January 20, 20187 yr I think Filoni is a great comprehender of the force and the overall lore, and he's a decent storyteller, however he's overly sentimental and attached to his characters. One of the first things I learned in scriptwriting it that audiences hate Deus ex Machina. They want their characters to earn their victories but more so they want to see them overcome challenges. When we see characters overcome great challenges its satisfying because one way or another it makes us feel that we too can overcome great obstacles in our lives. So in that sense the higher the stakes the better. ~ I get not wanting to kill off main characters, that's not the kind of show Rebels is, however then you have to demonstrate your characters working through real problems and to a degree suffering. Avatar the Last Airbender is a very similar minded show with a core group of protagonists. Important characters rarely die but that show puts its characters through all the works that it doesn't matter because life and death of our protagonists is'nt what's at stake, the fate of the world and other people are. And our characters significantly develop from the beginning of the series to the end. I think what Rebels lacks is any framing of what's at stake because we never see either our protagonists suffering at the hands of the Empire or anybody else. Yes we see bullying by soldiers and officers and occasional conscription but nothing more then generic vignettes that is unfortunately universally true of most occupying armies historically. There is no world building, there is no frame of reference to what is so unique about the Empire's evil. Rogue One on the other hand perfectly sets up why we should dislike and even hate the imperials.
January 21, 20187 yr On 19/01/2018 at 8:23 PM, Forresto said: Thrawn better live! I think I couldn't bear the thought of having Thrawn bringed back from the dead EU only to get killed in Rebels of all shows. I would be legitimately livid if he dies. Edited January 21, 20187 yr by RetroInferno
February 20, 20187 yr WOAH! It had to happen, and i'm sad to see it because they were a fantastic character but wow, excellent story telling!
February 20, 20187 yr Agreed, a good two parter Spoiler Both episodes felt very quick and maybe a little predictable, but I enjoyed them both, Kanan’s death was done well, even if very sad . It was also great to see Tarkin make little jibes at Krennic and it was interesting to hear that the two projects were in competition with one another.
February 20, 20187 yr Spoiler Also I mean I guessed as much but Disney spoiled the sacrifice as Disney xd up-loaded a video showing the death of Caleb Dume which had a thumbnail showing when it happened too. sigh. the good: The music. The gliders ans the way they were launched Tarkin belittling Krennic. Kanans sight. The symbolism behinds the ugly haircut. The Kalikori and the Kanan bead. I like the episodes don't get me wrong.the bad:We'd look just like Lothbats (This the first time lothbats are mentioned)Nevermind I was wrong. Hera and Kanan's glider should have dropped like a stone (its like throwing a paper plane rather than than pushing it off a table. Kanan should've gotten a disguise. It wasn't a great plan. Which kinda makes sense. I liked how the empire messed up in this one but, they need the empire to get more wins for them to be a valid threat.The ugly: Kanan's hair cut The giant wolf seemed to have a stretched face. Edited February 20, 20187 yr by Agent Kallus
February 21, 20187 yr My only problem is a blind man and woman intoxicated on hallucinatory drugs managed to kill Death Troopers who had the high ground...like really? Why even include Death Troopers? Make them regular stormies.
February 21, 20187 yr 1 hour ago, Forresto said: My only problem is a blind man and woman intoxicated on hallucinatory drugs managed to kill Death Troopers who had the high ground...like really? Why even include Death Troopers? Make them regular stormies. Yeah I laughed quite a bit at that. Honestly those two episodes were not that good IMO, they mentionned Thrawn and the Emperor and I was waitting for that to happen, never minding the rest. What bores me to tears though is the ''animals in a dream mysticism'' bullshiet that the show kept using. It's overly pretentious and most of all boring. How many times did simple or force megablocks animals interfered with this show's episodes? The space whales, the lothcats, those awefull wolves, the bird creatures the imperials havn't shot yet that interferes with their radars. As for the big ''hapenning'' of the episode everyone myself included thought it had to happen either at the beginning or the end, they builded it up and they executed well but you saw it coming 5 miles away. Also why is Governor Price such a damn bufoon? The moment Constantine died I swear they delegated his ''high ranked imbecile'' disease right to her, as she manages to let the rebel remnants to flee at the end of season 3 just as he died. And now she succesfully manages to screw everything up by ordering her men to aim the the vital factory components instead of the small ship that landed on it? They couldn't escape the planet anyway, not in that craft, where were the damn Tie fighters too? All I want from this show now is to see Palpatine, his interaction with Thrawn, and the show creators not killing or getting rid of him.
February 27, 20187 yr Wow..... I found the last episode incredible... to say the least. Spoiler I loved the way the Jedi temple thing was set up, to hear all the voices from the films and the TV series was amazing and a great way of connecting the Originals, Prequels and Sequels all in one. Some of the visuals in the pisode were excellent and much like Vader and Obi Wan, they didn’t go overboard with Palpatine’s appearance, it would’ve been even better if they kept him out of the trailers, but it was still a good scene. So the big one.... Ahsoka’s fate! Admittedly the concept of this really crossed into Doctor Who territory as it obviously bought in the concept of time travel and pulling people out before their deaths, but that actually didn’t bother me too much. I felt it worked here and I liked how that final temple shot from Twilight of the Apprentice was finally explained.
February 27, 20187 yr It had its problems but Iiked that pair, though they didn't seem to set-up a climax for the finale which is okay but unusual.
February 27, 20187 yr I liked these two episodes a lot. A lot more than I thought I would. The only thing was it only tangentially set anything up for the "Finale." Usually they give us a big problem to stew on before it is resolved but nope, this time I guess they will throw everything including the kitchen sink at us during the actual last show. Interestingly, this method of going about it has me even more interested in how it is going to shape up! I will miss this series, flaws and all, when it is all said and done.
February 28, 20187 yr I'm not sure about the survival of a certain character, I think it under cuts the loss of Kanan last week. However I will wait until next week's finale to address my concerns until levying to much criticism in this regard. ~ Other wise really fantastic two parter. I thought i'd hate time travel in Star Wars but the way it was employed here is fantastic. I read a theory that the series will end with a new Mortis trio, Kanan (the Father), Ahsoka (the Daughter), and Ezra (the Son).
March 1, 20187 yr Great episodes in my opinion (the family TV plan got changed, so now I have Disney XD in time to catch up with the season finale!) Alex at Star Wars Explained made a great video showing the voices in the "world between worlds." He included clips from the films to highlight the source of the voice quotes. I thought the segment was great fun to link the Star Wars Saga together, with bits from all the films and canon animated series. Really genius on the part of Lucasfilm Animation, and it is a testament they are batting at full strength for this finale! Also I should note, I thought time travel would be weird in Star Wars... but linking it with the mystical side of the force feels very natural. Like it was always supposed to be this way. It sets the concept apart here from the mechanical devices seen in other medium. To travel in time in Star Wars doesn't take a machine, but a wizard! Brilliant. Edited March 1, 20187 yr by xboxtravis7992
March 6, 20187 yr Well that was a fun finale; but sadly it left me with more unanswered questions than I expected. I hope Lucasfilm Animation announces the next series ASAP, because leaving on that cliff hanger is rough. Warning, full spoilers ahead. So Ezra and Thrawn went off with the freaking space whales? Well if Ezra somehow survived that I guess Thrawn could have too... So I guess they didn't kill of Thrawn as many wished they wouldn't. But what? Ezra and Thrawn have been sitting around in some bizarre corner of space in the beat up Chimera all best friends now? Maybe Thrawn: Alliances will provide answers when it comes out later this year (if Thrawn somehow goes through some Purgill time portal and ends up back at the Emperor... that would be a strange way to start that book) , but its such a bizarre ending for both characters in the show I don't know what to think. Also, total waste of that Captain Paelleon easter egg there... ye' tell us he is canon don't show him on screen for even a second? Hopefully his ship wasn't completely purgill smashed and they can drag him into a future story soon. The Ashoka appearance at the end on Lothal made me squell. Don't judge. But why is she all in fancy robes and what is up with the staff? What the heck is going on!!! Also, I guess Kanan and Hera's relationship had a non-Disney Channel appropriate aspect going on between scenes... It shouldn't surprise me, but it does. The two were sleeping around in secret and never told each other they loved one another until they were both on top of a fuel pod which was about to blown up by the Empire? What? Tisk tisk tisk. Still, our first canon look of what a human-Twi-lek hybrid was pretty cool, even if it was brief. I like how he has Kanan's look's but his mother's skin pigments got in his hair and eyes. Any bets he is going to be a big character later on? (Especially if those Star Wars: Resistance rumors pan out?) Kallus, lucky guy. Gets to go live in Lasat paradise, cool little redemption arc. Gregor's death was a symbolic finale for The Clone Wars I like to think, seeing that show never got a proper send off... Also, Rex confirmed to have fought in the Battle of Endor! Awesome. Ian McDirmid's Palpatine was awesome to see again, but this time using the hologram to disguise himself and act like the Palpatine we knew from the PT. It makes me wish they had Ian do all of Palpatine's lines in The Clone Wars. He just adds a touch of authenticity to the role the other voice actors can't capture. Not a perfect finale. But a fun one through and through, and a great send off to the first ten years of Lucasfilm Animation! Edited March 6, 20187 yr by xboxtravis7992
March 6, 20187 yr I don't want to be a debbie downer, especially at the height of everyone's enjoyment of the episode. I can't stand that... Spoiler space whales defeated Thrawn. Not a cool force ability, not even a cool looking creature. No Thrawn gets defeated by dopey looking space whales. Really? Phenomenal last three minutes though with the montage. I like the older versions of some characters although their lack of a costume change in five years is concerning to me. Edited March 6, 20187 yr by Forresto
March 6, 20187 yr What a damn shiet show those two final episodes were; SPOILERS I'm going into SPOILERS here, listing the things that threw me either completly off or made me pull my 3DS and started playing Tetris to forget about just what in hell just hapenned. - So you are telling me that a crew of 8 people were able to seize control of the Imperial Station that hosted a FULL planetary contigency of troops, were able to hold it and blow it up to shiet. - Thrawn was beaten and killed not by cunning, lack of sight or a suprise mandalorian attack that stupid show builded up for the WHOLE season 3, let's use bullshiet space whales that were featured in a single 20 minutes episodes. - More Loth Wolf pretentious crap. - Gregor, arguably the best clone trooper of all time, was killed by a single blaster shot yet that stupid midget pig survived said blaster shot. - Sabine - Hera's smugness - Let's use call-backs characters like Pellaon and Thrawn in a kid's show, because let's not kid ourself this is aimed solely at kids with here and there bones thrown at older fans wih ''MEMBER RUKH? I MEMBER'', ''MEMBER DARK TROOPERS? I MEMBER'' and let's kill them with the worst deus ex machina possible. - Rukh didn't blow up the damn Ghost when he easily could have. It's not like that ship gave any problems to the Imperials in that series. - Screw Filoni and the writers team for digging Thrawn out of the grave and killing him in the most un-gracious way possible, in a kids show of all media. He should have stayed dead. - Ezra fights his way through a whole ISD class Star Destroyer by himself . How in hell did the Empire managed to hold the galaxy for that long? - Action scenes featuring any imperial resistance is boring filler; nothing is ever at stake or interesting during those blaster exchanges, storm troopers land 4 shots in those last 2 episodes, killing one. - Hera having a green haired kid. - What the hell hapenned to the TIE defender arc story? Oh sorry I MEMBER TIE DEFENDERS, THANK YOU DISNEY I MEMBER THEM. My final rating of this whole series of 4 seasons is a Space Whale out of 10. Screw you Disney.
March 6, 20187 yr 1 hour ago, RetroInferno said: What a damn shiet show those two final episodes were; SPOILERS I'm going into SPOILERS here, listing the things that threw me either completly off or made me pull my 3DS and started playing Tetris to forget about just what in hell just hapenned. - So you are telling me that a crew of 8 people were able to seize control of the Imperial Station that hosted a FULL planetary contigency of troops, were able to hold it and blow it up to shiet. - Thrawn was beaten and killed not by cunning, lack of sight or a suprise mandalorian attack that stupid show builded up for the WHOLE season 3, let's use bullshiet space whales that were featured in a single 20 minutes episodes. - More Loth Wolf pretentious crap. - Gregor, arguably the best clone trooper of all time, was killed by a single blaster shot yet that stupid midget pig survived said blaster shot. - Sabine - Hera's smugness - Let's use call-backs characters like Pellaon and Thrawn in a kid's show, because let's not kid ourself this is aimed solely at kids with here and there bones thrown at older fans wih ''MEMBER RUKH? I MEMBER'', ''MEMBER DARK TROOPERS? I MEMBER'' and let's kill them with the worst deus ex machina possible. - Rukh didn't blow up the damn Ghost when he easily could have. It's not like that ship gave any problems to the Imperials in that series. - Screw Filoni and the writers team for digging Thrawn out of the grave and killing him in the most un-gracious way possible, in a kids show of all media. He should have stayed dead. - Ezra fights his way through a whole ISD class Star Destroyer by himself . How in hell did the Empire managed to hold the galaxy for that long? - Action scenes featuring any imperial resistance is boring filler; nothing is ever at stake or interesting during those blaster exchanges, storm troopers land 4 shots in those last 2 episodes, killing one. - Hera having a green haired kid. - What the hell hapenned to the TIE defender arc story? Oh sorry I MEMBER TIE DEFENDERS, THANK YOU DISNEY I MEMBER THEM. My final rating of this whole series of 4 seasons is a Space Whale out of 10. Screw you Disney. Filoni confirmed Thrawn is still alive. Also since the fuel depot was destroyed, construction of the tie defender was halted and since the Imperials were gone from the planet, though I’m not sure what could stop them from coming back, the Emperor obviously went with the Death Star. You definitely bring up a good point in how that pig survived but not Gregor.
March 6, 20187 yr 3 minutes ago, ChiefPie said: Filoni confirmed Thrawn is still alive. Also since the fuel depot was destroyed, construction of the tie defender was halted and since the Imperials were gone from the planet, though I’m not sure what could stop them from coming back, the Emperor obviously went with the Death Star. You definitely bring up a good point in how that pig survived but not Gregor. By survived he means ''We've put him in the fridge like Boba is in the sarlacc up until we find a way to shove him elsewhere''. They hyper spaced with a broken hull and exposed command bridge; both Ezra and Thrawn would logically be dead. I don't really care what Dave Filoni or any star wars exect pulls out of their megablocks to justify lazy writting. ''Oh Thrawn is back guys! Look he's an elderly husk with no more power to be scavenged by these new characters we failed to write properly.'' Just look at what Disney did with most old established characters; Miserable, broken, old and powerless and even worse; their legacy meant nothing. Leia, Luke, Han, Maul. They all look like injuired race horses begging to be put out of their misery. I bringed the Defender arc because Lothal has been pumping them for months and we've seen 3 of them in action for 2 whole seasons. I really don't care if someone loved the show or not; it's just a kid show after all ( Star Wars' strongest feature is that it caters to everyone but screw me right ), but I can't fathom anyone defending the space whales deus ex machina and the way Thrawn was dragged into this pile of manure of a conclusion for his character. How was I supposed to root for the rebels? They relied on BS whimsical creatures to save their skin like they are owed to it, they barely went through any hardships, their smugness for me was intolerable. Meanwhile over at the empire they are facing uber-mensch characters with the plot armor to rule all plot armor, they can't aim to save their lives ( That moment when Ezra is held down by 3 force pikes, then stormies come up and miss their initial shots at an un-moving target 12 feets away had me wanting to throw up ). Even death troopers have been shown as anything but usefull in the show.
March 6, 20187 yr My hope is Zahn ignores the less then stellar aspects of these episodes and accentuates the better parts to frame his next book, sort've like how Heir to the Empire focused on the better parts of Return of the Jedi. Maybe a passage like: Thrawn stared out into the vacuum of space, its stars outshone in momentary flashes, as the Chimaera's guns pour forward into a small purple point ahead of the pointed vessel's bow. The pained bleatings from the final Purgil was played over subspace radio so that all the bridge could hear its final calls. The crook of a smile touches the corners of Thrawn's azure lips as the ancient creature falls apart. They never foresaw the Chimaera emerging from hyperspace so nearby nor the power of its turbo lasers that cut through them like lard. They underestimated Thrawn's resilience to survive as he did their unexpected arrival all those years ago, never again. "Captain Pellaeon, you may cease fire." Thrawn coldly exclaimed to the bridge. Bridger may have escaped but his greatest allies, the ones so cleverly hidden in the corners of all his terrorist actions will never aid him again. Not my best prose, just something quick to alleviate my own head canon of what transpired. Edited March 6, 20187 yr by Forresto
March 6, 20187 yr This was a horrible ending. I liked the show when it started but the charakters became annoying from season to season so I am just glad that its over.
March 6, 20187 yr I was not particularly pleased with that ending. I thought the first third/episode was alright, if somewhat horrific considering the wolves (just adding to my opinion that recently the Ghost crew are really just terrorists at this point...), and everything was going fine into the final two-part episode, but those damn whales just killed it for me. Honestly I was fuming after seeing that finale. The moment that one kid mentioned the signal frequency of 0 which "no one uses" I just knew it was going to be space whales. And then, not even ten minutes later, space whales. I understand their inclusion is rather consistent with the series itself, but they just do not feel like Star Wars whatsoever. And really it's not so much their inclusion, but their use--seriously Thrawn is taken down by space whales? Side note: what the hell is going on with Thrawn Canon right now? We know there's a new Thrawn book coming out soon, which expressly promotes the fact that the story is a Vader-Thrawn team up, but now that in no way fits in the timeline whatsoever. The previous book introduced Thrawn pre-Rebels and ended with essentially Thrawn walking onto the Rebels S3 set, leaving no room for potential glossed over stories (like this Vader one). So that means the new Thrawn book would have to be post-Rebels...which makes absolutely no sense now. Vader would be busy with Rogue One and the Original Trilogy and Thrawn is now somewhere in space and has not been seen (along with Ezra) through Return of the Jedi. So, when exactly is this Vader story supposed to take place? Me thinks canon is starting to irreparably crack. I'm just really unhappy with this finale. Random comments: There should have been more deaths. We are now in a post Rogue One/Last Jedi universe. There is now the expectation that in (star) wars, we finally have consequences, and consequences of war mean death (unlike the Original Trilogy in which every one gets out unscathed). I'm not necessarily saying I wanted someone on the Ghost crew to be killed off, but having ridiculous moments like the ugnaught fake out death really just tamper the gravity of the situation. Thrawn seemed far more impressive in this finale than he did in the entire series because he actually brought the threat of death (and action to back it up). But again the show just has our Ghost crew easily taking over an imperial base and everything is going peachy, all the while happily slaughtering their enemies--no problem. Well except for Gregor, but hey the ugnaught lived! Granted on the flip side, Rebels has no problem killing off villains in gruesome ways apparently. What with hungry wolves, about 200 people who were pushed off cliffs in under 90 minutes, and even super-electrocution (but they made a joke about it so it's ok?). Plus didn't Sabine kill hundreds of people when she blew up the station? So yes, I am a fan of the imperials more so than the Rebels. The fact that in previous episode Sabine and Zeb wounded a Scout trooper just to kill the ones coming to his aid made it easier to side with the Empire instead of our "heroes". And that's really just wrong, the show should not make me feel that way. Speaking of which, I'm sad that Pryce is gone. I really liked the character, especially so after her appearance in the Thrawn novel. Story-wise it made sense for her to die in this instance, but I do miss the potential future stories we could of had. This is going to make me seem cold--but from a story perspective, why was Ezra suddenly obsessed (wrong word) with his departed parents again? I thought he already accepted their deaths like three seasons ago, so it seemed strange to me that he was suddenly again focused on them, and a fantasy life that could be, when they had been absent from the conversation for so many seasons now? I hated, hated, the flash forward, Sabine summary of the future ending. I just hate flashbacks or flash-forwards in stories, and this one was just really not good. So basically, nothing happened after this episode. The Empire never returned to Lothal (?) because reasons, Hera had a child with Kanan (?) because reasons (so Hera was pregnant when she was being tortured? Right...), Zeb and Kallus just left (Kallus is my favorite Star Wars character, but frankly I thought he should have died in this finale, but on the plus side he doesn't have to feel bad about genocide anymore because he failed to kill all of them!), and Ahsoka shows up to steal the spotlight (I like Ahsoka, but she always sucks up all the attention whenever she is used. Now the ending of Rebels is focused not on the future of the Ghost crew, but instead the recent past of Ahsoka, and where she has been during the Original trilogy).
March 6, 20187 yr Having only been able to read episode summaries and watch a few youtube clips so far, I am incredibly upset with the ending. The space whales I can accept, and frankly expected - the "filler" episode with the pergil, Hera talking about them dragging ships away into hyperspace where they would never be seen again - what better way to allow the Rebels to defeat Thrawn without actually killing him? He gets flung away into the unexplored portion of the galaxy, takes five years or so to come back, and then starts waging war against the New Republic exactly as in the original books. The rest of the finale... is just a disaster. I know that Kanaan and Ezra had to die to fit in with the accepted canon, what with Luke being the last Jedi in Episode 6, but is it too much to ask for a series to finish on a high in the spirit of the original Star Wars? I know after Rogue one we're in an era where heros cannot achieve anything without some personal sacrifice, but that isn't what "classic" Star Wars is about. The original was a simple fight between good and evil, with the heroes emerging in triumph to celebrate their victory. Kaanan's death right after Hera admitting she loved him, is like having Return of the Jedi finish with Leia getting killed right after telling Han she loves him. Or Luke's X-Wing getting shot down just after he fires the shot that blows up the Death Star. You just don't do something like that. Also, I'm assuming Hera's child is a clone of Kaanan or something? As he was killed about thirty seconds after she admitted she loved him. There literally wasn't time for anything to happen (and if there was, then there ought to have been time to get Kaanan out of there without killing him). Sabine going off in search of Ezra is also a joke. After 5 years? If Thrawn's star destroyer survived at all, Ezra will have been either immediately executed or held prisoner and tortured for Thrawn's sadistic pleasure. Ahsoka's return is irritating, her apparent death in a fight that practically crippled Darth Vader was a brilliantly dramatic finish to Series 2. Her story arc had closed, now she has returned and it simply opens the question of what she's been doing all this time. A force wielder like her would have been handy on Hoth - remember the lightsabers being able to effortlessly slice through the legs of imperial walkers? 48 minutes ago, Captain Nemo said: Plus didn't Sabine kill hundreds of people when she blew up the station? So yes, I am a fan of the imperials more so than the Rebels. The show has always had some strange sense of morality. In the early episodes at least, the rebels don't hurt people, they just knock them out or stun them. They they quite cheerfully blow up the entire spaceship... which seems to be quite different from explicitly killing people. Somehow. Up until now the show has managed to tread a fine line, showing the rebels as rebels while still keeping them as the heroes. This goes too far. The Empire had to be kicked off Lothal, but killing every last one of them on the station, with no chance of escape or evacuation? At least when Luke destroyed the Death Star, he had no choice because it was necessary to save the Rebellion. The rebels here are now no better than the Empire they were fighting, and kind of belong with Saw Gerrera. And that is not a compliment... So all in all, a very disappointing ending to a series that with a brilliant and fun beginning. I will always look back fondly on Series 1, which was made in the true spirit of the original movie. Series 2 was still fun, even when things got darker in an ESB kind of way. But this series really needed an ROTJ ending, and that is sorely lacking here.
March 6, 20187 yr Morality is extremly dubious in the show. They got away with violence using explosions to a ludacris degree. Remember when Sabine used the ''lightning weapon'' to stun everyone on a star destroyer but not killing them? Oh wait the chain reaction blew the whole row of ships up. Each time someone is shot they are always depicted as ''stunned'', since it's always storm troopers they are always seen slightly moving in pain on the ground. The only way the show officially kills someone is by explosions or falling down from a really high elevation. Thrawn was considered ruthless for killing a factory worker because he sabotaged a speeder? That factory worker knowingly sabotaged a speeder that would have killed the user, who probably would have died simply by driving the damn thing. Ear for ear. If Thrawn was really sadistic he would have killed 5 other innocent workers to set an example. The ghost crew are not the ''really trying hard under dog'' that people root for fighting an evil regime; The Empire IS. Edited March 6, 20187 yr by RetroInferno
March 6, 20187 yr That was.... interesting. Lots of things to say here. I’ll start with the positive: I actually really liked “A Fool’s Hope”, at this point we hadn’t really has the finale set up yet, so that episode really helped that by setting it up. Although the wolves becoming slaughtering machines was ridiculous. I think they killed of more characters in thaose two minutes than they did in the first two seasons . I also really liked Pryce’s death and it was sad to see Gregor go , but at least they’ve summed up his arc now. And it was cool to finally see the Rex/Nick Sant confirmation. I was heavily disappointed with Rukh, why did they even bother bringing him in to the show in the first place? The only significant thing he has done is capture Hera, and now they’ve killed him off. Although the Kallus/Zeb thing at the end was good, I would’ve much preferred if Zeb gave his life to save Kallus during the final fight, it would’ve been a great end to the character. It seems ironic that the apparent defeat of the one of the most popular characters is brought about by an element from one of the worst episodes of the show, when they said about frequency zero, I thought it was going to be the battle droids from the Last Battle, hence why Mart didn’t want to tell Wolfe. The main problem here though is, it wasn’t an ending, are main protagonist and antagonist fates are still in the balance and with the return of Ahsoka, there’s a lot of unanswered questions.
March 7, 20187 yr 6 hours ago, Captain Nemo said: The moment that one kid mentioned the signal frequency of 0 which "no one uses" I just knew it was going to be space whales. Same. And I knew everyone was going to be pissed off about it too I didn't like how the wolves went from doing whatever they felt like to "sic em, boy" pet dogs And I didn't like how pretty much everyone survived not just the episode, but the whole OT. The end summary was rather bizarre. Everything should've just led up to Rogue One and resolved to that point Edited March 7, 20187 yr by Artanis I
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