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78 members have voted

  1. 1. How much realism do you want to see in historical sets made by Lego?

    • Real events with strictly accurate history
    • Real history but with a few little anachronisms
    • History with authentic mythology from the time period
    • History and mythology updated by movies and modern pop-culture
    • Anything that is exciting and cool, including crazy new stuff Lego just made up!

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Featured Replies

I'd buy it just for that giant Spartan.

The creator of all this is the pinnacle of Lego builders. I put no shame in saying that I envy you, good sir.

Sorry about the long hiatus but I do love the improvements you made! It must be a difficult situation having to make compromises between real history and perceived/popular depictions of inspired historical events. While I agree with some of the comments made on the previous page regarding your lack of business sense and understanding of the Lego model system, I vehemently resent the comments made against you and your field for the sake of elevating the importance of business in all matters of life.

Contrary to what Faefrost or others may think, economics is not the defining principle of biological existence or even any level of cultural significance. The only aspect business provides is the monetary bottom line. It would be hilarious if it were not so blatantly pitiful when comments are directed against the "soft sciences" and accusations are leveled against scientists because they do not understand the role of business in everyday life. Corporations are decried by academia because they infringe on science and pressure politics in the form of lobbying and general campaigns designed to discredit or minimize the findings of environmental pollutants, evolutionary adaptation used in genetics and stem cell research, and public health and nutrition. The reason why science and business do not mesh well is because they are diametrically opposite one another. Science values inquisitive and often controversial research, it is not concerned with business acumen or its effect on a company's stock value. Business is by nature exploitative, profiteering, and manipulative via advertisement, legal representation, and community influence. The current Business system is broken much like Healthcare and Government in the United States and globally because it is based on avarice and has pervaded all aspects of civilization. By creating public institutions relying on for profit models it has trivialized and weakened the purpose of these very systems. Medicine is no longer about healing but prescribing medications and performing expensive surgeries, it isn't meant to be affordable in the United States because it is not proper business sense. Government regulations meant to protect our environmental viability increase costs for Oil and Manufacturer industries so they aren't taken seriously or upheld.

That said Business has a place currently only because the populace allows it. I can accept the reality but I don't have to enjoy or promote it in its current form. I understand this is an international community but many of these parasitic corporations are multi-national and have continuously vied to undermine local and national governments. The reality which we currently reside does not mean it is the way it will continue as humanity has consistently changed over decades let alone centuries or millennia. We should not praise the fact that corporations have sought and obtained physics, math, and medical professionals only so that they can create derivatives equations which have resulted in trillions of dollars of virtual dividends which only exist in the stock exchange or that the brightest minds who could innovate civil infrastructure or develop aerospace solutions to improve aircraft designs has squandered their talents to fatten the coffers of elitist non essential CEOs. Everything has its place in society but it is maddening to see the extent of self-inflating business professionals who continually need to convince not only the world but themselves that business principles trump scientific progress and human decency.

Archaeology has importance based on the significance of documenting the past, it provides social context and illuminates the intrinsic relationship between modern life and ancestral reverence. It is a reflection of our collective identity as human beings and teaches about how civilization and culture change over time yet retain certain characteristics. What does Business provide to the legacy of our species other than it is volatile, promotes income inequality, and artificially creates innovation through heightened competition but stagnates if it interferes with established paradigms?

This may be too deep for the topic at hand but it is important to understand that certain fields of science have long term even universal significance even if the short term financial applications are minimal or absent altogether. Lego needs to follow a business model and adopt similar integrity-denying tactics in order to survive in the global market. Cuusoo projects must follow certain trends in order to be viable and attractive proposals for Lego. Therealindy is left to express himself and create models which some see as unrealistic or pointless. It would be nice to see some of these changes to improve the viability of these projects but in the end is it necessary to harass, undermine and personally insult him to get your point across? It is amazing that many public online and in real life forums go to great lengths to protect the sensitivities of religion but care little about the attacks on academia and science which occur almost consistently and consecutively across all forms of media.

I'm not really thrilled with Medusa.

Your Trojan Horse was the coolest Ive seen. I would take that, build a Small section of "troy" and then 7-8 minifigs for a "play set" that includes the leaving of the horse the bringing it in the city, and it opening up at night to let the guards out. That has play test potential, and does a historical/mythological scope and still appeals to the AFOL, because of its unique and theme. I was thinking about 50-70 dollars should handle about 500-600 pieces... can you do it in that limited scale?

Edited by natesroom

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I'd buy it just for that giant Spartan.

The creator of all this is the pinnacle of Lego builders. I put no shame in saying that I envy you, good sir.

Haha, Wowsers, Thanks!! That's pretty extreme!! I think I will settle for "Best ancient world sets" in the "Cheap enough to sell on the shelf at Target or Wal-Mart" category. :wink:

I'm not really thrilled with Medusa.

Your Trojan Horse was the coolest Ive seen. I would take that, build a Small section of "troy" and then 7-8 minifigs for a "play set" that includes the leaving of the horse the bringing it in the city, and it opening up at night to let the guards out. That has play test potential, and does a historical/mythological scope and still appeals to the AFOL, because of its unique and theme. I was thinking about 50-70 dollars should handle about 500-600 pieces... can you do it in that limited scale?

Ah, well I wanted to do something to give her some specific "added value" versus the standard CMF version and what my competitors are doing. And It's only $2 of bricks, and you also get legs and a normal tail. I also like the notion of giving her the Queen Amidala Royal Gown base. Is there a specific change you want to see with Medusa? Just tell me what you'd like to see, and I can redo it in 10 minutes. See that's another great benefit of LDD.

Oh, and the reason I didn't do the walls of Troy is just because it would be fairly easy for someone to do that themselves through BrickLink orders, or just by grabbing a big bulk-batch of tan 2x4 bricks off of the Pick-a-Brick-Wall in the Lego Store. Plus the horse is very tall, and building a gate high enough for the horse to get under would be way more expensive than you might be guessing. I want to zero in on the most unique, the most iconic, the most must-have, and most difficult-to-do things, and then people can build the plain tan walls of Troy or Babylon with basic bricks however they like.

And no worries... Like any Cuusoo project, if people vote for a lower price point, then TLG will just make a certain number of the objects shown for each set, based on whichever ones get the best comments when people cast their vote. That's why I made all of the set concepts include several different smallish-to-medium-sized-ish things. So it's perfectly easy for TLG to scale the concept upwards or downwards based on whatever people vote for.

..... While I agree with some of the comments made on the previous page regarding your lack of business sense and understanding of the Lego model system, I vehemently resent the comments made against you and your field for the sake of elevating the importance of business in all matters of life .....

Oh, no problem. They definitely did agitate me a bit for a while, but I think we've seen there are always "colorful debates" like that on "teh interwebz!!111!!" I hope this little image makes their day...! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I just found this online somewhere when I was doing my research. I remember I laughed for about 5 minutes non-stop. "Hey guys, do you hate memes? Say so in the comments section!!11!!!11" :laugh::laugh::laugh:

OK, cool, seriously... So feel free to go ahead and talk about exactly what specific things you think would stop these sets from getting through the business case / feasibility / focus groups.

Where specifically do you think I made a mistake? As I said, feel free to make a quick bullet-point-list of the issues, and we can all discuss them together, and then fix it all right up.

Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

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When I started, it was just the UCS set, but I wanted "more horses in the race". Based on suggestions, I added to it, and soon it grew into a Saga unto itself!

It's fine by me if they don't do it all. I'm assuming they won't let anyone win more than a few times, and I think there will be a few that are the runaway favorites.

Remember that you can vote to support all of them totally for free at Lego Cuussoo. You can vote for a few favorites to push them up, or just support them all.

To bring things up to speed, I'll re-post all the latest updates of the set collages, all together with their latest minifig concept art here. There are 96 minifigure concepts in all now. If I left a couple of deities out, then it's just because some of them like Hermes would need custom-molded accessories to be recognizable, and so they can always do those as CMF minifigs later. Considering the fact that the

featured all of the ancient gods with their real names in a mainstream Disney movie and a spin-off TV series on the Disney Channel, with no problems at all, then there is no reason to shy away from real world mythology, just like kids learn in school, especially if they are clearly named along with their Greco-Roman equivalents. So let's begin... "Sing the Rage, Goddess"!!



Part I - The Troop Building Set - Sparta and Xerxes: Minifigs include Leonidas, Spartans, Xerxes, The Immortals Royal Guards with Naptha-Grenades, and an Indian Elephant Trainer. The set includes a battering-ram, catapult, and ballista, as well as a fully-equipped war-elephant. (440 pieces grand total)



Part II - Caesar Defends the Roman Forum: Minifigs include Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, a Roman Legionary, a Female Aristocrat, two Senators, Hannibal, a Carthaginian Warrior, plus Mars / Ares, and Bacchus / Dionysus. The set includes a Carthaginian war-elephant, three smashable Forum monuments, a Roman battering-ram, catapult, and ballista, Caesar's chariot, Caesar's rostra, and a Triumphal Arch to celebrate the true Glory of Rome! (1391 pieces grand total)



Part III - The Odyssey Begins: Minifigs include Zeus, Athena, Odysseus, Spartan Greek Soldiers, The Cyclops, The Sirens, Charon, and Hades the Ruler of the Underworld. The set includes Odysseus's Ship, an epically-accurate Trojan Horse, the Cyclops's Island, The SIrens' Island, a variety of sea-life, Charon's ferryboat, Cerberus, the Gates of Hades, and the Shrine of Athena. (1485 pieces grand total)



Part IV - Cleopatra Rallies the Alliance: Minifigs include Cleopatra, Ramesses II, Egyptian Soldiers, Egyptian Scribes, The Nubian King, a Nubian Warrior, plus Isis / Demeter, and Anubis. The set includes Cleopatra's Royal Embassy Sail-Barge, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, a variety of Nile safari wildlife, a Nubian tower, a Nubian war-elephant, Ramesses's chariot, and Egyptian modular fortifications with multiple possible configurations. (1339 pieces grand total)



Part V - The Titans Unleash the Kraken: Minifigs include Perseus, Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Andromeda, a doubly-upgraded Medusa, the Stygian Witches, and a Minotaur Foot Soldier. The set includes the Colossus of Rhodes, Andromeda's royal carriage that converts in to a sedan-chair, black and white Pegasus with full-sized wings, the Witches' Lair, Medusa's Temple, and an eight-eyed Kraken Hexapus Titanicus Mediterraneensis, easily able to swallow up to 12 minifigures through its articulated mouth and directly into its cavernous belly. His transparent-blue side-membranes pop open when he is ready to go to the vomitorium! (1508 pieces grand total)



Part VI - Boudicca Unites the Celts at Stonehenge: Minifigs include Boudicca, a Celtic Chieftan, two Druid Astrologers, two Celtic Swordsmen, Titus Germanicus, a Byzantine Cataphract, plus Belenus / Apollo, and Brigantia / Artemis. The set includes a modular Stonehenge system with multiple possible configurations, a hexagonal dolmen and extra standing stones, a Roman ballista-elephant, Titus Germanicus's cavalry, Boudicca's chariot, and a Celtic modular fort also with multiple possible configurations. (1220 pieces grand total)



Part VII - Nebuchadnezzar Joins Forces at Babylon: Minifigs include Nebuchadnezzar, a Babylonian Queen, two Mesopotamian Astrologers, two Babylonian Bowmen, Alexander the Great, the Hetairoi Cavalry, plus Marduk / Kratos, and Inanna / Aphrodite. The set includes The Hanging Gardens of Babylon and The Ishtar Gate, with multiple possible Ziggurat configurations, griffon statues, a Babylonian battering-ram, Nebuchadnezzar's chariot, Alexander's the Great's cavalry, and a Helepolis siege tower armed with a Greek-Fire siphon, and armored with 16 Spartan shields for your troops. (1230 pieces grand total)



Part VIII - Leif Eriksson Enters the Nexus of Bifrost: Minifigs include Leif Eriksson of Midgard, a Valkyrie from Valhalla, Dark-Elves from Svartalfheim, Light-Elves from Alfheim, A Frost Giant from Jotunheim, a Fire Giant from Muspelheim, plus Sif and Heimdall of Asgard. The set includes modular Viking-Asgardian Valhalla architecture units with multiple possible configurations, the Portal of Bifrost with a real mechanized opening double-aperture gateway, leading to Yggdrasil and worlds beyond, and enough troops to start Ragnarok versus the Titans. (approximately 1600 pieces grand total)



Part IX - The World Builds Anew - The Infinitely Modular Classical Temple Building Set (UCS): Minifigs include Augustus Caesar in Toga Picta, a Roman Empress, Senators, and Centurions for Rome... Pericles, a Greek Empress, Philosophers, and Hoplites for the Greeks... Plus Zeus / Jupiter, Hera / Juno, Apollo / Sol Invictus, Athena / Minerva, Hephaestus / Vulcan, and Aphrodite / Venus. So in total, you get all the major Gods of Olympus, and every major god in Legolympus too. Plus this set includes over seven alternate models, including seven real-world temples, many of which can be built simultaneously... Plus you can use this set to build and play more than seven real authentic Ancient and Medieval games with your minifigures, including Senet, Battle-Chess, and Go. You can play as the Greeks versus the Romans, or you can let the Gods of Olympus get involved... The fate of the world hangs in the balance... You decide what gets built! (3280 pieces grand total)

And remember you can vote to support them all totally for free at Lego Cuusoo...

Ah, and to add a touch of realism and pageantry, each civilization has a standard vexillum banner emblazoned with the name of their country or king in their original script and team colors. I had to research half of these from primary sources and linguistic databases, so let me know if I made any transcription errors... I'm a field archaeologist and a remote sensing technician, not a linguist... Thanks! :laugh:



Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

This is awesome! I'd so buy these, for the pieces, and just how cool they are! Supported! :D

  • Author

This is awesome! I'd so buy these, for the pieces, and just how cool they are! Supported! :D

Hey, thanks again! Glad you like it!

I think that the building phase is officially complete now, so it's just a matter of doing those last few minifigs, and then doing the sleek glossy renderings with the LDraw and POV-Ray software. If the sets start to rise in the ranks on Cuusoo, then later on I might design wall modules for Troy / Egypt / Babylon / Israel, together with a Temple of Solomon playset in the same style, purely as a fun "free-instructions-available-online" bonus...

In the meantime, here are some questions I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on...

1) In total, how many Ancient World sets do you think there is a demand for? (I'd definitely say easily 5 or 6 or more, at least a normal one-wave-theme. They could be mine, or they could be anybody else's...)

2) What's the maximum number of times you think they would let one competitor win on Cuusoo? (I'd say at least 2, just to incentivize good builders, and to get good ideas out there, but then maybe not 3 times or more...)

3) What do you think of the front-runner's chances? (In particular, "mminnitt" officially gave up in a huff over a year ago, making random veiled-accusations of fraud against TLG right there on his project page for everyone in the world to see...!)

Is TLG really going to want to sign a legally-binding business-contract with someone who does that?

Would you want to sign a contract with someone like that?

Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

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OK, done! The thread has passed 10,000 views, it has gone nearly 100 days now, and the printed-out text of it all is well over 100 pages long...

All the builds and all the minifigs are ready to be rendered. You can see it all if you scroll upwards a bit to post #180...

If anyone has any helpful insights, now would be the perfect time to share your thoughts!

In the meantime, I will be over on the Rendering Tools Forum!

Thanks to everyone for your help! :laugh:


  • Author

I'd buy it just for that giant Spartan.

The creator of all this is the pinnacle of Lego builders. I put no shame in saying that I envy you, good sir.

Thanks again! And while I was finalizing everything, I made his crest better. 90% of the models are noticeably updated, at least in some little way.

This is my first official render, to test the color-matching, metallics, and transparencies. It took a little time to learn, but we are ready to render!


And here is a glimpse of Babylon...


Plus a little glimpse of Rome...


There's no need to post any more here... I'll just put them right up on Cuusoo, probably doing a few new ones every day while I'm watching the news.

Hmmm... And I see my biggest competitors are slowing down suddenly... Please come to Cuusoo and support to an up-and-coming project today!

Thanks again! :laugh:


Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

  • 4 weeks later...
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And here are a few of the final renders... Some of these take quite a long time, so I hope you enjoy!


This is the army building set. It also has a War-Elephant, battle standards, and a variety of artillery.


This one fits right in with Classic Castle and LOTR. There is also a fort and an elephant-mounted-ballista.


This one also includes a Greek-Fire Helepolis siege tower, four-horse chariot, and Alexander the Great's cavalry.


And this one is the longest full render so far... It calculated for over 36 hours to get all those overlapping transparencies...!

And there is lots more, so if you think these set a good standard for real Lego sets, then come and support to an up-and-coming project today!

Thanks again!


Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

I'll just throw my two cents and tell you how I feel about this...

I really love what you did. I like ancient civilizations and mythologies and your ideas are great.

But I think that on CUUSOO you'll need to focus on only one civ... This thread is awesome, but there is too much sets, too much posts, too much renders... people might be lost with all the (great) thing you post. Focusing on one or two civilization is, I think, the best choice.

And I think that the roman empire and/or egyptians is the only choice:

- spartans => issues with copyrights on movies like 300,

- athenians => probably the same as above

- vikings and nordic mythology => conflict with Thor franchise

- baylonians, nubians, persians, celts and carthagens => "kids" don't know theses cultures, altough it might be a good opportunity to "educate" them

Lego has already released some roman and egyptian themes, so I think there won't be any problems.

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I'll just throw my two cents and tell you how I feel about this...

I really love what you did. I like ancient civilizations and mythologies and your ideas are great.

But I think that on CUUSOO you'll need to focus on only one civ... This thread is awesome, but there is too much sets, too much posts, too much renders... people might be lost with all the (great) thing you post. Focusing on one or two civilization is, I think, the best choice.

And I think that the roman empire and/or egyptians is the only choice:

- spartans => issues with copyrights on movies like 300,

- athenians => probably the same as above

- vikings and nordic mythology => conflict with Thor franchise

- baylonians, nubians, persians, celts and carthagens => "kids" don't know theses cultures, altough it might be a good opportunity to "educate" them

Lego has already released some roman and egyptian themes, so I think there won't be any problems.

Yes, this thread ran for 100 days, and it was essentially complete about a month ago. The main goal was to get feedback on the creation process, which is done. It's all about Cuusoo from here on out...!

It will be a lot of fun to see which ones win. I think most people have a pretty clear idea of which civs that they want to see, and they just dive in and vote for their favorites without worrying about it too much! Most people are voting for Sparta and Rome, then they pick one or two other wild-card civs.

Surprisingly, a handful of other people have said that there are too many civs. That actually totally astounds me, because The Legend of Chima has over 12 different factions now, and more and more with every wave! Most Lego themes and other kinds of toy lines have lots and lots of factions.

Also, Lego has already made the Spartans, and the Persians, and Celts, either as CMFs or else as part of previous themes, so it has already been done. Therefore, there are no issues there. I can definitely see that they might not choose to do a Norse set while the Thor movies are on, which is totally fine because I had a lot of fun making it, but no one owns a copyright over the Spartans, etc. The Spartans were "invented" over 2,500 years ago, so the "copyright" expired a loooooooooong time ago! :laugh:

(P.S. - Also, even if people aren't into ancient civs, a lot of them are just excited to see someone make a realistic push to get a small series or a partial theme made through Cuusoo, because that will open the door for many other creators to expand their visions...! Alternately, if it turns out that a few of them are the runaway favorites, then the first thing I would do is just to remove any mention of it being a series, so that voters will only know that there are multiple parts to it if they proactively click on my project page. Or in the end, I could even delete a few, if that is the right strategy as things progress... I've already deleted four Cuusoo project pages with a total of over 200 votes in order to make way for these, so it is not inconceivable!)

Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

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And here are the last four finals of the main images... As you can tell, some of these take a long time to compose and render, so I hope you like!


This is the main Rome set. It also has a Hannibal's War-Elephant, and a full set of artillery, plus Forum monuments, a Triumphal Arch, and more...


This is the Odyssey, including the Trojan Horse, Odysseus's ship, the Islands of the Cyclops and the Sirens, the Gates of Hades, and lots more...


To give us something new for the Egyptians, I did Cleopatra's Royal Embassy Sail-Barge, a Nubian Tower, an Egyptian temple fortification, and more...


And for the Titans set, you get a Bronze Colossus, black and white Pegasi, the Stygian Coven, Medusa's Temple, the Kraken, and the most gods of any set...

These sets have been in the making for 36 years now. In sum, this is the fruit of the input of a hundred archaeologists, scientists, and historians from six continents, most of whom have 4-to-8-year-olds of their own now, and all of whom are thinking a lot about what kind of toys they want for their kids, now and in the near future.

You can see the Flickr slideshow of all the hi-res images and concept art for the whole series.

There are 9 sets in all... If you think that this sets a standard for design quality that Lego should uphold, or if you just want to see the possibility of more full themes from Cuusoo, or heck, if you just think that these will make a nice profit for Lego that will help fund everybody's favorite themes and dreams, then please come and vote for them all for free!

And a big thanks once again to everybody!

See you on Cuusoo...


Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

  • 2 weeks later...
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I'll just throw my two cents and tell you how I feel about this...

I really love what you did. I like ancient civilizations and mythologies and your ideas are great.

But I think that on CUUSOO you'll need to focus on only one civ... This thread is awesome, but there is too much sets, too much posts, too much renders... people might be lost with all the (great) thing you post. Focusing on one or two civilization is, I think, the best choice.

And yes, a few other people have had similar thoughts, and I've been thinking about it..... So the first thing I did was simply to create a new "cover page" that features all of the sets together on one page, essentially just like everyone else does with themes on Cuusoo. So now people can click once to vote for the whole concept on one easy page, and then they can also vote for their favorite individual sets on separate pages, so that Lego will have a perfectly clear idea of which ones are the most popular in the end! Plus, it also brings all of the discussion onto one nice easy page.

So far:

1) Sparta and Rome are definitely in the lead so far, with The Odyssey close behind...

2) At least 50% of voters are voting for all of the sets across the board. The new page should help to consolidate things...

3) The Glory of Rome has slowed down dramatically to just 3 votes per day, and it will take 5 years from now to finish...

4) Legolympus has slowed down even more sharply, and from this point it will take over 7 years from now to finish...

5) That gives me half a decade to publicize it to various Lego and non-Lego blogs and bump it up the ranks. After 500 votes, a project will pop up on the critical top 15 pages or so that all of the casual visitors normally browse through and click on out of idle curiosity. Once there, it gets a ton more visibility, and the perception of inevitability kicks in, and things start to accelerate very quickly! =)

Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

Great thread, but the cyclops should be brick-builded (or molded) giant, not a a small minifigure, imo.

  • Author

Great thread, but the cyclops should be brick-builded (or molded) giant, not a a small minifigure, imo.

Oh yeah, a big-fig mold would be supreme, but they can't do new molds for Cuusoo. A brick-built one would be cool too, but it would push the total price tag above the critical $130 point. I want to keep them all at that price point so they can sell them on the shelf at normal stores. $130 or $140 is the max!

  • 2 weeks later...
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All right, the renders are all complete... And I might jazz them up a bit more!

If you want to join the discussion, come on over to the newly launched Project Cover Page at http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/52602

We are voting on new name, and then it's time to start actively publicizing!

  • 2 weeks later...
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All right, we are trying out the first new name change. I want a nice easy name that will have more immediate grab with casual Lego fans, young and old...


For the moment, the top choice is "LEGO Civilizations and Empires", but I could easily change that to anything in the world with two minutes in PhotoShop.


You can click on the top pic to go to the voting pages, and the bottom pic for the Flickr Slideshow. If you haven't ever seen it, it is a lot of fun! =D

Keep on Building


Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

  • 9 months later...
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>>>>> MILESTONE <<<<<

With just about 7 months left to go until the critical deadline for Lego Ideas, I have updated all my charts for all of the history and prehistory themed minifigure playsets. It looks like TJ Spencer's "Natural History Museum" (now above 7,000), and Senteosan's "Bricksauria" (now above 4,000) will both reach 10,000 on their current momentum...

After that, it will be perfect if Strider's "Medusa's Temple" (over 2000 now) picks up some needed speed to become the first Ancient Greek themed playset to pass, and if my "Julius Caesar Defends the Roman Forum" set (now on the verge of 500) picks up more speed to become the first Ancient Roman themed playset, since it is now definitively the highest-ranked and the fastest-moving Roman minifigure playset on all of Lego Ideas!

And as long as it gets above 500 or 1000 before the spring-time, I know that the whole Lego Fanbase will swoop in to do a last-minute burst of voting, and at that point anything that has gotten over 500 or 1000 will get a ton of last-minute consideration and last-minute votes…! We all know these sets should have happened in the '80s, so let's make them happen now!!


Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

Yep, your average of 3 supports/day just needs to jump to 43/day and you're in!

i will vote for you because i love roman empire theme and its equivalent!

  • Author

Yep, your average of 3 supports/day just needs to jump to 43/day and you're in!

Hi Pogie! Wow, it's been a while! Cool to see that you are still following my thread here so closely...

And if you follow how Lego Cuusoo/Ideas works, then you know that support comes in bursts, and support always increases dramatically and geometrically as a project passes certain key thresholds. Almost every set that has passed so far took a long time to break 1,000, and then those last few thousand votes came in just a matter of days, once it gets to that level of visibility in the rankings.

As perfect examples, based on what I was saying, 1) TJ Spenser's Natural History Museum is moving fast enough now because it got a huge burst of support recently, enough to make it inevitable now. Previously, it was running about the same as the Rivendell Natural History Museum project. 2) Senteosan's biggest BrickSauria project is just pulling in enough votes per day to be on track, but we are all sure it will speed up and win. And if you look, you will see that 3) Strider's Medusa's Temple is falling below minimum too, but I still think it would be wonderful to see it pass and get made as the first Greek set, and then we can get a Roman set to go with it.

Plus, you are a super smart guy, so you know that essentially, once we finally get to within the last few days before the critical deadline, all of the Lego fans will take one last look at all the sets that have made good progress, and any project that have risen above 500 or 1000 will get a last-minute burst of support. Lego is obviously counting on that happening, because as I mentioned, there are only a slim handful of projects that have the current vote momentum to pass, and a lot of those would have to be rejected. So, ipso facto, they are counting on a wide-ranging last-minute burst of support for various projects, so as to give them a queue of passable ideas for the near future, or otherwise they just wouldn't have enough ideas to approve, and the Cuusoo/Ideas initiative would simply fall flat. Does that make sense?

Oh, and let us know which sets on Cuusoo/Ideas are yours, and I for one will be glad to support them...

Edited by The Real Indiana Jones

Indy, do you plan on using the new Battle Goddess helm for Athena in Level 9? That Series 12 CMF could have just been named Athena. I don't think there are any other new molds that would help.

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Indy, do you plan on using the new Battle Goddess helm for Athena in Level 9? That Series 12 CMF could have just been named Athena. I don't think there are any other new molds that would help.

Yep, they have definitely gotten to the point now where they have all of the molds they need to begin, and perhaps they could create a hat and caduceus for Hermes/Mercury as another CMF fig soon... And yes, it's a perfect chance to redo the new Series 12 "Battle Goddess" Athena helmet with brown hair this time!

Ugh. This is the same incoherent rambling you were spouting a year and a half ago. Last time you were analyzing how your momentum would speed up after 4 years and after you entered the "critical" last year, voters would swoop in and you'd be on the path to riches and glory. There seemed to be a moment of clarity for you when lego shortened the timeline at a year and you were going to move on to other things.

Now you are back with your crack voting analysis and your timeline is now a year. I haven't spent the time you have with Lego Idea, but I'm pretty sure lego is not "counting" on anything. If you get the votes they'll look at it. That's it. If no projects reach 10k then that means the market won't support it. They certainly not up at night worrying about not having any projects to review.

Same critique as last time. Cool ideas but too much. Instead of one project you submit 8, splitting your vote.

Should I just paste your response from up thread? I'm assuming the response will be identical.

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