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If a vandal destroys that display I hope the punishment for him/her is big. Not only is it a loss for LEGO themselves, people can get seriously hurt if the models crush the people below.

I assume they're glued and secured. No mall would ever agree to have large loose items above high traffic areas.

Time for a death threat! :devil:

Um, no, not really. :sceptic:

i would never do anything like that. anyone that does should be locked in a cell deep under the ocean

Under youth justice the culprits will probably receive nothing more than a fine or a stint doing community service. After all no-one was actually physically hurt. Let's try and keep some perspective. True the model was destroyed and thus a large part of the display was then absent, but i assume the building event went ahead and Ryan would have received any remuneration owing to him for the event. The vandals are of course douchebags but many 14 year olds are. That's part of being a teenager. Peer pressure, a need to make a mark and impress. Lego attracts those of a more intellectual bent with a softer nature. Unfortunately that's a minority.

Ryan McNaught will probably be able to salvage the helicopter and have it back on display somewhere (hopefully cordoned off so it can't be accessed) and the only losers will be the idiots who thought it would be fun to ruin other people's fun.



But seriously that makes me mad..

I mean god knows how long he worked on that and then in the course of one night BAM!Its gone!

I would hate for somebody to do that do my mocs.

Ha, if Sir Jo was alive and still ruling Queensland he would have the cops come down extra hard on those kids ! :devil::laugh:

We should feel sorry for Ryan, we AFOL's who MOC build know how much time and effort goes into creating our magic......we would feel the same if our creations were treated the same. :sadnew:

Maybe throwing some support for his latest Cuusoo project might help ease the pain. :classic:

Ugh, the generations these days. :sadnew: What's happened to society? Of course, they'll be treated like the victims. "Oh, it was peer pressure, or they had 'troubles' or something at home." At least, in the USA they would. It's all the parents' fault. Of every teen that does something stupid like this, the parents are at fault. Take some responsibility and raise your kid like a normal civilized human being. These jerks are animals, that's what they are and I from here on out refuse to call them by anything else. And like all animals, they need to be put up in a cage. Er, well, some animals.

We all know how long it takes to make a masterpiece, and I don't know about anyone else, but each time one of my MOCs break, I can never put it back together the same way. It's always the best the first time. I'm very disappointed that this happened. :cry_sad: My condolences.

Just so there's no confusion, I was in no way excusing the kids. I have very strong opinions on parenting and responsibility but this isn't the place for such opinions. I'd get into lots of trouble for expressing them. :look:

This needs a wild west approach: hang em high! :grin:

This really sucks, what the hell is wrong with people these days? :cry_sad:

I hope he can rebuild it, it surely is a great model.

... but i assume the building event went ahead and Ryan would have received any remuneration owing to him for the event.

Yes, I get you're not excusing it, but I have an issue with this statement: what renumeration do you think he'll receive? And from whom? I find it very unlikely he'll be made "whole;" that is, compensation for his money AND time spent.

Of course, building with LEGO is like computer programming in one aspect - whenever you have the chance to do it again, you always do a better job.

I'm convinced it's lousy parenting. At LegoLand California a couple years ago (right after the Las Vegas miniland area opened), I watched as two ladies (barely in their 20s themselves) let their two boys step over the rail and wander down the model Vegas strip, picking up cars and figures and climbing up on the buidlings. It was horrifying. I also question the parenting these two ladies receved as well what with all their tattoos and metal crap sticking in and out of their faces. But Lego is the one thing that makes me happy so I won't dwell on how human society is doomed in my favorite forum of my favorite hobby...

--Mr Bill

What does tattoos and piercing have to do with how they were parented or what type of person they are?

Having an earing and a tatoo is one thing. But I think he is talking about all the nose rings, and the giant tattoos that cover someone's entire arm. They don't always mean someone is bad, but I guess it's somehow stereotypical that these people are "rebellious" and obviously not raised well. :shrug_confused:

As for what happened at Legoland, that's just sick. Why is it so hard to simply raise your kids right? :wacko:

Well that's a dumb generalization. Most people people get piercing and tattoos because they are raised right and are rebelling from what they were taught.

No matter how well you raise your kids they are still going to make their own decisions. I did plenty of things as a teenager against what I was taught. I think a lot of you are out of touch with reality and have forgotten what it was like to be a kid/teenager.

I don't condone or like what these kids have done but to blame their parents is a bit lazy.

Well that's a dumb generalization. Most people people get piercing and tattoos because they are raised right and are rebelling from what they were taught.

No matter how well you raise your kids they are still going to make their own decisions. I did plenty of things as a teenager against what I was taught. I think a lot of you are out of touch with reality and have forgotten what it was like to be a kid/teenager.

I don't condone or like what these kids have done but to blame their parents is a bit lazy.

In my view, if you rebel against what you were taught, you weren't raised right. If a parent says, "Don't do drugs." That's a good message, but then the teen rebels from that and do drugs. That's not raising a kid right. They only did half the job. Raising a kid right is telling them what is wrong, and make them understand that so they don't do it. Part of raising teens right is to have proper punishment and instilling values in them from a very young age.

This accident is because, I think, the 14 yr. olds had no values. If from a very young age, the parents taught them respect, and each time they didn't show respect, they punished them, this never would've happened.

Wow... quick, before the thread is closed!

It is bad parenting - and it's not a lazy generalization. You don't just tell your kids what to do and how to treat other people and their property with respect, you lead by example and discipline when they break your rules.

Not punishing bad behavior swiftly (and justly, not talking about physically) leads to repeated bad behavior.

I've never hit my kids and my 14 year old son could not believe this story about the LEGO, he couldn't understand anyone behaving that way, PERIOD.

When I was a teenager I wanted to rebel about many things that I was told were wrong. i thought about it, then thought about the dam good hiding i'd get when my father found out about it. I was always too afraid to rebel for fear of the consequences!

You guys are veering way off topic. This is certainly not the forum to discuss parenting matters, I can suggest you a few if you really need to vent! :wink: Please stick to the topic at hand.

This is such awful thing to do and not only shows a massive amount of disrespect for the model but also for the creator.

I also think that in an incident like this alot of lessons can be learnt for shops and creaters:

- firmer display stands

- glueing pieces together

- alarms in shops

things like these will prevent incidents like this happening again in the future.

Edited by Tariq j

- glueing pieces together

Note sure: glued model would really break, making it worth nothing at all.

Parts from destroyed non-glued models can at least be re-used.

That horrible end to a creation so beautiful :sceptic:

They could put the helicopter in a glass case

Edited by The Ghost Racer

That horrible end to a creation so beautiful :sceptic:

They could put the helicopter in a glass case

Could? He should've in the first place...


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