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I found this funny "secret" place which not that much hidden since they made the mistake to have links to us :|

It sounds a little bit like a brotherhood. the first time i see that in the lego world, it seems soooooo far away from the lego spirit. They seems to be *master builders* Do you know more about this ?



Hahaha, I love the rules...

1: Suggest a potential new member. Give a link to the location of their MOCs (usually Brickshelf), and to some of their better works. Give a decent explanation as to why they should become a member. Again, I must stress that we're looking for quality, so not just any decent MOCer you happen to be friends with. We're here to give some solice and a more isolated place for the better MOCers. If they only have decent or sub-par MOCs but they have a great personality, don't consider them.

2: Get others to sponsor this member. Ideally, you still need 5 other members besides yourself. However, the proposed member will also need to be supported by at least one moderator/admin. Members who oppose the choice are still asked to say so, and if there is a greater number of members/moderators/admins against the choice, then it will not go through.

3: Once you've suggested a member, wait for at least 5 days so that those members who are opposed to the choice have a change to speak their mind. This is to stop people from PMing me about the member right after they get 5 others who support the choice without letting anyone speak against it.

4: Once that time is passed or when you've gotten 5 other members and a moderator/admin supporting the choice (which ever comes later), PM me. Include in your PM the date on which you suggested the new member, the names of all members supporting your choice, and the names of all members opposed to your choice.

4.5: If you are recruiting via BZP, you must also include your BZP username and the potential new member's BZP username in your PM to me. This is important, as I have to get this to BR before you can invite the new member without the usual consequence.

5: Wait for me to PM you back. This can take anywhere from a few minutes (if recruiting elsewhere) or a few days (if recruiting from BZP or if I'm absent). If I give you the go ahead, send the invitation and get them to register and post in the Guest forum so that I know that they've registered. If not, they could sit in the validation list until they're autopruned. If I don't give the go ahead, do not send any invitation. This whole step is important. No one is to send an invitation to ItB unless it is approved. If you send an invitation and then PM me about it, the new member will not be validated.

Lastly, I will stress again that we're looking for quality over quantity. We're not a second BBC, we're a haven for the more talented among us. Before suggesting a member, think hard on whether they can meet our standards. If they can, then feel free to suggest them. If they can't, then you probably shouldn't waste the time running it through the system.


But once again I can't join this group because of this rule...

P.S. Don't get off-topic. If I see off-topic posts here, they'll be deleted. If an issue comes up in here that you want to discuss, make a new topic about it.


We're here to give some solice and a more isolated place for the better MOCers. If they only have decent or sub-par MOCs but they have a great personality, don't consider them.

Come on, what is that ? Some people are definitly getting away from the pruprose of the lego bricks. When you are at this point, you should definitly get a life :|


Ah the all powerful lego secte, i remember those guys i found out about them some time ago, they think that they are the top of the lego customs chain.

Theses people are so out of touch that its unbelieveble, i cant imagine getting to the stage where i take my hobbie to this level.


What impress me the most in what you are sayin is that they consider themselves as the top builders in the world. Self proclamed :|


Damn I don't know if they are good builders but they seriously lack of common knowledge. here is a reply I found to a subject about auschwitz on their forum :

Elzy Posted: Jan 30 2005, 11:16 AM 

Group: Admin

Posts: 829

Member No.: 2

Joined: August 4th, 2003; 1:26 AM

Never heard of Auschwitz. I'll take a guess though that it was in WWII and involved the Holocaust? 

Yes, this guy is an admin !!! >-|

Damn I don't know if they are good builders but they seriously lack of common knowledge. here is a reply I found to a subject about auschwitz on their forum :
Elzy Posted: Jan 30 2005, 11:16 AM

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