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Karie downs a mead.

"There's a humming noise... kind of like machinery... we may be up against something in there guys. Arnulf, if you wish to open the door, be my guest."

"Ok Karie" Arnulf tries to knock down the door

Edited by Shoker86

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QM Note: Awesome, I'm meeting my deviousness quota, and I haven't even done anything yet! :tongue:

The Party:

BoominghamMock2.jpgIMG_1583-1.jpgLord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)

Level 23 2/3 Paladin *Immune to Fragile, Sleep and Weakened* *Encouraged!*

Power: 36 (+4**)

Defense: 12

Health: 44/44 (+2*)

Ether: 22/22

Gold: 23

Equipment: Scupperer (Great Sword, WP: 10, Darkness Fire, causes Bleeding Effect for 5 Damage until remedied or healed to full health) Round Metal Shield (SP: 7), Counterstrike Gloves (On Free Hits, Deals damage to enemy equal to Boomingham's level), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, Immunity to Fragile), Tome of Affluence (Generates 10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle, immunity to sleep and weakened, accessory) ****Pseudo's Blessing's Blessing (Not an Artifact, +4 Power)

Inventory: Frozen Saber (Great Sword, WP: 9, Light Ice, stunned effect), Bedroll, 3 Meads, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immunity to Ice), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Marksman's Monocle, Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile for rest of battle, 5 ether, 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, 1 Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing, Garnet, Sapphire, Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (+4 to Power, -6 to Ether), Hamantasch (consumable, lucky + blessed effects upon consumption for the length of one battle), Admantite Shard, Everlasting Venom

46 Years Old, Human

Debts: 128 Gold Arthur, 1 gold Docken, 75 gold Sorrow


Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz), Level 23 2/3 Sorcerer, 21-year-old male Human *Immune to Sealed* [ Currently in: Quest #70: The Syndicate]

Power: 36 (23 + WP:13)

Health: 35/35 (Basic Health: 5 + Level Bonus: 22 + Class Boost: 4 + Permanent Boost: 4*)

Ether: 33/33 (Basic Ether: 5 + Level Bonus: 21 + Class Boost: 1 + Robe of the Archmagi: 5)

Defense: 3 (Robe of the Archmagi)

Gold: 1028 (Owed 128 gold by Boomingham; owed 50 gold by Grimwald Gjinko; owed 70 gold by En Sabah Nur,)

Equipment: Unlucky Horseshoe (WP:13, retrievable, causes Jinxed-effect; throwing weapon), Robe of the Archmagi (Bodywear, SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Sticky Gloves (Handwear, Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.)


Weapons: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Hollow Blade Dagger (WP:6, dagger, hollow-blade [Mulled Wine]), Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5, Light-Elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Spider Leg (WP:8, doubled against flying enemies; spear; unsuitable)

Artifacts: Scarf of Misfortune (Accessory, Wearer deals the Jinxed effect on every third round), Shackles of War (Accessory, Prevents anyone from fleeing battles), Cloak of Deception (Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent), Ancient Crown (Headwear, First successful strike of battle deals Cursed-effect), Jester's Hat (Headwear, Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy),Gems: Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Garnet (Earth),

Tools: Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass

Scrolls: Scroll of Blindness, 2x Scroll of Sealing (1x Lent to De'kra), Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, 2x Scroll of Frailty (1x Lent to Nyx), Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning (Grants target’s weapon the Badly Poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the Lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Scroll of Weakening,

Consumables: Potion, Grand Potion x5, Remedy x10, Elixir x3, Nostrum x 5, Smelling Salts x 5, Mead x 5, Jinxy Juice x2, Ether Core, Noxious Venom (When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the Badly Poisoned effect for the duration of the battle and the Confused effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.), Zoot's Plaything, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents)

8754914213_901950bc39_t.jpgKarie Alderflask (Played by Kintobor)

22 year old Human Rogue, lvl 11 *Encouraged!*

Power: 17 (lvl 11 + WP: 6)

Health: 17/17

Gold: 89

Defence: 0

Equipment: Sexy (WP: 6, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues), Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear. ), Lover's Locket (Protects from enamoured effect)

Inventory: Potion (5), Mead (2), Remedy (2), Venom (1), Smoke bomb (1), Telescope (1), Bedroll (1), Heirloom Dagger (WP:3), Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp) (1),, Topaz, Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only), Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4), Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear. )

ava-arnulf.jpgArnulf Bishop (Shoker86)

30 yrs old male human Rogue *Encouraged!*

Level 9

Power: 18 (9+8+1)

Defense: 3

Health: 15/15 (7+8)

Gold: 43

Equipment: Cheesy Dagger (WP:8, Double damage to vermin), Tricorne (SP:3)

Inventory: Leather Armor(SP:1), 4 Potions, 3 Venoms, Remedy, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Bedroll, 2 Meads


Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious.

Unknown age male human ranger

Level 9

Power: 15

Health: 14/14

Gold: 28

Equipment: Bow(WP:5), Ranger's Quiver (+1 WP to all Bows/Crossbows), White Marksman's Hat - (â…™ chance of Assassination vs. Flying monsters; Headwear)

Inventory: Smoke bomb, Grating Stone, Nostrum, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Potion x5, Remedy x3, Gentleman's Hat (SP: 1, suitable for men, headgear. The wearer has a 1/2 chance to not be affected by Asleep.), Venom, Ice Bomb

Arnulf tries to open door(lockpicking, smashing if have to)

"Open damn it"

  • Author

The door does not prove too difficult for Arnulf. The hinges were still in fair condition, but rain had rusted the lock almost beyond recognition. He jams the hilt of his Cheesy Dagger into the decaying lock, breaking it nearly in two. The door creaks open, revealing quite a peculiar sight:


It seemed to be a power plant of sorts - a primitive one, at any rate. Was this the stolen Ji Pei technology? The air felt electric, static bristling the heroes' skin. The hiss and hum of machineries fills the air, accompanied by the occasional crack of static. Time had not treated this building well... the walls were deteriorating, the floor worn down and uneven. The entire place was filthy, coated in a thin layer of dirt... the machinery in this place was hanging on a thread, in working order but in bad shape. It wasl ike the place had been neglected for quite some time. The only place that wasn't coated in a film of grime was the odd panel in the back, wiped down - almost clean, by Wolfgang standards.

"Guys, come here, I've found some sort of power plant, and some switch, tread lightly" Arnulf calls his companions

Karie walked into the room, the air stagnant and musty.

"That panel does something... but what?"

Karie checks to see where the wires attached to the control panel lead.

  • Author

The wires slither across the wall, eventually going out of the building - in the direction of the portcullis.

"It might open some door, maybe Porticullis door, or it could stun us Karie" Arnulf was tight like a loaded grogmas handcannon. "Master Arthur, Lord Boomingham, are you familiar with this technology?"

Arthur checks the sign with the blue arrow (outside) with his Magnifying Glass, then downs a Nostrum and a Smelling Salts. "Here, let me get that. Better safe than sorry." Arthur assists in the others' investigations by using his Magnifying Glass, and additionally checks the violet orb in the jar with it.

OOC: I'm pretty sure I know the exact solution to that puzzle, but I don't have time to type it out now and I don't want to miss out on too much when I have to get off, anyway. :tongue:

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Arthur steps back outside and examines the sign - he had seen it a few times before in his life. It was a hastily-drawn symbol for Electricity. The paper seemed to hold no charge of its own, though.

Heading back into the miniature power plant, Arthur examines the panel on the wall:


Some sort of fuse box, he presumed.

Purple electricity danced inside the orb, shooting out from a twisted up coil in its center. Arthur places a finger on it, the electricity getting attracted to his touch - fortunately, the thick glass prevented him from electrocution. If you were to lob it at an enemy, though...


Tesla Bomb: Deals 20 Electric elemental damage to all enemies when thrown. Can only be used once.

Party Leader, who will receive the bomb?

QM Note: Haven't even gave you the puzzle yet! :tongue:

Edited by Endgame

"Great job Atrhur, you should get the bomb" Arnulf checks the green substance near the bomb, not touching it

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The "substance" is actually a band of green electricity, conducted by the two small machines on its left and right.

Arnulf was in amazment, he never this technology before. So the green substance is some sort of energy generated by this machine, interesting, i should check the orb with yellow substance, possibly sulfur. Arthur checks the yellow substance near the bomb

Boomingham quickly whips out his handkerchief and wipes his brow. "I'm afraid this is one of the only times that my... age, and... age actually catch up to me. Technological advancements intrigue me, and I respect them a great deal more than alchemy or magic, but I can't say I'm particularly good with them myself."

  • Author

It is a Topaz, encased in glass. Small siphons attach to its base feed from it, most likely providing this place the energy it needs. Removing it would probably be a bad idea...

"Guys this Topaz seems to be the source of this technology, if it only could be removed " Arnulf felt the gem slip past his fingers "But I won't do it"

  On 6/2/2013 at 9:37 PM, Zepher said:

Boomingham quickly whips out his handkerchief and wipes his brow. "I'm afraid this is one of the only times that my... age, and... age actually catch up to me. Technological advancements intrigue me, and I respect them a great deal more than alchemy or magic, but I can't say I'm particularly good with them myself."

"It's wonderfull thing Lord Boomingham, I never thought to see somethin so wonderfull in a dump like this"

Edited by Shoker86

"Oh, I like science well enough. I just don't understand much of it." Boomingham looks around for a switch of some sort.

  • Author

All of the lights on the panel appear to be a switch of sort... only issue is, you have no idea how to utilize them. Perhaps there is some form of documentation stored in here...

"Me too, I only understand the way of the sword, I never understood sorcery, as for technology, this is the first time I have seen one. Both are dangerous " Arnulf looks first in wall cracks, then searches the generator one more time

Edited by Shoker86

Boomingham flings open a few drawers below the Tesla Bomb, hoping to find something to explain the machinery.

"You never got around to telling me where you came from, before Heroica that is. What's your story, Arnulf?"

  • Author

Only strands of mold seem to come out of the cracks, not any form of documentation... unfortunately, none of the machinery has any instructions etched on to it, either. Only the faded Ji Pei insignia was branded onto the machinery - the party was indeed correct about their suspicions. Where would one logically store paperwork?

  On 6/3/2013 at 12:15 AM, Zepher said:

Boomingham flings open a few drawers below the Tesla Bomb, hoping to find something to explain the machinery.

Boomingham rifles through some drawers, eventually unearthing a memo of sort. Was this what they needed? He reads aloud...


I've been tinkering with all of this stuff for weeks now. It's no wonder this tech was sent to some warehouse. Not only is it outdated, it is counter-intuitive as all hell. I had a hard time getting this stuff up and running, but I think I have a few parameters down that should help people operate this hunk of junk.

-Each of the 9 lights of the panel houses a fuse, which will glow red (deactivated) or blue (activated).

-Pressing down on a fuse's casing causes that fuse to switch color (red to blue, or blue to red) as well as all of the fuses adjacent to it (North, South, East and West.)

-Power travels in this method, but of course, like all technology, it has its limits. It can only sustain six transfers of electricity (button presses, in layman's terms) and then it just fizzles out and reboots in it's original layout.

-It'll run at full capacity when all fuses are blue, giving it enough juice to lift the portcullis. When you're good to go, just give that yellow lever on the side a pull and let the technology do its thing.

Unfortunately, getting that fusebox up and running is the only way you're ever going to lift that portcullis. Sorry, folks. Did the best with what I was given.

Footnote: Oh, and if you feel the need to reset it back without mashing a bunch of buttons, just tap on the Topaz a bit. The power surge should reset the fusebox.

Edited by Endgame

"I served for caravan leaders, mercenary groups, sellswords, all sorts of people. I have seen the best and worst in men. I came here to find some purpose. A mission that could keep me sober. Well we'll talk more about it later. How about you Lord Boomingham?"

Edited by Shoker86

Arthur studies the panel for a moment. "Right. Standard design, should have this done in a jiffy."

Arthur presses the four initially-red fuses in clockwise order, then pulls the lever.

OOC: O's are blue, X's are red:





Step 1 (top-middle):




Step 2 (middle-right):




Step 3 (bottom-middle):




Step 4 (middle-left):




Karie takes out her dagger and begins to flip it in the air.

"So did you join the watch first, or Heroica, Private? I'm not sure why a Town Watch member would want to join Heroica, or vice-versa."

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