August 30, 201410 yr As I posted on Brickset this morning, I have been reliably informed that the next modular will be a Detective Agency. £132.99, available 1st Jan 2015. So, that first info was right! I trust you!
August 30, 201410 yr Which one was 'lite' for you? I think he is referring to the Parisian Restaurant, and he is of course wrong. Smaller != lite. At least if it is as detailed as PR is.
August 30, 201410 yr I think he is referring to the Parisian Restaurant, and he is of course wrong. Smaller != lite. At least if it is as detailed as PR is. Uh, wrong and wrong. And I'll leave it at that.
August 30, 201410 yr A detective agency sounds cool, but I think we're missing a whole lot of more generic modulars that a "town" needs before a detective agency. A police department, a hospital... as far as using them for town building, a detective agency would never have even made it to my list.
August 30, 201410 yr Uh, wrong and wrong. And I'll leave it at that. Oh c'mon, spit it out! Edited August 30, 201410 yr by bjorn77
August 30, 201410 yr Yay, now we know what the building is called...guesses as to what it will look like? Of course I'm picturing 221 B Baker street, one of those white blocky buildings that are so common in Europe. I have a detective to go with it! (Don't know what the more basic creator minifigs will give us).
August 30, 201410 yr Can a detective agency fill a 32x32 baseplate? It doesn't seem like there would be a whole lot going on within a detective agency. Maybe a desk or two, some computers, some file cabinets, and a wall full of maps/pictures. I could see this being offered as two 16x32 modulars, one being a detective agency, and the other an apartment or something else. Several weeks ago there were rumors of a modular bank. I'd like to see a bank on the lower two levels, with a detective agency on the third. Edited August 30, 201410 yr by dhc6twinotter
August 30, 201410 yr God I hope this is true, that'd be pretty great. I'm wondering if it's going to be a 'Detective Agency' the same way the Pet Shop was a 'Pet Shop' - i.e. only part of the set was the shop. I'm hoping for a 40s art deco building rather than the Sherlock Holmes-inspired set some of you are speculating about - that would fit the vague time period of the modulars better imo.
August 30, 201410 yr God I hope this is true, that'd be pretty great. I'm wondering if it's going to be a 'Detective Agency' the same way the Pet Shop was a 'Pet Shop' - i.e. only part of the set was the shop. That's what I'm thinking; I just can't see how a detective agency could fill a full 32x32 modular building. Assuming the rumor is correct, I think it's going to either be two 16x32 buildings like the Pet Shop set or the agency will be one floor or part of a 32x32 building. I'm hoping for an Agatha Christie-inspired dectective office with Hercule Poirot! Edited August 30, 201410 yr by Bookworm
August 30, 201410 yr I'm in modular heaven! Dig: the idea of a 40's era Sam Spade pad for private dicks and femme fatales gives me goosebumps. Epic coolsville. On the other hand, a build based on a certain Baker St. residence sounds elementary. It wouldn't fit the style or the other modulars, though. But hey, I spent $150 on a pet shop based set. A detective agency would be a welcome edition to the collection. Edited August 31, 201410 yr by Colossus
August 31, 201410 yr That's what I'm thinking; I just can't see how a detective agency could fill a full 32x32 modular building. Assuming the rumor is correct, I think it's going to either be two 16x32 buildings like the Pet Shop set or the agency will be one floor or part of a 32x32 building. I'm hoping for an Agatha Christie-inspired dectective office with Hercule Poirot! I thought of it being more of kind of a forensic-lab style place, with a lab, some desks, and some other small things. Although I wouldn't mind if it was on 2 16x32 baseplates, it will give another building option.
August 31, 201410 yr Thinking about it, Detective Agency as a business doesn't really scream "Ground Floor" for me. Isn't the old-times cliché for these things that you go up a set of stairs, then through an anteroom, where the secretary has her desk, and then there's a door with a milky glass window, behind which the detective's office is located? Ground Floor might work aswell, but I'd prefer it if it was occupied by some other business. A laundromat maybe?
August 31, 201410 yr I know, I know, it's going to be Jim Rockford's trailer parked on a 32x32 empty lot! ;-) sorry, I couldn't resist! ;-)
August 31, 201410 yr I know, I know, it's going to be Jim Rockford's trailer parked on a 32x32 empty lot! ;-) sorry, I couldn't resist! ;-) That's just too damn funny! Made my day.
September 2, 201410 yr I posted an idea for a 3rd-floor walkup detective agency months ago. Chinese laundry on the ground floor and a lawyer's office in-between... Pretty sure I imagined two 16x32 buildings...
September 2, 201410 yr I posted an idea for a 3rd-floor walkup detective agency months ago. Chinese laundry on the ground floor and a lawyer's office in-between... Pretty sure I imagined two 16x32 buildings... So I wonder if there will be a Sam Spade character and a Maltese Falcon statue ?
September 2, 201410 yr Would it be out of character of a modular to have a play feature where there is a break-away wall section going from the Chinese laundry to the adjacent bank?
September 2, 201410 yr Nope. Such a thing happened a few years ago in a strip mall in my town. Thieves broke in through a Chinese food take out joint and then used the ceiling to access the mom and pop jewelry store next door. Lego could even include a blurb on the box saying, "Based on Real Events!" Edited September 2, 201410 yr by Colossus
September 2, 201410 yr Thinking about it, Detective Agency as a business doesn't really scream "Ground Floor" for me. Isn't the old-times cliché for these things that you go up a set of stairs, then through an anteroom, where the secretary has her desk, and then there's a door with a milky glass window, behind which the detective's office is located? Ground Floor might work aswell, but I'd prefer it if it was occupied by some other business. A laundromat maybe? This is about what I was thinking. Having the anteroom and then the office proper would be difficult to do in a 16x32 arrangement, however the 32x32 would be easily no problem. My guess is we will not get the Pet Shop type split. However, it is reasonable to think that there could be a ground floor business of some other type. For some reason, when I think of detective agencies, I think of flashing neon signs in seedy parts of town.
September 2, 201410 yr If there would be separate businesses on the different floors (which I'd love), how would entrance access be solved? A stairwell on the back? An elevator? Something else? Edited September 2, 201410 yr by bjorn77
September 2, 201410 yr I will be interested to see if this rumor comes to fruition...Detective could even go back to the famous Pinkerton's in the late 1800's in the US, but I see a seedy place much like what has been described, a pretty secretary out front, a smoking cigar with a slow moving fan in the office with a big private dick at a desk and of course, the Hollywood damsel telling the story, file cabinets and old food laying around, newspapers from the last year in a corner...pretty cliché really, tons of movies done with this exact scenario. Usually they were upstairs and they never seemed to show what was on the ground floor. I am not sure this is a Lego set in this vein, fun to speculate though.
September 2, 201410 yr I only hope that Jamie is the designer of this one, not Astrid... Do you not like Astrid's buildings?
September 2, 201410 yr I only hope that Jamie is the designer of this one, not Astrid... See, I like Astrid's stuff too. Based on design style, I would think that a detective agency would be right up Astid's alley. Edited September 2, 201410 yr by Colossus
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