Republic won way too many battles already, so seeing the rebels win almost every battle would be even more unrealistically one-sided. I hope they handle this well by having the rebel victories only be small victories and letting the empire win from time to time. One this I really hope for is that this new show will have the same look as the CW did. Same animation style and character design. I feel like if they maintain the look and feel of The Clone Wars with this show, they will create a good sense of continuity between the CW, Rebels, and the films. I would like to think of this show as a continuation of The Clone Wars, just after ROTS. One thing I would be super happy about would be if Ahsoka was in the show and played a major role. I disagree about the character designs. I for one really hope that the characters will look a bit more realistic and polished this time around. They have always done a great job with the environments, but the characters looked so wooden and cartoony that they didn't seem to fit into the scene sometimes, especially towards the end of the show. Plus they make for some pretty ugly minifigs. And would it be too much to ask that C-3PO is actually chrome? Even the LEGO Star Wars specials have a more movie-accurate looking 3PO than the Clone Wars. As for Ahsoka, yeah, it would be interesting if she would become the Jedi guardian of Leia. It would make sense, too, since she was friends with Padme and probably knew Bail fairly well too.
May 23, 201311 yr Yes, seriously, "man". That's what separates the heroes from the villains, having the power to hold back. Why do you think Superman never just instantly annihilates any of his enemies when he clearly easily could? Because he's a good guy and that's a line he won't cross. It's a common trope in comics and other fictional media, and it certainly applies to Star Wars as well. Besides, Vader and the Emperor are some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, so it wouldn't be as easy as you say. Just because it's a common trope doesn't mean it applies well all the time. With Superman it makes sense with his character. With any Sith Lord with that power or most Jedi (which usually have no issue with killing despite the fact it's preached that they do) it does not. Absolutely does not. If someone is trying to KILL someone else like that idiot in that game was then you don't hold back unless it makes sense with the character (like Superman) and this d00d was killing left and right. And suddenly when he has the ability to meet Darth Vader and the Emperor he has a problem with it? I'll just blow through these Storm Troopers killing everyone in my way but when it REALLY matters and I could end the suffering I suddenly refuse? That's called piss poor writing. When Superman refuses to go all out it's because of his character trait of being afraid to hurt bystanders, going too far and killing needlessly. He tries not to kill anyone. When Luke refused to kill Vader it was basically because that was his father (notice he had no issue trying to kill the Emperor when Vader blocked the saber hit). When this d00d refuses to kill anyone and squish them with his force powers with a thought... why? The Jedi code? Bull crap. He killed over and over before then (mostly other Imperials). Because he's a hero? A real hero would have killed the threat, done anything to kill people that are basically Hitler and continually killing millions and billions. You don't go all that way and suddenly have a change of heart for no reason. No, he refuses to kill because the story sucks and the writing sucks. It makes no sense. He clearly HAD the power. He could have used the force to freakin' break their arms and legs without killing them. It was one simple thing. TERRIBLE writing. Plot holes. Deus Ex Machina where he can move a freakin' Star Destroyer at one moment but inexplicably not have anywhere near that power the next. Star Wars isn't always consistent. Like the Super Speed you see in Episode I is suddenly not an option later (I'd say this is terrible writing too) among other things. But that Star Destroyer scene was the hail marry of BAD writing. It was Micheal Bay Star Wars. "Lets just do it because it's cool" and then give no thought as to what that would logically mean in the future. The horror...
May 24, 201311 yr There does come a point where it becomes ridiculous. Yoda's and Windu's Force powers in the original CW cartoon come to mind, Force-pushing entire legions of droids backwards and C-9979s into each other. I think it becomes "ridiculous" to us, in part, because those kinds of things were never done in the movies, so you then think back, well hey, why didn't the Jedi just do this or that, in that scene where they were surrounded or whatever. If Clone Wars had somehow come out first, then that would be our understanding of what Jedi can and can't do.
May 24, 201311 yr When talking about the force, remember what Darth Vader says: "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."
May 24, 201311 yr I think you are missing the point I was saying. I think there is a place for Galen in this series. That does not mean he will have the crazy steroid like force powers. You have to remember the game was intented to entertain first, who doesn't like playing as a character who can do crazy force abilities, hence the name "Force Unleashed" The same can be said of TCW, this is aimed at a younger target audience and children/kids will be more enthrawled with the higher force abilities then they would be at the little force usage in the OT and to a point the PT. Do I think the can pull off a character of Galen Marek int Star Wars Rebels, yes, do i think he would be able to do the stuff in the game, no. Also you have to remeber Galen is based on the likeness of Sam Witwer, who is also the voice of Darth Maul in TCW so he does have an in with Dave FIloni most likely.
May 24, 201311 yr One reason I do hope they steal clear of Galen Marek, is I hope they steal clear of the video game and novel/comic interpretations of the Sith. The problem is so much of the EU interpretations of the Sith more and more degenerate into twisted and sadistic evil for evils sake. They get off on the evil. Your typical mustache twirling bad guys. Whereas the times we actually see Sith characters on screen, be it movie or television, their motivation and purpose is much more nuanced. They use the Force for purpose. But the purpose is not the use of the force. While they are not afraid of death or destruction, it is a tool and not something they actively seek out as a goal in itself. They simply operate under a philosophy that the ends justify the means.
May 24, 201311 yr But Galen Marek was never really a true sith. He was always Vaders/Palpatines pawn.
May 25, 201311 yr I can forgive them a little bit on the different fighting styles, combat scenes, etc depending on the medium and time made. I mean technically the lightsaber battles in the prequels put the lighsaber battles in the original trilogy to shame. It LOOKS like Darth and Luke would be completely owned by any of the old Jedi. But this is merely a product of different times. Kind of like the Klingons in TOS then later completely different with forehead ridges. Honestly I didn't think they needed an explanation to Klingons. TOS was simply old. No explanation needed. Same with the lightsaber battles. And I also understand in like cartoons and CGI they're going to go even MORE crazy because they can. So... I try to ignore the differences. The Star Destroyer was just beyond my limits of forgiveness though.
May 25, 201311 yr I think it becomes "ridiculous" to us, in part, because those kinds of things were never done in the movies, so you then think back, well hey, why didn't the Jedi just do this or that, in that scene where they were surrounded or whatever. If Clone Wars had somehow come out first, then that would be our understanding of what Jedi can and can't do. Mmm, good point. What it comes down to, then, is that a precedent has been set for the sake of the plot, and I know I'm playing right into the hands of arguments with quotes about the power of the Force and I know that that same plot often dictates what can and can't happen in certain situations. And there comes a point where things just become ridiculous, and it's not a definite point nor are there any criteria for what is a ridiculous example of Force usage, but it's more of a common sense thing based on the reactions of the viewers. Saying it's "the power of the Force" is also kind of an excuse. And again this is not a defined point I'm referring to, but there comes a point when it becomes ridiculous to explain a feat using that excuse. Little inconsistencies, fine; I can understand that; let's move the plot forward. (And take for example the assembling of the Corellian system: a ridiculously massive project on a cosmic scale, but at least it was - or at least attempted to somewhat be - explained by a use of colossal repulsor technology by a past race of aliens, not by just saying, "Oh, unlimited power and will of the Force and stuff".) And by the way, perhaps where the 'power of the Force' is concerned, size really doesn't matter and the ability to destroy a planet is comparatively insignificant. I can accept that. I only ask that it be recognized that the power available to the Force user is limited, and that that limit be used to combine both the concept of the Force's unlimited power and the use of realistic (as much as can be said for a mystical power in a sci-fi saga) power by the practitioners.
May 27, 201311 yr I'm still undecided about what to expect from the series. I'm a bit afraid that it'll be less dark and more "disney"-ish than the recent TCW arcs. Having read a critique of Pixar's recent film "Merida", I received the impression that everything Disney touches becomes, well, Disney.
May 27, 201311 yr As brought up earlier in here, Rebels needs to show the Rebels having their butts handed to them by the Empire and Vader. It would be cool to see some episodes where the Rebels are racing with Vader to find Jedi that survived Order 66. Of course Vader will always get there before them and the Rebels will find dead Jedi. I want to see the Rebels have heavy losses.
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