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"Pretty Sweet" you say *sick*

Well if you like big cheesy dinos made of 3 bricks, Alpha Team dudes with their macho weapons, really big vehicles, I guess its alright then.

Actually I think that only 2 sets are OK: the buggy and ATV.

But for me I don't care because their not coming to Europe.

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honestly, i think we've got a "dino overkill" on our hands. this is, i don't know, third? fourth? theme with dinos in how many years? two?, three?

seems to me that the lego guys have depleted their creativity source...

and it's getting difficult to even distinguish these sets from other typical dino toys...

a dutch member of de bouwsteen suggested Jan Beyer to set up "historical" themes, like Romans,... Beyer said he would give the message to the designers. let's just hope that they pick it up...


well, xwingyoda, im a male, so yes i like big guns and big vehicles. and since they arent even going to europe, what do you care. and how many bricks do you expect them to make the Dinos out of? if they were made outta bricks, they'd look retarded and kids wouldn't be able to play with them since they would break everytime you made a sudden movement with them.


Relax there, I was not attacking you!! (I was just being sarcastic :-D )

It's just that I do not like dino lines, that's all!!

I'm a guy too and I do understand your point of view about weapons. I really would enjoy a WWII theme: Imagine building D-Day or Stalingrad!!!


That wouldnt make it in Europe. At least not in Germany for sure (second largest market for lego). I doubt France is ready either but UK I don't know. This subject is 60 years old but still sensitive around here


It's still fairly sensitive around here as well. There were a lot of terrible things done in WWII, and it's still too close in history to repeat as a toy. Can you fathom seeing LEGO put out a little flag with a swastika on it?

I think a better line would be a customizable 'Army' line. Release little troop packages (maybe 10 figures with some accessories) for each major army in the world, and then release generic tanks, jeeps, bombers, etc. with decals for all the different nationalities, so that you can build whichever army you like.


what about no army at all ? Lego si a constructive toy, not a destructive one ! I survived 20 years without a lego gun and i don't feel the need for it. The big wars were for past and future, not present *satis*


OK, I think we all get the point: NO army at all ;)

Therefore I have a suggestion: a Peace and Love Woodsstock theme :-D

Imagine flower vans, hippies minifigs, a Hendrix minifig playing on stage!!!!! AWSOME


people seem to forget that the UN also uses tanks, armoured vehicles and weapons, to preserve law and order, protect the weak,... "violence" in itself isn't good or bad, it's neutral. It's HOW you approach violence. you can use a gun to protect your family in a life threatening situation or you can rob a bank with it. i think tlc would be able to produce sets in which the focus is not the negative aspect of violence, but the positive. unfortunately, tlc would have to communicate and explain this to the customers (parents AND children) extremely well, and we all know that communication is not TLC's strongest point.

in my view, tlc should be able to release "UN sets", where the focus is not so much on the tanks, guns,... but on how you can use those to do positive things. i can see a set with a huge human aid tent where people are being treated by medics, and protected by smiling soldiers in humvees or so... the "smiling" seems to be extremely important. TLC gets complaints from parents that the new faces are far too aggressive.

In any case, TLC can't go any further than that. there simply would be too much protest from parents. let's not forget that TLC has always taken a very strong moral ground against violence. changing now would give major image problems.


my guess is:

because mega blocks and others don't carry the lego legacy. they're a new breed of construction toys, based in a modern society that is very familiar with violence; they don't claim to be the protector of certain moral values, as TLC has always done. they don't "feel" they have to protect children against the violence in the world. TLC does...

there's also a market that demands militairy units. tlc refuses to fill the gap, so newcomers will.

it seems to me that tlc thinks that "conflict" is a natural thing, but "violence" isn't. so they're accepting the concept of "conflict", all their themes are conflict-based, but they ignore "violence". according to Jake, violence means blowing people's head off, blood spilling all over the place, bodyparts flying around,... and according to Jake (and in extension TLC), lego should stay away from this as far as possible... and because guns lead to violence...

in my view, violence is an instrument that can be used in a conflict. if you use it wisely, it might influence the conflict in a positive way. violence and conflict are therefor linked to each other. tlc doesn't see it that way...


Pretty good guess!!

Who cares about that crappy rip-of (I don't want to be too much out of topic, especially having a forum on this...)

OK I'll settle for only non violance sets!!

Anyway, a UN theme would be boring (white and blue vehicles, no weapons, blue helmets minifigs...).


why do you think there is no UN-theme... why do you think kids would customise UN tanks into real tanks.... right! because it is boring! *sing*


Those crappy dinos with their light up eyes might wake you up!!!! You will fear for your life and then....coming from nowhere.....stupid dino alphateam with their HUGE copter and crappy tank will save the day (we all hope!!!!). :-D

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