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Those toyfair prices hopefully indicate that the sets will be decent quality. It seems like only the JEK 14 is from the Yoda's Chronicles, unless there are a few store exclusives that pop up it seems to me that we have a few Ep2 sets. I guess we will just have to wait until the NY toyfair in a few weeks to get more detail.


Well considering that, at the moment, Darth Vader is a REALLY hard figure for kids to get their hands on, it'd be a bit daft to make this TOO different from the norm.

Posted (edited)

FBTB just posted a report on the summer Star Wars sets. Among other news, it revealed that we are getting Poggle the Lesser in the Yoda duel set, Padme in her arena outfit, Adi Galia in the Homing Spider Droid, and Ree-Yees and a new Weequay in the Sailbarge. :wink:

Edited by Zarkan

Great news on Poggle and the new Jedi! Now we just need confirmation on a non-santa Jango Fett :wink:

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that wasn't confirmed yet. Yes, FBTB says we are getting one in the Tank Droid.


FBTB just posted a report on the summer Star Wars sets. Among other news, it revealed that we are getting Poggle the Lesser in the Yoda duel set, Padme in her arena outfit, Adi Galia in the Homing Spider Droid, and Ree-Yees and a new Weequay in the Sailbarge. :wink:

Not to mention Coleman Trebor in the AT-TE! This is going to make it awfully hard not to buy that set.

Posted (edited)

It has been a fairly expensive year so far and as more details on the Summer sets are revealed, it's only going to get worse. My family had just started collecting LEGO SW back in 2009 and we were able to get a few each of the CW Gunship and AT-TE. If the Episode II versions are just as good, we'll be getting even more.

Edited by Sir_Basil_Ashton

Did they say if 75015 is special or limited edition. If not then I will try buy this set as much as possible. Maybe because of a new Jango Fett. I might buy more PT sets even though I'm interested in OT sets, but always interested in Lego Star Wars no matter what trilogy it is

Posted (edited)

No specific details on what sets may be special or limited edition. I really like how LEGO made a new Boba Fett available in an affordable set and now a new Jango Fett in an even more affordable set.

The news of Mandalorian Super Commandos is a treat. Now I can have variations in my small Death Watch army.

Edited by Sir_Basil_Ashton
Posted (edited)

Did they say if 75015 is special or limited edition. If not then I will try buy this set as much as possible. Maybe because of a new Jango Fett. I might buy more PT sets even though I'm interested in OT sets, but always interested in Lego Star Wars no matter what trilogy it is

All the sets are regular ones that are going to be available for roughly one and a half years, so no need to hurry. Toy Fair only shows the regular sets and none of the exclusive or limited ones.

The Snail tank, Dooku/Yoda duel, Laaty and Mando Speeder sound good but are no more detailed than the last few descriptions and on my list anyway.

Getting Adi Gallia/Stass Allie would be great but I guess I have got enough spider-like mechas at least for now.

The Jek fighter is still very vague. I hope that changes when they finally manage to release that webshow or whatever it is supposed to be.

The AT-TE is pretty much a pass. Mace will probably have only slightly different robes (that he should have gotten in Palpatines Arrest), Trebor is probably in the Top 10 of most useless side characters that got minifigs and a Gunner clone? I thought regular clones are manning the AT-TEs. At least in AOTC.

Jabbas Barge is only interesting for the obscure figs. I don´t count on a discount but I wouldn´t pass up on it if it was going to be a 60 or 70 set.

The calendar maybe has some aces up their sleeve. Santa Jango doesn´t sound like a must-have (as does every Santa SW fig) but kid Boba could be interesting. Even better if the calendar finally includes a few more non-holiday figs that they couldn´t put in sets otherwise.

Edited by Navy Trooper Fenson
Posted (edited)

We have a Jedi Bob so I welcome any named Jedi LEGO wants to give us. Coleman Trebor, Stass Allie/Adi Galia, Mace Windu with alternate robe, I'll take them all.

It's described that all the "re-booted" sets have "tweaks and updates" so it shouldn't be too hard integrating old and new sets into dioramas.

Is it just me or is anybody else surprised at how reasonably priced all the sets seem to be? Hope those prices hold up.

Edited by Sir_Basil_Ashton

Well here are my thoughts about the sets...

75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid- Although it includes a much wanted Jango Fett, I'm going to have to pass on this one since I really have no desire for another Tank Droid, I may just make my own Jango Fett or buy him on ebay. Who know's though, I may just end up buying this one since it will probally only 20$.

75016 Homing Spider Droid- This one is another one I'm pretty uncertain about since it only includes one minifig I really want and a set I already have, but if it does include Stass Allie I may just have to pick this one up. If it's between me picking up this one or the Tank Droid it will be this one since I could probally pick up Jango for a pretty cheap price on ebay.

75017 Duel On Geonosis- This set sounds excellent, as it kinda of a small taste of Geonosis and all it has to offer. Although I'll pick it up for certain, the prices is kind of high, but I think it will be worth it.

75018 Jeks-14 Stealth Starfighter- I have no interest in getting this one, but I'm still looking foward to seeing how it turns out.

75019 AT-TE- When I first heard about this set I was so excited about there finally being a Colemen Trebor minifig, but I sadly mixed up the names of Colemen Trebor and Colemen Kcaj and when I found out how Coleman Trebor really was I was very disappointed so at this point I'm not going to buy this set simply because I have no real interest in the minifigs or the vechical itself anymore.

75020 Jabba’s Sailbarge- Highly disappointed in by the sound of this set. Despite the fact that it includes some great minifigs, It's not enough to convince me to be a pretty awful sounding set. It's too bad lego didn't wait a couple more years to release this one, then you would be able to select from a larger range of minifigs and include more things in the set.

75021 Republic Gunship- This set has truly grown on me for awhile now, and since we're finally hearing the full details I'll probally buy it. I don't have a republic gunship( I think that's the main problem with a lot of these set, a lot of people already own them, like I would have rather seen a new Hailfire Droid to replace the Tank Droid or Spider Droid) so it's a good opportunity for me to pivk one up with some new minifigs.

75022 Mandalorian Speeder- What a great set lego! It's cheap and it comes with much wnated minifigs, what can get better! I definetly pick this one up since I'm really excited about Darth Maul and although it's not Bo-Katan, I'm pretty happy to get the Red Mandalorian(or atleast those are what I think they are.)

75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar- This one actually sounds like the best advent calander yet as we get a Young Boba and Santa Jango, it was also smart of lego to really reduce the price on this set as I think that was the main problem with 2012's advent calender, but I think I'll have to wait and see pictures before I decided on this one.

I'm really looking foward to seeing pictures now, hopefully we'll see some leaked images before the toy fair, but if we don't I'm okay with waiting a little bit longer!

Posted (edited)

Here is an exact link for you guys. Big thanks to FBTB for the news! http://www.fbtb.net/...2013-star-wars/

Must have sets in my opinion include:

75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid: Jango Fett is the main reason

75017 Duel on Geonosis: Should be a good set from the description and Poggle the Lesser should be interesting

75018 JEK-14 Starfighter: Very interesting set, the figures sound amazing! Kind of sounds like a set from TOR! :look:

75020 Jabba's Sail Barge: Max Rebo sounds good and hopefully better than the 2006 version

75019 AT-TE: A set that seems somewhat forgettable with the exception of Coleman Trebor.

Edited by Kitfistonator

I wonder if Lego will make the Maul in the Mandalorian Speeder set accurate to how he is on the show. By that time he has robes on and isn't shirtless anymore so I'm thinking they'll give him robes and the more natural looking cybernetic legs. And I also really hope the Boba in the advent calender is normal and not holiday themed because he won't be appearing anywhere else this wave.


so does the lack of 70024 HH-87 Starhopper and 70025 Jedi Class Cruiser at the toy fair mean those were just rumors or could TLG be keeping those under wraps for some reason?

Store exclusives are not shown at Toy Fairs.

This makes me think that the Starhopper will be a Target or Wal Mart exclusive and about $40-$50

Toys R Us is the only chain that I can think of which gets large size exclusives for Star Wars. Based on what some of the other bigger exclusives have cost at TRU I would imagine the Jedi Cruiser will be about $90. This is the one set I am looking forward to the most and I was hoping it would be a bit bigger, like in the $120 range but no real complaints here. I am just glad this set is being made at all. I am just crossing my fingers that we will get some new figures in the Cruiser from the game and no repeats.

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