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As part of Hero Factory month, we'll also be celebrating the Chima Action Figure side-line, which marks LEGO's second line of original Constraction characters. To do that, we'll be holding an experimental form of raffle in order to give away all 6 Chima sets, signed by their respective designers, generously donated to us by TLG!

How to enter:

  • Build a Chima related weapon/vehicle/character/accessory at Action Figure scale.
  • Post a picture of it no larger than 800x600 in this topic.
  • After 5 days from the timestamp of posting your previous entry, you'll be able to enter again.
  • While there is no minimum quality for entries, the best few entries will receive honourable mentions and bonus entry points for the raffle.
  • The intention of the entry method is to give everybody a fair chance of winning a prize, but also to allow the most committed a chance to increase their odds. :sweet:


  • After July 17th, the entries will be tallied and judged, then for random winners will be picked from the entry point pool:
  • 1st Place: First preference for 2 out of 6 Chima Action Figure sets, signed by their respective designers.
  • 2nd Place: Second preference for 2 out of 6 Chima Action Figure sets, signed by their respective designers.
  • 3rd Place: Third preference for 1 out of 6 Chima Action Figure sets, signed by their respective designers.
  • 4th Place: Final set out of 6 Chima Action Figure sets, signed by their respective designers.

Fine Print:

  • Your entries must be new Chima-related MOCs or LDD file, that haven't been posted before June 18th 2013.
  • Only one entry per member per 5 days will be counted, for a maximum of 5 standard entries.
  • Entries posted within 5 days of that member's previous entry will be disqualified.
  • Members from all around the world are eligible.
  • The raffle closes on the midnight of July 17th, so no entries after then will be accepted.


Massive thanks to everyone who participated in the raffle, and waiting out the delay at the end. The results are finally ready, for your viewing pleasure! There was an impressive range of quality and styles across the 39 different entries, and it was great to see both LDD and physical entries with a considerable amount of time and effort put into them. The months started off with a lot of weapon entries, but they tapered off as the month progressed, and the best entries mostly came through character and vehicle entries. Running through all the entries, I picked out 8 entries in total that I thought deserved extra recognition and points.

Bonus Points


Infernum, Chi Spider – 3 points


A clean and stylish build, with an excellent colour scheme that oozes of chi and toxicity.

CM4S, Rhogon the Rhino – 1 point


A solid set-like depiction of a Rhino in Chi form, with a fantastic brick-built head.

CIDDi, G’Loona – 5 points


No explanation is really needed here, with the colours, part usage and style all being exquisite. I wouldn't have thought that a Krana, a Kraata and a Dinosaur could make such as expressive face.


Dorek, Raven trap – 1 point


Dorek isn’t too sure how this trap works, but that probably makes it all the more dangerous. It definitely looks like it will hurt anything that comes near it.

Emma, ChiBow – 3 points


A very stylish jungle bow, which features a great use of palm tree segments and minifig spears. It’s also a great example of using System pieces to create an action figure accessory that probably wouldn’t look as good using just Bionicle/Hero Factory parts.


Oky, ZNAP Double-Crosser – 4 points


I’m not sure how to classify ZNAP, but Oky puts it to good use with this excellent action figure scale quad-bike. Not only is it made almost completely from ZNAP, but it manages to look good and carry the raven colour scheme. :thumbup:

Bacem, Chi Copterpack – 3 points


Highly inventive and fitting to the crazy animal vehicles of Chima, the Copterpack seems mad enough to work.

Dorek, Crawley’s Claw Crawler – 3 points


Albeit aided by LDD’s unhindered colour selections, this recreation demonstrates that the minifig sets would work excellently as action-figure sets as well. Get on it LEGO!

Congratulations to all seven bonus point recipients. In addition to increase odds at the raffle, you'll also receive a special Chima Action Figure tag! chimaaftag.png

The Prize Winners

With bonus points taken into consideration, the four lucky winners (in order of placing) are as follows:

  1. Takanuinuva
  2. Bacem
  3. CIDDi
  4. CM4S

Congratulations to these four members! Each will win 1 or 2 Chima Action Figure sets, signed by the designers that created them. Please send your full name, mailing address and order of preference for which Chima set to receive to me (Brickthing) so that I can get your prizes sent out to you. Thanks again for LEGO and the Hero Factory Design Team for generously providing these excellent prizes!

Please share any thoughts you have on this contest/raffle format as well, as I’d like to start running more building challenges for the sub-forum in the future, so your feedback will be very useful and appreciated! :sweet:

Any questions or concerns about the raffle can also be posted here. Channel your chi and get building!

Here's my Chima-related weapon--the Triple-Sword Chi Claw! <LXF File>


-Toa Of Justice

if we make an existed chima weapon that already existed in minifig scale, but remake it into action figure scale, is it allowed ?

if we make an existed chima weapon that already existed in minifig scale, but remake it into action figure scale, is it allowed ?

I was about to ask this very question. Interesting contest, by the way.

CHI powered rotating blade (XLF file)


this weapon has a blades that can rotate and cutting up enemies from other tribes.

another question, when you say best few entries, did all entries fall into same categories, regardless it's weapon, accessory, character, or vehicle? or we gonna have them in the separate categories, so we have best weapon, best accessory, best character, and best vehicle?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Here's my first entry ! I have some problems with POV-Ray, so I can't provide a proper render, so it will be a simple LDD screenshot :


And the LXF file.

As you can see, the MOC has a little mechanism which allows the propeller to rotate with a little gearing up. The MOC can and will be built IRL.

This Back-copter does not fit every Ultrabuild since it is meant to be attached to the two intermediate balljoints on the HF torso. But with a few modifications, it can be attached to every UB, except perhaps for Cragger.

This Back-copter does not fit every Ultrabuild since it is meant to be attached to the two intermediate balljoints on the HF torso. But with a few modifications, it can be attached to every UB, except perhaps for Cragger.

Beyond the connection points, I imagine this could have some trouble fitting certain characters on account of the blades being so low, potentially colliding with the character's head. I would move them up another module or two.

I know, I know, not a MOC topic, and you're probably not supposed to edit your posts if you want to qualify for the raffle, but it's just a word of advice for future builds.

Only one entry per member per 5 days will be counted, for a maximum of 5 standard entries.

Aww if only I knew that this contest will appear, I'd never post my Dragon Warrior. Pity it is really necessary. D:

I'll whip something up.

Beyond the connection points, I imagine this could have some trouble fitting certain characters on account of the blades being so low, potentially colliding with the character's head. I would move them up another module or two.

Thanks for the advice, Aanchir. Well, I don't know, I've built a Wolf-like creature (basically Worriz or Laval, but with Fangz' head), on which I based my MOC, but since I have Fangz, I don't know if Chima characters' heads are much bigger. And even if blades touch the head, the whole build can be rotated backwards. I will try when I will have access to my parts.

  • Author

if we make an existed chima weapon that already existed in minifig scale, but remake it into action figure scale, is it allowed ?

Yes, absolutely! That was one of the first things I had in mind for this raffle. :thumbup:

another question, when you say best few entries, did all entries fall into same categories, regardless it's weapon, accessory, character, or vehicle? or we gonna have them in the separate categories, so we have best weapon, best accessory, best character, and best vehicle?

The quality of the entries overall will influence which entries will get bonus points, but if there are a lot of high quality entries then there will be a lot of bonus points given out.

Beyond the connection points, I imagine this could have some trouble fitting certain characters on account of the blades being so low, potentially colliding with the character's head. I would move them up another module or two.

I know, I know, not a MOC topic, and you're probably not supposed to edit your posts if you want to qualify for the raffle, but it's just a word of advice for future builds.

Since this is a more casual raffle/contest, editing posts is fine, but to keep things fair the time of editing will be treated as the timestamp for an entry. :sweet:

Since this is a more casual raffle/contest, editing posts is fine, but to keep things fair the time of editing will be treated as the timestamp for an entry. :sweet:

So if I choose to edit my post, I will have to wait five days, and the edited post will count as an entry ? Well, I think I will make four more original entries rather than waste one and have only three new MOCs.

Here's my first entry, the CHI Spider! Once normal spiders, this species came in contact with CHI crystals, and as a result they grew to a gigantic size. They are very dangerous because of their large pincers and venom. Hope you like it! :sweet:



He's smiling! :laugh:

Edited by Infernum

Amazing Chi Spider. The weapons and equipment you guys have made is pretty good too.

CHI Spider!


I'll ignore the fact that he only has six legs because he's so cute.


I'll ignore the fact that he only has six legs because he's so cute.

Oops. :laugh: . I was debating about how many legs spiders have... I wasn't sure. It was either eight or six, I guess I went with the wrong one. :grin:


Behold: my utterly failed attempt of adding the word "Chima-related" into a MOC. Oh well, it's ridiculous and it's action-figure scale. Anyway, it's basically a giant sawblade. Any questions :laugh:?

Edited by DraikNova

Here's my entry: Laval's blade in action figures scale! (it's proper name escapes me at the moment)


Here's mine. The Colossal Croc Shredder Shuriken (with hand for scale)


So far 90% Weapons and one Figure. Like the HF one, Not entering.

Here's my entry: Laval's blade in action figures scale! (it's proper name escapes me at the moment)


While the blade has already been made at that scale officially, this one looks a lot more like the minifig-scale one. Also, the croc shredder is completely over-the-top.

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