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So, the summer RGS has what? Another Anakin, another Obi, clone pilot, Padme, a (clone?), and two "stupid" battle droids. Really, Lego? Come on, more clones would be SO much better. Just think about it TLG, please? Yeah, yeah, I know "battle in a box", "they need bad guys,too". Blah, blah, blah. Y'know, there's like a dozen clones on the gunship in that scene and NO super battle droids.

So, the summer RGS has what? Another Anakin, another Obi, clone pilot, Padme, a (clone?), and two "stupid" battle droids. Really, Lego? Come on, more clones would be SO much better. Just think about it TLG, please? Yeah, yeah, I know "battle in a box", "they need bad guys,too". Blah, blah, blah. Y'know, there's like a dozen clones on the gunship in that scene and NO super battle droids.

I disagree, on what you say about "another'. We have not seen a EPII Obi Wan or Anakin since the EpII sets and they were still doing yellow faces then. Also we have never seen an EPII Padme. This is only if they are making this set prequel though.

So, the summer RGS has what? Another Anakin, another Obi, clone pilot, Padme, a (clone?), and two "stupid" battle droids. Really, Lego? Come on, more clones would be SO much better. Just think about it TLG, please? Yeah, yeah, I know "battle in a box", "they need bad guys,too". Blah, blah, blah. Y'know, there's like a dozen clones on the gunship in that scene and NO super battle droids.

I think it's from the scene, where Padme, Obi and Ani got rescued from the arena. There were super battle droids overthere, right?

Agreed, just look at the new Battle of Hoth set- it's got about the same minifigs as 7666 Hoth Rebel Base, and a similar snowspeeder and probe droid. However, 7666 had the huge opening doors, which is much larger than the wimpy turret and bunkers we get in Battle of Hoth. The catch is they're the same price (in USD at least)- it's ridiculous!

As a side note, the entire 2012 winter lineup is up on Lego.com in the USA- nice to see the Umbarran MHC at a very reasonable $50 :thumbup:

Thank you for this. Can thread author update prices on front page please? Our SW Lego brothers and sisters would appreciate it. :)

I think it's from the scene, where Padme, Obi and Ani got rescued from the arena. There were super battle droids overthere, right?

There was many of them. Also you don't know if under the Clone troops it says 2x or 3x

There was many of them. Also you don't know if under the Clone troops it says 2x or 3x

There are 2 on the bigger pic only. A few more would be better but therefor we get the "battlepack" now. It's definitely from E II and I'd say it comes with Padme, Obi and Anakin plus 2 troopers. It bugs me that the wing pods are manned, as they were never in any movies or comics, right?

For me it's difficult to say if I should replace my slightly modded 7676 with this. The completely closing cargo bay doors on 7676 are just too sweet.

This new Jabba's Sail Barge looks so inferior to the old one. Another rehash that's a step in the wrong direction if you ask me. The new Republic Gunship looks very similar to 7676, only this one appears to be from AotC. I'll definitely pick up a couple of these.

I actually LOVE Lego's focus on more minifigures than better builds. Mainly because I already have a ton of bricks, and because the older sets have their instructions downloadable from Lego's website! You can get bricks anywhere, but you're more limited on where you get new SW minifigures!

I'm also really stoked by the Max Rebo minfigure, but now I'm going to want Droopy McCool & Sy Snootles to finish out the band!

Loving that sail barge. I can understand the hate though, the older one was a bit more smoothed out. However I'm grateful Lego tried to stick to the movie accurate shape even if the result is less than perfect.

I've never been a fan of the gunship in any form, but I'll be buying this. The figures help sell it. Finally getting an episode 2 Padme is great. Plus getting flesh colored updates of Obi-Wan and Anakin is awesome as well.

I can't wait to see what else Lego has coming for Star Wars this summer.

I can't understand the hate for the Sail Barge. Go look at some movie imagery, folks - the front end of this one is much more accurate!

^ If you read my post, I was referring to the front of the Sail Barge. There seems to be a lot of complaining about that, when in actuality it's more movie-accurate than the first version was. When it comes to the rest of the vessel, yes, there is some room for improvement. I'm not entirely disappointed with it, though.

The 2008 gunship was very well made - evidently lego agrees, as they don't seem to have changed much.

It's a bit disappointing if lego is re-releasing old sets...and just changing figures. We need (finally) an accurate AT-TE (the last one had those giant gaps...), these pictures don't fill me with confidence though and I expect we'll get the 2008 version with a new Anakin (sarcastic 'yey').

Not setting up for a vintage Star Wars year...prating for a stunning UCS to save things

This must be the first time we have had summer pics before the winter sets are even released!

Well, I'm to happy with Jabba's Sail Barge at all, as the shape is a total disater. I mean look just how its slanted down is awful. The minifigs for this set are great though, but it certainly doesn't convince me to buy this set. It a shame how far back of a step this is for lego :cry_sad:

I'm starting to really like the new Republic Gunship as it seems to be very large and smooth. The minifigs are also a win for this sets as there are a seven and there all going to be new, even the super battle droid hopefully and the clone trooper who actually looks like an Clone Captain to me at this point.

I can see the outline of the star wars book on the previous page of the book! Hopefully he'll be able to get all the pictures of the summer wave sets soon.

I'm pretty sure these are the minifigs from the sets, just my predictions though...

Jabba's Sail Barge: Jabba, Slave Leia, R2-D2, Ree-Yees, Skiff Guard(hopefully Weequay, but most likely a Kaaltu Skiff Guard since he was actually on the sail barge,) and Max Rebo.

Republic Gunship: Anakin, Padme, Clone Pilot, Clone Captain, Super Battle Droidx2, and Some Jedi Knight(I think its actually likely at this point that it is a new Jedi and not Obi-wan because I think lego could be saving Obi-Wan for the Duel on Geonosis Set.)

Edited by North Lego Star

Hrm, I'm not too sure to make of the Barge; the photo doesn't look promising at all but I've been fooled by prelims before (like the current X-wing for example). It's great to see an Episode II version of the Gunship, I might be tempted to buy this even though I'm not a PT fan.

So, the summer RGS has what? Another Anakin, another Obi, clone pilot, Padme, a (clone?), and two "stupid" battle droids. Really, Lego? Come on, more clones would be SO much better. Just think about it TLG, please? Yeah, yeah, I know "battle in a box", "they need bad guys,too". Blah, blah, blah. Y'know, there's like a dozen clones on the gunship in that scene and NO super battle droids.

I don't think it's Obi-Wan. Probably a random, new Jedi that will be in there to raise the desirabilty of the set. They may stick Obi-Wan in the 'Duel' set (with Yoda and Dooku?). Then you'll have to buy both sets to get the full set of characters from the scene. Similarly to this year's Jabba's Palace and Skiff. Boba Fett, Lando and Luke were absent from the former, but were included in the latter.

Also, I don't think its chewie in the barge, as the box shows kithaba or one of the cw weequays as a prelim, so here's hoping for a new ot weequay pirate

Yeah I just noticed that oops.

I don't think it's Obi-Wan. Probably a random, new Jedi that will be in there to raise the desirabilty of the set. They may stick Obi-Wan in the 'Duel' set (with Yoda and Dooku?). Then you'll have to buy both sets to get the full set of characters from the scene. Similarly to this year's Jabba's Palace and Skiff. Boba Fett, Lando and Luke were absent from the former, but were included in the latter.

This is a great way of marketing. If Lego wants to capture more of their audience, they will go with add-on sets like the palace and pit (awesome idea BTW) and they will include at least one very well sought after minifig in each of the correlating sets. They've sold me with the ROTJ sets thus far.

I'm really happy with the new Gunship. It's great to finally get flesh updates of Anakin and what's possible Obi wan from EP II. It's also great to get a EP II Padme. On top of this two Super Battle Droids which are slightly rare, a new clone pilot and some new clone/s.

The model it's self looks better than the previous and has got rid of a lot of ugly grey patches.

This will be a deffinate buy.

The sail barge looks ok but I will have to wait until the final pics to make up my mind. The figs sound awesome though.

I wonder what improvements can slave Leia get... completely new hairpiece, skirt cloth and hopefully a new face... not Tamina's face.

So, the summer RGS has what? Another Anakin, another Obi, clone pilot, Padme, a (clone?), and two "stupid" battle droids. Really, Lego? Come on, more clones would be SO much better. Just think about it TLG, please? Yeah, yeah, I know "battle in a box", "they need bad guys,too". Blah, blah, blah. Y'know, there's like a dozen clones on the gunship in that scene and NO super battle droids.

I think it´s just teasing of them to give us only one Clone pilot. The ship has TWO. COCKPITS. What am I supposed to do now? Yeah, I can bricklink one, but why does no one think of the children? The only time someone thought of them was when they ruined the Battlepacks. I was rather pissed as an eight year old child in 2003 when they included so few soldiers. I only had four clones and when I wanted to man all the seats I would have not a single foot soldiers. And it was stupid enough already to have not even the right pilots. And now I couldn´t even get enough figs for all the seats! Just think of the children! Are they supposed to buy a Battlepack? BRAVO! You get two troopers and one of them is a an officer. They don´t even fit the ones that steered the LAAT in the movie and you still don´t have a single trooper left over to fight on foot.

I don't think it's Obi-Wan. Probably a random, new Jedi that will be in there to raise the desirabilty of the set. They may stick Obi-Wan in the 'Duel' set (with Yoda and Dooku?). Then you'll have to buy both sets to get the full set of characters from the scene. Similarly to this year's Jabba's Palace and Skiff. Boba Fett, Lando and Luke were absent from the former, but were included in the latter.

It seems like it. From what I can decipher it looks like Qui-Gon Jinn with wine red robes. If it were Obi-Wan I suppose they would have gotten one of the Obi-Wan figs as a stand-in like with Anakin. Who wore red in that scene?

But anyway, I really find it funny that the Battlepack definition was changed to give kids something to play without them having to get two sets like it were a Pokemon game, but everything above 20 bucks is designed to be complimentary with a bunch of other sets. They do one thing in favor of kids and another one that takes them from behind. Oh yes, they can still have some action with th Skiff. Lando and Luke against Boba and the dude named after a movie injoke, but what´s up with the barge? Leia and R2? They strangled Jabba and buzzed the rat-monkey, they were rather useless. Luke would have to be in there instead of Yak-face, because he was the only person fighting anyone on the barge. But then he shouldn´t have been in the skiff. But then they should have included Han Solo. But then he would have been double in Jabbas Palace and the skiff. But then, Luke is also in two sets (Rancor and Skiff), so why go through all the troubleaaaAAAARGH!

It makes everything just confusing.

At least it´s good for the collectors when LEGO doesn´t want to repeat figs that often, but I can´t say yes to this when poor children are getting less fun and parents loose money. And because I really hate paying 10 or more bucks for a fig on Bricklink.

The barge is a nice design and reminds me of that one grey MOC barge of ACPin or someone else. The barge is ruined anyway, seeing how it is shorter than the last one.

The Gunship is my favorite except for the missing pilots and soldiers. I just hope my old Gunship makes enough money that it isn´t too big of a loss.

Edited by Navy Trooper Fenson

Also you don't know if under the Clone troops it says 2x or 3x

I really hope I'm wrong because I love Clone Troopers but if there were more Clone minifigs, I believe LEGO would have had them on the box art as they did with the two Super Battle Droids.

The 2008 gunship was very well made - evidently lego agrees, as they don't seem to have changed much.

The 7676 Gunship captured the shape of the Gunship pretty well. I don't mind that this new set uses pretty much the same structure. From looking at the preliminary picture, there are some differences. The cockpits and turrets are different than in previous versions. I'm kind of disappointed that the turrets are no longer printed. I know this is a preliminary picture so I'm hoping the final product will have the printing. I'm not sure how much I'm truly going to like this set if the cargo bay doors don't completely enclose the troop area.

Republic Gunship: Anakin, Padme, Clone Pilot, Clone Captain, Super Battle Droidx2, and Some Jedi Knight(I think its actually likely at this point that it is a new Jedi and not Obi-wan because I think lego could be saving Obi-Wan for the Duel on Geonosis Set.)

I really hope you're correct on the other Jedi minifig not being Obi-Wan and a new Jedi. Obi-Wan seems like the most logical choice since he was with Anakin and Padme on the Gunship. Of course we all know that minifig placement in sets don't always make sense.

For me it's difficult to say if I should replace my slightly modded 7676 with this. The completely closing cargo bay doors on 7676 are just too sweet.

Although the way the cargo bay doors look at this point are a concern of mine, I will be picking up at least a couple of this new Gunship to add to my fleet.

Wow, I finally found the pictures of the RGS and Sailbarge. Took me a while to find them :facepalm::grin:

Can't see too much, yet. Based on your findings, concerning minifigures, I hope you're right about a fleshy AotC Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padmé. If they are present I'd definitely buy that set. Been waiting for fleshy AotC-characters for a long while, now :sweet: (which I've probably made more than obvious, in previous posts :innocent: )

Let's hope for clearer pictures soon :thumbup:



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