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Sadly I think the Lego TOR sets are the only place the Old Republic is seeing any profit.

Like most MMO's now a days. It's probably the reason were getting so many TOR LEGO sets. Lucasfilm is most likely trying to people into the games.

Going back on how LEGO should make another Jango Fett or Slave 1...

These are the 3 likely possibilities

2013 Advent Calendar: Xmas Jango?

Ultimate Collector Series Slave 1: Jango and Little Boba

Winter 2014 Slave 1 Regular Set


What exactly is the rumors on the UCS Star Wars 2013 anyways? (could it be a Venator, my LEGO dream set? :grin: )

So for the Sail Barge, the figs are ; Max Rebo, Boba Fett, Luke, Server R2-D2, Slave Leia and Jabba the Hutt?

And for the RGS, we get; Obi-Wan, Anakin, Clone Trooper, Padme, Clone Trooper and some battle droids?

Disappointed at the lack of Jango Fett, as I feel the RGS fig lineup is lackluster, but still hopeful for Jango in the AT-TE or even the duel set.

What makes people think Jango won't be included in the AT-TE? Lego has never limited their minifigure selection based on screen accuracy before. Just look at past sets:

- Ventress in the 2008 Republic Gunship

- Cad Bane in the Turbo Tank

- Aurra Sing in the Bounty Hunter Gunship

- Obi-Wan in the Podrace

- Padme and Panaka in the Sith Infiltrator

- Queen Amidala in the Gungan Sub

- Ceremony Leia in the Y-Wing

- Ackbar and Han in the A-Wing

One thing Lego has been trying to do in recent years is have a complete line up of main characters available within a certain theme. In 2010 we saw them focus on A New Hope, The Phantom Menace and Hoth. More recently its been Jabba's Palace. Next year looks like its going to be Geonosis. If Yoda and Dooku are coming in the Duel set, and Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme in the Gunship, who else is left for the AT-TE? Jango and Mace are the only two major characters that come to mind.

So for the Sail Barge, the figs are ; Max Rebo, Boba Fett, Luke, Server R2-D2, Slave Leia and Jabba the Hutt?

And for the RGS, we get; Obi-Wan, Anakin, Clone Trooper, Padme, Clone Trooper and some battle droids?

Disappointed at the lack of Jango Fett, as I feel the RGS fig lineup is lackluster, but still hopeful for Jango in the AT-TE or even the duel set.

I admit the Obi-Wan looks too dark to be Obi. They would have taken the CW or E3 standin, which are both lighter colour. As someone else said previously, Obi might likely come with the Dooku duel.

For the barge, it really looks like Luke, what I wouldn't like to have, as he is already in the Rancor set and the skiff. Boba I don't see being included, it looks like a Weequay (sp?) for me.

If Yoda and Dooku are coming in the Duel set, and Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme in the Gunship, who else is left for the AT-TE? Jango and Mace are the only two major characters that come to mind.

They could include the Geonosian guy who hands over the plans of the Death Star to Dooku ;)

So for the Sail Barge, the figs are ; Max Rebo, Boba Fett, Luke, Server R2-D2, Slave Leia and Jabba the Hutt?

And for the RGS, we get; Obi-Wan, Anakin, Clone Trooper, Padme, Clone Trooper and some battle droids?

Disappointed at the lack of Jango Fett, as I feel the RGS fig lineup is lackluster, but still hopeful for Jango in the AT-TE or even the duel set.

Luke and Boba Fett will not be in the Sail Barge as they both are in the 9496 Desert Skiff the more likely choose is Han and Chewie, or C3-PO and ether Han or Chewie or some random fig.

Didn't TLG announce that there will be 30 sets 2013 sets for the Star Wars part of the franchise.

So 25 sets announced, and 5 sets yet to be announced...

Another series of 3 Planet Sets and we're down to 2 more sets. I'm guessing 1 more unannounced exclusive and hopefully a UCS set.

I'm betting we'll get a remake of Jedi Bob in the republic gunship. :wink:

For at-te we could always see Jango and Boba. After all when revisiting PM last year they threw in characters that weren't anywhere near scenes just to build up the cast. I would assume the same will be done with AOTC. Plus if we get a Jango we definitely need a young Boba.

I'm betting we'll get a remake of Jedi Bob in the republic gunship. :wink:

Ha, that'd be awesome. :laugh: It sort of looks like him too, with the darker robes and all.

Am I the only one who does not like a Max Rebo minifig? of course, I think he's cool, but useless without the other members of the band. Max Rebo was the only one of his species ever appearing in the star wars movies, right? Is he actually in the sail barge in RotJ? I would have preffered another skiff guard or gamorrean guard.

the blue minifig at the prelim looks quite small, is Max Rebo small too? If Max Rebo isn't, maybe it is an other minifig?

and the black minifig looks like holding a gun, maybe it isn't luke.

Edited by TWP

Luke and Boba Fett will not be in the Sail Barge as they both are in the 9496 Desert Skiff the more likely choose is Han and Chewie, or C3-PO and ether Han or Chewie or some random fig.

I'm pretty sure the 'mystery minifigure' in the Sail Barge will be Ree-Yees. The shape of the head in the preliminary pic gives it away to me, along with the relative length of the minifigure name compared to the others in the lineup. And don't forget that Ree-Yees was included in the preliminary pics of the Jabba's Palace set, which means that the minifig has already been developed to some degree.

Edited by The_Chosen_1

As happy as I am to learn we will for sure be getting a new barge I say the old one looks far better. Funny people argue about the angle of the front slope so much. They both keep a similar look to the film version. We all get what it is trying to be. The old one seems to have far more playability though. Fingers crossed the prelim pics are off as they have been in the past. Too many examples to point out from recent waves.

I'm also happy about the gunship. Been wanting one for a while and glad I didn't get one off ebay. Perhaps there is a "x2 or x3" under the clone figure. I know Lego has done this with some recent sets.

I think there is no x2 or x3 under one of those clones, because Lego wants us to believe there are very much minifigs in a set, and placing x2 or x3 means that the row of minifigs will be shorter. Also, there are two Super Battle Droids included, and they are imaged twice, instead of x2 placed under one of them. It would be very strange if the clone suddenly has a x2 underneath him.

They could include the Geonosian guy who hands over the plans of the Death Star to Dooku ;)

I would actually like to see Poggle the Lesser (the Geonosian who hands over the DS plans) or Sun-Fac. I've missed out on alot of the Geonosian sets, so I could use more of them.

I'm pretty sure the 'mystery minifigure' in the Sail Barge will be Ree-Yees.

I agree that's Ree-Yees. At first I thought it might be a Luke with a new wavy hair piece, but now I see more of the Ree-Yees. Plus, Luke is in the Skiff set, so it might be redundant to include him here.

Edited by Hawkman

Am I the only one who does not like a Max Rebo minifig? of course, I think he's cool, but useless without the other members of the band. Max Rebo was the only one of his species ever appearing in the star wars movies, right? Is he actually in the sail barge in RotJ? I would have preffered another skiff guard or gamorrean guard.

the blue minifig at the prelim looks quite small, is Max Rebo small too? If Max Rebo isn't, maybe it is an other minifig?

and the black minifig looks like holding a gun, maybe it isn't luke.

Yes, Max Rebo is small and he was on the sail barge. And I'd say that there's no chance it's anyone else but him. How many blue elephants in the Star Wars universe are there after all?

As for the black minifig I'm hoping it's not Luke, the torso isn't the same color as the current Luke, also the head looks odd. Based on the oddly shaped head it's probably Ree-Yees.

Edited by strangely

I don't like the Max Rebo figure either. :thumbdown:

And if he was on the Sail Barge, how is it possible that he is still a live in the Newly Reformed Republic?

And if he was on the Sail Barge, how is it possible that he is still a live in the Newly Reformed Republic?

There's pictures of him on the sail barge, but I can't find a conclusive answer of what happened to him.

Yes, Max Rebo is small and he was on the sail barge. And I'd say that there's no chance it's anyone else but him. How many blue elephants in the Star Wars universe are there after all?

As for the black minifig I'm hoping it's not Luke, the torso isn't the same color as the current Luke, also the head looks odd. Based on the oddly shaped head it's probably Ree-Yees.

I forgot to explain what the blue guy then could be. The blue could be clay, what the designers always use for new pieces of minifigures, just like they did with the Jabba on the prelims of Jabba's palace. So it could be an other random minifig.

but now you're saying that Max Rebo is small, and did appear on the sail barge... maybe it could be Max Rebo.

Let's hope the black minifig is Ree Yees, I always had wanted to see a Lego Gran.

@cyberbricker, what do you mean with Newly Reformed Republic?

@cyberbricker, what do you mean with Newly Reformed Republic?

When the Galactic Empire is defeated and the Republic is restored.

On several wiki's it says Max Rebo was still alive and entertained the soldiers of the New Republic.

It also stats that he became quite rich, and finally settled on Coruscant.

What makes people think Jango won't be included in the AT-TE? Lego has never limited their minifigure selection based on screen accuracy before. Just look at past sets:

- Ventress in the 2008 Republic Gunship

- Cad Bane in the Turbo Tank

- Aurra Sing in the Bounty Hunter Gunship

- Obi-Wan in the Podrace

- Padme and Panaka in the Sith Infiltrator

- Queen Amidala in the Gungan Sub

- Ceremony Leia in the Y-Wing

- Ackbar and Han in the A-Wing

One thing Lego has been trying to do in recent years is have a complete line up of main characters available within a certain theme. In 2010 we saw them focus on A New Hope, The Phantom Menace and Hoth. More recently its been Jabba's Palace. Next year looks like its going to be Geonosis. If Yoda and Dooku are coming in the Duel set, and Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme in the Gunship, who else is left for the AT-TE? Jango and Mace are the only two major characters that come to mind.

That point gives me hope for Jango and Windu like mentioned, and COLEMAN TREBOR

If Rebo is really going to be made then I can't wait to see him! :sweet:

A new torso with back printing and possibly a new molded hairpiece is as far as I see them going. Then again they could always reuse the Ceremony Leia hairpiece as its the closest match out of the pre-existing elements. I don't see the point in a cloth skirt when the printed legs worked just fine on the previous version.

As for her face I think its fine and would hate to see it changed so soon, especially after the ammount of new Leia figures we've gotten recently. I get not everyone is happy its recycled from another character, but the design is a natural upgrade from the pre-pupil version and is fitting for her character. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if the face was originally intended for Leia but was pulled last minute for the PoP line, as 2010 was the year SW changed to the pupil faces and is also the only year between 2006 and now where Leia was absent from the set line up. She was also originally rumoured to appear in the Slave I set that year. Besides its not like we're ever going to see another Tamina figure again.

You're right about the face, now that you say that the face was likely intended for Leia she definitely looks like her to me. But I DO think they will redesign the body, who knows, probably she is going to have printed arms, the strips below the bra, printed shoes, etc. And maybe actually a new hairpiece with the ornament, LEGO tend to surprise us even when there's a reusable piece, you know.

Edited by Otherworld

When the Galactic Empire is defeated and the Republic is restored.

On several wiki's it says Max Rebo was still alive and entertained the soldiers of the New Republic.

It also stats that he became quite rich, and finally settled on Coruscant.

Then it makes sense to include him, if he re-appears in Star Wars VII ! :)

(of course I knew what the Newly Reformed Republic means, but maybe you read about him in some kind of book)

You're right about the face, now that you say that the face was likely intended for Leia she definitely looks like her to me. But I DO think they will redesign the body, who knows, probably she is going to have printed arms, the strips below the bra, printed shoes, etc. And maybe actually a new hairpiece with the ornament, LEGO tends to surprise us even when there's a reusable piece, you know.

I agree that they'll redesign the body, probably adding more detail. However I doubt both the printed arms and shoes, just because Lego tends to avoid those things (Granted it still happens from time to time so there's the chance). And I definitely think we will get a new hairpiece. Really I'm tired of seeing that same braid piece they seem to use all the time. I could see them reusing the Tamina braid, but I would prefer a new piece entirely just because we lack a good looking braid hairpiece (Sorry that Tamina hairpiece just looks bad to me :hmpf_bad: ).

The barge looks really disappointing, although I'm hoping that's just a very early prelim - it wouldn't be the first time. Thankfully I do have the old barge so if worst comes to worst, I guess I can just transplant the newer figs onto the old one. I do really like the Z95 Headhunter though, always was one of my favourite not-entirely-canon ships, so nice to see it making a real appearance.

And if he was on the Sail Barge, how is it possible that he is still a live in the Newly Reformed Republic?

EU authors make mistakes?

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