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Today I’ve received my latest orders from s@h including the LOTR sets and both exclusive SW sets for this year’s summer wave, as can be seen below:


Seeing that there already plenty of LOTR reviews (albeit in video form), I decided to review the SW sets instead which are both pretty rare currently (due to simply not being available in most parts of the world). The first part of this double feature is a review of 75024 HH-87 Starhopper. The vehicle this set is based on frequently appears in season four of TCW, prominently in the Zygerrian arc and in the episode „The Box“ which is part of the arc that focuses on Moralo Eval’s heist (subtle name btw :tongue: ). The set features Obi-Wan in his Rako Hardeen disguise (though without his helmet, which is a shame), Cad Bane and weirdly enough, a Nikto guard (who doesn’t make an appearance in neither of the two story arcs mentioned, but in other episodes this ship also shows up). So let’s start with the first thing you obviously encounter when buying a set, the box (pun intended :devil: ).



I really like this year’s box art with Yoda in the corner; the green colour scheme also looks quite refreshing after all these years of blue, white, red and black. Nothing too fancy on the back, but I appreciate the small shots showing the model from different angles. Why Bane is shooting at Obi is beyond me though, maybe his cover was blown :grin:

After examining the box, let’s take a look at the content inside: we get three numbered bags, a DSS and the instruction booklet.


And that’s the content of bag 1:


Again, nothing too fancy, but quite a nice array of parts in various colours. Especially people looking for dark tan parts might enjoy the part selection here. The 1x4 trans neon green tile is pretty rare and so far only appears in Galaxy Squad sets. The first bag also gives us two of the minifigs, Obi-Wan and Cad Bane. Both feature detailed prints on both sides.



Bane’s face print is entirely new, as you can see on these comparison pics:



Speaking of comparison pictures, I also took a comparison pic of Obi's CW incarnations:


Bag two contains lots of dark grey, dark tan and lime parts, just as the first one:


The windshield isn’t new, but this marks the first time it’s included in a SW set (and, to be precise, also the first time it appears outside of the City theme). And here’s what awaits you in bag #3:


The Nikto guard in all his glory:



I like the print, but too bad he doesn’t get an exclusive new headpiece like the Zabraks did (apart from Sugi that is). Let’s get to the meat of this set:



First off, we have a nice little speeder which sports quite a refreshing design compared to other speeder bikes (though I like those as well). The portruding plates on the sides serve a certain purpose as shall be seen later ;)

And here’s the main star of the set, the Starhopper itself:








I’m really fond of the overall design and colour scheme, though I can see why a lot of people dislike both. Dk tan and lime is fine with me, but it sure isn’t everyone taste ;) You can attach the speeder underneath the ship, so that’s what the plates are for. The bike can be released by pushing down one of the plates on top of the freighter.


And lastly, here are the replacement parts: nothing too special in this category I guess :laugh:


Overall, I really like this set, it features a good assortment of minifigs and parts and the model itself sure looks great on the shelf (and is „swooshable“ too), but the colour scheme might throw some people off and so does the lack of a helmet for Obi-Wan. But you can’t have everything, can you ;) Next, I’ll review my favourite spaceship-based set of this year, so stay tuned :)gallery_101_23_281.gif

Hello Lego-Freak,

thanks for this review while the new wave sets are so rare still. Your photography, choice of angles and lighting are almost perfect! :thumbup:

Regarding the set itself, it is a clear and easy pass - even among the CW sets. In one word: Odd! I cannot even recognise those weird characters (this is supposed to be Obi Wan???) and the ship is one ugly klutz. It strongly reminds me of my first steps into custom starship building when i was about ten or so. I didn't have those colors at my disposal but the design routine was pretty similar. Sorry for these harsh words but it is beyond my understanding what Lucas and TLG were up to when creating this mess.

But please keep up reviewing - you bought quite a bunch of interesting sets many of us will be glad to see! :wink:

Edited by Ki-Adi-Mundi

Greetings! Nice review, A strange choice for a vehicle and set. Cad bane doesn't really have much about him that is interesting in this set apart from an updated design. Rakko hardeen/obi wan Kenobi is quite nice and is very faithful to his television counterpart. The nikto did appear in the Hutt's dungeon interrogating obi wan but morallo may have been a more suited choice. Overall this set does not impress me as there could've been a set with maul duelling sidious with savage in it's place which I would have preferred also a mandalorian armour obi would've been nice.

Good review!

I'm ashamed to say I have a weak spot for ugly little-known ships, so this one clearly fits the bill. I like the color-scheme and the fact that it's a new ship, so I'll probably be getting this when I find it on sale. My main complaints are that they didn't include Obi-One's helmet, and that Cad Bane's design is way too bland.

Could you post a pic of this ship along with some other ships to get a better idea of the dimensions?


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@naugem: Of course, I'll take some comparison pics tomorrow :wink: Btw, does anyone know how to edit thread titles or are only admins capable of doing so? I've just noticed that I 'd written "hooper" instead of "hopper" :grin:

Thanks for this review! Though the minifigs are okay, The design of the model here, is so freaking ugly! Good lord, what were they thinking? I know it's a SW design and not TLG's, but man, that's just awful. The parts would be great to get if maybe someday this goes on sale. If I got this I would display the figs, because they are really nice looking. (although I would have to go dig out some helmets to put on them)

Great Review!

Thanks for the review, I really look forward to getting this to complete my collection.

Thanks for the review. Its a shame they didn't include Obi-Wan's helmet. They could have easily just reused the Mandalorian one. I'm glad we're finally getting a Nikto though. The Clone Wars style print isn't too noticable and makes a great addition to Jabba's crew (now all we need is a Quarren, Yak Face and Klaatu)

Cad Bane is a little bland compared to the previous figure, but his head is useful for customizing generic Duros for the cantina.

Thanks for the review. I actually like the ship a little better now. But i still dislike the figs.

Thanks for the review! Could you please add a picture with the parts layout from the end of the building instructions with the LEGO article codes in them? Mille grazie :-)

Thanks for the pics!

They do give a better idea of the dimensions (if you have the Bounty Hunter Gunship, which I do :classic:)

Is it just me, or is this sorta kinda one of the least Star Warsy Star Wars ships they have ever made?

Thanks for the review! I was never a fan of this ship, it's apparent inability to fit in with other Star Wars spacecraft (It looks an AAT crashed into a sailbarge and had wings tacked on.), and it's overuse in TCW, I think TLG did a good job adapting it into a set, considering the source material. Not something I'd buy, but if you consider that these are minifigs fans are sure to like, and when you know what the vehicle is actually supposed to look like... not bad.


Overall this set does not impress me as there could've been a set with maul duelling sidious with savage in it's place which I would have preferred also a mandalorian armour obi would've been nice.

Just pop an Obi Wan head on one of the new mandalorions and boom you got one.

Thanks for the review. It is sort of an odd choice to be made in Lego, but I guess when there's something new in the show, there's always the possibility it may show up in a set. Didn't really care for that story arc though...

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