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This might be a version of the Riddler from the new batman series.

Also I assume that Batmobile is from it too. My guess is that they'll grow on people if that's the case.

This might be a version of the Riddler from the new batman series.

Also I assume that Batmobile is from it too. My guess is that they'll grow on people if that's the case.

Batmobile definitely seems inspired by Beware the Batman. However, I doubt Riddler is even in Beware. From what I understand, the whole idea of that show is to delve into lesser-known villains. Since Riddler is pretty popular, chances are we won't see him.

As for my opinion on the set, it looks pretty good. Like others, I'd have preferred Riddler in his regular outfit. And an actual cane would have been welcome, but at least this one is gold as opposed to the red crowbar from before. Flash also looks pretty nice, but the helmet is kinda shaped weird. Too big on the top.

The vehicles are good. Riddler's Dragster looks better now. The Batmobile, however looks a little funky. The back missile launcher section just seems like it's hanging off the rear too far. And something about the windshield seems off. Not so much the color, but maybe the size or shape. Haven't decided. Still looks like a good set, though.


This might be a version of the Riddler from the new batman series.

Also I assume that Batmobile is from it too. My guess is that they'll grow on people if that's the case.

They said they didn´t want to do known villains in BtB. The biggest name is Ra´s Al Ghul.

Never considered using the new Riddler as a henchman, would look nice, but he doesn´t seem to fit in with pajama Riddler and the green melon will still not fit the green from the jumpsuit fig since it´s bright green instead of regular green. Does anyone know from where they took this design? I only see pajamas and suits. Young Justice had one with a jacket but that one still looked way different and still had a tie. Did they give him the racing jacket now only because he has a vehicle? Hhhhhhnnnnngggggg...

Golden crowbar looks like crap, I should really start to learn how to do my own parts.

Couldn´t care less about the new head. Oh wow, his smile is now normally happy instead of gloatingly and his cheekbones are less straight and a little shorter. Whoopdidoo, where is my Frank Gorshin Riddler? Oh yes, he was already part of the 2006 line... man, I hate to use Ebay.

Flashs ears are apparently part of the same mold, I hope that doesn´t mean they won´t do a mask piece for the new Captain America movie. The printed head from 2012 just looks like crap with the nearly brown skin for Cap and I don´t think LEGO knows how to fix their printing problems.

Batman looks okay, I´m glad they didn´t go TCW on us.

Really? You'd rather pay for nothing than to get 304 useful Lego parts with your figs just because you don't like the design of the set? :hmpf:

No Oky, the Bewaremobiles black slopes and huge tires aren´t really useful for many things and some of us have enough of certain pieces. This set is just dead weight for me, that other guy and a number of others.

And why are people expecting boots on the Flash? Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Nova, all of those characters don't have boots either, so why should Flash? As long as it's not completely necessary like on Wonder Woman, I don't think we can expect boot printing on any Super Heroes minifigs. :sadnew:

CMFs get boot printings very often and I thought they introduced it specifically for the Hero lines since the color distribution in the comic designs is too dependent on them. You know, most heroes have two colors in their costumes. A main color for their suit (Flash red, Superman blue, Batman grey) and a second color for accessories (yellow boots/lighting, red cape/pants/boots, black hands/boots/pants). Superman and Batman are okay since they at least have all their other colored parts and those break up the color nicely already but Flash has too few yellow and Ultimate SM has too much blue which really hurts their designs.

On that note, the Amazing Spider-Man is too red. He should have some blue side leg printing on the upper leg part which isn´t even that much to ask for since LEGO has the machines they need for it and CMFs get this kind of printing all the time.

I reckon the legs were red on the exclusive Spider-Man so they could release sets based on the movie with more correct colours, whilst being able to get away with using the rest of the figure again. After all, its only exclusive until a simple torso/head/legs change, as we saw with Black Suit Spider-Man and Venom.

Dose anyone actually think we will see sets based off of the amazing Spiderman 2 ? They never did with the first one so I'm not to sure.

Glad to hear Ras is appearing in beware that means there is a good chance he will be part of the dc 2014 range. From what I can see they are following the 2012 pattern and doing 6 sets in Jan 2014. I reckon they will be predominantly batman based sets judging by what we know and have heard from fwoosh. Judging by this the £80 one ala 2012 bat cave could be the one we see Ras in. This riddler set unveiled is the equivalent in the line to the 2012 batwing set. (3 minifigures two vehicles £30 price tag) I highly doubt apart from maybe one dc related set other than batman like with the lex luthor mech in 2012 that we will see any sets of Dc not related to batman as at the moment there are no big dc productions scheduled for 2014. Batman is the character that seems to appeal to kids the most plus with his own new TV show and it's modern new direction I would bet kids adore batman currently. The kids may say wow a flash figure that's a nice extra but they buy the sets because they like bats! That's obvious as the batman sets are very popular. Plus if there is a non-bats dc set it will most likely either be green arrow related as he has his own show now or another mos one as the movie is still very popular and will be in 2014. The only chances of seeing more non batman heroes will be in batman sets as extra characters I hope to see batgirl, Alfred etc this year as well so I'd say not counting the superman 2012 style £20 range set we may only get one more JL member (hopefully lantern). Unless of course arrow (TV version hopefully) is the star of the £20 set. I doubt we will get sets focussing on the league until 2015 to be honest as that is when the movie will be coming out supposedly.

Dose anyone actually think we will see sets based off of the amazing Spiderman 2 ? They never did with the first one so I'm not to sure.

I really hope so! Mega Bloks certainly don't have the construction rights as Disney own the merch rights rather than Sony. This could mean it is a possibility. Its certainly one I'd like to see come to fruition!

Edited by legofreak86

Right then, If lego is following the same pattern as 2012 (rather than 2013s unusual pattern) we are likely to see-

£11.99 set (like catwoman set)

£19.99 set (like lex/ superman set)

£29.99 Riddler chase (like batwing chase)

£49.99 set (Like two face robbery)

£69.99 set (Like batcave)

And possibly a exclusive?

I an hoping the £19.99 will contain green lantern and bats, The £69.99 will have Batman, knightwing, Alfred, Rhas and killer croc in some sort of gotham duel. And the £50 will have batgirl in a completely new vehicle chasing a vilian in a large vehicle. and the £11.99 set could be batman on a batpod style vehicle chasing killer moth?

EDIT- Also in the other sets i would like to see any combination of man bat, Clayface or Mad hatter

Edited by The Joker1

Right then, If lego is following the same pattern as 2012 (rather than 2013s unusual pattern) we are likely to see-

£11.99 set (like catwoman set)

£19.99 set (like lex/ superman set)

£29.99 Riddler chase (like batwing chase)

£49.99 set (Like two face robbery)

£69.99 set (Like batcave)

And possibly a exclusive?

I am hoping the £19.99 will contain green lantern and bats, The £69.99 will have Batman, knightwing, Alfred, Rhas and killer croc in some sort of gotham duel. And the £50 will have batgirl in a completely new vehicle chasing a vilian in a large vehicle. and the £11.99 set could be batman on a batpod style vehicle chasing killer moth?

TBH despite the fact that a lot of people clearly against it I would imagine that the "Flagship" £79.99 set ala bat cave would be Wayne manor now that it has a lot of screen time in the new batman cartoon, it could be quite usable if they add some good details and some features like elevator opening fireplace/grandfather clock/bookcase/wall. They could make it so Ras and another villain are attacking the manor and Alfred, Bats and Bruce, batgirl and or knightwing are defending it. If they wanted to make the set very cool they could have a battle damaged Bruce Wayne or something like that or give him a different outfit perhaps similar to the beware series. Anyway yeah I'd say a logical £80 set to flagship the wave would be the manor. Exclusive could either be something mos or arrow related or another bat set with some exclusive figures. The £30 one is confirmed so I hope to see what the small, medium, large and flagship sets will be. With Alfred's beware makeover we could get a secret agent Alfred with two pistols and a bowler hat. I'd personally prefer something more comic related with Alfred but I wouldn't say no to beware's version. The bat vehicle in that set could be a bat mech like the one seen in brave and the bold or something seen in beware. I want to see riddler (check), Ras al ghul, Killer croc, Man Bat, clay face, mad hatter and maybe scarecrow again as I'm unlikely to ever get the arkham set.

Edited by legofreak86

To be honest i agree, I have always wanted to see a large wayne manor set. I personally would love the chance to get such a set. Plus they could do a garage section and include a vehicle to count as a play feature. Then i feel Ras and clay face would make good enemies as clayface would be large so should be in a big set. I have not seen alfreds beware version yet so i'm off to look it up.

To be honest i agree, I have always wanted to see a large wayne manor set. I personally would love the chance to get such a set. Plus they could do a garage section and include a vehicle to count as a play feature. Then i feel Ras and clay face would make good enemies as clayface would be large so should be in a big set. I have not seen alfreds beware version yet so i'm off to look it up.

It is not to everyone's taste but I find it rather cool (Alfred) Yeah clay face and the vehicle are great ideas plus Ras would just be superb I've always wanted a Ras since batman begins. Then I watched some tas with him in and he is awesome. He is like batman's equal got the same fighting style and skill. Plus he is like an eternal adversary as he has the Lazarus pit. A minfigure of him would just be superb.

Maskless Flash bothers me...

Perfect for Angel/ArchAngel custom fig. :)


Seeing LEGO prefers to reuse old molds I wouldn´t expect anybody like Mad Hatter and Clayface in the next wave, except they just want to ruin their designs with a regular top hat and a regular brown minifig with some extra bricks in brown. Ra´s seems likely, the most complex part he would need is a hairpiece with white printed sideburns (that they could even reuse if they really do a Fantastic Four set).

With the Justice Leaguers appearing in the LEGO movie I would expect them to get at least one set or even take the place of the big set in some kind of Justice Hall command center. Would certainly need less new molds than making more Batman characters.

But then again with the whole first DC wave ending production this year we will probably see some new sets with reissues for Joker and other popular villains. I see, this will end like the old line. First wave barely repeated villains, second wave gave us only Bane and a new Batman, third wave gave us only Harley and a new Batman.

Dose anyone actually think we will see sets based off of the amazing Spiderman 2 ? They never did with the first one so I'm not to sure.

Disney did get the merchandising rights so it's a possibility

There weren't any sets for the first one because MegaBloks had the rights

Seeing LEGO prefers to reuse old molds I wouldn´t expect anybody like Mad Hatter and Clayface in the next wave,

That used to be the case years ago, but I doubt that is an excuse now. Lego has been busting out a plethora of new molds in the past years for many themes. How many new molds were made for just LoTR and Hobbit? A lot.


Seeing more pictures now, I actually have to say I really like this set, and that feeling increases each time I look at it. The Batman and Riddler redesigns are very neat. Batman looks very old school while Riddler's new outfit looks almost like a racing jumpsuit, which is appropriate since he's in a dragster. The printed-on scarf is a nice touch. I like the gold crowbar representing his cane and of course there's the green hat, finally! Of course, we can't forget Flash, who is a very nice fig in his own right. I'm disappointed that he doesn't have a neutral face, but with the mask on it looks like a good "in motion" face, and of course Flash is in motion 90% of the time, so it doesn't matter. :laugh: I'm not too torn up about the lack of boots and - much like with Supes or Bats - I actually think it better suits the minifig aesthetic.

The vehicles are pretty nice as well. The wider Batmobile is a nice breakaway from the conventional Batmobiles of '06 and '12. It does look more like something you'd see in a Batman cartoon or a Silver Age comic, but I get the feeling that the whole DC line to this point has been a bit Silver Age-y, so I think it actually fits in better than the 2012 Batmobile. (Actually, speaking of Silver Age and Batmobiles, can we have a 1966 Batmobile, TLG? :wub: )

Riddler's dragster, again, looks like something out of a cartoon, but it has a nice design and the bags of money are a good touch. It's just the right amount of wacky to fit in with this more campy DC line. My only problem is that the dragster doesn't appear to have any steering. :sceptic:

That aside, I'm looking forward to this one!

My only problem is that the dragster doesn't appear to have any steering. :sceptic:

Probably because real-world dragsters also don't have any steering. :classic:

Is this picture photoshopped or is it real?


where did you find that?

That used to be the case years ago, but I doubt that is an excuse now. Lego has been busting out a plethora of new molds in the past years for many themes. How many new molds were made for just LoTR and Hobbit? A lot.


Indeed just look at that azog mould! Two new moulds for one figure! I would not be surprised if more batman villains such as croc, man bat, Ras and clay face turn up in 2014.

Indeed just look at that azog mould! Two new moulds for one figure! I would not be surprised if more batman villains such as croc, man bat, Ras and clay face turn up in 2014.

Exactly. Azog would have just been a printed head and a regular Lego hook hand if that fig was made a long time ago. :P



That should help churn up sets if the theme ever gets that far.


Edited by Omicron

I'm just not loving that Flash figure. I'm hoping that helmet is a prototype. The rest of him looks great, although I missed that he had red hair. I'm okay with more gingers in mainstream media though. If it wasn't for Harry Potter, there wouldn't be much of us out there.

I'm sure I'll pick up the whole wave, like always. But I don't have to like it...

I was watching the Marvel games live feed earlier and several new characters were confirmed! (Here's the link)

I know a few of these are already confirmed, but I'm just listing what they spoke of during the feed.

Dr. Doom, Jean Grey, Elektra, Agent Coulson (voiced by Clark Gregg), Silver Samurai, the Punisher, Magneto, Beast, Gambit, Storm, Green Goblin, Iron Patriot (a pre-order exclusive), Juggernaut, Squirrel Girl, Rhino, the Thing, Vulture, Invisible Woman, and none other than Howard the Duck!

Stan Lee, Axel Alonso, and Joe Quesada will also be playable characters.

Sadly, Stan Lee was the only minifigure we got to see during the stream. But who's better to show off than the man himself?

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Howard the Duck? Interesting... Doubt we'd ever get him, or half of those heroes, in a set. I do want Stan Lee as a figure now. :grin:

Edited by just2good

We haven't seen that panel with hinge piece on the back of the RIddler's dragster for quite a while now! I don't hate his outfit. but I don't understand the dark green half of his outfit.

Hate the Flash's helmet, Buckethead Flash looked so much better.

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