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I want the advice of the combined wisdom of the Eurobricks members.

Last year I got the Parisian Restaurant for my birthday and I am going to buy a new modular set to go with it. Does the Pet Shop or the Detective Agency sit next to the Parisian Restaurant better?

I like the external look of the Pet Shop but the interior seems rather empty compared to the Parisian Restaurant. The interior of the Detective Agency looks great, especially the ground floor, but will it look out of place next to the Restaurant set?

Decisions, decisions!

I agree that you should definitely get the Pet Shop first. Rumor has it that the PS will be disappearing soon, but the Detective's Office should be around for a while since it just came out this year. I also think the PS is a better set overall than the DO; the two 16-wide buildings break up the monotony of a modular street very well and the set has some great details. In my opinion, the PS matches the Parisian Restaurant perfectly. I have both the PS and PR, and they look ideal together – both quite elegant and European-inspired. The DO looks like an American building from the early 1900's to me, so I think it clashes somewhat with the PR.

Ya know, I do have some problems with differentiating between subtle differences in colors. However, I have no use for the outlines used to show you where the bricks go. If I recall correctly, the individual bags in Tower Bridge weren't even numbered. I don't mind that either. I can appreciate the problems with color differentiation, but some of the complaints elsewhere on the Internet sound as if they want so many clues that Lego might as well ship the item per-assembled. Part of the Lego experience is the sort and figuring out the assembly.

I am color blind, but enjoy building all of the sets, especially the modular, I am blessed to have a loving wife of 35 years who finds the right parts for me.

It.wouldn't be difficult for Lego to print all the colors across the top of the page so we can tell the greys and blacks apart, as well as the maroons/browns and other easily mistakable colors. That's not asking too much.

That's the new mold for those fences. TLG doesn't distinguish between them, so when they run out of stock of the fences they originally used in the Pet Shop, they start using the new mold with four studs on top.

In my PS (bought when it was first released) it is the old style of that part.

But indeed I noticed that part change for the PR :


Ya know, I do have some problems with differentiating between subtle differences in colors. However, I have no use for the outlines used to show you where the bricks go. If I recall correctly, the individual bags in Tower Bridge weren't even numbered. I don't mind that either. I can appreciate the problems with color differentiation, but some of the complaints elsewhere on the Internet sound as if they want so many clues that Lego might as well ship the item per-assembled. Part of the Lego experience is the sort and figuring out the assembly.

I am color blind, but enjoy building all of the sets, especially the modular, I am blessed to have a loving wife of 35 years who finds the right parts for me.

I know what you mean about colors. My difficulty is when it is hard to differentiate the brick color from the background.

Hmmm... Married 35 years, it seems that you should be in the old timers group. Can someone thank care of this?

Andy D

I build with my 6 year old son, or should i say he builds, and I hunt down the parts for him. What I will say is:

1- I like the numbered bags. To build something like the Lego Creator Bike and Coffee shop that has over 1000 pieces, without numbered bags becomes a task. Just separating by color will take a good 30 minutes to do. Then finding the correct piece takes a bit to do as if you don't have a big enough space you end up with a pile of pieces. I usually use a smaller table for builds. With anything not numbered for 1,000+ piece builds, you gotta use a big table. So I appreciate the numbered bags.

2- Personally I am not crazy about the outlines in the pictures. I know that my wife is not great at the pictures, so it will help some one like her. But I think Lego is a learning toy. For my 6 year old, it teaches him problem solving skills. I think the outline on the instructions takes away from that learning. I know it will speed up the build process for him. But like everything else in life, it is the journey that is important, not only the destination. So I would prefer those not to be there. I think it takes away a lot from the experience.

At this point, with the technology that is available, I wouldn't mind if Lego had instructions without those red lines available for PDF download.

I could see the reason for using the red outlines though. It opens Lego to a whole new market of people like my wife.

which is better, Palace Cinema or Parisian Restaurant ? :classic:

which is better, Palace Cinema or Parisian Restaurant ? :classic:

For me Parisian Restaurant is better because there is more detail.

"which is better" - that's a loaded question. Some will like the Palace over the Parisian and vice a versa.

I like them both for different reasons. I live near Hollywood so the Palace is nice as it pays homage to the Chinese Theatre. Ive been to Paris so the Parisian reminds me of that

trip and all its wonderful memories. Really don't think one is better than the other to put it shortly. Get the one You like and you can't go wrong. Or even better get them both if you can!

If you'll want both eventually then get the PC first since it should disappear faster. It all depends on your street as well - do you want a corner building? In theory, the next one will be a corner building... I like both but felt like I needed to add a bit to the interior of the cinema.

which is better, Palace Cinema or Parisian Restaurant ? :classic:

Personal preference means there is no correct answer.

which is better, Palace Cinema or Parisian Restaurant ? :classic:

I agree with other posters that it's down to personal preference and both have their advantages, however I found the Parisian Restaurant a much more satisfying and varied build - with more delightful details and inspiring interiors. I think aesthetically the Parisian Restaurant wins out for me overall.

I went to Legoland Billund during Easter and was planning to buy the DO. To my surprise they had 2 TH and several PS in the store, so I came home with those 2 sets instead! Since I already had a PS, I built the TH and really enjoyed the build.

I've been slowly getting back to Lego i recent years as my kids got into the Friends line. My wife got me the bike shop for my last birthday, and soon thereafter I bought the PS and now there's no way back. I have an unbuilt PR and my second PS to keep my busy for a while. Good times. :-)

I went to Legoland Billund during Easter and was planning to buy the DO. To my surprise they had 2 TH and several PS in the store, so I came home with those 2 sets instead! Since I already had a PS, I built the TH and really enjoyed the build.

Lucky find on the TH. I missed out on getting a second one when it was still available, now I only have one :sceptic:

If I saw two of them for regular retail price somewhere, I'd get them both.

Lucky find on the TH. I missed out on getting a second one when it was still available, now I only have one :sceptic:

If I saw two of them for regular retail price somewhere, I'd get them both.

Yes, now I wish I had 2 THs, but with my kids and wife also there I had to restrain myself just a little.

I've been trying to do a decent MOC modular to go with my official ones, but find that I lack the proper parts to make it work. Hopefully that second PS will help. I plan to mirror build the townhouse, but the shop I'll probably use for parts. The PC is the one available modular that I don't feel a need to get, except maybe just for the parts. Is the PC a good set in that regard?

Palace Cinema is my least favorite modular- I have them all since and including Grand Emporium.

So, we think it's a corner building. It will certainly have lots of detail, interior and exterior as recent builds have been and almost certainly won't be a reproduction of a previous modular.

Does anyone have any concrete info that gives clues as to what it will be next?

And not just what you'd like it to be.

Does anyone have any concrete info that gives clues as to what it will be next?

Since the design for the next modular building should be finished by now in Billund, there must certainly be a number of people who have concrete info. But they cannot share this info with you. So be patient, there's no use in asking for it; when someone wants to share cq. leak some info he will do it when he thinks the time is right.

My fences are same as the manual with 2 studs. Biught the set from Europe, do it is European Verizon

For me Parisian Restaurant is better because there is more detail.

"which is better" - that's a loaded question. Some will like the Palace over the Parisian and vice a versa.

I like them both for different reasons. I live near Hollywood so the Palace is nice as it pays homage to the Chinese Theatre. Ive been to Paris so the Parisian reminds me of that

trip and all its wonderful memories. Really don't think one is better than the other to put it shortly. Get the one You like and you can't go wrong. Or even better get them both if you can!

If you'll want both eventually then get the PC first since it should disappear faster. It all depends on your street as well - do you want a corner building? In theory, the next one will be a corner building... I like both but felt like I needed to add a bit to the interior of the cinema.

Personal preference means there is no correct answer.

I agree with other posters that it's down to personal preference and both have their advantages, however I found the Parisian Restaurant a much more satisfying and varied build - with more delightful details and inspiring interiors. I think aesthetically the Parisian Restaurant wins out for me overall.

Thanks for advices, yes i already decided, and i've just bought both of them :)

I have Hurd from a vary reliable source (lego employee and on the lego world council)

That lego have the next 4 or 5 modulars done sat on a shelf somewhere!!!!!

I did ask what they were but no info, he's tight lipped ( said his job wasn't worth it)

But he did sqworm when I pushed him on library and museum and dentist

Sent from my iPad

On 12 Apr 2015, at 10:41 pm, "Eurobricks Forums" <eurobricks@gmail.com> wrote:


alois has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "Modular Buildings - Rumours and Discussion".


------------ QUOTE ----------

Does anyone have any concrete info that gives clues as to what it will be next?


Since the design for the next modular building should be finished by now in Billund, there must certainly be a number of people who have concrete info. But they cannot share this info with you. So be patient, there's no use in asking for it; when someone wants to share cq. leak some info he will do it when he thinks the time is right.


The topic can be found here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=84574&view=getnewpost

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I have Hurd from a vary reliable source (lego employee and on the lego world council)

That lego have the next 4 or 5 modulars done sat on a shelf somewhere!!!!!

I did ask what they were but no info, he's tight lipped ( said his job wasn't worth it)

But he did sqworm when I pushed him on library and museum and dentist

And my favourite modulars are green grocer and cafe corner and parisian restaurant

Sent from my iPad

On 12 Apr 2015, at 10:41 pm, "Eurobricks Forums" <eurobricks@gmail.com> wrote:


alois has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "Modular Buildings - Rumours and Discussion".


------------ QUOTE ----------

Does anyone have any concrete info that gives clues as to what it will be next?


Since the design for the next modular building should be finished by now in Billund, there must certainly be a number of people who have concrete info. But they cannot share this info with you. So be patient, there's no use in asking for it; when someone wants to share cq. leak some info he will do it when he thinks the time is right.


The topic can be found here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=84574&view=getnewpost

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I have Hurd from a vary reliable source (lego employee and on the lego world council)

That lego have the next 4 or 5 modulars done sat on a shelf somewhere!!!!!

I did ask what they were but no info, he's tight lipped ( said his job wasn't worth it)

But he did sqworm when I pushed him on library and museum and dentist

Sent from my iPad

On 12 Apr 2015, at 10:41 pm, "Eurobricks Forums" <eurobricks@gmail.com> wrote:


alois has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "Modular Buildings - Rumours and Discussion".


------------ QUOTE ----------

Does anyone have any concrete info that gives clues as to what it will be next?


Since the design for the next modular building should be finished by now in Billund, there must certainly be a number of people who have concrete info. But they cannot share this info with you. So be patient, there's no use in asking for it; when someone wants to share cq. leak some info he will do it when he thinks the time is right.


The topic can be found here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=84574&view=getnewpost

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Library, museum and dentist... Hmm, interesting!

I've read the rumour before: that LEGO has the next couple of modulars already lined up.

Just because they have 4 or 5 ready, those might only be prototypes......best to wait and see.

My bet is on museum, because museum ideas project is very popular amongst afols.Only question is when...

If they choose museum, I think that price and dimension will be as town hall.

I really hope the museum from Lego Ideas makes it to the market and then hopefully we get to see 2 modulars in one year (with another regular 'Lego creator expert' modular that same year).

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