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Posted (edited)

On the many topics, "LOTR 2012", "LOTR 2013", "Lotr Set Reviews" and "LOTR future sets" topics, people often point out how the line is meant for older kids, teens and adults.

Do you personally know any kids, 12 year old and younger, who are into the theme?

Do you know any that are into the Lego theme but have never seen the movies?

Do you know any that have seen the movies and/or read the books, but have no interest in the Lego theme?

I'm very curious to know.

Edited by SheepEater

My fiances 10 year old brother loves The Lord of the rings films - watches them and Star Wars the most out of all his films!loves the sets so much!

Posted (edited)

My girls (8 and 6) love the sets. They had the Hobbit read to them when they were younger and have watched this

more times than I care to recall. So they can relate to all the characters and are probably more excited about a Lego version of Smaug than I am :wink: Edited by Slobey

My 7 year old little brother loves the sets. He hasn't seen the movies yet and he doesn't read real books yet, but he really likes the characters and is excited to see the movies when he is old enough.


My 11YO daughter has read all the books, seen all the movies, played the LCG with me and likes the Lego theme but it's not her favorite. There's a distinct possibility her parents had something to do with her LOTR fandom, given that we are both crazy about Middle-Earth.

The 5YO digs the Lego version but is still too young to even listen to the Hobbit patiently. Time will tell.

Posted (edited)

My little brother, who is now 14, has seen all the movies, read all the books and is a real fan but he isn't into the LotR Lego. Actually, he isn't into Lego at all! I'm ashamed... :blush:

Edited by Dutchy

My 4,5 old little son loves the sets and I showed him The Hobbit comics. He knows main milestones of The Hobbit (up to Smaug's lair) and we played most of them with the sets. He knows all the riddles between Bilbo and Gollum :) I won't show him the movies for a while though. We are watching Winnie the Pooh and Legends of Chima instead :P


Yup. My 6 year old has been into LotR and the Hobbit for well over a year. He (meaning he and I) have all the sets, except Orthanc. I read the Hobbit to him, but not the LotR books. He's seen all the movies a ton of times. In fact, his birthday a few months back was a Hobbit party.


I met a kid in the LEGO aisle today who was eager to show me what he said was an inconsistency on the front of the 79001 Escape From Mirkwood Spiders set. Speaking mainly about the difference between the film material and the book. So yeah, some kids do like LOTR and The Hobbit.


My 7 year old loves LotR and the Hobbit (and has decided that everyone in the family is going to be a LotR or Hobbit character for Halloween this year)... now admittedly part of her like for it stems from her older brother and myself being total LotR nuts... but nonetheless she definitely is into it. She actually prepared for the midnight showing of the Hobbit on opening night and stayed up through the whole thing (better than her mom did haha)


I actually have never been able to watch any of the LOTR movies to the end. However, Lego LOTR is the first theme where I bought several times the same set. It is truly the best theme I have ever seen.

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