July 16, 201311 yr The Flash, official, and the Riddler with a proper green hat....! MUST BUY! And if I'm not wrong, the Riddler's wearing a suit...
July 16, 201311 yr Author Yeah, I'm starting to think this version of the Riddler is from the show, thus the wardrobe change.
July 16, 201311 yr Just noticed the metallic gold, not yellow wheels. I wonder if it's going to shift slowly out of the comics...The only thing they needed was to give Riddler a proper cane. Maybe we'll see one? And I don't want to know why Riddler is holding a banana and his arm is so weird. EDIT: If they're going back to the shows, that would be really interesting. But I don't want third versions of all the villains yet. Mad Hatter, Killer Croc (redesign, of course), and Clayface or Killer Moth first...I hope LEGO is doing some new villains next year. Edited July 16, 201311 yr by 8BrickMario
July 16, 201311 yr So is that picture all we see of the set or will we see some box art/close ups or similar. As i don't like that picture very much, But that may just be me being fussy
July 16, 201311 yr Phew, I'm not sure what it is but that one just isn't very exciting. Anyway I cannot wait for more pics to emerge
July 16, 201311 yr A render that is a step away from LDD is bound to be less interesting. You can't see anything behind Riddler clearly, anyway. I am really really hoping that he comes with a proper cane mold, and, no, LEGO, a gold crowbar won't cut it. I definitely like what little of the new Riddler I can see better than muscular greyhat.
July 16, 201311 yr Maybe the banana is part if the "story" for the set: Oh no! The Riddler has cast a banana onto the street and now The Flash has fallen over and broken his ankle. Help Batman jump in his speedy Batmobile and race to The Flash's rescue.
July 16, 201311 yr The Flash! I don't care about the set, it's really just him I care about, so I'll probably get him off Ebay, as I already have the Batmobile, and one Batman vehicle is enough for me.
July 16, 201311 yr Phew, I'm not sure what it is but that one just isn't very exciting. Anyway I cannot wait for more pics to emerge That makes two of us. I want to see that riddler figure. I also want to see flash and the new batman variant and a pic of the car with the back bit down!
July 16, 201311 yr That makes two of us. I want to see that riddler figure. I also want to see flash and the new batman variant and a pic of the car with the back bit down! I didn't even think about new batman, But now that you mention it what sort of batman is it likely to be. Im hoping for a dark one with less no gold/yellow.EDIT- Also riddler looks comic style (like here http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090501191661/batman/images/6/60/Riddler_009.jpg) So it is likely batman will be too. Edited July 16, 201311 yr by The Joker1
July 16, 201311 yr The banana might be part of an elaborate riddle and a clue the intrepid heroes were chasing after..!
July 16, 201311 yr I didn't even think about new batman, But now that you mention it what sort of batman is it likely to be. Im hoping for a dark one with less no gold/yellow. EDIT- Also riddler looks comic style (like here http://images2.wikia...Riddler_009.jpg) So it is likely batman will be too. I have reason to believe judging by what we can see of him in the cockpit and the design of the batmobile that those two features are based on "BEWARE THE BATMAN" a new animated television computer generated series that premiered on US television last week. I managed to catch an episode of it on yt and was impressed the only thing I disliked were the villains! Batman himself looks awesome. I posted a picture back a page of what he looks like and judging by the gold utility belt and black symbol which is that design. I hope that is a suit the riddler is wearing. I love the bowler hat. Please give us a Lego cane in gold Lego!!! If these are loosely based then the credits symbol log would be cool to see on the box as it looks very cool and is very reminiscent of btas.: Edited July 16, 201311 yr by legofreak86
July 16, 201311 yr Just noticed the metallic gold, not yellow wheels. I wonder if it's going to shift slowly out of the comics...The only thing they needed was to give Riddler a proper cane. Maybe we'll see one? And I don't want to know why Riddler is holding a banana and his arm is so weird. EDIT: If they're going back to the shows, that would be really interesting. But I don't want third versions of all the villains yet. Mad Hatter, Killer Croc (redesign, of course), and Clayface or Killer Moth first...I hope LEGO is doing some new villains next year. I agree with the new villians thing, you'd figure lego would have made a couple new ones by now, but we only received some decent redesigns. To me this set doesn't look like a must have, but I may purchase it a couple months after it's released. Edited July 16, 201311 yr by Darth Nader
July 16, 201311 yr If that torso for the Riddler is his suit jacket, then I'm sold. Funhouse Riddler was an improvement over the original, but I've never quite got the muscly torso in bodysuit look. And a green bowler hat is perfect. I quite liked the Flash in the game, even his bucket helmet, and was lucky enough to get one of Christo's as a gift, so I'm less fussed about his inclusion in this set than I otherwise would be. That said, it's a good sign for the eventual arrival of GL and others, and gives hope to those of us keen to get over-looked characters like Clayface, Mad Hatter and Batgirl. Do we "need" a new Batmobile? No. Do I think it would have been better if TLG had made it into a Nightwingmobile or Batgirlmobile instead? Yes. Will my kids think it's a good set anyway? Yes, they'll love having another Batmobile to chase the dragster around the house and they'll think Flash sliding on the banana is funny. Would most kids their age prefer it to a Nightwingmobile or Batgirlmobile? Yes. Are they the target audience? Er, yes.
July 16, 201311 yr Oh, I forgot how badly we needed a new Nightwing (with either Snape or the CMF S1 Skater's hair, of course) and Batgirl (Barbara, preferably, with a new mask/hair piece)! Yes, if we see those two Bat-family members (and Alfred, too, almost forgot him), 2014 will be the year of DC Super Heroes. Edited July 16, 201311 yr by 8BrickMario
July 16, 201311 yr Well, it seems likely that having a Batmobile in a regular set spells certain doom for the Batmobile currently under cuusoo review. A Tumbler in a different color and design is available. A Batmobile was already a set in 2012. You just now think that? Not sure if and why one need another batmobile and I don´t like the dragster (maybe there will be some improvement if this is not the final version), but I´m all in for the long awaited Flash-Minifigure and Riddler´s new hat. Here ´s also some hope there will be a new Batman - torso. Riddler is this new less limey green and with this weird jacket instead of a suit he is even more useless than grey melon Riddler from Jokers Funhouse. If it were at least a regular green I could have put the melon on my old Western guy with a green suit (which would have been patethic anyway). I expected them to do Riddler in a serious outfit with the fourth release but well just wait for the FIFTH when he will get red Joker hair and Jim Carreys jumpsuit! Batman maybe makes for a good alternate Nolanman with this logo and black torso. I hope. Because he will certainly in every set and I am not interested in making displays for BtB. Interesting set. I thought it was fake at first simply because it does look fake, but I guess it's real. Not a huge fan of the Vehicals especially for 30$, but the Riddler has new printing and all I can really say about this set is THE FLASH!!!! Hope to see more pictures very soon! I remember a time in March or April where somebody posted the same pic (just even smaller and crappier in quality) and everyone laughed him off because the set had a way to crap design to be real. Ah, good times. Really funny how many of you eat this up when it suddenly is confirmed to be a real design. Plus, I do want to point out that Beware the Batman just started this past Saturday (US), so by the time the sets come out, the first season will be over and be in an off period--so that doesn't seem like a good time to release sets on a show that's not on currently airing. Of course, like I said in the 2013 thread, I really don't care who the bat in the mobile turns out to be, since we have Flash. CN likes to make mid season hiatuses for no reason other than to kill their shwos ratings so I wouldn´t be surprised to see a commercial for it while watching episode 17. Also, Ultimate Spider-Man started in April, got its first set in August (which was exclusive) and two other sets in January. In a word, glorious. For the Flash, that is. Not overly impressed with the rest of the set; I would've loved a new villain. Ten years from now, every time TLG gives us a weak set with a must-have minifig we'll all knowingly refer to it as "the Riddler Chase Effect." I like the sound of it. Riddler Chase Effect… Like it´s the name of some physician. And I really like that we chose this set because it perfectly illustrates how useless the main content is. Flash is (popularity wise and literally) so good that he can keep up with Batman and an A-List villain (who need additional machinery) completely on his own and even surpasses them in the race which part of the content of the set is the reason for customers to buy it. It is the perfect proof of DCs or LEGOs failings to actually produce something that people want to buy because they desperately cling to the belief that Batman is the only popular DC character when it was already proofed wrong for years and years in a row. Just because of that one movie. Just because LEGO picked the worst time for their original Batman line. I think (as usual) the level of cynicism is predictably high. Lego is pretty famous for making superhero sets involving two opposing vehicles. A good guy car Vs. a bad guy car is not out of left field. I think both rides feature some terrific SNOT work compared to some of the original Batman sets *and* you get a Flash..! Yes, it was to be expected that we get a crappy car as wide as the street plates but like every year everyone just hopes that LEGO maybe finally got it this time and makes part of the scenery or maybe gives the villain the bigger vehicle for once. Does that mean Alfred will have a bowler hat a suit and no bowtie or beard/moustache and look like a retired James bond? If so... awesome! This could mean Alfred is fighting in one of the sets with bats. Man, I hope not. I finally want an Alfred head with grey hair. 2006 Alfred was already based on The Batman where he was way younger and bowlers and waistcoats can already be bought in enough other sets and through CMFs. Now why are quite a few people complaining about the dragster and the latest addition to the Bat's collection of vehicles......if you don't like it....pimp it or totally change them into other vehicles for the Riddler and Bat's to drive ? Remember the target group for these are 10 to 12 year olds......not 20-30-40-something's......and yeah, 40-something's (I'm 45 next month). You know what would be great? When they would use a vehicle that would fit Riddler without me doing a complete design overhaul. Like something he actually had in a show, film or oh… but he never had any vehicles… because he is the goddamn Riddler, who riddles people and puts them into labyrinths or other traps… because he is not a vehicle oriented weirdo going amok. Oh but Fenson you silly nilly old grumpy bull. Kids love vehicles, so just stop spitting your rotten teeth into my face and get yourself some good dentures instead of wasting it all on childrens toys you hate so much. Nope. I was a kid. I hated it back then. A good playset with scenery functions is better than an armada of weird looking cars and every time one was released it felt like christmas… because they only ever released one in the Star Wars line per year if I was lucky and always got it for christmas… http://www.brickhero...arrive-en-2014/ Maybe true? I don´t know who exactly would earn a BRAVO from me so I will just do it for both of them. BRAVO DC! BRAVO LEGO! It´s really a great idea to instead of making a line about your only current project just do the same line that you did before with even crappier looking Bat-vehicles inspired by your only project. Really, I would never have gotten the idea to just take Beware the Batman and give him a Justice Leaguer and a known Batman villain with an unfitting vehicle. It´s just against every single goal of the show (making Batman working alone interesting, again and not relying on the same old faces all the time, again). I am not complaining about getting another hero than Batman from DC, one of the two big names in the Cape comic biussness, it´s more about WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE BATMAN AGAIN WHEN NOW EVEN YOU HATE THIS GUY? I mean, it´s obvious you hate your own show and have to work around its premise to even make decent merchandise (not good, decent), so why not just cancel any merchandise for Beware the Batman and give us Justice League? It´s not like Beware the Batman will even last longer than a season or two, so why even bother? And really? Four sets with Riddler already and we still have no Question mark cane? And you use bananas and crowbars as a substitute? At least I think the banana is a substitute, it can very well also be because this is Mario Cart but people already made enough jokes about that. I also wouldn´t have expected a dragster for you. But then again, who drives dragsters anyway? I don´t even know if those things are a real thing, I only ever see them used by LEGO when they feel like not being able to use cars and quad bikes. Doesn´t seem like a good vehicle for the situation if we use real world logic since the front wheels can´t be steered and the small mass and strong motor will probably make it way to fast for anybody who isn´t a good race driver, which is also not a territory of Riddler and more something for the Sportsmaster. At least I like the Flash. The yellow boots would have been nice but it doesn´t come off as too red for me. Right now at least, I bet I can squeeze some hatred for him out of my Fedora when I concentrate a little more. Best thing about him is probably the mask, I can already see it being reused for the new Captain America movie, the design seems to be based very much on the MCU movies. I hope it comes in dark blue and not in black, like some of the set pics make his costume look like, so I can give it to my 2012 Avengers Cap WHO NEVER SHOULD HAVE JUST HAD A PRINTED HEAD IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHY COULDN`T YOU JUST HAVE MADE THAT MOLD RIGHT THEN? Edited July 16, 201311 yr by Navy Trooper Fenson
July 16, 201311 yr I have reason to believe judging by what we can see of him in the cockpit and the design of the batmobile that those two features are based on "BEWARE THE BATMAN" a new animated television computer generated series that premiered on US television last week. I managed to catch an episode of it on yt and was impressed the only thing I disliked were the villains! Batman himself looks awesome. I posted a picture back a page of what he looks like and judging by the gold utility belt and black symbol which is that design. I hope that is a suit the riddler is wearing. I love the bowler hat. Please give us a Lego cane in gold Lego!!! If these are loosely based then the credits symbol log would be cool to see on the box as it looks very cool and is very reminiscent of btas.: Ahh now i see, Im not too familiar with the series being a fellow brit but it sounds good. I too am hoping for a gold cane just to complete that classic riddler image. I am glad to see your batman picture has minimal yellowing and has a black chest sign. Anyway here is the flash (He is running very fast so is a bit fuzzy) The_flash_minifigure by Legocollecter123, on Flickr Edited July 16, 201311 yr by The Joker1
July 16, 201311 yr The reason I got all of the DC Super Heroes sets (excluding the TDKR set, movie variations don't interest me) was the villains. They are/were extremely well designed, colorful, and fun, and the Riddler's definitely got an improvement. I can't wait to see a closeup of him, and he has a new face as well. Sorry, muscular Riddler, but the suited green-hatted version is much better. And I cannot express more how much he needs a proper cane... I can't wait to see the other villains and sets (and if Nightwing, Alfred, and Barbara Batgirl are in it, those are must-haves, too). I just know when I see the new stuff from the SDCC unveilings, all of the current sets will be meaningless to me. And that render still bothers me due to E. Nygma's messed-up arm. It's discolored and in an impossible position...this topic, anyone? I apologize for sounding like I belong in Arkham over this, but I'm excited. The possibilities! EDIT:Hmm...The Flash's mask seems odd to me, maybe because I'm so used to seeing the custom and video game mask with closed bottom. Edited July 16, 201311 yr by 8BrickMario
July 16, 201311 yr Forgive me, as obviously there are plenty here who think otherwise, but... I just don't get the whole need for Nightwing. No, I don't read Batman comics and certainly admit I could be missing something great with the character, but there are SO MANY other DC heroes I'd like to see get the minifig treatment first. With the Flash now confirmed, there's no one I'd rather see more than a certain, ahem, Thanagarian, as it were.
July 16, 201311 yr Forgive me, as obviously there are plenty here who think otherwise, but... I just don't get the whole need for Nightwing. No, I don't read Batman comics and certainly admit I could be missing something great with the character, but there are SO MANY other DC heroes I'd like to see get the minifig treatment first. With the Flash now confirmed, there's no one I'd rather see more than a certain, ahem, Thanagarian, as it were. I personally agree with you, I feel people want him as those who missed arkham 1 feel cheated that they would need to spend £25 or more on just one figure, So it is really more to do with angry people than want for the figure .
July 16, 201311 yr Ahh now i see, Im not too familiar with the series being a fellow brit but it sounds good. I too am hoping for a gold cane just to complete that classic riddler image. I am glad to see your batman picture has minimal yellowing and has a black chest sign. Anyway here is the flash (He is running very fast so is a bit fuzzy) The_flash_minifigure by Legocollecter123, on Flickr Just thought people are saying that riddler's arms are different colour to torso perhaps he is wearing a waistcoat? Or a body warmer . I was kidding on the second one there... Or was I.... I personally agree with you, I feel people want him as those who missed arkham 1 feel cheated that they would need to spend £25 or more on just one figure, So it is really more to do with angry people than want for the figure . Yeah I missed arkham 1 but I more want to see batgirl and Alfred and villains like croc, al ghul, man bat etc. than Nightwing. C'mon Lego we need some new design or variation of Alfred! Huh the quiz TV show that's on in the background (can't be asked to turn off television) just had a question on what is the riddler's real alias ,the silly woman went for the option Harley Quinn!!! Edited July 16, 201311 yr by legofreak86
July 16, 201311 yr Forgive me, as obviously there are plenty here who think otherwise, but... I just don't get the whole need for Nightwing. No, I don't read Batman comics and certainly admit I could be missing something great with the character, but there are SO MANY other DC heroes I'd like to see get the minifig treatment first. With the Flash now confirmed, there's no one I'd rather see more than a certain, ahem, Thanagarian, as it were. Nightwing is one of DCs most important characters for a number of reasons, the first being that he has aged. He's one of the few characters who started as a child and now is about 24. He's been to college and moved on from being the original Robin. When he left Batman he went and hung around with Superman who told him the legend of Nightwing ( a Kryptonian vigilante ). Dick Grayson adopted the name and became a Superhero in his own right. With many fans seeing him age and develop from a secondary character to what is now considered a main character, is very appealing to fans. In fact today he only really visits Gotham, and travels America. He has also taken the Batman mantel from Bruce, and was the leader of the Teen Titans, the Outsiders and was a Justice League member for a while as well. He's very important to DC and many Fans. Personally he's my favourite Superhero, so I want to see him no matter what.
July 16, 201311 yr I personally agree with you, I feel people want him as those who missed arkham 1 feel cheated that they would need to spend £25 or more on just one figure, So it is really more to do with angry people than want for the figure . That certainly is some of the reason I want him. The main reason for me is that I feel he's an important member of the bat family. I just feel that the bat family is incomplete without him. Without him and Batgirl my collection just feels incomplete. Plus Nightwing was a core member of the Teen Titans and being a fan of that franchise I naturally want Nightwing (And the other members). I really like him as a character and would like a chance to have him in Lego form (Also I think the original Nightwing figure looks less than great and would prefer a better looking one). Edited July 16, 201311 yr by strangely
July 16, 201311 yr Just thought people are saying that riddler's arms are different colour to torso perhaps he is wearing a waistcoat? Or a body warmer . I was kidding on the second one there... Or was I.... Yeah I missed arkham 1 but I more want to see batgirl and Alfred and villains like croc, al ghul, man bat etc. than Nightwing. C'mon Lego we need some new design or variation of Alfred! Huh the quiz TV show that's on in the background (can't be asked to turn off television) just had a question on what is the riddler's real alias ,the silly woman went for the option Harley Quinn!!! Thats true we need a few more classic guys to complete the batman scene, Maybe they should just do 1 more large batcave extention /manor set with batgirl, Nightwing and alfred. Then a sewer underneath with croc and man bat. That way you would get a full play set with a simple layered-room design and all the figures we want. Plus with 700ish peices we could fit it into the £70 category. And after that is finished we can move onto other heroes. (Yes lego you can hire me now )
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