June 23, 201311 yr Em jerks back to life, hands clutching first at his chest, then his bow. "S-sorry," he coughs, rising. "And thank you."
June 23, 201311 yr "Not a trouble, chappo. Now, if you wouldn't mind firing on our one remaining foe, we can be on our way." Battle Order Boomingham Arthur Arthur Karie Em Arnulf
June 23, 201311 yr "With pleasure," Em spits slightly venomously, scowling and firing an arrow at Octavyn from the back row.
June 23, 201311 yr OOC: Again, I should have gotten 4 rolls vs the Warden and the others should have gotten 2 because Jinxed kicks in immediately. Also, if the Warden went down, then why did I take a Free Hit from him? (And actually, I targeted him, so he shouldn't have gotten a Free Hit at all, even if he lived.) Also, Octavyn should be Blind and Fragile for this Round. Knowing there was little else to do, Arthur readies his spells. Battle Summary (and Arthur's Actions): Boomingham uses Phoenix Essence on Em >Arthur casts Blindness on Syndicate Admin Octavyn: >Arthur (Darkness) VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (back): >Arthur casts Blindness on Syndicate Admin Octavyn: OR if already Blind, Arthur casts Sealing on Syndicate Admin Octavyn: >Arthur (Darkness) VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (back): Karie VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (front): >Em VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (back): Arnulf VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (front):
June 23, 201311 yr Author QM Note: Gah, sorry Flipz, I don't see how I messed all of that up so badly. Pretty sure the Warden's free hit was a remnant from the previous round and I simply read it again, but the rest... Round Eight of the Sunroom Strife! >Boomingham uses Phoenix Essence on Em (back) >Arthur casts Blindness on Syndicate Admin Octavyn: Failure! >Arthur (Darkness) VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (back): Critical Hit (13x2=26+25=51x8=408-4=404 damage) >Arthur casts Blindness on Syndicate Admin Octavyn: Failure! >Arthur (Darkness) VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (back): Critical Hit (13x2=26+25=51x2=8=408-4=404 damage) >Karie VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (front): Critical Hit Hit (6+11=17x2=34 damage) >Em VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (back): Special Damage Special Damage (Precision blow: blocked!) >Arnulf VS Syndicate Admin Octavyn (front): Shield Shield: Mug (8x3=24+11=35x2=70x2=140-4=136 damage, 56 gold earned) Boomingham feeds Em his Phoenix Essence, the crimson essence rejuvenating the fallen ranger. He springs to his feet, ready to dispatch Octavyn with his fellow heroes. Arthur's scrolls fail, but his dark magic exceeds all expectations. Octavyn miraculously takes two blast of the potent blasts of darkness, breathing sharply as the orbs of shadow slam into his chest. Karie gets a small scratch on him, Octavyn diving towards Em with his corseque. The range'rs windpipe was his target- but Barty deflects the weapon, sending its user reeling backwards. Arnulf, with one last slash of his dagger, brings the Admin down to his knees. Octavyn looks mournfully at the three corpses at his feet - his fellow Syndicate members were all dead. The battle is Victorious! All heroes gain their respective amounts of EXP. The Party: Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher) 46 Years Old, Human, Level 25 2/3 Paladin *Immune to Fragile, Sleep and Weakened* Power: 38 (+4**) Defense: 12 Health: 46/46 (+2*) Ether: 21/24 Gold: 148 Equipment: Scupperer (Great Sword, WP: 11, Darkness Fire, causes Bleeding Effect for 5 Damage until remedied or healed to full health) Round Metal Shield (SP: 7), Counterstrike Gloves (On Free Hits, Deals damage to enemy equal to Boomingham's level), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, Immunity to Fragile), Tome of Affluence (Generates 10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle, immunity to sleep and weakened, accessory) ****Pseudo's Blessing's Blessing (Not an Artifact, +4 Power) Inventory: Frozen Saber (Great Sword, WP: 9, Light Ice, stunned effect), Bedroll, 2 Meads, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immunity to Ice), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Marksman's Monocle, Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile for rest of battle, 5 ether, 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, 1 Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing, Garnet, Sapphire, Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (+4 to Power, -6 to Ether), Hamantasch (consumable, lucky + blessed effects upon consumption for the length of one battle), Admantite Shard, Everlasting Venom. Remedy, Seventh Heaven, Debts: 128 Gold Arthur, 1 gold Docken, 75 gold Sorrow Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz), Level 25 2/3 Sorcerer, 21-year-old male Human *Immune to Sealed* [ Currently in: Quest #70: The Syndicate] Power: 38 (25 + WP:13) Health: 25/37 (Basic Health: 5 + Level Bonus: 23 + Class Boost: 4 + Permanent Boost: 4*) Ether: 22/35 (Basic Ether: 5 + Level Bonus: 23 + Class Boost: 1 + Robe of the Archmagi: 5) Defense: 3 (Robe of the Archmagi) Gold: 1550 (Owed 128 gold by Boomingham; owed 50 gold by Grimwald Gjinko; owed 70 gold by En Sabah Nur,) Equipment: Unlucky Horseshoe (WP:13, retrievable, causes Jinxed-effect; throwing weapon), Robe of the Archmagi (Bodywear, SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.), Overkill Gloves Inventory: Weapons: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Hollow Blade Dagger (WP:6, dagger, hollow-blade [Mulled Wine]), Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5, Light-Elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Spider Leg (WP:8, doubled against flying enemies; spear; unsuitable) Artifacts: Shackles of War (Accessory, Prevents anyone from fleeing battles), Cloak of Deception (Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent), Ancient Crown (Headwear, First successful strike of battle deals Cursed-effect), Jester's Hat (Headwear, Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy), Stingy Gloves, Sticky Gloves Gems: Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Garnet (Earth), Tools: Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass Scrolls: Scroll of Blindness, 2x Scroll of Sealing (1x Lent to De'kra), Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, 2x Scroll of Frailty (1x Lent to Nyx), Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning (Grants target’s weapon the Badly Poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the Lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Scroll of Weakening, Consumables: Grand Potion x4, Remedy x7, Elixir, Nostrum x 3, Smelling Salts x 4, Mead x 3, Jinxy Juice, Ether Core, Noxious Venom (When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the Badly Poisoned effect for the duration of the battle and the Confused effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.), Zoot's Plaything, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Tesla Bomb, Grand Tonic, Double Rainbow, Bright Polish Karie Alderflask (Played by Kintobor) 22 year old Human Rogue, lvl 14 Power: 20 (lvl 14 + WP: 6) Health: 19/20 Gold: 271 Defence: 0 Equipment: Sexy (WP: 6, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues), Lover's Locket (Protects from enamoured effect), Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear) Inventory: Potion (2), Mead (3), Remedy (1), Venom (1), Smoke bomb (1), Telescope (1), Bedroll (1), Heirloom Dagger (WP:3), Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp) (1),, Topaz, Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only), Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4), Nostrum, Mulled Wine (2), Leather Armor (Bodywear, SP: 1) Arnulf Bishop (Shoker86) 30 yrs old male human Rogue Level 12 Power: 22 (12+9+1) Defense: 3 Health: 11/18 (7+11) Gold: 379 Equipment: Cheesy Dagger (WP:8, Double damage to vermin), Tricorne (SP:3), Scarf of Misfortune (Accessory, Wearer deals the Jinxed effect on every third round) Inventory: Leather Armor(SP:1), 3 Potions, 2 Venoms, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Bedroll, 2 Meads, Smelling Salts, Mulled Wine Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious. Unknown age male human ranger Level 12 Power: 20 Health: 17/17 Gold: 70 Equipment: Aquabow (WP: 7, Water-elemental), Ranger's Quiver (+1 WP to all Bows/Crossbows), White Marksman's Hat - (⅙ chance of Assassination vs. Flying monsters; Headwear) Inventory: Smoke bomb, Grating Stone, Nostrum, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Potion x5, Remedy x3, Gentleman's Hat (SP: 1, suitable for men, headgear. The wearer has a 1/2 chance to not be affected by Asleep.), Venom, Ice Bomb, Grand Potion, Bow(WP:5), Mead x2 Party Leader, please distribute the loot: 150 gold Potion x2 Remedy x2 Tonic x2 Phoenix Essence Jinxy Juice Exterlate: A substance that can wreak havoc on someone's insides if consumed. Can be used on an enemy to make them Confused and Plagued for 5 rounds. Syndicate Cowl: A padded cowl that covers all major nerve clusters on the head and neck. SP: 2, provides immunity to the Doomed effect. Headwear. Octavyn staggers to his feet, using his corseque for support. He was bruised and bloodied - but he clung on to life. "So. Good battle, I suppose... though you did take the lives of three of my closest associates in the process. I suppose bloodshed is all I've ever known... All we've ever known. And although clinking glasses with my friends up above would be nice, I have things on this Olegaia that still need doing. Thus... I believe now would be the prime time for a little dissappearing act I've planned. Always have a backup planned, heroes!" He removes a smoke bomb from his cape, shaking it up and down to produce an even more explosive effect when thrown. "Now... I bid you... ADIEU!" Octavyn slams the Smoke Bomb onto the floor with great force, the grenade shattering into glas ssharpnel. Cloud after cloud erupts from the bomb, a thick smog settling over the entire room. The party's vision was a clouded black, pratcially nothing being discernable in the thick smoke. They can make out one detail in the veil of gray ash surrounding their eyes: Octavyn rushing Karie, muffling her desperate screams with his cape. With the noise suppressed Octavyn makes off with the female rogue, dragging the struggling hero out of the smog. He seems to dissapear in the distance, coughing heroes tumbling after the Syndicate madman - and failing. They collapse in the doorway of the room as the smoke just begins to clear, minutes passing as they stumble about for an exit. Octavyn was long gone, and he took Karie with him! The smoke clears... All that remained in the room was the unconscious Nevron, and the corpses of the Syndicate members they had slain. Edited June 23, 201311 yr by Endgame
June 23, 201311 yr "Good job Em, you are great teammate" Arnulf tapped ranger on shoulder, and then he turned to the Syndicate goons "Where is she, WHERE IS SHE" Arnulf put his dagger on Nevron's neck. "Lord Boomingham, Arthur, time for interogation"
June 23, 201311 yr Author Arnulf screams at dead corpses, then puts his knife to the neck of the informant they were supposed to rendezvous with in the first place. His priorities seemed a bit off.
June 23, 201311 yr "Damn, I need a drink" Arnulf tried to calm down " She's captured again, Arthur it's no fair, it should've been me. She los her sister. I'll kill the S.O.B" Arnulf put his blade off the man's neck. After bringin him consious he asked "Who are you?"
June 23, 201311 yr Author The Town Watch informant remains stuck in his drug-induced sleep. Octavyn used a fairly potent sedative, it would seem.
June 23, 201311 yr "KARIE!" "Here, everyone, who doesn't have a Remedy, take one of mine. I'll feed another to Nevron." "We need to rethink our strategies. Lord Boomingham, I think it's clear that our typical equipment allotment isn't going to work here--you should borrow my Lens and Scrolls and focus on healing, and I or Arnulf should borrow Scupperer. Don't bother with Counterstrikes, these creeps will just bypass your armor anyway. I'd do well with that Marksman's Monocle, if you please, that way I can use my Healing Staff without risk of Confusing any of you. Arnulf, Em should borrow the Scarf of Misfortune, and I'll lend you my Overkill Gloves or my Sticky Gloves." Whichever pair of gloves Arnulf borrows, Arthur equips the other. OOC: I have no interest in that hood, nor in anything but the Jinxy Juice--I think I earned that one. I'm not really that interested in Gold, either, aside from even distribution among everyone. Also, I'm assuming the loot remedies get distributed BEFORE I hand out mine--I'll need at least one of my own, I think, before the end battle. Arthur pulls out the Mulled Wine from his dagger's Hollow Blade and slots in his Elixir instead. Edited June 23, 201311 yr by Flipz
June 23, 201311 yr OOC: I don't need the hood either. Em swears under his breath, brandishing his bow in anger. "We need a plan, before anything else." Em whispers to the party as quietly as he can. "Also, assume our informant doesn't know much. If the Stealer was here, the informant could've... Well, you know."
June 24, 201311 yr "I'll take sticky gloves Arthur, thank you" Arnulf takes off Scarf of misfortune and hand it down to Em and equips sticky gloves "Arthur, I don't want mercy for this guy, I wan't to see him suffer, I want to see him pay for what he did to her." Arnulf takes Remedy and turns to Lord Boomingham trying to reach some inner peace "Distribute the loot as you see fit boss" Edited June 24, 201311 yr by Shoker86
June 24, 201311 yr Em equips the scarf of misfortune. "Suffering won't change a thing. It's wiser to rather kill him swiftly than risk revenge." The way he said those words felt like Em knew all too well the risk of revenge. "Keep a level head, Arnulf, or it'll lead you to do reckless things. We don't need anyone else on the team hurt."
June 24, 201311 yr Author The Party: Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher) 46 Years Old, Human, Level 25 2/3 Paladin *Immune to Fragile, Sleep and Weakened* Power: 38 (+4**) Defense: 12 Health: 46/46 (+2*) Ether: 21/24 Gold: 148 Equipment: Scupperer (Great Sword, WP: 11, Darkness Fire, causes Bleeding Effect for 5 Damage until remedied or healed to full health) Round Metal Shield (SP: 7), Counterstrike Gloves (On Free Hits, Deals damage to enemy equal to Boomingham's level), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, Immunity to Fragile), Tome of Affluence (Generates 10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle, immunity to sleep and weakened, accessory) ****Pseudo's Blessing's Blessing (Not an Artifact, +4 Power) Inventory: Frozen Saber (Great Sword, WP: 9, Light Ice, stunned effect), Bedroll, 2 Meads, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immunity to Ice), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Marksman's Monocle, Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile for rest of battle, 5 ether, 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, 1 Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing, Garnet, Sapphire, Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (+4 to Power, -6 to Ether), Hamantasch (consumable, lucky + blessed effects upon consumption for the length of one battle), Admantite Shard, Everlasting Venom. Remedy, Seventh Heaven, Debts: 128 Gold Arthur, 1 gold Docken, 75 gold Sorrow Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz), Level 25 2/3 Sorcerer, 21-year-old male Human *Immune to Sealed* [ Currently in: Quest #70: The Syndicate] Power: 38 (25 + WP:13) Health: 25/37 (Basic Health: 5 + Level Bonus: 23 + Class Boost: 4 + Permanent Boost: 4*) Ether: 22/35 (Basic Ether: 5 + Level Bonus: 23 + Class Boost: 1 + Robe of the Archmagi: 5) Defense: 3 (Robe of the Archmagi) Gold: 1550 (Owed 128 gold by Boomingham; owed 50 gold by Grimwald Gjinko; owed 70 gold by En Sabah Nur,) Equipment: Unlucky Horseshoe (WP:13, retrievable, causes Jinxed-effect; throwing weapon), Robe of the Archmagi (Bodywear, SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.), Overkill Gloves Inventory: Weapons: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Hollow Blade Dagger (WP:6, dagger, hollow-blade [Mulled Wine]), Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5, Light-Elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Spider Leg (WP:8, doubled against flying enemies; spear; unsuitable) Artifacts: Shackles of War (Accessory, Prevents anyone from fleeing battles), Cloak of Deception (Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent), Ancient Crown (Headwear, First successful strike of battle deals Cursed-effect), Jester's Hat (Headwear, Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy), Stingy Gloves Gems: Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Garnet (Earth), Tools: Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass Scrolls: Scroll of Blindness, 2x Scroll of Sealing (1x Lent to De'kra), Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, 2x Scroll of Frailty (1x Lent to Nyx), Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning (Grants target’s weapon the Badly Poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the Lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Scroll of Weakening, Consumables: Grand Potion x4, Remedy x5, Elixir, Nostrum x 3, Smelling Salts x 4, Mead x 3, Jinxy Juice, Ether Core, Noxious Venom (When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the Badly Poisoned effect for the duration of the battle and the Confused effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.), Zoot's Plaything, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Tesla Bomb, Grand Tonic, Double Rainbow, Bright Polish Arnulf Bishop (Shoker86) 30 yrs old male human Rogue Level 12 Power: 22 (12+9+1) Defense: 3 Health: 11/18 (7+11) Gold: 379 Equipment: Cheesy Dagger (WP:8, Double damage to vermin), Tricorne (SP:3), Sticky Gloves Inventory: Leather Armor(SP:1), 3 Potions, 2 Venoms, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Bedroll, 2 Meads, Smelling Salts, Mulled Wine, Remedy Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious. Unknown age male human ranger Level 12 Power: 20 Health: 17/17 Gold: 70 Equipment: Aquabow (WP: 7, Water-elemental), Ranger's Quiver (+1 WP to all Bows/Crossbows), White Marksman's Hat - (⅙ chance of Assassination vs. Flying monsters; Headwear) Scarf of Misfortune (Accessory, Wearer deals the Jinxed effect on every third round) Inventory: Smoke bomb, Grating Stone, Nostrum, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Potion x5, Remedy x3, Gentleman's Hat (SP: 1, suitable for men, headgear. The wearer has a 1/2 chance to not be affected by Asleep.), Venom, Ice Bomb, Grand Potion, Bow(WP:5), Mead x2 The Remedy slithers down Nevron's throat, clarity returning to his eyes. he shakes off his sleepy stupor as the remedy cleanses his system, remvoing the effects of the sedative from his body. "What's... what's going... on?"
June 24, 201311 yr Boomingham sighs deeply. "Hel," he grumbles. "I can't imagine they'll hurt her. If they wipe her memories though... Arnulf, Em is right. Keep a level head." "Nevron, right? We just played a game so that you got to keep your memories. I hope they're worth it, it cost me one of my best women." "Em and Arnulf, you get a potion a piece. Em, you'll also be getting that hood. I know you don't like where it came from, but it will do you good. Better than whatever you'd got on now... where'd you get that, anyway? An old friend of mine won a similar one in an archery tournament a while ago. They look spiffy. Arthur, you can hold onto that Juice, and the Extralate looks like the sort of toy you'd like too. I'll take one of the tonics, you'll have the other. Remedies go to Em and Arnulf. I'll hold onto to the Essence." Boomingham also tosses everyone the appropriate coinage. Loot Karie (Boomingham for now): 50 gold Boomingham: Tonic, 40 gold Arthur: Jinxy Juice, Exterlate, Tonic Em: Potion, Cowl, Remedy, 20 Gold Arnulf: Potion, Remedy, 40 gold Edited June 24, 201311 yr by Zepher
June 24, 201311 yr Arthur's eyes widen suddenly. "I'm an idiot." He quickly downs a Smelling Salts, Mead, and Nostrum, and checks his Magic Compass for Karie's location. While the needle spins, he repeats: "What about it, Lord Boomingham? Even if you don't want to borrow my Scrolls and Lens, I know I'll be more useful with that Monocle than I am with the Lens, given the enemy's capabilities--I'm simply not of enough use this fight, I'm afraid." Edited June 24, 201311 yr by Flipz
June 24, 201311 yr "Thank you," Em replies. "I actually bought this from another hero in the Hall-- perhaps it was the friend you mentioned."
June 24, 201311 yr "Perhaps," Boomingham says with a shrug. "I haven't seen him for a while." Boomingham tosses the monocle to Arthur. "Keep your scrolls."
June 24, 201311 yr Author The Party: Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher) 46 Years Old, Human, Level 25 2/3 Paladin *Immune to Fragile, Sleep and Weakened* Power: 38 (+4**) Defense: 12 Health: 46/46 (+2*) Ether: 21/24 Gold: 238 Equipment: Scupperer (Great Sword, WP: 11, Darkness Fire, causes Bleeding Effect for 5 Damage until remedied or healed to full health) Round Metal Shield (SP: 7), Counterstrike Gloves (On Free Hits, Deals damage to enemy equal to Boomingham's level), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, Immunity to Fragile), Tome of Affluence (Generates 10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle, immunity to sleep and weakened, accessory) ****Pseudo's Blessing's Blessing (Not an Artifact, +4 Power) Inventory: Frozen Saber (Great Sword, WP: 9, Light Ice, stunned effect), Bedroll, 2 Meads, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immunity to Ice), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.), Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile for rest of battle, 5 ether, 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, 1 Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing, Garnet, Sapphire, Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (+4 to Power, -6 to Ether), Hamantasch (consumable, lucky + blessed effects upon consumption for the length of one battle), Admantite Shard, Everlasting Venom. Remedy, Seventh Heaven, Tonic Debts: 128 Gold Arthur, 1 gold Docken, 75 gold Sorrow Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz), Level 25 2/3 Sorcerer, 21-year-old male Human *Immune to Sealed* [ Currently in: Quest #70: The Syndicate] *Encouraged!* *Hastened!* *Lucky!* Power: 38 (25 + WP:13) Health: 25/37 (Basic Health: 5 + Level Bonus: 23 + Class Boost: 4 + Permanent Boost: 4*) Ether: 22/35 (Basic Ether: 5 + Level Bonus: 23 + Class Boost: 1 + Robe of the Archmagi: 5) Defense: 3 (Robe of the Archmagi) Gold: 1550 (Owed 128 gold by Boomingham; owed 50 gold by Grimwald Gjinko; owed 70 gold by En Sabah Nur,) Equipment: Unlucky Horseshoe (WP:13, retrievable, causes Jinxed-effect; throwing weapon), Robe of the Archmagi (Bodywear, SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Overkill Gloves, Marksman's Monocle Inventory: Weapons: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Hollow Blade Dagger (WP:6, dagger, hollow-blade [Mulled Wine]), Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5, Light-Elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Spider Leg (WP:8, doubled against flying enemies; spear; unsuitable) Artifacts: Shackles of War (Accessory, Prevents anyone from fleeing battles), Cloak of Deception (Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent), Ancient Crown (Headwear, First successful strike of battle deals Cursed-effect), Jester's Hat (Headwear, Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy), Stingy Gloves Gems: Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Garnet (Earth), Tools: Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass Scrolls: Scroll of Blindness, 2x Scroll of Sealing (1x Lent to De'kra), Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, 2x Scroll of Frailty (1x Lent to Nyx), Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning (Grants target’s weapon the Badly Poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the Lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Scroll of Weakening, Consumables: Grand Potion x4, Remedy x5, Elixir, Nostrum x 2, Smelling Salts x 3, Mead x 2, Jinxy Juice x2, Ether Core, Noxious Venom (When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the Badly Poisoned effect for the duration of the battle and the Confused effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.), Zoot's Plaything, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Tesla Bomb, Grand Tonic, Double Rainbow, Bright Polish, Exterlate, Tonic Arnulf Bishop (Shoker86) 30 yrs old male human Rogue Level 12 Power: 22 (12+9+1) Defense: 3 Health: 11/18 (7+11) Gold: 419 Equipment: Cheesy Dagger (WP:8, Double damage to vermin), Tricorne (SP:3), Sticky Gloves Inventory: Leather Armor(SP:1), 4 Potions, 2 Venoms, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Bedroll, 2 Meads, Smelling Salts, Mulled Wine, Remedy x2 Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious. Unknown age male human ranger Level 12 Power: 20 Health: 17/17 Gold: 90 Equipment: Aquabow (WP: 7, Water-elemental), Ranger's Quiver (+1 WP to all Bows/Crossbows), White Marksman's Hat - (⅙ chance of Assassination vs. Flying monsters; Headwear) Scarf of Misfortune (Accessory, Wearer deals the Jinxed effect on every third round) Inventory: Smoke bomb, Grating Stone, Nostrum, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Potion x6, Remedy x4, Gentleman's Hat (SP: 1, suitable for men, headgear. The wearer has a 1/2 chance to not be affected by Asleep.), Venom, Ice Bomb, Grand Potion, Bow(WP:5), Mead x2, Syndicate Cowl (SP: 2, Immune to Doomed effect) Arthur's compass seems to be a bit inaccurate in this case - it swivels between North and West, the needle spiraling through a third of the compass. It wouldn't be able to get a direct read. Nevron wipes the sleep from his eyes, a spark of recognition goging off in his head as he lays eyes on Arthur. "Ahh... Private Regulus, correct? I was told by Lilith to search for you... But it seemed you came to me at the end, huh? I stop by the bgar for one drink and they slip a sedative in it... And I suppose you know the rest, judging by the battle that went down here. But... I was told there was 5 of you... Some background of what I do. I spy on the wolfgang for the Town Watch, working the occasional graveyard shift. I work under a certain Briar -Briar Bludgeon, as he likes to call himself. he is a lietunant with good standing in the Wolfgang. Absolutely vile fellow. He seems eager to exploit the Wolfgang gneral's deaths and maybe take some of the power that is now left unclaimed. He pretty much only cares about attaining enough power to move up - he'll doa nything for a feather in his cap, no matter the cost. Obviously, not a pleasant person to work under. He's probably my main obstacle. I have to keep my identitiy even more well concealed around him, or else. I may be a no-ranker, but no matter where and when you work in the Wolfgang, rumors come in grand supplies. I spend most of my time doing menial tasks and busywork for them just to pick some gossip off the grapevine. About a month ago, a hysterical Wolfgang private stumbled into our work station, blubbering something about a purple clad man ambushing them. Apparently the coward hid in a cupboard while he waited it to past. Briar pretty much throttled him until he calmed down and was able to speak complete sentences. Beating didn't help, but eventually he calmed down enough to give one last piece of information: one of the purple man's cohorts mentione dosmething about going back to Storefront Ave. It is a small marketplace - not nearly as exotic as the one you Heroicans you use, and also a lot smaller. More domestic. It would seem that is where we should start... The original rumor sounded just like a little vigilantism, but it would appear we have a full conspiracy on our hands." Edited June 24, 201311 yr by Endgame
June 24, 201311 yr "Can you tell us, how many followers the Purple man gathered lately, rough numbers, if you don't know the specifics?" Arnulf asked. "All right Arthur, we should move fast" Edited June 24, 201311 yr by Shoker86
June 24, 201311 yr Author On 6/24/2013 at 7:59 PM, Zepher said: Boomingham nods in thanks to the man. "Be safe out there," he says. "We're off." Nevron gives a sly smile. "I picked up a thing or two in the Wolfgang. Since you're down one, mind if I come along?" Edited June 24, 201311 yr by Endgame
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