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I don't think we will ever not see OT sets, so long as the license is still going on. Certain key iconic things will always be represented. It will just be a question of how much per release wave. We will probably not be seeing a lot of PT sets after the next winter wave. TCW sets are probably done and will be replaced by Rebels sets. Assuming the release date doesn't get pushed back (2015 seems awful close), we will start getting hammered with Ep VII stuff summer 2015. But I bet they will still hedge that bet with some Iconic OT sets, just as they did in '99.

Cloud City and Dagobah haven't been seen since the days of yellow, so ten years on seems like a good time to revisit these places. Yavin IV would be good, but with the release of Luke, Han as exclusives, I think this has driven the likelyhood down.

I have a strong feeling we'll probably be seeing Cloud City again next year.

On that note, I'm afraid that 2014 will be the last year that we really see much representation from the current Episodes I-VI in Lego form. With the new trilogy (and now Rebels) on the horizon, I predict that those will mostly dominate the Lego assortment in 2015 and beyond.

That is what I fear and my wallet hopes...

I think you guys are kidding yourselves thinking Clone Wars sets are done with. The decision to cancel Clone Wars just came a couple months ago--by the time that happened, LEGO has probably already designed Winter 2013/2014 LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars sets. I doubt we'll see any Rebels sets until the end of 2014 at the earliest.

They did Cloud City and Dagobah. Not extensively, but they did them. Yavin IV could have used a temple, and the one TLG did build but never released was really neat, but oh well. Perhaps someday though, I would be surprised if we don't see Yavin IV in Rebels.


Cloud City and Dagobah haven't been seen since the days of yellow, so ten years on seems like a good time to revisit these places. Yavin IV would be good, but with the release of Luke, Han as exclusives, I think this has driven the likelyhood down.

I have a strong feeling we'll probably be seeing Cloud City again next year.

Guys, i am perfectly with you! Before any possible changes with new cartoons, TLG will hopefully appease us with those sets. They are overdue, IMHO.

In general, i think that TLG will always throw in some PT, OT and TCW sets in the future. The last OTmovie (original) hit the cinemas in 1983 - yes, that's 30 years ago! A longer time than some of us do even breath... Time to celebrate and time to get the iconic things into the shelves again. :wink:

I think you guys are kidding yourselves thinking Clone Wars sets are done with. The decision to cancel Clone Wars just came a couple months ago--by the time that happened, LEGO has probably already designed Winter 2013/2014 LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars sets. I doubt we'll see any Rebels sets until the end of 2014 at the earliest.

Right, but The Clone Wars lego was licensed to Lucas/arts/film, etc not Disney. I don't think we can just dismiss the acquisition of Star Wars by Disney as not a threat to any ongoing merchandising. The matter must be very complicated.

Who knows? There was probably some sort of cause buried in the licensing agreement originally but we haven't heard anything about that yet, have we?

Has TLG made any announcements whatsoever about TCW continuing for the winter 2014 wave or not?

Perhaps someday though, I would be surprised if we don't see Yavin IV in Rebels.

Nicely done.. this observation made my day!

Of course... Yavin IV was the main rebel base in A New Hope. It makes perfect sense.

Edited by darththeling

I'm not sure how many people have seen this, but I thought it might be a good idea to bring it here.


With this new show set to premiere in the fall of 2014, could this be the next big thing for LEGO Star Wars before the new trilogy? I wouldn't be surprised if the Winter 2015 wave of sets is exclusively from this new show.

I'm excited to see how this show develops, and how it will impact the LEGO Star Wars theme.

Right, but The Clone Wars lego was licensed to Lucas/arts/film, etc not Disney. I don't think we can just dismiss the acquisition of Star Wars by Disney as not a threat to any ongoing merchandising. The matter must be very complicated.

Who knows? There was probably some sort of cause buried in the licensing agreement originally but we haven't heard anything about that yet, have we?

Has TLG made any announcements whatsoever about TCW continuing for the winter 2014 wave or not?

Being bought out by Disney does not alter those contracts. They were part of the assets and liabilities of the sale. Disney cannot simply void or alter them outside of what the original terms were. And Disney is unlikely to do that. Chances are they were privy to the contract renewal in late 2011. It would have come up while Disney was doing its due diligence. If they had any issues they could have requested a simple change to a shorter time span instead of a full 10 years. The Lego SW deal has been extremely profitable for all involved, plus Disney has had a good pre existing working relationship with TLG. The combined "Lego Star Wars" is a highly recognize able marketing product in its own right and one that they would be hesitant to radically mess with. The only real danger to the license at this point would be if Disney does in fact buy out Hasbro.

We do not normally hear anything about the Winter SW waves until late summer. Late July or August. My speculation is that we will probably see more of a concentration of late TCW sets and EP3 subjects, mixed with some OT stuff for the Winter Wave.

Hm, could be cool, I'd like to see the series before I draw any conclusions on the sets, an interesting timeframe choice for a show though.

I have a strong feeling we'll probably be seeing Cloud City again next year.

I had this feeling for like four years in a row. Cloud City is dead, TESB ends directly after the Battle of Hoth. The only part LEGO recognized from this movie other than Hoth is the hunt for the Falcon. Dagobah and Cloud City are not nearly a decade ago and were stepped over by two remake cycles. When they return next years it´s just because LEGO reads everything I write on the internet and changes their set release schedule around what I expect and want to buy just to spite me.

I think you guys are kidding yourselves thinking Clone Wars sets are done with. The decision to cancel Clone Wars just came a couple months ago--by the time that happened, LEGO has probably already designed Winter 2013/2014 LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars sets. I doubt we'll see any Rebels sets until the end of 2014 at the earliest.

This will probably happen. End of 2014 would be obvious since the show starts exactly then.

Has TLG made any announcements whatsoever about TCW continuing for the winter 2014 wave or not?

As if they had done something similar ever before.

The only real danger to the license at this point would be if Disney does in fact buy out Hasbro.

I heard Hasbro is starving for profits because of their failed toy waves. They even changed to doing 80s style actionfigure lines (Iron Man 3, Star Wars "Retro Kenner" line) with almost exclusively swivel joints instead of ball joints like they had always done before. But no idea in how based in reality this is. Also, their Kre-O is shelf-warming where I´m at. Battleship toys more than a year after said movies release with prices slashed in half.

We do not normally hear anything about the Winter SW waves until fall. Early September or October. My speculation is that we will probably see more of a concentration of late TCW sets and EP3 subjects, mixed with some OT stuff for the Winter Wave.

Fixed that for you.

I heard Hasbro is starving for profits because of their failed toy waves. They even changed to doing 80s style actionfigure lines (Iron Man 3, Star Wars "Retro Kenner" line) with almost exclusively swivel joints instead of ball joints like they had always done before. But no idea in how based in reality this is. Also, their Kre-O is shelf-warming where I´m at. Battleship toys more than a year after said movies release with prices slashed in half.

Fixed that for you.

Nah! We normally start hearing rumors, names and set numbers earlier. We've been seeing pictures around October, and the sets seem to hit just before Christmas.

While Battleship was a turd for Kreo-o I think they may do ok with Star Trek and G I Joe.


We won't see them for quite some time. The series isn't even due out for a year and a half. But I'm excited it's going to be closer to the original trilogy. We might see X-Wings and Y-wings (well, "new" style ones) and if they ignore previous canon the A-wings and B-wings (I think they were both released in canon post A-New Hope. I haven't bought a single prequel / clone wars set because they're boring :P non-iconic bores (along with the prequels!).

Hopefully they let them some how conclude Clone Wars as a lead in to this

I'm thinking we may start seeing a few sets for next Summers wave. Given the time period and their choices for art inspiration we can probably safely guess a few.

- McQuarrie X Wing. When they say based on McQuarrie's art, this is the one picture they are talking about more than any other. The original X Wing concept art with the half circle D engine intakes. It's both new and a new take on a classic design. A comfortable degree of familiarity. It will be done and done early in the Rebels set cycle.

- Tantive IV, like I said in the rumors thread. This is just about the last thing we see in Ep3, the first thing we see in ep IV. It is Bail Organna's ship, and he is one of the founders of the Rebellion. Plus Filoni and company already have the ship designed and rendered in their library. Even if they have to reskin it to match the newer art style, it is an existing asset. Figure we will be seeing this ship both in the show and as a set. On the plus side it will probably get us a Bail minifig finally.

- Some sort of proto Tie Fighter or Darth Vader Tie Fighter. Honestly This sort of illustrates the problem we will run into with this show. If they do base it principally on Ralph's art, then we will not see a huge amount of new subjects for ships. Those early ILM and pre ILM nerds really did do a fantastic job of transferring his art to models, without too many compromises. And what compromises they made, TLG will probably have to make too.

- A nice big Classic Galactica in scale with the ISD and with 10 minifigs. What? What do you mean I can't have that? But but? They promised me Ralph McQuarrie Goodness!!!! :cry_sad: :cry_sad: :cry_sad:

I'm not sure how many people have seen this, but I thought it might be a good idea to bring it here.


With this new show set to premiere in the fall of 2014, could this be the next big thing for LEGO Star Wars before the new trilogy? I wouldn't be surprised if the Winter 2015 wave of sets is exclusively from this new show.

I think it we will see a set in Summer 2014 with a full wave in Autumn, like the Clone Wars original wave. Another wave may come out in the Winter, but to be honest, I think LEGO will focus all of its attention to Star Wars Episode VII in May 2015.

I also think LEGO will start putting the logos in the corner for all Star Wars sets, like the Super Heroes theme or how TOR sets are, as it will help sell the sets.

I just hope that they don't go for the stylised "Clone Wars" type faces for the Rebels' sets - they just look a little bit too deformed placed with regular OT and PT faces.

I had this feeling for like four years in a row. Cloud City is dead, TESB ends directly after the Battle of Hoth. The only part LEGO recognized from this movie other than Hoth is the hunt for the Falcon. Dagobah and Cloud City are not nearly a decade ago and were stepped over by two remake cycles. When they return next years it´s just because LEGO reads everything I write on the internet and changes their set release schedule around what I expect and want to buy just to spite me.

Thats a bit of an overeaction. :laugh::tongue:

Remember it did take Lego a while to return to Jabba's Palace as well. Eventually they did and we got four sets out of it. Before that they were focusing on Hoth and Endor. By the time we get the Ewok Village Lego should be just about done with these locations as far as playsets go and ready to move onto a new setting. The two big ones remaining are Mos Eisley and Cloud City.

Another thing to keep in mind are the minifigures. If Lego keeps the cycle of giving us roughly two new Luke and Leia minifigures per year, then which of these are we likely to see next year?


- Dagobah

- Bespin

- Medical Frigate

- Either Endor OR Death Star II (depending on which of the two will be coming in the Ewok Village this year)


- Bespin Gown

- Bespin Jumpsuit

- Medical Frigate

- Home One

- Endor

Edited by wesker

Does anyone actually think we will see Mos Eisley cantina ? The reason I ask is because of all the drink thats in it ?

Does anyone actually think we will see Mos Eisley cantina ? The reason I ask is because of all the drink thats in it ?

If not I'm just going to bricklink the pieces and MOC my own. :)

A nice way to end Lego The Clone Wars would be with a blue MTT, that would be great so it matches with the blue AAT :)

I agree with Wesker regarding Cloud City, besides it may even feature in either the new cartoon or one of the new movies.

Is anyone else looking forward to swashbuckling Han/Chewie/Lando back stories? I'd love to see the scene recreated where Han wins the Falcon "fair and square" - something tells me that phrase and pre-ANH Han don't quite jive ;)

Is anyone else looking forward to swashbuckling Han/Chewie/Lando back stories? I'd love to see the scene recreated where Han wins the Falcon "fair and square" - something tells me that phrase and pre-ANH Han don't quite jive ;)

That story was described in the Milennium Falcon novel, but I'm sure Dave Filoni will find a way to change that, like he changed so much of the Clone Wars.

On topic: Has anyone seen the Jedi Defender in real life yet?

Just so long as what happens to Chewie in the NJO series doesn't happen in the films, I will be satisfied!

I am so looking forward to the Ewok village set. New Leia, possibly new Han/Luke/Scouts, very exciting! My guess is it will have the net trap (turkey bait!), spits, hovering chair and up to three trees. If the Biker Scouts come with this set then a speeder bike or two too.

I'm wondering if we will get the Jedi spirits in Ewok Village, the new Jek-14 figure has a translucent blue arm and we've had translucent blue heads for a while. Perhaps they'll make the other parts too. Maybe they'll make it an add on like the Rancor pit to Jabba's Palace, they could call it Endor celebration and include extra imperial helmets for drums.

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