July 26, 201311 yr I am afraid to post any additional info about 41999, cause of furious reaction of some members. rm8, keep posting this info! I have loved reading about your experience and getting a rare glimpse into how a technic model is developed. The pictures were great. I don't understand how someone can read a thread about the 41999 then complain about getting too much info about the model. You have every right to be excited about this set. I promise, the people that are complaining are just a few. Most of the people are enjoying reading about this model and your participation.
July 26, 201311 yr Well, if people get sick of the 41999, don't read this thread then. Simple as that. I say post whatever you want about the model in this thread, rm8 , that's what it's here for, right?
July 26, 201311 yr Author rm8, keep posting this info! I have loved reading about your experience and getting a rare glimpse into how a technic model is developed. The pictures were great. I don't understand how someone can read a thread about the 41999 then complain about getting too much info about the model. You have every right to be excited about this set. I promise, the people that are complaining are just a few. Most of the people are enjoying reading about this model and your participation. Well, if people get sick of the 41999, don't read this thread then. Simple as that. I say post whatever you want about the model in this thread, rm8 , that's what it's here for, right? Ok, thanks:)
July 26, 201311 yr Less than a week left till official launch, get your $$$ ready! btw. Rm8, I have discovered 41999 and his author (you) being mentioned in well known russian IT related website (in comments section). News are spreading wide.
July 26, 201311 yr How did this happen? http://www.ebay.com/...=item1c351afbff Must be a top 100 winner? Edited July 27, 201311 yr by Kronos
July 27, 201311 yr Backend sale? I think the despatch companies are on standby to sent out 100 winners set on 1st August...just wondering which courier company is holding on my gift...
July 27, 201311 yr Just was on Facebook and Lego posted a video on youtube of Egor going to Billund: I am so jealous!!!
July 28, 201311 yr Author Hi this is a question to those that already have the Boss plus know or have the 9398. I have not finished yet the vhassis of my 9398, so said just opened the bags with the 1 on it. Are those bags, and their content, are the same in both versions, Boss and 9398? If yes, then i could sell my 9398 as opened box, but sealed bags. I just could take the "1" bags from the Boss. I would use then the unfinished chassis from the 9398 as base for the Boss. Will that work? Dino Just compared instructions books 1 and 2 of 9398 and 41999 page by page, part by parts. I am sorry, but there are some small differences in building and parts that in chassis's bags. This details are about fixing body at chassis (wheel arches, side skirts...) and not about drivetrain. I stopped at th middle of book number 2, cause there is no reason to compare anymore.... So you cant exchange chassis's bags from 41999 and 9398. Edited July 28, 201311 yr by rm8
July 28, 201311 yr Hi thank you very much for your effort. Selling my 9398 "sealed" was a good idea, but i will purchase the Boss anyway ;) Dino
July 28, 201311 yr How did this happen? http://www.ebay.com/...=item1c351afbff Must be a top 100 winner? My guess is that they will ship it when they receive it, and it says that there is 2 days 20h left until you can buy it.
July 28, 201311 yr $400?? That sounds like an insult. 42009 is expensive in Norway, but even with approx. $280 it's not even close to this. 41999 can't possibly be that expensive when it comes for sale?
July 28, 201311 yr Three sellers on eBay already have them on hand. And I understand $200 premium to have item before release date. Nevertheless, it is absurd
July 28, 201311 yr So it could be approx. $200 as regular price? In that case, this guy is ridiculous... it's like it's only about the profit.
July 28, 201311 yr Yeah, I guess. Unfortunately. Well, even if I wanted to buy this set, I wouldn't pay such a "blood price" for it, as we say in Norway. Anyway, no matter how good something looks and works, there's a limit to what it's actually worth. I doubt there's very many people who wants to buy it for such a price.
July 28, 201311 yr This set IS awesome. Not THAT awesome. I already own 2 9398's, so I'll just build the Boss in a different color scheme.
July 28, 201311 yr That's all people on eBay care about...... the profit that's what sellers usually do....they sell things to gain the more they can
July 28, 201311 yr Fair enough, but $400? It's a cool set, but anyone should see that it's not worth THAT much. I guess this seller doesn't give a damn.
July 29, 201311 yr early access to limited item is appealing to early adopters. look at sdcc azog. $1500 ebay. also, once sold out, 41999 will climb over $400 sealed. so hold on to your pants for more ridiculous prices in a year.
July 29, 201311 yr They get it for free; make $400! They then spend that $400 on something that costs $400 and sells it for $600! And so on and so forth. It's just how eBay is.
July 29, 201311 yr Well, I have got 41999 and I even didn't participate in the contest. As far as I remember from a release information, a limited amount of sets were sent to LEGO brand stores and some other partners. That would explain how the set is in circulation already. Two of my fellow LUG members got their set out of pure lucky coincidence, that we made our LUG planning evening in cafeteria of shopping mall, where a LEGO monobrand store was located. Ofc, after the planning we went to the LEGO shop, and there it was - two boxes on a shelf, waiting for us. They got it for ~200 EUR in 25.07. Afterwards I got warning that one internet shop has listed the set and with I managed to get one for ~180 EUR the next day. The interesting thing was, that the internet shop I was buying from, got maybe 6 of these sets and due to the very high interest in the set, after I got mine on 26.07 10:00 a.m, the shop has risen the price to ~255 EUR at 15:00 p.m. It is still seen in their web page, if someone is interested, I can PM a link (but the shop does not send to EU, sorry for that). I intend to keep this set, with the sole exception if it will have a cool number plate, then it would be too valuable for me to keep. Edited July 29, 201311 yr by Lauris
July 29, 201311 yr If i get my hands on this set its going on the shelf with the other sets and not for resale :)
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