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Am I the only one here that think the TIE interceptor is been introduced a little bit too early?

  On 7/19/2016 at 10:34 AM, ArmstrongYong said:

Am I the only one here that think the TIE interceptor is been introduced a little bit too early?

Nope I agree. I think that is an instance kf them wanting to show off all the Imperial goodies a little too quickly. But like the B Wing I guess its one of those things Filoni is changing.

Edited by Forresto

First Post, so forgive me if I get anything wrong, But I wonder what helmet Kanan will have, I can't see using any existing Lego helmets for it.

Again, first post, so forgive me if I get something wrong. :grin:

  On 7/19/2016 at 12:23 PM, Infinite Bricks said:

First Post, so forgive me if I get anything wrong, But I wonder what helmet Kanan will have, I can't see using any existing Lego helmets for it.

Again, first post, so forgive me if I get something wrong. :grin:

His face plate will probably end up being printed and not an actual piece.Take for example Katana from the 76055 Super Heroes set.

Oh and btw welcome to Eurobricks!!!

Edited by LOTR34

Yeah adding interceptors is weird since there was none protecting the Death Star.

  On 7/19/2016 at 10:15 AM, General Magma said:

Just like every other character. Thrawn, too. It doesn't really matter if we don't immediately have a canon backstory for them.

What matters now is the first step towards canonizing them, and once characters like Revan are canon, there is no doubt that their canon history will later be expanded upon.

Well, Thrawn in Rebels is totally going to have his timeline be off. It's very doubtful that he's alive in Rebels and would stay alive past ROTJ. This means the Thrawn we're getting may not be the same as the Thrawn we know. I'm even willing to bet that Zahn's Thrawn book next year will reflect this change. So, his personality will be the same, but his life will be different.

I'd like to point out what someone else said about the A-Wing--just because we didn't SEE it during Episode IV doesn't mean it wasn't around then. Maybe they had TIE Interceptors somewhere else... or the Rebels did something offscreen that resulted in TIE Interceptors not being in the trench battle... or they just didn't send them out. Or maybe it's a simple continuity error because they hadn't come up with them yet during production of ANH. :shrug_oh_well:

Edited by PicnicBasketSam

Right ans and its not such big a deal that im actually upset about. My only thing with the early introduction is that it hampers escalation. In many wars (lets say WW2 since SW is heavily influenced by it) the tactics and technologies of any faction evolves and shifts to counteract the otherside.

Visually saving things like B Wings and Tie Interceptors for shows that time has passed and that the war has been going on for a while. It also makes things seem less static and that there are people and tactics moving around and being create beyond what the films show.

Again not a big deal at all and im still really looking forward to the new season.

Edited by Forresto

Firstly, it's obvious some time has passed in Rebels because Ezra has had a serious growth spurt and we know that there were already prototypes of the Interceptors around anyway.

Secondly, it may be the Death Star was only equipped with standard Ties as a huge heavily armed space station it was (wrongly) considered imperious to damage from small fighters.

Finally, who cares if the time line is a bit out of whack as long as we get a minifigure scale Tie Interceptor model?

I am happy to see Thrawn again even if it means the old books will now never get back into canon because that whole sequence of events just would not fit with anything. Still I hope the new book reestablishes the character but into the new time line and with the same gusto as those old editions.

I am also secretly hoping he has something of a cameo or even death scene in Rogue 1 lol.

So I went back and looked over the trailer and the scene with Tarkin, there is a venator cruiser in the back ground. Also the scene with the AT-AT's you can see battle droids as if they were reprogrammed as soilders for the rebels. If that is true I'm excited to see droids vs stormtroopers.

  • 3 weeks later...

Rebels season 3 begins September 24 on a Saturday at 8:30pm!

What is it really violent or something? (I don't mind...)

Finished watching Rebels (and Clone Wars) I really enjoyed it and can't wait for season 3!

I must say though I hate Chopper's character, worse than Jar Jar. Also I wished they continued with the design style of Clone Wars, characters like Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda looked a little awkward, maybe it's because I got used to their Clone Wars styling.

  On 8/9/2016 at 2:26 AM, Artanis I said:

What is it really violent or something? (I don't mind...)

I'd say they want to get kids after school, but September 24 is a Saturday. It is a little curious, but I don't really see it as an issue.

I actually don't mind the weekend time slot, since I already have several shows that I watch during the week. Can't WAIT!!!

I am just thinking of the kids, aren't they usually in bed before 9? Saturday evening is a pretty good timeslot though, unless you're fighting with Dad who wants to watch the sport.

  On 8/9/2016 at 12:18 PM, Ceroknight said:

Finished watching Rebels (and Clone Wars) I really enjoyed it and can't wait for season 3!

I must say though I hate Chopper's character, worse than Jar Jar. Also I wished they continued with the design style of Clone Wars, characters like Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda looked a little awkward, maybe it's because I got used to their Clone Wars styling.

Agreed, chopper really is just a plain bastard. Jar Jar is more annoying but is not featured in EVERY episode.

I also fully expect droids to get their megablocks handed by stormies since they don't have plot armor.

Edited by RetroInferno

Phew I did it. I just binge watched ALL of season 2 today in preparation for season 3. As a self professed hater of rebels I can now say (Takes deep breath) i'm a big fan of a series and very much look forward to season 3. I decided to go in with an open mind and tried to forget how much I disliked the first season and i'm glad I did. The first season is still mostly awful for many reasons but this season has taken what worked and made that more the focus of the show.

First I think getting the crew off of Lothal and hopping from world to world was a big improvement as it fits more with the fact they're always on the run as well as makes things more interesting. I don't think the show ever did Lothal justice as it felt far too sterile and oddly empty, even the wilderness. That I think is a common problem with settings in the show primarily in the first season but the production team improved this much in the second season. Since I missed out on the initial discussion i'm just going to go through the season as it's still fresh in my mind and after 10 straight hours I need to reflect. Apologies for the long post.

Siege of Lothal:

Excellent opening! Darth Vader was fairly awesome, especially when he attacks the rebel fleet single handedly blowing up A-Wings until he eventually destroys the flagship. First major casualty of the season, and considering the Phoenix Home is supposed to have a crew of 900 (although I imagine the rebels only have a fraction of that) it's a major setback. Good to see the Empire put the pressure on the fledgling rebel cell.

The Lost Commanders & Relics of the Old Republic:

As a big fan of the Clone Wars it was so cool seeing Rex return. At first I was doubtful of having clones in the series when I saw the trailers but Rex adds a lot of flavor to the cast. The modified AT-TE is wonderful and very Miyazaki-esque.

Always Two There Are:

Excellent atmosphere that really set the scene for introducing the terminator like Inquisitors. This episode reminds me a lot of one of my favorite DS9 episodes "Terok Nor".

Brothers of the Broken Horn:

Hondo! Was not a fan of the piracy episodes in season 1 but hands off to the writers for bringing back this fantastic character. Another Clone Wars character that adds a lot to this series. I love the constant betrayals!

Wings of the Masters:

I did not expect the Blockade Runner to get destroyed at the beginning but i'm glad it did. We need to see more Imperial competence. Akbar didn't design B-Wings? I guess that's retconned in the new canon. I was surprised to enjoy the character of the Mon Calamari ship wright who I expected to be a lot cheesier then he was.

Blood Sisters:

Stormtroopers do not catch a break in this series and that poor star tours robot :grin: Ketsu has a cool armor and ship design and her love/hate relationship with Sabine is another cool layer to the episode.

Stealth Strike: I love, love Kanan and Rex's relationship and interactions. The new interdictor design is slick and I hope we get to see more of them when Thrawn arrives. I hope we see Admiral Titus again in the future as he seems fairly competent but arrogant enough to be believably beatable. However I do have one gripe. At the end when Kanan rescues Rex on the ancillary bridge room, why didn't he just go into the bridge and take out the crew there then hijack the interdictor for the rebel fleet? Even a blast shield can be carved into with a lightsaber.

The Future of the Force & Legacy: Ithorian babies are adorable! The cat and mouse game between the inquisitors and the Ghost crew was well executed and they seemed to genuinely be in danger the whole episode.

A Princess on Lothal:

I just want to say this episode somehow managed to make the Imperials seem more like the good guys then Princess Leia. Leia used a mission of mercy, which local Imperials wholeheartedly supported oddly enough, as a cover for what amounted to be seditious activity. In real life that is how hospitals get caught in the middle of fire fights or worse targeted. Leia is kind've a ruthless person in this and is willing to do what it takes to aid rebellion even if that means millions don't actually get the relief aid they need. That is in no way a critique but rather an observation. Was this intentional in the writing I do not know but it does make the rebels seem less outright good then they normally are portrayed as and closer to shades of grey.

Legends of the Lasat:

Zeb is hands down my favorite character on the show next to Hera, Rex, and Hondo. Hondo I might add always manages to crack me up with the constant betrayals. The shots at the anomaly were absolutely gorgeous and the entire scene with the Ghost and Kallus and the violins playing in the background was surprisingly mature for the series.

The Call:

The yellow Ties were cool and Hera being shown as intolerant of the whale things gave her more depth but ultimately a bit of a throwaway episode. Not bad but nothing to write home about.


Cham Syndulla is an interesting character especially when you've read Lords of the Sith and so he fits well in this series. The Quasar Carrier's design is a massive improvement over the older design and I hope we get to see the rebel captured one face off against an Imperial one.

The Honorable Ones:

Our first hint of Rogue One appearing in Rebels came in this ep when Kallus talks about being ambushed by Saw Gerrea on Onderon. We also get hints at the construction of the Death Star with the sterilization of Geonosis. Considering the Geonosians are insects that probably resulted in a genocide of a hundred billion. Oddly would this act not be worse then the destruction of Alderann which according to canon only has a 2 billion population?

Shroud of Darkness:

Yoda was another character from the trailers that concerned me but they managed to do just enough with him without altering any perceptions of his role in the overall saga. I like that the Grand Inquisitor was once a Temple Guard so that from now on whenever we see them in a clone wars episode we'll never know for certain if that's him or not under the mask.

The Forgotten Droid:

Absolutely love the Imperial droid and I was a little worried he was legitimately dead at the end. I'm loving how this season has put the state of the fleet as a driving force for the action and plot.

The Mystery of Chopper Base:

I'm not an arachnophobe thankfully or otherwise this episode would have freaked me out. Even still those tunnel scenes :look:

Twilight of the Apprentice:

If Ashoka managed to survive i'm just going to go ahead an call BS. This is how you kill of a character, the entire season was building up to this confrontation between her and Vader in a touching way. If she's alive then that'll feel like a big middle finger to the audience.

This season focused more on it's characters with an episode or two exploring each one which i'm grateful for. I think the characters of the crew are great and they need more time to shine. I generally dislike Ezra but seeing him grow in this season along with his interactions with Maul are changing my mind. I also think the underlying goals of expanding the rebel fleet and establishing a base were both crucial to giving season two a strength and unity the first didn't have.

Edited by Forresto

I really liked season 2 too, and kind of hated season 1.

Season 2 started and finished on a bang. Some of the in between episodes are average but I don't really mind.

One of the main thing that pisses me off in the show is the Imperial incompetence, nothing really feels at stakes most of the time as stormtroopers drop like flies and the officers being terrible at their jobs, except when facing vader.

Season 3 looks really promising though! I hope Thrawn will become an established character and not just a main villain to show off for just a season.

Seems your missing a few episodes, in particular "The Protector of Concord Dawn". That episode I really dug, mainly because Sabine really needs more love, and this episode gave it in spades. That reveal was also pretty gratifying as to that one aspect of her character that people were theorizing about.

Edited by Kintobor

I really liked season 2 too, and kind of hated season 1.

Season 2 started and finished on a bang. Some of the in between episodes are average but I don't really mind.

You're right about the bangs bookending season 2 but I felt there were too many weak, filler episodes compared to season 1 which had more of a tight story arc to it (I think being restricted to Lothal actually helped there). Season 2 had more "planet of the week" style stories and suffered for it.

Also I doubt Ashoka is dead. Ever since Maul survived being cut in half I am now patiently waiting for Biggs and Tarkin to reappear after the Battle of Yavin!

Edited by TeufelHund

  • 3 weeks later...

Currently about 8 episodes into Season 2. I'm liking it well enough so far... loved the episode with Hondo, he was even funnier than he was in most of his Clone Wars appearances! :grin:

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who hates chopper.He's a scumbag.

Any way I'm really looking forward for season 3.The show improved with it's second season and I'm sure it'll become even better with the third.

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