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The sets are underwhelming for me (but that is coming from a lower tiered SW fan). SW is not my priority so maybe that's why the sets aren't blowing me away. However, the figures are brilliantly designed and printed. The problem is I will end up buying a lot of the sets just to get the figures only because they command such a high price-tag on the after-market it only makes sense to spend slightly more to get the whole set and support TLG directly than some seller on bricklink/eBay. With that said, Jango is quality. Dooku and new Yoda are exactly what I'd want to see. Padme may be the best looking figure from that set, but I won't be able to pick her up. The sail barge is disappointing and the figures look decent, but at that price-tag I will definitely wait. I'm sure they will have some good sales like Palace last year. I mostly would only want slave Leia anyway since I don't have the previous version.

Edit: It looks like a reuse of Boromir's face from LOTR in the advent calendar.

Edited by TheLegoDr

First things first... HOT DAMN, they fixed the slopes on the gunship! That only took a decade or so. :laugh:

Anyways, the sets in order:

Tank Droid: Agh, don't want to have to get another of those things, but that Jango... nigh-on perfect. And I like how Lego came up with the same piece for the guns as I did... :tongue:

Spider Droid(s): Good, better than the last ones anyway, the DSD especially.

Duel on Geonosis: Set design looks sweet and so do the figures. That Dooku is spot-on.

Stealth Starfighter: A black E-Wing in the CW era? What mockery is this? No, whoever came up with that. No.

AT-TE: I'm not sure if it actually is but it looks even more right than the CW version. Could do with more clones though. The original one had four (and, admittedly, nothing else).

Jabba's Barge: Proportions look off on this, though it might be less fragile than the old one in places.

LAAT/i: So yes, liking it. Straighter lines on the fuselage and wings and the bubble canopies work well. Nice figs too, though more clones would be neat here, too.

Mandalorian Speeder: I'm not quite on top of TCW at the moment, but the speeder and Mandos look decent. Still not fond of the "Maul survived" idea.

Calendar: Better than last years effort, anyway. The venerable Scout trooper gets his first makeover.

Another thing, I kinda like how Lego seeks to emulate the look of the massive DC-15 rifle by putting Technic pins on the blasters... but I'm afraid those clones will fall over a lot. :grin:

I love the new jango but seriously, reusing boba fetts head thats very disappointing :angry: .

I thought so too at first, but it would seem that's a bit back-to-front. Look at Jango here. It appears that with canon depictions of an unmasked adult Boba being few and far between (and perhaps with an eye on re-doing Jango in the near future), they modeled the face very much on him. The stubble is perhaps a bit more pronounced, but the scars around the eyes and on the forehead are right there. If anything, it stands to reason that despite being a clone, Boba should look a bit different.

Edited to fix link.

Edited by Commander_Rob

Would you mind resending that link as it says page not found.

Edited by Legoman123

I know one thing about this wave. I will be getting ugh i mean downloading the stealth starfighter instructions, recreating it in LDD and making it the correct new republic colors then brick link. Besides that I might get the RGS if funds are available.

It's the celebration version of Leia. Notice how it has the same hairpiece, face, torso and gun.

Good catch. You can't tell it's the same torso from that photo, but FBTB has a clearer picture on their home page. That new Mirilian minifig will almost certainly be in the new TOR exclusive.

Looking at the posts, there's still some confusion about Stass Allie vs. Adi Gallia- it's Stass Allie, it says so on the box.

Also, I see a few complaints about the new cyborg Darth Maul- his face is unpleasant due to being CW-ified, but his legs are very accurate. He's taller than a normal character in the show, and they made it that way. Plus the place where his hips attach to his torso looks seamless- well done, Lego!

It's amazing to see that the piece-price ratio in this wave has gotten better overall- the only exception being Jabba's Sail Barge. 6 minifigs and a ship that's SMALLER than the last version does not justify the $45 price hike. It's an even worse situation than Jabba's Palace...

Also, I see a few complaints about the new cyborg Darth Maul- his face is unpleasant due to being CW-ified, but his legs are very accurate. He's taller than a normal character in the show, and they made it that way. Plus the place where his hips attach to his torso looks seamless- well done, Lego!

When Maul first returned in TCW, his robotic (chicken) legs did make him taller. I believe taller than Savage Oppress. When he was on Mandalore, Pre Vizsla and Death Watch gave him robotic legs that made him more of his normal size (shorter than Savage). To be accurate, at this particular point in the show that's depicted, he was not that tall. Does this detail mean anything to LEGO? Absolutely not as we all know how any character can just about appear in any set. This inaccuracy means nothing in the big scheme of things.

Edited by Sir_Basil_Ashton

The Sail Barge is pretty good. It's pretty sleek looking and it utilizes the inside pretty well. The cannon in the nose is a weird feature and definitely not canon, but I don't think it hurts anything by being there.

So, there's a non-canon cannon?.. In D?.. :laugh: True, the deck gun on the older version was perfect. they should've kept that. I don't really see any other cannons besides what looks like maybe an E-web blaster. Nice model, though. I like the new sail barge.

TLG have made a figure of the Darth Maul cyborg that was made but Mother Talzin, and has the longer, 'chicken' legs, however they have included him in a set where chronologically he should have his shorter, more humanoid Mandalorian legs. The inclusion of the Dark Saber makes me think that TLG had already designed the chicken leg Maul, but Lucasfilm wanted them to make a set from the Mandalore arc, so instead of wasting the design and making a new one, they just threw the existing design in, even though it is technically inaccurate to the scene.

Looking at the posts, there's still some confusion about Stass Allie vs. Adi Gallia- it's Stass Allie, it says so on the box.

I still hope we see an actual Adi Gallia minifigure one day. Lego went to the trouble of making a new mold for her headress, they might as well get some use out of it.

A simple fix for mace's white... Clone boot legs?? Keep his hips and swap for stass' legs, the colour seems to match well enough.

So, there's a non-canon cannon?.. In D?.. :laugh: True, the deck gun on the older version was perfect. they should've kept that. I don't really see any other cannons besides what looks like maybe an E-web blaster. Nice model, though. I like the new sail barge.

Indeed there is. I saw it on the brickshow. The nose lifts up and inside is a non-canon cannon.


Despite not being canon I think it's sort of neat. It's better than dead space at the very least. And it's very unexpected.

It's not an E-wing it's JEK 14's Starfighter from the Yoda Chronicles. But we still don't know much info about the ship or even who JEK 14 really is.

JEK-14's starfighter happens to be an E-wing then. As far as LEGO E-wings go this is a pretty good take on it... maybe not so sure about the nose tip... but I REALLY wish it was grey or white, don't like the black colour scheme atball. Odd that this has been used in this setting too given where the E-wing makes it's debut in the EU timeline. The minifigs offer some real good options for customs / MOCs.

All in all though, quite an exciting line up for summer. The figures are the real stars again - especially in Duel on Geonosis with Saruman... I mean Dooku, Yoda and Poggle. Super figures all. I missed the second version of the LAAT/i so will likely get this one, especially with the non-CW figures (has Padme got a little bit of a belly there?). Good to see Stass, Coleman and some of the crew in the sail barge too... though I have the previous version of the barge, will mean hitting BL for the minifigs.

New Mandos look cool too, though I'm still making my way through Series 4 and haven't see them in action yet.

I still haven't picked up the sets I want from the previous wave. Might have to be selective this year, especially with all the great sets in the other themes and further rumoured STar Wars exclusives. Need to take on an extra job! ;)

JEK-14's starfighter is not an E-Wing. I know it shares some very large similarities and Lego could have very possibly based their model of it from the Yoda Chronicles and the set from an E-Wing, but it's its own ship. Lego didn't intend to make a black E-Wing.

Anyway, about Adi Gallia and Stass Allie, I would have preferred Adi Gallia but there's a higher chance of getting her in the future than there is of Stass Allie, so overall I'm pleased with Lego's decision.

These sets are all o.k., except for the JEK-14 starfigter, but I was really looking forward to see pics of the HH-87 Starhopper, what happened to that?

Guys in JEK-14's Stealth Starfighter will there be a back interior like Darth Malagus ship for his sith troopers or not ?

I think we'll be getting Adi Gallia in her Clone Wars version. Same "hair" piecemaybe a different printing + the CW version of head printing. She was in quite some episodes ...

JEK-14's starfighter is not an E-Wing. I know it shares some very large similarities and Lego could have very possibly based their model of it from the Yoda Chronicles and the set from an E-Wing, but it's its own ship. Lego didn't intend to make a black E-Wing.

Anyway, about Adi Gallia and Stass Allie, I would have preferred Adi Gallia but there's a higher chance of getting her in the future than there is of Stass Allie, so overall I'm pleased with Lego's decision.

Okay now, it looks like you're misinterpreting what people mean when they're calling it an E-Wing. Remember that the Yoda Chronicles is low-rung canon, and the LEGO designers wanted to make a ship that would a) not be immediately recognisable to children and b) fit in with the general Star Wars aesthetic. To that end it's pretty understandable that they'd plunder the EU concept designs to find a shape for JEK-14's ship.

The reason we're calling it an E-Wing is because - look at it - it's an E-Wing. What we're not saying is that this blows the whole Star Wars timeline right open, ZOMG there were E-Wings waaay back in 30 BBY what could this mean for Luke (Skywalker). There's no issues of canon here, no continuity snarls, just noticing that the new Yoda Chronicles ship happens also to be an E-Wing. Which is why the instructions for the model will arguably be more important to AFOLs than the ship itself.

While I'm here, my real hangup is why the Yoda Chronicles ship doesn't actually come with Yoda himself.

These sets are all o.k., except for the JEK-14 starfigter, but I was really looking forward to see pics of the HH-87 Starhopper, what happened to that?

I believe that it is an exclusive set, so it will not be at the Toy Fair and we will not see pictures of it for a while, probably not until it is about to be released.

I have answer to the Jek-14 vs E-wing.....it might be a prototype fighter developed during the Clone Wars. :wink:

This craft also shares some design elements of the Headhunter which led to the X-Wing as well.

See you only have to think up your own canon.....just like Lego does. :tongue:

Perhaps when ComicCon and alike come along this year maybe some exclusive set might place Yoda in his Chronicles ? :wink:

The door problem was always there because the mechanism LEGO uses for the doors would leave not enough place in the middle. TCW made away with it by making a part of the door open to the other side but apart from the first few seasons of TCW this kind of LAAT/I is used nowhere else.

The arc was never closed in the original ship from AOTC either.

Rewatched AotC and yes, you're right. This gunship is "movie-accurate".

Edit: Also, I just noticed that the coloured Clones (Sergeant, Captain, Commander) all have metallic-looking visor printing while normal Clones have plain black. Interesting.

It is. Although if I've seen it correctly, the visors are all the same and whether it looks black or shining-metallic, depends on the lightning.

I think the visor difference actually looks quite cool because it further helps to distinguish between regular clones and the officers.

These new sets mostly look good but I do not like Legos thinking with JEK-14 taking up a slot that could leave space for another Episode 2 set.

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