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  1. 1. Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360?

    • Xbox 360
    • Wii
    • PS3
    • Non of the above

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For racing, there's F-Zero (and Mario Kart, although it's more luck then skill). And trust me, F-Zerp is Hard. And that capital H is there for a reason.

What i meant by racing games is racing sims. (Gran Trismo, Forza Motorsports, Prodject Gotham racing etc.) Games were you can drive on real tracks and customise your car. (suspention, rims, engine etc..) Mariocart is fun, but there aren't many tracks or carts. But this is just my preferance.

FPS aren't made by Nintendo themselves, which is understadable if you know their policy about violence. However, the Cube had Timesplitters: Future Perfect, which is the only shooter you need.

The DOOM games are the only FPS!! My all time favorite is Doom 3! >:-)

It may seem really harsh, but what it comes down to is your game preferences. Yours are -obviously- better suited for the Xbox360. Which does not mean that they have better gameplay. Heck, if there's 3 genres that all have the same gameplay, it's the ones you mentioned.

Thank you. This was the point i was hoping someone would catch on too. Your right, it really comes down to what kind of games you preferand that my friened is what is going to determine you game playing experiance. *sweet* Ive even meationed this in other Xbox/Wii/playstation debates, but know one seemed to get that.

Right now I'm fine with my Nintendo DS. I will eventually get the Wii for metriod, and any system/s that pick up Castlevania and Goemon titles.

The thing I like least about the Wii is the active action controler. I don't know about you, but I play videogames to relax, to be off my feet, and rest after work. I also wouldn't want my lap dog to loose her seat. I am curious if the Wii controler lets you play the new games in a more conventional way.

I always thought it was rather goofy when poeple leaned on turns when playing racing games.

I am curious if the Wii controler lets you play the new games in a more conventional way.

It doesn't offer an alternative way of playing in the games I have tried, but it is possible to play them all while sitting, or so it says.

I'm happy with my Wii. It has graphics comparable to my PS2, but the games for that machine are also using its full potential. The Wii is used mostly for old Nintendo games, while the PS2 takes over when I want to play more involved games like RPGs, horror or racing.

I would like to have a PS3, but spend my money on LEGO instead :)

The 360 gets my vote. Better selection of games, best grafics, and best game play.

You know, if you're going to talk about consoles, you might as well talk in proper terms. The console itself does not have better graphics? Are you saying you like the graphics on the case of the console? Games have graphics, consoles do NOT. The graphics all depend on the creator of the game. Whether the console can handle that, that's a whole different story.

You should be talking in terms of hardware and in that case, the Xbox360 doesn't even come close to the PS3's power. The only games which slightly show the PS3's power are Resistance and Motorstorm but better games will be coming out in the next few years which should place Sony back on the map.

The PS3 is clearly the best console out there (if you can't afford it, that's another story) but since I'm not a console person, I shall go with "None of the above".

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You know, if you're going to talk about consoles, you might as well talk in proper terms. The console itself does not have better graphics? Are you saying you like the graphics on the case of the console? Games have graphics, consoles do NOT. The graphics all depend on the creator of the game. Whether the console can handle that, that's a whole different story.

You should be talking in terms of hardware and in that case, the Xbox360 doesn't even come close to the PS3's power. The only games which slightly show the PS3's power are Resistance and Motorstorm but better games will be coming out in the next few years which should place Sony back on the map.

The PS3 is clearly the best console out there (if you can't afford it, that's another story) but since I'm not a console person, I shall go with "None of the above".

Arguement one: Xbox 360 isn't as powerful as PS3, but with its one year head start, the developers have been able to utilize the hardware better. That is why the graphics on games that are both on PS3 and 360 are almost identical, with advantages on 360.

Arguement two: Even though the PS3's games have good graphics, they suck. Resistance- booooring (i've played it), especially compared to Gears of War. Motorstorm - it's ok, until you realize it's a total ripoff of burnout.


Wii is for children and seniors, PS3 is for rich idiots, and 360 is for people who don't like exclusively kiddie games and who like to play more "adult" games.

Wii. The PS3 will lose in this console War, and while the 360 is great, it just doesn't have what I want in a console.

I don't think the PS3 will lose, but it will certainly not have the market share the PS2 had.

Firstly, the PS3 is released way too late. It hasn't even been released in Europe yet! We've had the Xbox360 in stores for well over a year, and to jump in now is just too late for Sony.

Secondly, the Wii. Say what you want, but if it does one thing right, then it's getting new audiences for the gaming market. And although those may not buy as much games as 'normal' gamers, they certainly count for market share.

On a side note, I haven't touched my Wii for ages. Well, I've played some Wii Sports with friends but that's about it. All that I'm playing nowadays is my PS2. The Wii needs a good game again!

You know, if you're going to talk about consoles, you might as well talk in proper terms. The console itself does not have better graphics? Are you saying you like the graphics on the case of the console? Games have graphics, consoles do NOT. The graphics all depend on the creator of the game. Whether the console can handle that, that's a whole different story.

You should be talking in terms of hardware and in that case, the Xbox360 doesn't even come close to the PS3's power. The only games which slightly show the PS3's power are Resistance and Motorstorm but better games will be coming out in the next few years which should place Sony back on the map.

The PS3 is clearly the best console out there (if you can't afford it, that's another story) but since I'm not a console person, I shall go with "None of the above".

I understand that the games produce the grafics. What i was gettign at was that the 360 games have better grafics. Yes the PS3 has more power, but as of right now, no game maker can harness that power. And all of whitch dosen't matter enless your have a hi-deff TV that can produce the pixels. And THAT is what it really comes down to. Doesn't matter wheather you have the original ATARI, or a NASA computer, if you still have an old school tube TV there all going to be the same.

  • 2 weeks later...

i did wont the PS3 but with the price of it i dont think its worth it! :-( sort of drifting over to the 360 gang on this one!

i dont know why everyone like the WII so much i think its a bit of a joke to be honest! :-P

Until I have a Wii, my DS Lite will continue to rule my world.

My friend you never, EVER, EVER, go wrong with a wii.

i dont know why everyone like the WII so much i think its a bit of a joke to be honest! :-P

I say Wii all the way! Why? One word: Zelda.

I can't live without that wonderful game. *sweet* And why not the other consoles? Because I prior gameplay in front of graphics.

To say it straight forward, to pay 400$ extra for w00tabix 1337 gr4phix instead of gameplay is.. Well.. :-|

Both the 360 and the PS3 is too boring, not innovative like Nintendo.

Like the other guy said somewhere in the post: They do something new, instead of upgrading the old.

And it's Wii, not WII..! |-/

Note to myself:

Crush casewindus' knees. >:-)

i did wont the PS3 but with the price of it i dont think its worth it! :-( sort of drifting over to the 360 gang on this one!

i dont know why everyone like the WII so much i think its a bit of a joke to be honest! :-P

From that last sentence I can tell you never played it ;-)

And UniqueBuilder, the words are Wii Sports, not Zelda. You can play Zelda on your good old Gamecube, while Wii Sports is truly innovative.

From that last sentence I can tell you never played it ;-)

And UniqueBuilder, the words are Wii Sports, not Zelda. You can play Zelda on your good old Gamecube, while Wii Sports is truly innovative.

Of course you CAN play Zelda: TP on your GCN, but who would want to? :-D gameplay is so much more fun on the Wii. As for Wii sports, if you loved that so much, have you considered getting Wii Play?

Of course you CAN play Zelda: TP on your GCN, but who would want to? :-D gameplay is so much more fun on the Wii.

Nuff said. :-P

And I almost forgot Wii Sports.. It's so wonderful.. The gameplay.. The.. Everything.. *wub* I'm also getting RedSteel and Excite Truck soon. ;-)

Another two graet games are cars and call of duty 3. YEY ||THE Wii IS WINING

Another two graet games are cars and call of duty 3. YEY ||THE Wii IS WINING

dont forget Burnout! :-D

I've voted Wii as it's the only one out of the three that I own. The system is brilliant (The Wii remote is genius), the games, while few and far between at the moment, are awesome, and Virtual Console almost brings a tear to my eye (Super Mario Bros!)

I do plan on getting a 360 at some point, as soon as the new model with HDMI and the 120GB HDD comes out. Not interested in the PlayStation3 at the moment - although PlayStation Home and Little Big Planet look fantastic.

I say Wii all the way! Why? One word: Zelda.

I can't live without that wonderful game. *sweet* And why not the other consoles? Because I prior gameplay in front of graphics.

To say it straight forward, to pay 400$ extra for w00tabix 1337 gr4phix instead of gameplay is.. Well.. :-|

Both the 360 and the PS3 is too boring, not innovative like Nintendo.

Like the other guy said somewhere in the post: They do something new, instead of upgrading the old.

And it's Wii, not WII..! |-/

Note to myself:

Crush casewindus' knees. >:-)

Again its all about what games you like. Sorry, but not everyone likes Zelda. I've played it before, and its no big thing. (at least to me). I'll say it again. Gameplay is what the gamer gets out of it. Nitendeo focus's more on roleplaying, and cutesy little animals running around. PS3 and 360 do everything else. I'm not coming down on anyone that likes or prefers the Wii over 360, or even the PS3. But everyone keeps refering that the Wii's gameplay surpasses the others like there stuck in the stone age. The Wii has some cool controlers. I'll defenatly give it that. But thats preety much were it stops. Take away the controllers and the Wii looses what edge it (if any) had over PS3 or 360.

That being said i'll really looking forward for Forza 2!! Now THAT will be for some good "gameplay". :-P

Wow, I have to say that you guys need to chill. The fanboy status is getting old.

I would like to point out that none of the companys are paying you to promote thier machine, so stating negative things about the other only hurts the gamer inside.

That said, it is the games that make or break the console. Graphics may be one thing, but game play is of upmost importance. I own all of the last gens consoles, but each one was bought based on games that came out for it. The Cube, for its party games and quirky Japanese characters. The PS2 for the RPGs, which I own most of them. The X-Box for the FPS and Racing games so I can play with friends online. Although I waited a while after launch of each console to buy them, I still purchased the games that I knew I would play, because I am more of a colletor than a player now a days. (Still have a working Sega Saturn with most of the rarest RPGs on any console, including PDS).

Now with this next gen I voted for the 360. Simple really, the amount of games that I actually want to play is great; GOW, Blue Dragon, GR, Halo 3, Eternal Sonata, etc. The PS3 is impressive, but none of the games; with the exception of Resistence, are worth the price of admission at this time. I will wait till they start to announce some good RPGs then I may be more interested. The Wii on the other hand to me seems like a gimmic(kind of like the C3 mini-fig in this summer's SW sets). In all honesty none of the games are appealing so far on that console, save for the fact of Zelda: TP, but I picked that up on sale for the Cube instead.

So in the end it is and will always be about the games. My opinion and I am sticking to it. Oh yeah I am glad that I waited in buying my 360, now I can get the new one and finally see how much of a difference HDMI makes on my TV. Cheers.


Of course you CAN play Zelda: TP on your GCN, but who would want to? :-D gameplay is so much more fun on the Wii. As for Wii sports, if you loved that so much, have you considered getting Wii Play?

I got Wii Play at European launch day since it came packed with my second controller. It's just a collection of tech demo's that I played for an hour and never looked at again. If it wouldn't have come with a controller I would've felt terribly rip-offed.

As for Zelda, I found myself wanting to push a button to swing my sword instead of flicking my wrist all the time. Still, certain parts (like the "control the dark bird through the waterfall caverns" part) worked really well. Still, I doubt I'd have missed anything if I played it on my good old Gamecube.

I have to say wii here also. It is exactly what it is supposed to be a fun games console :-D The 360 gets my second vote as power and price are nicely matched. Lastly we have the stunning ps3 (and yes i said stunning) which is way to expensive to be a main contender. I had the good fortune to see one of these babies running on a 50" plasma capable of a 1080p resolusion with ridge racer running and all i can say was WOW!! But then you have to think about how much that set-up will cost you (well over

I also voted Wii because:the PS3 has good graphics, nothing else and costs alot, the 360 is okay but the Wii, I mean, its healthy(a guy lost 9 pounds in a week playing a half hour a day!)its amazing, like its from the future and it has Super smash bros. brawl!

I voted for Xbox360. It was a tie between Wii and 360, as both consoles are in my house, and I play on both of them. But in the end I think that 360 is just alittle bit better than the Wii, and thats simply because I like the games for the 360 more than games such as Zelda and Mario(not that they are bad games), which are the best of Nintendo's games. I like action/FPS games far more.

Meh. I like all 3, but I voted a while back for 360, 'cuz that was the one I wanted at the time. Now, though, I have the official verdict. :-P A friend has PS3, 360 and Wii, and he says the PS3 is easily the best. I've played the 360 and Wii (and PS3 with a PS2 controller), and after a while the Wii just gets boring - i.e. a novelty. Plus it's hard to control. The 360 has it's appealing features, such as Live.

However, the PS3 is a bargain. Only

Anyway, when you think about what the PS3 has/is, then you'll believe me.

Blu-Ray Player ~

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