December 23, 201212 yr Man so what are my options if i want to get a Snowspeeder at SOME point? The new battle of Hoth only has a really small one though it looks ok i guess... What are the chances of another UCS or just generally a big one coming (in the size of the current X-Wing or something)? Is it rumored yet what they will focus on in 2014 for Star Wars since 2013 seems to be only about Ep. II which i have no interest in :( This is the most common model you're going to find, as it is minifig-scale like the current X-Wing. As a UCS model has already been released, the likelihood of another one coming out anytime soon is unlikely.
December 23, 201212 yr This is the most common model you're going to find, as it is minifig-scale like the current X-Wing. As a UCS model has already been released, the likelihood of another one coming out anytime soon is unlikely. That sucks :( , This Hoth set is pretty expensive to me since i really only want it for the snowspeeder, doesn't come with any minifigs i care about except maybe Pilot Luke and a Snowtrooper, all of which could easily be sold in 25 or 30 dollar set :(
December 23, 201212 yr I feel like lego should have just replaced Ahsoka with another 212th Clone Trooper or the 212th Clone Trooper Boil in this set. Then lego could have replaced the Droid Tank that will come out in the summer wave with an Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter and push the Droid Tank to the first Wave of 2014 and have it then be released at the same time with a Wookiee Caratman set, but lego just doesn't seem care about how accurate the set is anymore. Well they already had Ahsokas JSF in 2009 and even though they like to sell the same JSF model every year it seems they want to do it with different pilots. A snail tank droid makes at least a little sense. Looking at the set lineup they seem to want to produce a bunch of Battle of Geonosis themed sets and snail tanks were slated to appear in AOTC before their scene was cut late in the production process. Still a hailfire droid would have been a better fit for Geonosis. Despite this, I hope that we'll see some 212th Air Borne Troopers in the AT-TE set. Well, that could be possible, but I would prefer them in a battlepack next year, so we can actually build ourselves an army and don´t have to run into the same stupid situation like with the Wolfpack troopers that cost a battlepack per fig on Bricklink. Man so what are my options if i want to get a Snowspeeder at SOME point? The new battle of Hoth only has a really small one though it looks ok i guess... What are the chances of another UCS or just generally a big one coming (in the size of the current X-Wing or something)? Is it rumored yet what they will focus on in 2014 for Star Wars since 2013 seems to be only about Ep. II which i have no interest in :( The snowspeeder from the newest set is the same size and design as the three before and making it bigger is probably not on the priority list, as the vehicle was rather small in the film. There was already an UCS version in 2003 and LEGO normally doesn´t redesign their UCS sets. I would say, no. You have to build one for yourself. The wave seems a bit like a total waste in my opinion. That they would do a TOR battlepack was kinda expected and I hoped so myself because I like to get a Sith trooper army but I thought that some Phase 2 TCW troopers would be rolling around instead of Phase 1s. Yes, we get the 501st and 212th finally (7 years too late) but it is wasted when they only appear one at a time in the more expensive sets. 501st at least is easy to get on Bricklink, the 5 to 6 Euros are what I would have expected if they were in a Battlepack, but why do the helmets not have holes for the rangefinders? Captain Rex without his rangefinder now even though LEGOs goal seemed to be to get more details into the sets? How are they doing Cody if they get to him? The A-Wing was a good choice (the last version came 2006 and the green one from the Home One doesn´t count as it was green), even though for me personally it isn´t necessary as I still have the last version. The headhunter makes sense, too but is simply not my type of set. Rancor pit was genius through and through, the masterpiece of this wave. The worst are AT-RT and BARC with sidecar. The RT is way to big and the figure selection seems less like a real set and more like the wishlist of a seven-year old and is probably the most random selection yet. The BARCs only purpose is to give us Captain Rex in Phase 2 gear and TCW Obi-Wans new robes, which come two year too late and it certainly delivers only that. The redeisgn of the Flitknot looks nice but I expect it in the new Yoda/Dooku duel set this summer already. The BARC is like the RT oversized and on top of that unnecessary. The ARF battlepack isn´t even three years old. I was looking forward to the Umbaran MHC but I am let down by its size. It would have made a great 100+ bucks set to counter the AT-TE and Laat/i since the confederacy has no big vehicles except for the MTT who is less of a tank. The figure selection is good, but the 212th trooper seems more like a tease since it will cost around 10 bucks to get one on Bricklink, which makes army building rather expensive. I prefer waiting for a BP or I just don´t buy any of them. Ahsokas new design was needed since December 2010 so I am glad she finally is here in her current outfit but I prefer getting her in a set that contains a model I actually want. The summer wave seems more like my thing. The Laaty can replace my old TCW Laaty and maybe has some good figs. The other three (probably) AOTC Battle of Geonosis themed sets could give us more Phase 1 Life Action style clone trooper officers or even more Geonosis Jedi (even though the only one missing I can think of is Adi Gallia). The duel can maybe become more than just a fig-pack like in 2002. Maybe they put in Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padmé and a bit of decoration like an entrance and the falling tower. Jek-14s stealth starfighter is the set I am most curious about. Is it something from the TCW episodes that weren´t aired yet or can it be something based on this webshow/film/thingie "Yoda Chronicles" whose title is a replacement name for the set in some lists? Could be this yellow starfighter from the trailer and maybe some youngling figures or even the tube clone from the end. But my most anticipated set is the Mandalorian speeder. Maybe based on the season 4 episode, or on the seaosn 5 finale? At least I hope for more than only one new Death Watch fig. The disappointment that was Vizslas starfighter isn´t something I want to see repeated again. Toy Fair is in February again. I hope pics turn up a little earlier.
December 23, 201212 yr *snip* Well, that could be possible, but I would prefer them in a battlepack next year, so we can actually build ourselves an army and don´t have to run into the same stupid situation like with the Wolfpack troopers that cost a battlepack per fig on Bricklink. *snip* Wasn't it the horn company troopers that were in that battle pack or are you talking about the wolf pack trooper that came in the Republic Frigate?
December 23, 201212 yr Wasn't it the horn company troopers that were in that battle pack or are you talking about the wolf pack trooper that came in the Republic Frigate? No he means the Wolf Pack troopers cost as much as a battlepack because they're only included in a really expensive set.. However, I prefer normal clones to be in battle packs to maintain the ratio of normal clones to specialized ones like the Wolf Pack or the 212th Edited December 23, 201212 yr by Ceroknight
December 24, 201212 yr Thanks you very much for the information! Well, I think at this point the Battle of Hoth set is an Limited Edition set for Lego Stores since that is the only place it has appeared so far. About the pictures of the minifigs from the Battle of Hoth, they look pretty nice and I'm suprised that lego didn't label the Snowtroopers as NEW! since they now have back printing and a blaster mark on them. I completely agree with you on this one. I feel like lego should have just replaced Ahsoka with another 212th Clone Trooper or the 212th Clone Trooper Boil in this set. Then lego could have replaced the Droid Tank that will come out in the summer wave with an Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter and push the Droid Tank to the first Wave of 2014 and have it then be released at the same time with a Wookiee Caratman set, but lego just doesn't seem care about how accurate the set is anymore. Despite this, I hope that we'll see some 212th Air Borne Troopers in the AT-TE set. Indeed, if they bring back the old battle packs I hope they include 2 regular clones and 2 special clones it makes it more buyable.
December 24, 201212 yr I assume that TLG has changed the definition of a battle pack from "a way to build up your army" to "a battle in every box". As I'm sure has been mentioned before, it's decision to change the way the battlepacks are laid out is to accomodate the younger fans, right?
December 24, 201212 yr I assume that TLG has changed the definition of a battle pack from "a way to build up your army" to "a battle in every box". As I'm sure has been mentioned before, it's decision to change the way the battlepacks are laid out is to accomodate the younger fans, right? I assume that TLG has changed the definition of a battle pack from "a way to build up your army" to "a battle in every box". As I'm sure has been mentioned before, it's decision to change the way the battlepacks are laid out is to accomodate the younger fans, right? Unfortunately, I don't think LEGO will bring back the old definition. I remember one of the first battle packs I got had four battle droids and three super battle droids, seven minifigures in all. Now each has four, and only two per faction. It's much easier to just Bricklink the figures. Edited December 24, 201212 yr by master3019
December 24, 201212 yr As I'm sure has been mentioned before, it's decision to change the way the battlepacks are laid out is to accomodate the younger fans, right? Noone knows for sure. The immediate effect is that TLC can cover more figures with one set. This allows TLC to cover more scenes with the same number of sets. This is important for the SW projects that are still ongoing, namely TCW and TOR. Customers may find the new battlepacks more attractive because they contain more different figures than previously, but I don't believe it's the main reason behind TLC's decision, but rather a side effect.
December 24, 201212 yr I can't wait for some preliminary pics of 75017 Duel on Geonosis. I hope all the preliminary pictures will leak out soon as I really don't get way lego is trying to hide these sets still as pictures of the Offical Sets will come out at the NY Toy Fair. Quick Question, what places are the Republic BARC Speeder with sidecar and Umbaran MHC exclusive to? @Super Brick Collector-Thank you for the information! I guess I'll begin to look there, I hope the Republic BARC speeder is an Walmart Exclusive and the Umbaran MHC is the Target exclusive set as they ussually have lower prices. Edited December 24, 201212 yr by North Lego Star
December 24, 201212 yr I hope all the preliminary pictures will leak out soon as I really don't get way lego is trying to hide these sets still as pictures of the Offical Sets will come out at the NY Toy Fair. Quick Question, what places are the Republic BARC Speeder with sidecar and Umbaran MHC exclusive to? Target and Walmart I guess since TRU has the Hoth set.
December 24, 201212 yr Target and Walmart I guess since TRU has the Hoth set. In the past, Target and Walmart have each had a LEGO Star Wars set that is exclusive to their store only. They don't share an exclusive set between them. Edited December 24, 201212 yr by Sir_Basil_Ashton
December 24, 201212 yr In the past, Target and Walmart have each had a LEGO Star Wars set that is exclusive to their store only. They don't share an exclusive set between them. I think he mean't the two seperate stores has one of them since Toys R Us has the battle of hoth.
December 24, 201212 yr I think he mean't the two seperate stores has one of them since Toys R Us has the battle of hoth. You sir are correct. Would've been nice if there was no exclusive or limited sets. It's a pain driving to all those places looking for them sets.
December 25, 201212 yr I assume that TLG has changed the definition of a battle pack from "a way to build up your army" to "a battle in every box". As I'm sure has been mentioned before, it's decision to change the way the battlepacks are laid out is to accomodate the younger fans, right? Welll, more specifically it's to create repeat customers. Suppose a SW battlepack is your very first LEGO set. Well, you're more likely to be satisfied with it if you can create an actual battle with it. Otherwise, it's a set you can hardly play with once it's built, because flying a speeder around gets old really fast without any type of conflict. Older battle packs-- and truly, a lot of older sets-- operated on the principle that not giving a kid the whole experience in just one set would foster a "collect-them-all" mentality-- as in, all right, you have half the scene, and you can complete it for the same low price! But somewhere along the line TLG wised up and realized that if a kid didn't get a complete play experience right off the bat, they'd consider the brand in general a poor investment. This applies in almost all of TLG's themes these days-- there are very few sets that can't promise a full play scenario as a first purchase.
December 25, 201212 yr You sir are correct. Would've been nice if there was no exclusive or limited sets. It's a pain driving to all those places looking for them sets. Sorry about that. I stand corrected, please disregard my comment. The best way around the whole exclusive/limited sets is to purchase directly from LEGO. At least that's I how see it with the sets exclusive to TRU. *snip* The thing that I always found most attractive with Battle Packs is the price. For a reasonable amount of money, you could have a battle with 4-8 minfigures (I always purchase both BPs together). The problem is army builders. In years past, one faction was more desirable to army build than the other. Also, LEGO has been putting specialty type characters (Bomb Squad, ARC Trooper) into BPs that I for one don't want to army build. The thing is, there's no way to please everyone and I think LEGO is doing the best they can. There are times when I'm really happy with the set selection and there are times when I'm not. After a slow 2012, the upcoming 2013 selection is going to make this a busy year for me. Edited December 25, 201212 yr by Sir_Basil_Ashton
December 25, 201212 yr Am I the only one whose keeping all fingers crossed for Coleman Trebor in one of the Geonosian sets? Also some other sweet background jedi. Although I was really hoping for a Dexter's Diner playset. Oh well.
December 25, 201212 yr It seems like Lego is running out of ideas about classic trilogy sets. 3rd A-wing, 2nd Jabba's Barge and yet another countless version of Hoth...
December 25, 201212 yr It seems like Lego is running out of ideas about classic trilogy sets. 3rd A-wing, 2nd Jabba's Barge and yet another countless version of Hoth... yeah... yet there ARE countless other things that could be done that we haven't seen yet, like i mentioned already, an actual full Cantina, or maybe a "Streets of Mos Eisley" set etc.
December 25, 201212 yr yeah... yet there ARE countless other things that could be done that we haven't seen yet, like i mentioned already, an actual full Cantina, or maybe a "Streets of Mos Eisley" set etc. There have never been made set with Tusken Riders from classic series, home of Beru, Lars and Luke... If I actually thought about it for a few minutes I'm sure I would come up with a few dozens of really nice new sets. Not to mention countless sets from prequels which were forgotten this year. I guess lego is aiming in kids who watch clone wars cartoon. Shame :(
December 25, 201212 yr Am I the only one whose keeping all fingers crossed for Coleman Trebor in one of the Geonosian sets? Also some other sweet background jedi. Although I was really hoping for a Dexter's Diner playset. Oh well. I would enjoy a Coleman Trebor fig but I don't think it will actually happen.
December 26, 201212 yr But the problem with most of the EU is that a lot of people won't be familiar with it, especially the target audience of Children. Is a kid going to buy the set of their favourite scene from the movie, or a set of a scene from the EU which they likely don't know about? I am a bit disappointed there is no AOTC Arena playset coming later in the year (as far as we know), or a Jango's Slave 1 (last Slave 1 was 2010, so it might be a bit too soon for a new one). Those were the two AOTC sets I really wanted to see.
December 26, 201212 yr I agree; I thought for sure we'd hear news about a Geonosis Arena set. In the meantime, it remains on my wanted list...
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