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I recently bought some new Star Wars sets - the new X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Jabba's Palace and Desert Skiff set to go along with the old sets I own - Sandcrawler, Millenium Falcon, B-Wing and Star Destroyer. ( I also own a Death Star, but it's too massive to display in the space I currently have, so it's remaining in its box for the foreseeable future).

The new sets are great, but they are lacking one thing; Imperial Stormtroopers. Worse, it doesn't seem like any currently available sets feature them. There are a couple Tatooine and Hoth sets that have sand- and Snow- troopers, but as far as I can tell the only sets offering true Stormtroopers are an Endor battle pack (one stormtrooper & 3 other figures) and the aforementioned Massive, expensive Death Star.

Am I missing a set that's currently available at retail? Is there a good discontinued set that I can get Stormtroopers with at a reasonable price? Do we think there will be something coming out in the near future (fall, holidays or early 2014?) that might have more than one trooper?

I guess what I'm asking is what's my best bet if I'd like to get some Stormtroopers, ideally new and for a reasonable price?

Thanks in advance.


I agree with CopMike on this one Bricklink is the way to go,

Avoid paying over the odds on ebay although its very tempting to buy the "3 stormtrooper" Battle packs etc.

Sadly with stormtroopers you can never get them cheap as there is so much demand for them!

All the best with your army building and have a nice day!

I collected almost all of my Stormtroopers by buying second hand 7667 sets. I never pay more than 9 euros per set. When buying them second hand make sure you get good images of them. People tend to confuse them with clone troopers or other SW figs. Good luck collecting!

Do we think there will be something coming out in the near future (fall, holidays or early 2014?) that might have more than one trooper?

If so it would probably be an expensive set. TLG has been pretty stingy when it comes to stormtroopers. I think best case scenario is they release a $25 set with two troopers. I think any battlepacks with them going forward will only one have one trooper, and one officer or other type of trooper.

I agree, a a battle pack with 4 Stormies seems unlikely in these days. No need to wait for that. I believe in 3 sets coming up (2014 or 2015) having Stormtroopers, but all are bigger = Star Destroyer (probably 2-4 Stormies, 150€), Cloud City (probably 2 Stormies, 200€), Endor (probably 2 Stormies, 150€). A Mos Isley set will be cheaper but contain Sandies.

When buying older sets for Stormies, keep in mind they changed over the time. Even the ones with the newer helmet have 2 different torsos (with the Endor BP being the only set that ever contained the new torso). This move was really unexpected from TLC and I still find it very upsetting they changed the torso so slightly. (Other examples are the new Snowies.) Unnecessary in my book and a slap into lots of faces.

If 'new' condition is elementary for you, you might want to consider getting the Endor BP whereever you can find it cheap and just sell off what you don't need. It's some work, true, but you get this much cheaper than older sets. This besides what's been mentioned before. Bricklink, Ebay. Consider trade. Check Ebay weekly and bid on everything you see that fulfills the exact figure / condition you want. Make a benchmark of what you want to spend per figure and just bid that. Sooner or later you'll win some auctions.

If so it would probably be an expensive set. TLG has been pretty stingy when it comes to stormtroopers. I think best case scenario is they release a $25 set with two troopers. I think any battlepacks with them going forward will only one have one trooper, and one officer or other type of trooper.

You are right, i am afraid. Still, for the time being, getting a bunch of 9489 Endor BPs is a good way to lay a hand on Stormies and Scouties at once http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=63952 . They both are pretty cool figs to get. And the Rebels are a nice addition to every Rebel Force.

Don't forget 4 stormies came with the #7659 Imperial Landing craft. You can typically find those for a decent price.

Edited by ISDIronClaw

There are two Sand Troopers in the Droid Escape set 9490, not quite stormtroopers I know, but its quite a cheap set (often sub £15) so might be worth considering

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Thanks everyone! 7667 is more affordable than 7659...I'll have to see if I can notice the difference between the new and old Stormtroopers.

I do hope we see a Cloud City set, I'd buy that with or without Stormtroopers. I remember speaking to a Lego store employee last year who was convinced we'd see a new Slave I after the design problems with the last evidently forced Lego to pull it from the shelves, so Bespin would make sense to pair with it (unless it's Jango's).

Regardless...lots of good ideas here.

What's the matter with the old Slave I?

I have it and like the outer appearance alot. I find it to be a close depiction of the 'original'. The cockpit has room for improvements but sadly that's the case with many Lego starships.

yea, your best bet is bricklink, the sets containing 3-4 stormtroopers are out of production and overpriced so buying them loose is the way to go. Be patient and check back often and every once a while you'll get a bargain. I've gotten about 50 stormtroopers this way, it just takes time.

Edited by Outworlder

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I never owned one but it was on shelves very briefly, I was told by a lego store employee that this was due to some design defect. Perhaps someone else here knows more or could correct me on that

@outworldet - that super star destroyer is amazing!

What's the matter with the old Slave I?

I have it and like the outer appearance alot. I find it to be a close depiction of the 'original'. The cockpit has room for improvements but sadly that's the case with many Lego starships.

I never owned one but it was on shelves very briefly, I was told by a lego store employee that this was due to some design defect. Perhaps someone else here knows more or could correct me on that

I have one- the way the bricks are connected in the cockpit area is extremely difficult to take apart- most little kids couldn't do it. As for it being pulled? As far as I know, it was on the shelves as long as any other set- I got mine a year after release at clearance prices.

  • 2 months later...

Sorry to dig up an old thread but

Droid Escape, 9490 which has two sand troopers (close to storm troopers) is £10 at boots. Seeing it reminded me of this thread, I know technically its for the bargain thread, but as it relates to someones wish to find storm troopers I thought, post here and they will definitely see it.



Why don`t you buy the key chains and just remove the screw inside, well that is if you can live with a small hole in the helmet.

  • 11 months later...

I guess that the most useful way to buy stormtroopers is buying the upcoming "Star Wars Rebels" sets, but still, you can buy with the key chains.

I think the Sandtroopers from Droid Escape are still inexpensive and easy to purchase on bricklink. Also I picked up some Clone Tank microfighters and the Clone Trooper looks pretty close to a standard Stormtrooper. Maybe replace the helmet but those are easy to come by in store and on bricklink.

Like most OT fans I can't have enough Stormtroopers but at the moment I'm not buying them because there is a new version available but they are still expensive. In a few weeks we should know if we get them in the new BPs which is probably the best way to buy them.

Like most OT fans I can't have enough Stormtroopers but at the moment I'm not buying them because there is a new version available but they are still expensive. In a few weeks we should know if we get them in the new BPs which is probably the best way to buy them.

This is the first actual thread I'm posting on! Yay!

Anyways, I really hope that there will be a good way to get stormtoopers in the new battlepack. While I don't want an army, I would like 4-5 for pictures and other random reasons. However, my one requirement is that they're uniform-a variety won't look great considering that most soldiers (snow, sand, scout) in the Imperial army are, for the most part, identical. And, when comparing the 2008 stormtrooper (1st Pic) and the new-ish 2012 one (2nd Pic), I've made up my mind that the latter is the one I prefer-the armor is just so much better, but they cost $9+ on eBay! (Credit-BrickBlogger).


This is where the speculation kicks in. In January (March in the USA), after two waves of 2 versus 2 battlepacks (Clones VS Droidekas, Endor Troops VS Scout/Stormtroopers, etc) we got a 4 generic figure battlepack-Kashyyyk troopers. This tells us that LEGO (TLG) is listening to AFOLs and kids alike; both wanted camo clones. However, TLG is a toy company, and while AFOLs do account for a fair amount of revenue, kids (other than for UCS sets) are the target audience. And, because most kids don't have nostalgic feelings about the Original Trilogy, and most like the PT (Prequel Trilogy) more, I can assume that they chose the Kashyyyk battlepack because it's what kids would've liked most (also, when this set was designed-presumably 2012, TLG thought that SWIII was going to be re-released in 3D).

Now, with SW Rebels coming this fall, airing on Cartoon Network, there's going to be a huge sure in demand for both Stormtroopers and Rebel Troopers-like the interest increase in 2008 after The Clone Wars. TLG promptly released a Clone Trooper battlepack and an Assasin Droid battlepack, which were both extremely popular and sold very well. So, chances are, TLG is going to follow their former buisness plan and release both Rebel and Storm-Snow-Sand BPs...

I just hope they are not "rebel" based stormtroopers, they are so ugly

The rebels version would upset many fans but I think the normal version wouln't upset many Rebels fans. I wouldn't buy those Rebels battlepacks!

Edited by Robert_88

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