March 4, 20159 yr I'm just tired of continually starting to acquire uniformed soldiers of a given type (be they stormtroopers, rebel pilots, whatever), getting x dozen or so of them, and then suddenly having to start over from scratch when all the new sets switch over to some new design that isn't even necessarily better, just different, and finally getting up to the same number of the new type that I already had of the old type and being ready to finally start actually increasing my troops count, only to have to start over again. It's deeply frustrating.
March 4, 20159 yr I'm just tired of continually starting to acquire uniformed soldiers of a given type (be they stormtroopers, rebel pilots, whatever), getting x dozen or so of them, and then suddenly having to start over from scratch when all the new sets switch over to some new design that isn't even necessarily better, just different, and finally getting up to the same number of the new type that I already had of the old type and being ready to finally start actually increasing my troops count, only to have to start over again. It's deeply frustrating. Your best bet would be to stop collecting/army building then ;) I can see it is annoying, but it is the natural progression TLG is going to go, for whatever reason.
March 4, 20159 yr Best bet is perhaps to save your money until such a time you can buy a hundred (or a thousand) of the same battle packs at the same time. Or accept there are slight differences in your army and/or group them into different units or squads. That is what I did for my batches of different CITY town construction workers. They work for different companies.
March 4, 20159 yr Just got 7 of the new regular OT stormtroopers for € 6.60 plus free shipping from bricklink. They had a 20% reduction so I think its a good deal. You have too look for good opportunities I guess.
March 5, 20159 yr Just got 7 of the new regular OT stormtroopers for € 6.60 plus free shipping from bricklink. They had a 20% reduction so I think its a good deal. You have too look for good opportunities I guess. Did you forget to type some numbers? Because 7 for 6.60 when the cheapest ones in Europe is around € 7 a pop sounds a bit too good to be true..
March 5, 20159 yr What about the newer set for Star Wars Rebels. It comes with Four of them for only about $13
March 5, 20159 yr What about the newer set for Star Wars Rebels. It comes with Four of them for only about $13 It really is an excellent way of getting them, so long as you're fine with getting the Star Wars: Rebels versions. As long as that's the case, I'd say it's well worth stocking up. If I had money for Star Wars: Rebels sets I'd probably try to get two of the AT-DP and one apiece of Ezra's Speeder Bike and The Ghost, thus giving me four, plus as many Imperial Troop Transports as possible, giving me a slew of additional ones, and in nice multiples of four to boot (I like getting Imperial troops in even numbers, for all those troops-massed-at-attention scenes - it seems more orderly and Imperial, somehow). I'm actually thinking of doing just that, actually, since it seems ridiculously difficult to get a substantial number of consistent movie versions, though they're the ones I really want.
March 5, 20159 yr What about the newer set for Star Wars Rebels. It comes with Four of them for only about $13 You may have to wrestle with the fact that they are different from the old OT stormtroopers. They don't look too bad mixed in with other members of the Empire. Non-diehard fans may not even notice. Day 042 of 365: Cage Grudge Match by dr_spock_888, on Flickr
March 5, 20159 yr Here's an idea. Fairly time consuming, and requiring a substantial starting budget, but it may be worth it for some. -Buy the current ISD, in multiples if you can afford it, and you now have two OT Stormtroopers for each 75055 in your possession. All you have to do now is sell the rest of the contents. -If you were to sell elements of the set individually you can break even, maybe even make a profit. Vader, the crew and the Palpatine microfig are all desirable on their own. -To speed up the process you could find the cheapest available figures and lower your price by £1/$1/1 euro to guarantee the fastest sale. -Make sure to keep an eye on how much you're spending initially and how much you are making back, and also any fees eBay, PayPal or Bricklink may be charging. -Finding the set discounted is the jackpot here since you might be able to flip it without mifigs for the same price you payed new.
March 5, 20159 yr What if you bought the Rebels ITT, kept the torsos and legs, and simply bought the ISD Stormie's helmets? The Rebels and the OT torso and legs aren't that different, it's mainly the helmet which people are fussed about...
March 5, 20159 yr What about the newer set for Star Wars Rebels. It comes with Four of them for only about $13 I bought 8 of this set when TRU had a BOGO 40% off sale awhile back. With no mark up I ended up getting 4 sets fo $45 after taxes. That came out to be about 2.80 a minifigure.. not bad considering there were also another 100 or so bricks with them. I am debating on keeping them or what to do.. the blue vents kind of bug me... Here's an idea. Fairly time consuming, and requiring a substantial starting budget, but it may be worth it for some. Idk how feasible this really is, unless you are willing to invest a TON of time and money. Just to get 16 Stormtroopers would cost you a little over a $1000 USD up front. Then there is all the time and energy piecing and selling everything else off.
March 6, 20159 yr Did you forget to type some numbers? Because 7 for 6.60 when the cheapest ones in Europe is around € 7 a pop sounds a bit too good to be true.. No €6.60 each, without shipping cost plus weapons is a good deal I think.
March 6, 20159 yr I bought 8 of this set when TRU had a BOGO 40% off sale awhile back. With no mark up I ended up getting 4 sets fo $45 after taxes. That came out to be about 2.80 a minifigure.. not bad considering there were also another 100 or so bricks with them. I am debating on keeping them or what to do.. the blue vents kind of bug me... Idk how feasible this really is, unless you are willing to invest a TON of time and money. Just to get 16 Stormtroopers would cost you a little over a $1000 USD up front. Then there is all the time and energy piecing and selling everything else off. It would not cost $1000 up front to buy 4 of those sets for 16 stormtroopers in the US. you must be crazy. ive done it. it only cost bout $50 give or take $10
March 6, 20159 yr It would not cost $1000 up front to buy 4 of those sets for 16 stormtroopers in the US. you must be crazy. ive done it. it only cost bout $50 give or take $10 He's talking about buying multiples of the ISD.
March 6, 20159 yr I think the safest bet is to buy a few of the Rebels stormie BP's. I wasn't sure about the style, but I found they fit quite nicely with the rest of my sets mostly cause I only have like, one other storm trooper.
March 6, 20159 yr 16 Stormtroopers would cost you a little over a $1000 USD up front. Then there is all the time and energy piecing and selling everything else off. If you do it one set at a time it costs you absolutely nothing.
March 6, 20159 yr If you do it one set at a time it costs you absolutely nothing. But you also have to count how long it would take to sell enough to buy another. Personally I'm building up both types of stormies. They both are fantastic figures with great details and both look excellent all lined up. Plus the advent calander at the end of year includes an OT stormie, so buying in bulk can hopefully be easier and cheaper.
May 19, 20159 yr The new rebels stormies look totally awful! Yes, im a diehard fan, and i hate that they always have to change something.
May 19, 20159 yr The new rebels stormies look totally awful! Yes, im a diehard fan, and i hate that they always have to change something. They actually aren't that bad. Sure they aren't Normal but they have a nice twist. Just be happy Rex is still a good guy
May 27, 20159 yr Although the Advent Calendar is not cheap, it will be the cheapest set so far to include an OT stormtrooper. That will be a day 1 purchase for me and my oldest son. That and the Jawa, Ewok, Hoth trooper, R2D2, makes it highly desirable as a lot of these minifigs do not come in cheap sets. Hopefully they make a lot of Advent Calendars to help boost the number of available OT stormies. I do not really army build, but this one thing I would really like to acquire in multiples.
June 11, 20159 yr Actually, I like the rebel storm troopers, after watching the movies I realized the rebels look more faithful to the movies. It's like the admiral yularen fig, you see him briefly in episode IV, but I feel the Death Star is incomplete without him.
June 11, 20159 yr The Advent Calendars usually go on sale after Chritsmas, quite remarkably in fact. Most Star Wars Advent Calendars usually retail at around £24.99, and I've seen some of them put on sale for as cheap as £14.99 after Christmas season in local toy stores. If thats the case this year, I might buy about five or six to stock up on a few more Stormtroopers (although five or six more Jawa's sound even nicer to my mind haha)
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