June 8, 201311 yr It's not about the characters needing to die and knowing everything up until that point. It's the fact that it's unlikely Ashoka wouldn't try to get involved after the Jedi are wiped out. It's just plain odd that she's missing from the events of Revenge of the Sith and beyond. The conclusion she has so far does not address anything really. It's a good explanation on why she's not around for Revenge of the Sith but not a good one as to why she'd ignore her old friends being exterminated. Heck, since Vader's true identity doesn't seem to be known by most for all she knows Anakin was KILLED by Vader. It makes ZERO sense that she'd ignore everything. If she's not in this series ever (which I think it's likely that she will be) it will literally make zero sense. Her ending didn't do anything besides explain her absence in RotS. Nothing. She would absolutely get involved again at some point. Not sulk around and do nothing. Her conclusion when taking into account the bigger universe and more than just that one movie is absolutely not enough. Explaining it in EU crap would be crap because again, EU is mostly crap :P and it wouldn't get to the TV/Movie fans. I'd wager there's a 90% chance she'd appear in the new series at some point. Main or guest star.
June 8, 201311 yr Also, Ahsoka could make sense of Leia's comments to Luke about their mother in ROTJ. Why not show Ahsoka visiting Bail on Alderrann shortly after ROTS to make sure he's ok and find out info about Padme, Anakin and Obi-Wan. She could have found some old recordings of Padme, and set out to find out what happened to her. She then could show the old recordings of here acting in the Senate and what not, which would have planted the memory into her mind. That way the comments from ROTJ make sense.
June 8, 201311 yr I don't believe Leia is taking about Padme, I am pretty sure she is talking about Bail's wife.
June 8, 201311 yr "The Force" is why... as lame as that is to cover a plot hole. It's possible her power in the force made her remember, though she doesn't realize it. According to Yoda you can see the past and people long gone after all. It's not too much of a stretch though again, it's a bit lame to have "the force" as a plot hole filler.
June 8, 201311 yr I wonder if Ahsoka's fate would have been further explored in TCW, and what kind of "closure" Filoni and his crew had in mind for this character. Anyway, I do not think that she'll part of Rebels, nor do I think it wise to introdruce her. In my understanding, Rebels, among other reasons, is created in order to introduce characters that to an older audience are familiar from the OT, but that are not known by a younger audience from TCW and the PT. I suppose it very unlikely that Ahsoka will be part of EP VII, so there is no reason to introduce her into the series.
June 9, 201311 yr It's a funny thing reading this and other Star Wars forums and hearing fans' reactions to how Ahsoka's arc was wrapped up in The Clone Wars. It strikes me that a lot of fans will never be satisfied with a character's story arc until they know exactly what happens to them up until the very moment the character dies. Excuse my ignorance - I stopped paying attention to TCW after they revived Maul - but how exactly was her arc wrapped up?
June 9, 201311 yr It's not odd for Ahsoka not to appear in later productions. It doesn't mean that she's not getting involved, it just means that she isn't affecting the storylines of the main characters, which I think is appropriate since she's already filled her role and all the possible major future roles for her are already filled and the story already makes sense. Excuse my ignorance - I stopped paying attention to TCW after they revived Maul - but how exactly was her arc wrapped up? Got accused of murder and left the Order after the master didn't believe in her innocence.
June 9, 201311 yr Got accused of murder and left the Order after the master didn't believe in her innocence. Intriguing. Considering the similarity to Ferus Olin's story, I'd say it's pretty likely that she escaped Order 66.
June 9, 201311 yr Author I wonder if Ahsoka's fate would have been further explored in TCW, and what kind of "closure" Filoni and his crew had in mind for this character. I don't know the "full closure" Filoni had in mind, but Ashley Eckstein confirmed a while back she had recorded lines for the then Season 6. Even if she doesn't appear in the upcoming The Clone Wars "Bonus Content", the fact that she had recorded lines for Season 6 is obvious enough that they planned to continue her story. With Filoni in charge of Rebels, you'd expect he'd think of any way possible to bring her and other The Clone Wars elements in. Maybe not right away, but over the course of the show, probably.
June 10, 201311 yr (Can someone tell me how Ahsoka and Assajj ended in TWC) On topic: who do you think actually knows that Darth Vader used to be Anakin? It could be interesting if some rebels found out and ere were some arguments or something idk
June 10, 201311 yr On topic: who do you think actually knows that Darth Vader used to be Anakin? It could be interesting if some rebels found out and ere were some arguments or something idk It's hard to tell, because over the years with the release of the prequels the viewpoints have been slanted. It's a fact that nearly no one knows that Vader is Luke's father, but what they do know of him seems to vary. In the Last of the Jedi series, it seems that no one knows his true identity, yet in Imperial Commando (which takes place around the same time) it's a well-known fact. It's one of those parts of the EU that really varies.
June 10, 201311 yr Vader wanted to cover up his past, so the only ones who should know are those who saw him between Palpatine's arrest and his reconstruction, and survived. That's Palpatine, the 501st, Threepio, R2, Obi-Wan, the Shock Troopers who accompanied Palpatine, and some assorted droids, plus the security recordings in the Temple. We know Threepio's memory was wiped. We know R2 is very good at keeping stuff like this a secret. Obi-Wan and Yoda saw the recordings, and then it's likely they were destroyed*. That leaves the clones, assuming they even realize that he was Vader at that point and not the only Jedi who wasn't a traitor, as they were told. That would explain how the clones/stormies would know, and how no one else does, as they could have heard it from other clones, but probably wouldn't have told anyone else. *Was that dealt with in Last of the Jedi? I don't remember. (Last of the Jedi was the kid's series, right? Where they can tell that Vader's fighting style and behavior seem familiar, but can't figure out who he is?)
June 11, 201311 yr Very few knew his identify and at the time it didn't really matter. Yoda, Obi-Wan, the Organas (well, at least one of them) would not see any use in revealing the information and it would likely put Luke and Leia in danger. And there was truly probably little to no use in the information anyways. His enemies probably couldn't use his old life against him effectively. I'd bet that in the whole galaxy there was probably only a handful of people know knew his true identity (Palpatine, probably a decent amount of troopers, blablabla). To most everyone else he was simply an unknown Jedi who turned on them. The information was probably strictly controlled so people for the most part couldn't say which one for sure (I doubt there was an available list of dead Jedi and if there was they could have always put Anakin's name there anyways).
June 11, 201311 yr Vader wanted to cover up his past, so the only ones who should know are those who saw him between Palpatine's arrest and his reconstruction, and survived. That's Palpatine, the 501st, Threepio, R2, Obi-Wan, the Shock Troopers who accompanied Palpatine, and some assorted droids, plus the security recordings in the Temple. We know Threepio's memory was wiped. We know R2 is very good at keeping stuff like this a secret. Obi-Wan and Yoda saw the recordings, and then it's likely they were destroyed*. That leaves the clones, assuming they even realize that he was Vader at that point and not the only Jedi who wasn't a traitor, as they were told. That would explain how the clones/stormies would know, and how no one else does, as they could have heard it from other clones, but probably wouldn't have told anyone else. *Was that dealt with in Last of the Jedi? I don't remember. (Last of the Jedi was the kid's series, right? Where they can tell that Vader's fighting style and behavior seem familiar, but can't figure out who he is?) It would probably be safe to guess that Tarkin knew who Vader was as well. It would explain some of the interplay in episode IV.
June 11, 201311 yr It would probably be safe to guess that Tarkin knew who Vader was as well. It would explain some of the interplay in episode IV. Oops, I forgot to add "and whoever those people told" to my post. Yeah, Tarkin and other similarly high-ranked Imperials could probably have dug up the info/trusted enough by Palpatine to know. But they're probably not going to be telling anyone else.
June 11, 201311 yr *Was that dealt with in Last of the Jedi? I don't remember. (Last of the Jedi was the kid's series, right? Where they can tell that Vader's fighting style and behavior seem familiar, but can't figure out who he is?) That's the one.
July 11, 201311 yr Author For anyone like myself who will be attending Celebration Europe II, they've announced the day and time of the Star Wars Rebels panel which will be the first look at the new show: First Look: Star Wars Rebels Date: Saturday, July 27 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Location: Celebration Stage Description: Exclusive for Celebration Europe, a first glimpse into the production of Star Wars Rebels, an exciting, all-new animated television series slated for release in 2014. Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni, who was supervising director of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, will discuss the inspiration for the new series. Rebels is set between the events of Episodes III and IV, an era spanning almost two decades of Star Wars stories that have not yet been explored on screen. Details about the show are a closely-guarded secret at this point, but fans at Celebration Europe can catch a first look into production.
July 15, 201311 yr Author The latest issue of Star Wars Insider reveals more members of Star Wars: The Clone Wars who will be working on Rebels: http://gb.zinio.com/reader.jsp?issue=416270539&o=int&prev=si&p=7
July 29, 201311 yr Author The news for Star Wars: Rebels that was shown to fans like myself at Celebration Europe: http://starwars.com/news/star-wars-celebration-europe-2013-star-wars-rebels-logo-art-and-details-revealed.html
July 29, 201311 yr Hoth Bricks got a bunch of pictures. I like the Ghost that looks to be inspired by the original concept art for the Falcon which then became the Tantive IV. Star Destroyer's superstructure seems too small and too far back, though. Also:
August 12, 201311 yr I hope that if we see characters come up again from the movies the voice actors don't get the accents wrong, being British myself I couldn't stand Obi wan's messed up accent from TCW.
August 12, 201311 yr I hope that if we see characters come up again from the movies the voice actors don't get the accents wrong, being British myself I couldn't stand Obi wan's messed up accent from TCW. It really wasn't that bad, certainly better than 'Tarkins' attempt.
September 13, 201311 yr Author More Star Wars: Rebels news to come at New York Comic-Con next month! http://starwars.com/news/star-wars-rebels-and-more-at-nycc.html Star Wars Rebels: The Might of the Empire Saturday, October 12, 2013 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m., Room 1E What happens when the Galactic Empire takes over a planet? What if Imperials took interest in your world, and garrisoned Stormtroopers and TIE fighters to maintain order? Star Wars Rebels, the thrilling, all-new animated television series from Lucasfilm for Disney XD will ask those questions -- and so will this panel hosted by Lucasfilm's resident Star Warsexpert, Pablo Hidalgo. Details on the show are closely guarded, but fans at NYCC will get a first look at new art from the series, and learn new information about the formidable forces of the Galactic Empire. Star Wars Rebels is set between Episodes III and IV, and it is a dark time in the galaxy. In the spirit of the original trilogy, the Empire is once again the preeminent villain of the saga, and Star Wars Rebels puts the awesome might of Imperial forces in the spotlight. The series is still a year away, so don't miss this chance to get an early look at its development.
September 28, 201311 yr Author Rumoured voice-cast for Star Wars: Rebels: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/star-wars-rebels-david-oyelowo-634717 Also some of Disney's plans for promoting the show: http://www.theforce.net/story/front/Disney_Book_Catalog_Reveals_Plans_For_Promoting_Star_Wars_Rebels_154300.asp
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