July 21, 201410 yr There have been a few sets with the newer Stormtrooper armour... It's just that with the ISD we now have Leg printing to contend with. At one point I had about 12 of the newer stormtroopers after picking up a couple of the Endor battle pack and a few other things then BLing the rest of them for a MOC. I sold just over half of them for around £5 each on eBay after that as that was roughly the price on BrickLink. I did keep a couple of extra to make updated Han/Luke stormies. I'm sure there'll be a battle pack soon with some in.
July 21, 201410 yr I just hope they are not "rebel" based stormtroopers, they are so ugly The rebels version would upset many fans but I think the normal version wouln't upset many Rebels fans. I wouldn't buy those Rebels battlepacks! Sadly, TLG is probably going to release SW Rebels battlepacks instead of OT Stormtrooper battlepacks. They stop making custom molds and prints about two years after the first usage, if it isn't continued, and the Endor battlepack is already 2 1/2 years old (yes, I know the Ewok Village has two, but that's not the best way to get them ). Because they already have a new mold-in The Ghost and the ISD, it would make more sense just to reuse and recycle what they already have. Plus, the audience for a childrens' cartoon show is most likely going to be children-they, as I said earlier, don't dress up like them and know everything about them (but plenty of adults do , so, probably, TLG thinks that it won't really matter, so they might as well get some detailing in. Remember, the same debate happened when The Clone Wars was about to air. I'm hopeful that TLG won't mess the Stormies up, and that, in some time, we'll all start to like and collect them...
July 21, 201410 yr I personally have no qualms with the Rebels stormtroopers. The OT ones by contrast look like they are wearing 70s boots and clunky armor. I know, I know sacrilege.
July 22, 201410 yr I personally have no qualms with the Rebels stormtroopers. The OT ones by contrast look like they are wearing 70s boots and clunky armor. I know, I know sacrilege. Agreed. They can pass as "OT" Stormies and this is all that matters to me, as long as there is a reliable and cheap way of getting them.
July 25, 201410 yr I got a few of mine through magnet sets. They had one with a stormtrooper, rebel pilot, and AT-ST pilot. They were real mini figs attached to a magnet by some studs. Lego made a mistake when I ordered one and sent me three instead of one. The ones I got have darker breast plates than the normal ones, but it looks like from pictures that it was just a mistake. Having three of all of those figs really helped boost my collection. It looks like they are kinda expensive now however. BrickLink is pretty outrageous in prices for full figs. $5+ for just about every variety. A microfighter with a stormie would be the best way to get them in mass amounts, unless we get a battlepack. Both options could be likely for 2015.
July 26, 201410 yr I bought 10 pairs of stormtrooper legs for £3 and 10 black heads for £3 of eBay. I then bought 10 torsos for £13 and 10 helmets for £8 from brickLink. That's a grand total of £27 for 10 stormtroopers with all original lego parts. I've got about 15 others from putting together odd parts I got from joblot.
August 11, 201410 yr 75079 Shadow Troopers Subtheme: Rebels? Release: January 2015 Official description: ? Price: ? Pieces: ? Minifigs: ? Source(s): Jedi News 75078 Imperial Troop Transport Subtheme: Rebels Release: January 2015 Official description: ? Price: ? Pieces: ? Minifigs: ? Source(s): Jedi News News Flash! One of the new 2015 SW Sets is going to be "Shadow Troopers". We'll also get an ITT! What could this mean? A shadow trooper battlepack? I know they aren't stormies, but this could be a good way to amass an army; The ITT, though, may contain the 6 stormtroopers necessary to fill the ship... I can't wait-what do you think? Will LEGO, for the first time in 8+ years, give us fans the means to acquire more storm/shadow troopers? Edited August 11, 201410 yr by AwesomeBantha
March 3, 20159 yr And now we have Rebels-themed stormtroopers that clash with our other ones. Oh well, good thing I only had two OT stormies.
March 3, 20159 yr What's the main difference with the rebel ST and a non rebel ST? I'm not a compete perfectionist when I'm spending hundreds of dollars on armies....I will compromise to save dollars
March 3, 20159 yr The thing that stands out most for me is the blue grille print on the helmets instead of black.
March 3, 20159 yr The Rebels stormtroopers actually do use the same helmet mold, as far as I can tell, but they're printed differently, in accord with the show's cartoon aesthetics. Right now, it's actually easy to amass a large number of Rebels-style stormtroopers just buying sets, as there are four in a small, inexpensive battle pack, plus additional ones in other sets throughout the line. The only issue is that they don't match the other stormtroopers that some of us have been trying to army-build for the last fifteen years or so (and for those of us focused on the OT, the cartoony style with the more exaggerated "mouth" droop and all may not look as good to some of us). But they don't look bad, and it's so easy to get them right now. I'm not sure what to do, myself...
March 3, 20159 yr At less than three dollars a pop, it's hard to argue with the Rebels stormies, even though the frowny face and cut-off leg printing bugs me. The newest version of OT troopers is like $9 per, which is a lot of money to spend just to correct the frown (while you get the same leg printing issues). And if you're collecting a previous version of OT troopers, you have to settle for (in my opinion) less vibrant helmet and armor printing and no leg printing at all (which is worse than cut-off leg printing). We may not get a perfect version of OT stormies for years, considering that the focus will shift to the new movies soon. So those of us who like armies have to just pick something and go with it, I guess.
March 3, 20159 yr Personally, as someone who only started to collect Lego again Mid-2014 after a decade away, I am thrilled that Stormtroopers are available in abundance again, as I don't have an issue with the new design as I don't have any of the older ones. Next to Kallus, The Inquisitor and my Classic Palpatine and Vader figs, they fit right in :)
March 3, 20159 yr Personally I really don't mind the Rebels Stormies. The helmet mold is pretty neat, and apart from the blue grille I can't see the difference with OT troopers. And to top it off: they're pretty cheap to acquire!
March 3, 20159 yr Ugly - soooo ugly! When i make an rebels MOC the trooper are ok but for an OT build its an absolute big NO GO! @Tjahzi sorry, but open your eyes! There is a big difference! The complete print on the helm (the same helm) is not the same! The print on the legs is at the OT trooper more better! Sorry but i dont like this rebels trooper and when i build an scene from the film i cant take this rebels version because it looks not equal to the movie trooper. I think its so sad that this version destroy complete the flair of the famous stormtrooper from EPIV-VI! This is my opinion on the subject. greetings markus Edited March 3, 20159 yr by markus1984
March 3, 20159 yr Im with 'markus1984' on this, the Rebel's version is inferior to the new OT one. Its sad that Lego didn't make the new 2014 OT Stormtrooper more widely availible this year; even if it was a MicroFighter set, I would have been pleased. I only have a couple of the new OT one, but I hope Lego put them into a set next year that is affordable to army build.
March 3, 20159 yr The LEGO-version OT Stormtrooper vs. Rebels Stormtrooper-debate appears to be quite religious. I'm not a religious guy, not even by a long shot, and I personally have no issues with the new Rebels design. As a LEGO print design, I actually prefer them to the OT versions, who look like they are grinning awkwardly. The Rebels-version frownie-face looks more menacing to me. Each to his own - I'm just glad we can get lots of these for a few bucks with the current battlepack. I feel sorry for those who can only live with the OT-versions, though.
March 3, 20159 yr I would rather they hadn't changed the stormtrooper at all, at least for several years. It's tough to army-build when you can't get uniformed troops that look uniform. Honestly, I think the 2008 version was perfect as it was, and that none of the variations since then have really been improvements, just different. While I'm not crazy about the Rebels variant, I do at least understand the reason for its existence, but the constant revisions in the OT sets is just getting frustrating.
March 3, 20159 yr Look this like the rebels trooper? NO - and thats the point of all! Nothing to say i think. OT is OT and rebels are rebels! Thats not the same! And how i say, thats my opinion to the discussion! markus Edited March 3, 20159 yr by markus1984
March 3, 20159 yr We all know that LEGO will continue releasing new prints for minifigs like Stormtroopers. They know that there are minifig collectors, and that there is a market for minifigs as collectible items. Also, kids won't mind changes as much as AFOLS do. When EP7 hits the theatres, we will get just another stormtrooper variant, and later new variants of that variant. EDIT @ markus1984 - Do not misinterpret my words. You are entitled to your opinion, and I also always prefer OT-stuff to other Star Wars media myself. I was just saying that I do not have issues with the Rebels design, and I even prefer the LEGO-version of the Rebels design to the LEGO-version of the OT-design. Edited March 3, 20159 yr by DarthTwoShedsJackson
March 3, 20159 yr Ugly - soooo ugly! I think its so sad that this version destroy complete the flair of the famous stormtrooper from EPIV-VI! Agree 100%. The Stormtrooper is the most iconic LEGO SW minifig, and they even got it right with an excellent figure from the start. This rebel version is just... What annoys me the most is that no one would have complained if they had used the latest regular Stormtrooper... why fix it if it isn't broken? Edited March 3, 20159 yr by LegoFjotten
March 3, 20159 yr I personally think it is down to personal preference, not down to accuracy, if one builder likes the 2014/15 OT variant and another likes the 2008 variant and another likes the Rebels one them it shouldn't matter too much on film accuracy. I personally do prefer the 2015 OT ones, but I think anything looks nice in huge numbers, so I am happy to get the ITT battlepack. We all know LEGO won't ever release the same generic trooper variant for a decent amount of years, because of the collectors, and I also think they want people to buy multiples of the bigger sets to army build, hence why there has only been 2 Stormtrooper battle packs. On a side note, I do think this topic has strayed a bit off the original point... Edited March 3, 20159 yr by Lord Tyrus
March 3, 20159 yr You can wait for the Advent Calendar this year. There IS an OT STORMTROOPER included, so the price should be around 4.50$ on BL then... I don't think that there will be an OT Stormies BP the next 3-5 years, because we will get MANY Episode 7,8,9,X,... The Start will be the transport set this december. So, Buy them from BL while you can...(-; And get used to the Rebels Stormies, they are not as bad as they seem to be; and cheap on BL!!
March 3, 20159 yr Thanks for the answers. I don't have an army yet if storm troopers so rebels it is- for my son anyway :)
March 3, 20159 yr I won't be cutting my nose to spite my face. No they're not perfect, but I'm not going to snuff my nose at them because they're no longer perfect. They are an easily attainable 'version' of a Stormtrooper that is only different to those that care for exact details. If I am going to army build with Stormtroopers, I'll be jumping at these as they are the closest we can VERY easily get for now. I'm just thinking of the amount of people that will not get them now, then regret it later...
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