Posted July 8, 201311 yr After taking many many pictures, it's about time for me to write the first review for an actual set of the second Brain Attack wave, isn't it? Ah yes, Preston Stormer. Stormer is one of my favourite heroes, though mostly for his parts. I guess it's because Kopaka was my first Toa back then, but I have a soft spot for white-coloured sets (the same can be said for blue-coloured sets - and my first Slizer was the Sub/Scuba Slizer). He's also one of the few heroes where I bought every single version so far (the only other hero from which I can say this is Surge). It's been awhile since we got a regular-sized set of Stormer - it was in summer 2011 in the Savage Planet storyline, where he got his rhino armour. In 2012, he joined Rocka in the club of the XL heroes. But now, he's back at normal size to fight the evil Frost Beast (oddly enough, the first bad guy with the same coloration as Stormer himself). But can Brain Attack Stormer fill the (literally) big shoes of his previous incarnation? Let's find out! Set name: Stormer Set Number: 44010 Price: 12.99 Euro Pieces: 70 (+ 2 spare parts) Year of release: Summer 2013 Size class: Deluxe set The bag Unlike the bags of the Breakout wave, the Brain Attack bags from the summer waves are nigh identical to the bags of the Winter wave - they are mostly green, the background is less detailed and the heroes don't pose all that dynamic like they did on their previous bags (I really love the bag of Breakout Surge, by the way), but they just stand there, similiar like they did on the 2011 canisters. The cover of Stormer's bag shows him standing all heroic and cool-looking on an ice-like ground. I scanned the back of the bag since it's so much easier to see all the stuff going on there that way. Stormer get's another name in some language and is called "Tempestivo". Huh. The other stuff is probably already known: Stormer's action features are highlighted, he can combine with Frost Beast, and you get game points for the code on his hero core. Inside the bag - the parts Ho boy, Stormer got plenty of stuff. He comes with 70 pieces (72 in my case because of spare parts). He's mostly white with a fair share of silver and a few trans-blue pieces (it's bright trans-blue, which I believe is new to Hero Factory). He also got a fair share of TECHNIC pieces, which is also appreciated. Stormer's head isn't a new mold, but it comes in a new, super-awesome-didn't-saw-that-coming colour: It's dark trans-blue, apparently the same that debuted in Breakout Stringer's shells! I totally love that blue, it's so wonderfully blue-ish, you know? Stormer also comes with a recolour of the flame piece from the first Brain Attack wave. It's cast in solid white and trans-blue this time, which looks really nice. Too bad it's one of the few pieces he don't share with Frost Beast. Stormer's visor, which got also a nice printing. Ah, and there's Stormer's new helmet. Thankfully, it looks even without the visor pretty neat. It should be noted that his helmet isn't symmetrical like the helmets of Breez and Furno in the past wave. Here's a comparison between Stormer's original helmet, his newest helmet and his 2.0 helmet (which I only included because I had one of my MOCs using that right next to me when I made the comparisons - I excluded his 3.0 helmet since it only shares the bit of armour in front of his jaw with the others). Stormer's new helmet is very close to his original helmet, it's only a bit thicker and narrower. Personally, I like the new helmet a bit more since it also feels sturdier. The new armour piece, which was already introduced with Chi Laval and Chi Worriz. It got a nice shape, which is also not too overspecialized. Man, I'm almost sure these things aren't new, but I can't remember where I've already seen them... They look cool, nonetheless. A few pics from the instructions The cover, where Stormer looks just as good as on the bag itself. Here's another picture of the combiner, together with a link to his building instructions (which brings me to the HF page, which is also kinda glitchy for me). The combiner is essentially Stormer with claw-arms on his back and somewhat chaotic leg armour. The former looks cool to me, the latter... does not. Building the set The building starts with attaching a piece to the back of his torso (Get used to this, because the majority of the sets I reviewed starts this way). Next are his legs, which get also shells (the left one is just empty to show how the legs look without the shells)... ...then his arms. Before Stormer gets his torso and head done, the instructions continue with his shield weapon. The build of this is relatively simple. Then it gets attached. Then we get to build his sword! Or at least the sword hilt. After putting that into his right hand, he gets his torso armour... ...and his head. Now it's time to say goodbye to the hollow back syndrome: Stormer gets his backpack! The backpack contains also the majority of the TECHNIC bits of this set, which also helps to make Stormer's build more interesting than that of most previous Hero Factory sets. Once completed, it gets attached to the piece we put on his torso at the very beginning of the build. The funny construction on Stormer's backpack are missile launchers, so it's time to build the missiles now. It's pretty basic though. Then, Stormer gets finally his epic sword done, and then we have... The finished set Stormer is ready to kick some alien slug butt (do alien slugs even have butts?). (oh yeah, right, spare parts) Design and playability And he looks just friggin' awesome while doing so. I humbly apologize that I actually didn't took any more pictures posing him, because I actually forgot to do so. But let me tell you, Stormer looks fantastic. Oddly enough, Stormer's design looks a lot like a down-sized Furno XL (they both use similiar styled weapons, have both a printed visor and a very strong knight-like look), but Stormer also carries (at least in my eyes) many elements of his past versions with him: His helmet is obviously inspired by his original design, the same goes for the design of his shield weapon, he wields a sword like the XL version, he got the bulk and mass of his 3.0 version and the missile launcher reminds me of the spear cannon of his 2.0 version (though that might be just because I built a Stormer-MOC who got his spear launchers shoulder-mounted). He also got of course the same amount of poseability like most other Hero Factory sets, and he can be posed to most parts any way you like him (his shoulders can get in the way sometimes, but it's just a tiny issue, really). My only complaint regarding his poseability would be the lower tip of his sword grip (the horn thing below his fist), which tends to fall out really easily when I accidently touch it while posing him. It's simply because the horn is relatively large for it's peg, so it comes off when it get bent (it's also made of a slightly softer plastic, similiar to that of the small horns on his chest armour). Thanks to his backpack, Stormer looks also good from behind. The rocket launcher on his back can be swiveled downwards if you like, though I think it looks better up (you can also easily detach it if you wish to do so). It is still pretty neat that it can be moved around, since that does not only makes it easier to pose Stormer's head, but also to aim with the flick-fired missiles as well. If you tilt the launcher a bit backwards, the missiles travel a longer distance. Time for a size comparison! Stormer is clearly taller (and more beefy in terms of parts) than the Scout-sized Breez, but he's slightly smaller than Eris (but I'm not sure in terms of parts, since I don't remember how many parts Eris got). Final thoughts Do you know that feeling when you start looking forward to a set because it looks really cool, but when you get it you realize that it's not just really cool, but totally mindblowing awesome instead? Because that's how I feel about Stormer. Brain Attack Stormer is easily the best incarnation of Stormer we've got so far, and he's also one of the greatest (regular-sized) heroes as well. Be it the parts he comes with, the build, his design, his play features - he does pretty much everything right. The somewhat loose lower part of his sword hilt might be his only issue, but it's one I can easily forgive, because Stormer is just so totally awesome. So as soon as Stormer hits the shelves of your local stores, go and buy him. He's definitely worth it. Edited July 8, 201311 yr by ZORK64
July 8, 201311 yr The flick-fire setup is moveable? Sold. I was on the fence about Stormer, mostly because all of his poses were kinda dopey, and he hearkens back to the monkey arms of BIONICLE yore. Also Stormer XL was tops. But I just might splurge for this new incarnation.
July 8, 201311 yr Hum, don't really like this Stormer, looks like a 2.0 Stormer, but a bit less good. His shield (?) reminds me his original arm he had in 2010. But he has a nice selection of parts. Anyway, thanks for the review, ZORK64.
July 8, 201311 yr Great review! Stormer's my favorite of the summer wave, can't wait to get him! I just wish they'd given him CHI pieces for the flick missiles like in the prelim images. I love that new head! I already see so much MOCing potential!
July 8, 201311 yr Author I was on the fence about Stormer, mostly because all of his poses were kinda dopey, and he hearkens back to the monkey arms of BIONICLE yore. His arms aren't actually that monkey-ish, since both his upper and lower arms are shorter than the respective leg pieces. I guess he gives off that monkey-arm vibe due to his very massive weaponry. Though I have to admit that I was never really bothered by the monkey arms some sets had. I prefer them also over short arms on backward placed shoulder joints, like Furno XL does.
July 8, 201311 yr Good review. In answer to a couple of your questions, yes, Transparent Light Blue was used in HF before (but just once, for the original Preston Stormer's two-colored ice weapon), and yes, that claw piece on his sword has been used before (but only this year, in various Legends of Chima sets). The new Preston Stormer set is a great design, with nice symmetry, a well-organized color scheme, lots of armor including back armor, and neat weapons. I'm not entirely happy with the helmet chiefly because of how narrow the eyeslit is, but I suppose it's better than having it extend out past the sides of the protective visor. His upper legs also feel kind of bony, though it works all right in the context of the finished model. I think if his back armor were attached a half module from his torso beam, rather than a full module, his torso would feel a lot more solid. But it's an easy fix. Thanks for the review!
July 8, 201311 yr It's a shame that the trans blue is a different color than the Bionicle sockets. Otherwise, this looks like a good set. Thanks for the review. Edited July 8, 201311 yr by SmoothJazz
July 8, 201311 yr Tempestivo means "on time" in Italian. I have no idea what it has to do with Stormer. Great review though, nice pictures!
July 8, 201311 yr Author Good review. In answer to a couple of your questions, yes, Transparent Light Blue was used in HF before (but just once, for the original Preston Stormer's two-colored ice weapon), and yes, that claw piece on his sword has been used before (but only this year, in various Legends of Chima sets). The first question was actually if not trans-blue itself is new to Hero Factory, but the trans-blue shells, my bad that I wasn't clearer on that. Anyway, thanks for your informative answer. I'd never expected that this trans-blue is the same as used in Stormer's original tool. Funnily, the only Chima set I own is Eris' Eagle Interceptor... which features a single claw piece in black. So that's the reason why that piece was so familiar to me. And thanks again for all the positive feedback on the review. I'm personally not too fond of the pictures because of the bright carpet and the general light on them. I had build my "photo station" someplace else for these reviews, and the light I used is much brighter and stronger than the one I usually prefer.
July 9, 201311 yr And thanks again for all the positive feedback on the review. I'm personally not too fond of the pictures because of the bright carpet and the general light on them. I had build my "photo station" someplace else for these reviews, and the light I used is much brighter and stronger than the one I usually prefer. Yes, review is great. I would like if Stormer had chi crystals on his rockets like in prototype, but whatever. About photographing: I found a big paper sheet, so whenever I try to get photos of some creation of mine, I pin that paper to the wall and voila, it looks like proffesional edited moc pics (but the quality of mocs and photos )
July 9, 201311 yr Tempestivo means "on time" in Italian. I have no idea what it has to do with Stormer. Great review though, nice pictures! That sure sounds Italian (and Google Translator detects it only as such), but I don't remember HF names ever getting Italian translations. Why Lego thinks a German buyer would be more interested in Italian translations than a Italian buyer would is beyond me.. maybe the store got the sets slated for the Italian market? There's only the Italian translation, no other languages.But Tempestivo isn't exactly how I'd translate Stormer. Yes, Tempesta means Storm, but tempestivo/a means something along the lines of what you said: on time, quick, highly receptive ("quick as lightning")?". The way I see it, Stormer means something like "The bringer of storms", so I would translate it as "Tempestatore". But even then, the verb tempestare has little to no relationship with weather, more like doing something many times, to the point it becomes annoying ("bombard with questions"="tempestare di domande"). Heck, let's say HF names shouldn't be translated at all: unless they sound cool, like Fire Lord/Senor del Fuego/Signore del Fuoco. Ahem, sorry for the rambling (aspiring translator right there). I thought it was fun to share. Anyway, glad you posted the helmet comparison, Zork. I thought the new helmet would have been bigger, but it's smaller instead- I guess it's because the visor makes up for it. But I think I live it better. I always thought Stormer's helmet looked too plain compared to the other Heroes' helmets. I was thinking to obtain another one so I can give it to Stormer XL. I agree this is the best Stormer so far- the flick missile launchers is the only thing I'd remove (and the usual ugly red axles, of course). I haven't decided if I like the sword yet, though. It looks good, but 1. a single-edged sword looks weird on a symmetrical hilt and 2. it looks too generic. A silver sword for an ice warrior? I would use a blue blade from Aquagon/Laval, but I'm not sure how tr. blue and tr. light blue (cladding) would clash together.
July 9, 201311 yr Thanks for the review! I agree that this iteration of Stormer is the best. I'm glad the backpack assembly is removable, it looks really out of place for me.
July 9, 201311 yr great review as always! as you said. this stormer is the coolest compared to his preview incarnation. and your review are able to make people fall for this set even more. so, what's next? the next review i mean.
July 9, 201311 yr Great review of a great set! I'm hoping to pick this guy up when the sets arrive here in Spain. So many neat piece for MOCing. Also, I have a question: Any idea why HF sets seem to be always more expensive in Spain? Because here small sets cost 11'99 €, medium ones, like this one cost 14'99 € and Chima sets cost 18'99 €. Does this happen anywhere else?
July 9, 201311 yr Great review of a great set! I'm hoping to pick this guy up when the sets arrive here in Spain. So many neat piece for MOCing. Also, I have a question: Any idea why HF sets seem to be always more expensive in Spain? Because here small sets cost 11'99 €, medium ones, like this one cost 14'99 € and Chima sets cost 18'99 €. Does this happen anywhere else? yes, it happens anywhere else. spain is not the only one. many other country also suffer from a lot higher price. my advice: buy it from online seller. many seller in bricklink sell them at more decent price.
July 9, 201311 yr European prices are all over the place. For example, in Italy small sets are 9 Euro and deluxe sets are 13 Euro, while in France the former are 10 Euro and the latter 12 Euro. In Germany, deluxe sets are 13 Euro like in Italy but small ones are 10 Euro like in France. I'm using S@H prices BTW. That being said, Darking, you mentioned that sets in Spain are more expensive, but over S@H they are priced like in Italy. It must be your store . Zork, I have a picture request if you don't mind: what about switching Stormer XL's and BA!Stormer's whole head/helmet (/visor) assemblies? Thanks in advance.
July 9, 201311 yr That sure sounds Italian (and Google Translator detects it only as such), but I don't remember HF names ever getting Italian translations. Why Lego thinks a German buyer would be more interested in Italian translations than a Italian buyer would is beyond me.. maybe the store got the sets slated for the Italian market? There's only the Italian translation, no other languages. But Tempestivo isn't exactly how I'd translate Stormer. Yes, Tempesta means Storm, but tempestivo/a means something along the lines of what you said: on time, quick, highly receptive ("quick as lightning")?". The way I see it, Stormer means something like "The bringer of storms", so I would translate it as "Tempestatore". But even then, the verb tempestare has little to no relationship with weather, more like doing something many times, to the point it becomes annoying ("bombard with questions"="tempestare di domande"). Heck, let's say HF names shouldn't be translated at all: unless they sound cool, like Fire Lord/Senor del Fuego/Signore del Fuoco. It's quite possible that instead of a direct translation or a word that specifically means something related to storms, this alternate name for Stormer is simply meant as a pun... kind of like the English-language names of the gym leaders in the Pokémon games. They might not MEAN anything directly related to their gym's preferred element, but the important thing is that they SOUND like a word related to that element. For example, the name "Brock" is from a surname derived from an Old English word for "badger", but the important thing is that it has the word "rock" in it, since he uses Rock-type Pokémon. I agree that Stormer's sword would probably be more exciting if it were in a more energetic color. I'd love to see what it would look like if you swapped it out for one of Laval's, though I don't know how well it would work since it'd add yet another color of transparent blue to his color scheme. Perhaps it'd work all right since it'd be translucent rather than the glassy transparency of Stormer's Tr. Light Blue parts.
July 9, 201311 yr Author so, what's next? the next review i mean. The next review I'll make is Frost Beast, since he was also requested. In fact, Frost Beast was requested even before Stormer, but I decided to review Stormer first because I was really looking forward to his set. European prices are all over the place. For example, in Italy small sets are 9 Euro and deluxe sets are 13 Euro, while in France the former are 10 Euro and the latter 12 Euro. In Germany, deluxe sets are 13 Euro like in Italy but small ones are 10 Euro like in France. I'm using S@H prices BTW. That being said, Darking, you mentioned that sets in Spain are more expensive, but over S@H they are priced like in Italy. It must be your store . Zork, I have a picture request if you don't mind: what about switching Stormer XL's and BA!Stormer's whole head/helmet (/visor) assemblies? Thanks in advance. I'm surprised that the European prices differ that much from region to region. Regarding your request: I'm sorry, but I already disassembled my Stormer XL last year. But I can put Stormer's regular helmet on the BA Stormer, if you wish. I agree that Stormer's sword would probably be more exciting if it were in a more energetic color. I'd love to see what it would look like if you swapped it out for one of Laval's, though I don't know how well it would work since it'd add yet another color of transparent blue to his color scheme. Perhaps it'd work all right since it'd be translucent rather than the glassy transparency of Stormer's Tr. Light Blue parts. Since I have Aquagon (who also got the blue swords like Laval), I can try the blade swap some time too.
July 10, 201311 yr Thanks Zork, but I was mainly interested in Stormer XL+ BA helmet/visor. Still, thanks. @Aanchir: I get what you mean. Translations should never be literal, especially in cases like this. It might be a pun, a nice one too, but I can guarantee you that a native Italian speaker will process tempestivo simply as "very quick" and nothing more. The weather phenomenon isn't even taken into account, though it obviously is the origin of the term. At this point, I feel a more liberal translation would have been better, maybe a word pertaining to ice. Still better than the terrible Italian names cosen for the Beast Wars toys. As for Stormer's sword, glad you agree with me. Luckily, the tr. blue of Laval's swords is much lighter than the one on regular plastic (e.g. cladding), just like tr. bright green looked much lighter, almost lime-like, on BA Rocka's sword. IMO, the swords don't look so bad next to tr. light blue cladding. I thought it looked tacky at first, but I think it's the brightness of yellow that throws you off. I think the two blues are going to look a lot nicer on a more muted colour scheme, like Stormer's white+silver.
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