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The show I think hurts from the 30 minute format that translates to about only 20 minutes of actual show. I don't understand why they don't just make the show a full hour. Disney can afford it after all Star Wars is a top property of their's. At least do two parters more often. I just watched the eight part miniseries Stakes, apart of Adventure Time, and while each episode is the same length as one of Rebels the continuing story felt suitably epic. 

The four parter arcs of the Clone Wars are often the best stories that series ever told. In fact I think the best episodes of the Clone Wars were all multiple parts.

Thrawn is indeed beginning to feel like a crutch for the writers. I think that's because of future plot lines and writers being asked to shoehorn him into an episode. He's always great but they have got to stop showing him let people go. Yes I know its for his overall plan/trap or whatever and i'm sure and hope it will pay off but right now it's beyond frustrating.

Edited by Forresto

I tend to agree with the growing consensus. After watching Iron Squadron I got the very strong impression that the show just doesn't go far enough--as in killing named characters. I don't mind the short episodes so much, if they make sense plot wise. Here however it was just a series of foolish stupid mistakes and actions by our protagonists, back to back to back, and then they get off unscathed once again, utterly embarrassing the Empire. Rinse and repeat. 

To be completely honest I want Ezra 2.0 dead more than regular Ezra! :blush: At least Ezra's cockiness is backed up by something; the force, some experience, an understanding of consequences; but this new kid (whose name escapes me, and is totally unimportant anyways) is just a cocky idiot who risks his friends lives on his own grandiose war dreams despite not even knowing what a Star Destroyer is. 

Speaking of Star Destroyers, I will admit I audibly gasped with glee when Thrawn hyperspaced in. That was an utterly stunning image. Destroy him Thrawn, yeah! Oh wait, we're going to let them go again...this must be what the third or fourth time? :hmpf: Which brings me back to my first point--a protagonist should have been killed off here, as a consequence for their collective stupidity. It was foolish for Ezra 2.0 to stay behind, it was crazy for the Ghost to return and help, and it was even worse for Sato to jump in too. I cannot believe that Thrawn would not just tractor beam Sato's ship, especially when Konstantine notes that its the rebel flagship--and when that blockade runner is so close its practically scrapping the Destroyer's hull off! Rebels doesn't even have the guts to kill off Konstantine who was sent on what could be implied as, a suicide mission. Well at least Thrawn hoped it was I presume. :grin:

Rebels needs to raise the stakes! Also more Kallus--the people want Kallus! :thumbup:




I thought the episode was O K. It was really just another filler episode. As of right now, Konstantine should have died but the light cruiser doesn't blow up. And that transporter in the beginning should have blown up. I guess I feel that way because TCW series was pretty merciless on people and ships. Right now I want Konstantine dead because he cannot get done what he should be able to do, and I'm getting tired of seeing the same star destroyer with the same admiral each time. I also want the short, fat, red alien guy dead because I just don't like him.:sceptic:

I wish Rebels would do story arcs instead of finishing a story that could last longer. Next episode will have Hondo and that red guy. I like Hondo but I'll be surprised if that episode turns out not to be another filler..

Yeah but thing is with Kallus is this, and it's just a theory, that he is a fulcrum agent. 

I already imagine the episode, big reveal that Kallus has been an inside informant, saves the butt of the Ghost crew and gets executed by Thrawn or whatever, or maybe Thrawn will let him escape because that's the only thing he does apparantly. 

With all the screen time Zeb got this season I wouldnt be surprised he gets killed protecting Ezra, and the emotionnal shock will be nulled by the fact he's been on the side for ages. 

I don't even get Thrawn's logic of observing the Ghost crew that much, he's got data of their activities available, he knows they twarted every single freacking attempts at killing them, escapped vader several times, killed the grand inquisitor, killed various other inquisitors and god knows how many Imperial personnel... He even exposes himself too much by this incessant observation or their tactics by giving out his own in the long run. Would any officer skip the chance of destroying the ghost crew after all they've done? "Hey those guys have 2 force users and have been a nightmare for our operations for years, I mean they are the only competent branch of the rebel alliance so far and have been arming them, guess we'll just let them go for the fourth times now!"


I'll try recomposing myself but if Thrawn ever lets them go one more FREACKING time willingly, without any consequeneces or loss I'm gonna eat my monitor. 


Edit: They stated Konstantine is more of a politician with a place of power within the military, he did not acted like a blubering idiot, his only mistake was not cutting comms from the Outrider which gave up that they dropped a mine on the ship and facing the Ghost, a ship that can withstand any kind of firepower ( Imperials should slap Ghost ship models on their star destroyers, this crap can probably tank a deathstar ray )


I'm also tired of hearing the argument that Thrawn plays the long game, his goal his not destroying the Ghost crew but the rebellion. Except what are the rebels good for without the ghost crew? Vader owned their entire fleet, Tie pilots aces have no problem taking out a-wings and their transports. The ghost is always there messing things up, simply the fact that Wedge got to the other side because of them shifted the tide of the civil war.

Edited by RetroInferno

Based on this last episode I do have a couple predictions on what's going to happen this season. 

At the end of every season of Rebels, a massive change happens. Events escalate and the rebellion evolves closer to what we know. From micro to macro. End of Season 1, they're no longer one ship of bandits operating around a single planet but larger a rebel cell operating within an entire sector. End of Season 2, instead of being a fleet always on the run the Rebel cell has established a more permanent base and seems to be in contact with other cells. With that escalation has always come a loss on both sides. Season 1/2 Grand inquisitor dies and they lose the Phoenix command ship. Season 2, they lose Ashoka (If she's not dead i'll eat my hat), and the inquisitors are all killed.   


I predict that there is going to be another big escalation at the end of this season leading into the beginning of season 4. The show isnt going to last forever and we're getting closer to the end of the series, we're basically just past the crest of the midpoint. We're two years out from the Battle of Yavin and the Rebellion is fairly centralized by the time of Rogue One and A New Hope and Filoni has said they will be leading the show more and more towards the tone and ideas of Rogue One. What will that escalation be though?


Well if the pattern of growth continues what can the rebels and Phoenix Cell grow into past a base and a small fleet? I think Phoenix Cell is going to finally join with other cells at the end of this season or at least be put on a path to join others. I loathe to say it but I do think it likely Thrawn will die (or Governor Pryce) and I think he will die in a battle above Lothal. I think Lothal will be the climax of this season as it's the capital of this sector, Governor Pryce's home base, and the most developed planet in the series so far. Its also the most likely to draw the Rebels out if punished or attacked. The reason I think Thrawn will die is because he's too good for his own good. Ultimately Thrawn will be able to defeat the rebels which is similar to the reasons I think Zahn kills him off in the Last Command. He would have won if not for a sudden betrayal, Kallus perhaps? Calls has shown disdain for Thrawn in the past. 


However I do think we're going to see significant losses for the rebels in the final climatic battle. I get the sense one of the main characters will die as well as maybe even the Ghost being destroyed. The Ghost is their home and a character in its own right and throughout the season so far we have seen Thrawn analyzing and the Empire training against it. Sato's going to die for sure, this last episode sealed his fate. I would personally kill of Hera. She's the one holding the crew together, her death would be the most devastating.    

I just read a comment on youtube about why Thrawn continues to let the rebels go. This episode he drew Sato out which is the commander of the Phoenix squadron. He is probably figuring out what would draw the rebels out all together.

I think Kanan dieing would probably effect the crew a lot but we just have to find out I guess.

Well to create an emotionnal impact they'd have to kill a character we care about. As Forresto mentionned Sato is pretty much dead at this point, and I could not care less if he dies. We have 4 characters we care about in the rebellion right now: Kanan, Ashoka? ( If she's alive ), Hera and Zeb. 

I absolutly hate Sabine and Ezra ( Sabine is probably a cyborg and Ezra would be fine as the annoying angsty teenager space Alladin prick if he wasn't our main protagonist! )

Edited by RetroInferno

Something of an interesting catch but the bottom of Thrawn's Star Destroyer has the design of a chimera painted on. It's just ever so slightly there though, nearly the same color as the ISD's hull. In the actual episode you can only barely see the thick outline of the neck curving around the shield generator sphere so its definitely there but not really visible unless you brighten the image as a person in another forum did as seen in the bottom picture.  



I don't know if that means the ISD itself is called the Chimera, or if just like the Yslamari Statues this is another visual nod to the old Thrawn. 

I just finished reading the Thrawn Trilogy for the first time and I have to say Thrawn is easily my favorite EU character. Just behind would be Talon Karrde and Garm Bel Iblis.

I also realized something that excuses Thrawn continually letting the rebels escape. He's not trying to merely destroy this cell but he's attempting to uproot them as well as connecting cells. If he were to just obliterate the Phoenix cells the others would go into hiding and the rebellion would persist indefinitely. 

Edited by Forresto

Well I think the true reasons that Thrawn keeps letting them go--the reasons we are deducing--make sense. It's better to kill the whole hydra than to just cut off one head. The problem however is the fact that his motivations are not really being rationalized in the show itself. Even all the other imperials seem baffled (more so than normal :grin:). I mean we can deduce the intent, but in the moment to moment it still feels foolish. It would work better I think if someone called him out on continually releasing them; if only to then allow Thrawn to swiftly shut them down by elaborating on his superior strategy. 

All that said, I think that's a rather sweet chimera detailing on his SD, one that I very much wish was more pronounced in the show. I don't think I ever would have noticed it otherwise. 

Wow, what an awesome detail!

We only need Pelaon now!

I didn't like the episode that much... it feels like a filler. Mart put everyone in danger and Thrawn's strategy seems like "all or nothing" approach to defeat the rebels. I really hope the writers can pull off the strategy that Thrawn has so that he can say in the culminating episodes "just as planned" to really solidify his character as a strategist. So far, I can't see much of his strategy working well or maybe it's really the point -- so that in the end we'll be thrown in a twist we never see coming.

Edited by makoy

So far his observations rely on ''What does it takes for the rebel leadership to show up?''.

He's not present in the OT trilogy, his absence has to be explained somehow, so he either failed his mission and died, or became too dangerous to his superiors because of his abilities and sent in the outer rim with an expeditionnary corps. 

Either way they still need to establish his character solidly. 


Edited by RetroInferno
I forgot how to write in english today :O


This is interesting!

I liked the Dark Trooper reference from the last episode: those droid and clanking sounds came straight from Dark Forces I believe. 

I really don't like Hondo, how much can they squeeze this character yet? It's like I can already know what he's gonna say each freacking time :(

A better episode than the last one though. 

I thought it was an ok episode. While not a "main" episode, it also wasn't a throwaway episode either, perhaps the best filler episode this season. I think Hondo's jokes and wordplay saved it for me. I didn't know whether to laugh out loud or cry inside after he joked about Kanan's blindness :laugh: :cry_sad: ! 

What was not surprising was the continuation of Ezra being a complete ass--but it was surprising that he directed his jerkyness towards Zeb this time. This has really been the only extended interaction between the two this season (or at least the only long team up I can remember!), and it seemed really out of the norm for them. Ezra was being extremely petty and snotty--while Zeb clearly seemed sick of dealing with his childishness. Considering they were practically inseparable in season 1, this was a rather notable shift. Zeb seems to understand the responsibility of being in the rebellion and Ezra does not. Their animosity seems to have been building ever so slightly for a while too--such as Zeb's comment last week about a "ship of Ezra's"; I see that as less of a joke now and more of Zeb's true growing negative opinion of Ezra. 

Also the hole cut door sequence was perhaps the funniest moment of the series! :laugh:

The episode is definitely better then last weeks one. Hondo is the best though I think he is much different then when we saw him in TCW. The sentry droids were definitely awesome. I laughed when chopper said every man for himself and Zeb said I hope you run out of fuel. :laugh:  Next episode will be on Lothal so hopefully it will be interesting.

I like how AP-5 is instrumental on making the plan in this episode. He didn't have any decent appearance since his introduction.

As for the episode, I agree that it is a better episode than the last one... but still feels like a filler. I hope these small setup in the story pays off later on.

I don't like Hando's character and Ezra's bizarre trust to him. Maybe it is the Rebels desperation that make it all possible to partner with him but the lack of any consequences to all the betrayals Hando had done is just sloppy storytelling in my opinion. 

Ezra likes Hando because he's an unlikable twat, the way Ezra and Zeb acted towards each other after 2 full seasons.... Can he die horribly yet?

That's a nice detail on the ISD!

There was a screenshot from next weeks episode I saw that I can't find now. However it showed something kind've cool...Obviously don't read if you don't want possibly a big spoiler.

Hera is looking aghast at the technical readout of blueprints for a Tie Defender. Not anything huge but you never know, this could be the big twist of the episode.

Today's episode was really great! We get to have a look into a imperial factory. I was surprised that the farmer guy actually blew up instead of being rescued. We find out that Kallus is a fulcrum and I believe Thrawn knows it. Nice to see tie defender blue prints which I hope we get to see later in the show. Overall it's a much better episode then we have been getting. Next episode is visions and voices. The preview was pretty creepy. Maul will be back and I'm very interested in what will happen! Can't wait!

The fulcrum reveal was hilarious, who would have tought it would be Kallus? Seriously....

But we lost the red shirt manufacturing guy that was shown for 30 seconds at the beginning of the show!

A couple issues with Thrawn here too, especially in the end; Ezra and Kanan are escaping, officer says they have two AT-AT stationned and ask if they need reinforcements. Thrawn replies saying: ''No, let them play their game'' , then presses both AT-AT to destroy the AT-DP. So the rebels managed to escape because Thrawn refused to get reinforcement? ( Although to be fair they would have stationned a freacking regiment it wouldn't matter ).

I think I grasped the grip I have with the show, nothing is at stake. Never once do you feel the Ghost crew is in any danger, they always smile, crack jokes, never get injured or get captured ( for more than an hour ). They throw in a few candy at the older fans by throwing some old and obscure references ( TIE defenders, Dark troopers, the 181st and whatnot ).

Really getting tired of Rebels.  

Edited by RetroInferno

You know I get Kallus was an Imperial but considering he saved their butts and is the spy feeding their cell information, Ezra's and Kanan's reactions and desires to inflict him harm made them come across as kinda awful. I mean Ezra force threw him really hard through a computer into a metal desk and then Kanan jokes he wanted to do that. I don't have a problem with their reaction because I would imagine they might in that scenario considering the history but it oddly makes me dislike both of them.

I feel bad for the dude on the speeder and while I don't approve of Thrawn's methods I don't know if Thrawn's being unfair. Ruthless? yes! A bit cruel? Certainly! But the dude also sabotaged a military vehicle with the intent of blowing up someone else. I mean yes he is basically blowing up a nazi so it's kinda justified but still he was going to kill someone else, so Thrawn is really doing to him what he was going to do to someone else purposely. 

Of course what makes this scene even more twisted is when you realize that both the guy who built the speeder and the biker who the engineer was planning on killing are probably both conscripts that got pressed into service. Good god that is really twisted the more i think about how this may be a prevalent issue within the Imperial military industrial complex. Conscripts killing other conscripts that are merely replaced by even more conscripts. It's not patriotic Imperials dying its just the scrubs that were forced to be there with the higher ups, the real people that need to be killed, unaffected in the slightest.

Finally a Rebels episode with some teeth, even if it had a taste for red shirts. My Rebels bloodlust is satisfied...for one week. :grin:

On the whole his episode seemed to greatly raise the violence across the board, which can only raise the stakes as well--even if we know our Ghost crew is still "safe". The obvious bike tester exploding was the main one of course, but let's not overlook the initial exploding bikes; the gunner who Ezra shot directly in the face; even the Kallus throw. I only bring this up because I'm often taken back at the ability of the show, being on DisneyXD, to go this far. Not that this is a bad thing, thematically. Though I could do without the Kallus torture, because I don't want anyone hurting my baby! :cry_sad:

On Thrawn, I think this is the exact type of episode/tonal shift we needed right now. He became less of a big-picture person and more of a ruthless military person right in front of our faces. His ability to be one step+ ahead in the moment was uncanny and very appropriate--he was always able to predict where the "rebels" were headed in the factory, as well as being completely able to improvise on the spot. And this is all considering that he did not even know the "rebels" in the factory were Kanan and Ezra! 

Incidentally, on Fulcrum, although the show insinuates that Thrawn does not yet know Kallus is the inside man, I'm more convinced that perhaps he knew already. Thrawn notes, "more likely they found an unexpected ally, or perhaps an expected one." Note the music uptick, eye and hand movements here. Considering Thrawn's long game strategy, I could see him already being in league with Kallus--and if not yet, that's clearly how he intends to use Fulcrum when he catches him. 

Final thoughts: 

  • MVP of the night goes to the AT-AT pilots; who were utterly competent. One had spectacular aim (for an imperial) and another a brilliant mind--say what you will, but we all thought just a little that Kanan and Ezra should have died here because dropping that AT-AT atop them was a spectacular move! The pilot deserved the win for that! :laugh:
  • Thrawn is more intimidating here, but is looking surprisingly lanky in this episode. That or Kallus was doing some weightlifting, because he seemed huge. Pryce continues to be the spitting image of Spalko--and I approve. :thumbup:
  • Lex Luther voiced three people this episode: the returning family friend of Ezra, the second rebel saboteur, and the Stormtrooper officer. I love Clancy Brown, but his voice is too iconic for Rebels to use as background characters.  



For the Rebels fans; watch this new Rogue One TV spot and pause the trailer at the 0:07 mark and look at the bottom left of the screen (it actually looks like you might be able to see the screenshot from the pause menu view). Was I the only one who saw that and said HOLY CRAP ITS THE GHOST!? :laugh:

Edited by xboxtravis7992

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