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Aw man, now you have my hopes up. Gee, thanks.

The SDCC could be a good sign. I mean, just look at 2011 with the Batman, Green Lantern and Superman figures. One of them was thrown into a set later that very same year. So, there's hope yet (but I wouldn't have too much, I'm still waiting on that X-men set with the Phoenix minifigure that was at SDCC 2012)!

I bet what will happen is we will get a different version of Spidey than the SDCC one. Maybe he'll have plain dark blue legs instead of red with blue printing. That is, assuming we get ASM2 sets at all. I'm hoping we do.

Or an even better solution would be to add arm printing, that way the set gets the better fig for mass distribution.

Or an even better solution would be to add arm printing, that way the set gets the better fig for mass distribution.

Yeah! With the web spinners on them! And printing on the side of the legs! That would be awesome!

Or an even better solution would be to add arm printing, that way the set gets the better fig for mass distribution.

If that's the bandwagon we are jumping on then I'm also in! Web patterned boots and arm printing, plus the web shooters, and the blue printing on the sides of the legs so we can have the perfect Spider-Man in sets, while those other ones look like bad preliminary figs :tongue:

As I watch the old 1960s Batman show, I can't help but think what a great figure a LEGO Mad Hatter would be! One of my many hopes for 2014 is a Hatter minifigure (along with Black Mask and Ra's al Ghul)....

Yes, that certainly would fit since Arkham origins is coming out in October. And they are all key players in city/origins.

Yes, that certainly would fit since Arkham origins is coming out in October. And they are all key players in city/origins.

Agreed, if lego is not making sets based of something exactly, they often make sets at least with something close to it(The Batcave with Bane and The Cat Cycle with Catwoman.) So I think we'll see a set with Black Mask and a set with Deathstroke next year.

If that's the bandwagon we are jumping on then I'm also in! Web patterned boots and arm printing, plus the web shooters, and the blue printing on the sides of the legs so we can have the perfect Spider-Man in sets, while those other ones look like bad preliminary figs :tongue:

Should be the best outcome but getting the figure as it is would be better than nothing.

Yeah! With the web spinners on them! And printing on the side of the legs! That would be awesome!

Since when are the web shooters visible?

Or an even better solution would be to add arm printing, that way the set gets the better fig for mass distribution.

I don´t think we will ever see arm printing in a set ever again, seems like they reserve that only for Collectible figs anymore.

Agreed, if lego is not making sets based of something exactly, they often make sets at least with something close to it(The Batcave with Bane and The Cat Cycle with Catwoman.) So I think we'll see a set with Black Mask and a set with Deathstroke next year.

Videogames aren´t really that mainstream that LEGO bases their line on them, seeing how their line is more catered to children right now.

Arkham Breakout Robin was obviously Arkham games inspired but seeing how he was only in the huge set and the only videogame inspired thing in two years I am sure we won´t get anyone else.

Aw man, now you have my hopes up. Gee, thanks.

The SDCC could be a good sign. I mean, just look at 2011 with the Batman, Green Lantern and Superman figures. One of them was thrown into a set later that very same year. So, there's hope yet (but I wouldn't have too much, I'm still waiting on that X-men set with the Phoenix minifigure that was at SDCC 2012)!

Superman doesn´t count, he was NYCC exclusive (not available at SDCC) and everyone knows nobody gives a crap about a Comic-Con other than San-Diego.

I really want a Green Lantern. I want to make my own lego Justice League :D

I really would like to see an official Batgirl figure in 2014. Everything else is secondary. Although I really enjoy my MOC Batgirl.

If only. I hope they finally get on with that rumored JL cartoon.

I think legofreak with his Wayne Manor vs. Ra´s Al-Guhl has the strongest case right now. Last episode of BtB the League of Shadows and a guy with a gorilla mask invaded the manor. Seeing how they apparently don´t give a crap about the unknown villains of the show but still want to use that crappy Batman costume and his stuff I can see Wayne Manor, Batman and his allies v.s. Ra´s Al-Guhl and generic ninja assassins or some completely unrelated villain, especially seeing how the Batcave gets phased out and LEGO still has apparently no incentive to do Justice League/other heroes and some of their HQs.

If they stopped putting a Batman fig with everything (same for spidey) we would have a better roster of heroes by now, but batman and spidey are the toy movers from TLG view, so here comes the crappy set with the Flash, if the spidey we get next at least has a different printwork, well i guess thats bit better.

I mean we go from the grail that is Arkham (I got multiples, thats how good it is) to that thing.

Be advised I'm going to rant.

It's weird we haven't gotten a Ras or BlackMask by now - they aren't really complicated to do, if we get a Prof Pyg before any of those, we should get offended (I mean not age apropriate material at all -Beware the Bat rebranding and softening or not that guy is a nightmare waiting to happen)

The Robin arkham version was a cheat, a cute cheat, but still.

The only recent Con exclusive I'm sorry not to get in a regular set is the black sups (I'll probably print the others at least some version of Jessica Drew is on my list, but I can't print silver on black torsos, so the sups is out) it could have made a nice variant in the mos sets - it's a simple design change the legs are the regular kryptonian suit legs, didn't even need the cape. Cheap way to spice a set. I mean if we are going to get 3 or 4 batmans and 3 sups in one wave at least change them a bit, give us a a cheap to make black Kryptonian suit sups, or a battle damaged bats once in a while, how many jack sparrow variants did we get in that line, the lone ranger has two different designs in five sets, even Tonto gets some love. Indy got how many variants people?

Common TLG that Riddler torso has to go, "but you can leave the green bowler hat on" not crazy about the beware the batsuit either. ...End of rant Back to normal programming

I can't argue with your statements. I'm excited for the Batman/Flash set - mostly because my nephew is a huge Flash fan and he will be thrilled to have him. I don't mind the new Batmobile at all, but I've come to the conclusion that the new Riddler will have to be modified to become a henchman for the Funhouse Riddler. The Flash is an added bonus. Can't wait to see what other sets will be coming out...

hopefully the pics show up soon

I gotta say that the lack of info on new Marvel sets has really dampened my enthusiasm. The new game is cool, but I am not going to buy a new game system to get Iron Patriot. :wacko:

It would be great to get the rest of the USM group, but I don't see us getting the two more sets we need to finish them off.

And in earnest, I just cannot imagine that we will get any sets for Thor 2, Hulk: Agents of SMASH or Cap 2. My biggest hope is in the new Avengers Assembled show on Disney XD.

Come on Lego, let's go.


Patience. Some people seem to think the January wave will be all DC and the Spring wave will be all Marvel (like 2012). Marvel sets could be based on CA:TWS, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Anazing Spiderman 2 if the rights have been acquired

I have no doubt that we will get Winter Soldier sets as that seems to be Marvel's biggest movie next year. Its Guardians of the Galaxy that I'm worried about, as I'd like sets on it I don't they would sell well so I don't think Lego will take that risk. I think we might get one set for Thor 2 if any, and if they have the licence then they'll definitely make ASM 2 sets. Although when I was at Comic-Con a TT games rep said that for some of the character models in the game they saw sets from GotG, ASM 2, and CA:TWS.

I have no doubt that we will get Winter Soldier sets as that seems to be Marvel's biggest movie next year. Its Guardians of the Galaxy that I'm worried about, as I'd like sets on it I don't they would sell well so I don't think Lego will take that risk. I think we might get one set for Thor 2 if any, and if they have the licence then they'll definitely make ASM 2 sets. Although when I was at Comic-Con a TT games rep said that for some of the character models in the game they saw sets from GotG, ASM 2, and CA:TWS.

I don't understand why you think the GotG would be a risk, just because they may not be as well known. Seriously Man of Steel sets are a hundred times more risky than GotG.

Should be the best outcome but getting the figure as it is would be better than nothing.

Since when are the web shooters visible?

I don´t think we will ever see arm printing in a set ever again, seems like they reserve that only for Collectible figs anymore.

Videogames aren´t really that mainstream that LEGO bases their line on them, seeing how their line is more catered to children right now.

Arkham Breakout Robin was obviously Arkham games inspired but seeing how he was only in the huge set and the only videogame inspired thing in two years I am sure we won´t get anyone else.

Superman doesn´t count, he was NYCC exclusive (not available at SDCC) and everyone knows nobody gives a crap about a Comic-Con other than San-Diego.

If only. I hope they finally get on with that rumored JL cartoon.

I think legofreak with his Wayne Manor vs. Ra´s Al-Guhl has the strongest case right now. Last episode of BtB the League of Shadows and a guy with a gorilla mask invaded the manor. Seeing how they apparently don´t give a crap about the unknown villains of the show but still want to use that crappy Batman costume and his stuff I can see Wayne Manor, Batman and his allies v.s. Ra´s Al-Guhl and generic ninja assassins or some completely unrelated villain, especially seeing how the Batcave gets phased out and LEGO still has apparently no incentive to do Justice League/other heroes and some of their HQs.

I think you need to get your facts right. There are way more comic fans than AFOLs so tell the thousands of comic collectors that nobody gives a crap. If that's not what you meant, you are still wrong as LEGO has unveiled sets at plenty of comic cons, not just SDCC.

Although when I was at Comic-Con a TT games rep said that for some of the character models in the game they saw sets from GotG, ASM 2, and CA:TWS.

This is the only reason I haven't caved to getting the SDCC ASM 2 figure :laugh: I really hope that they knew what they were talking about!

This is the only reason I haven't caved to getting the SDCC ASM 2 figure :laugh: I really hope that they knew what they were talking about!

I'd say if you could find it cheap then you should buy it as I had it while and I thought it looked really good especially with the printed legs, but I wish it had side leg printing as it just looked kind of weird without that, so I was still ready to trade it for Green Arrow at the first chance I got (which I did :wub: ), but it still looked a thousand times better than the USM figure. I wish I could have kept it but I have much more use for Green Arrow.

On topic: When do you all think we'll see pics of the new sets or at least a set list, because I really want a Green Lantern figure and I don't want to make/buy a custom if they're putting one in a set.

After seeing the new Thor Dark World Trailer I really want to see some sets based on it. But that would mean we have to get new molds and hair pieces, so I think the possibility for a whole wave is really low, maybe one set. But even one set would be really really cool.

I wouldn't rule out sets based on that. LEGO made new molds for Zod's and Faora's armor and helmets and only used them in two sets and likely wont be able to use them again.

Oh oops, I forgot that, yes but if there would be sets, they would have been already announced. The movie starts in 2 and a half months here in Germany. Or they'll do that like the TDKR Set. We'll see, but I hope for sets. I would really like Jane Foster, Darcy and Sif minifigs and a hairpiece for Loki

I don't understand why you think the GotG would be a risk, just because they may not be as well known. Seriously Man of Steel sets are a hundred times more risky than GotG.

Now for that I need an explanation for. MOS was the first movie in DCs life action universe but GOTG is some Sci-Fi tale having nothing to do with anything in the MCU except for like a scene with Thanos sitting around and barely being explained at all. Connections with the MCU are barely helping the film since most people that would care about a Sci-Fi film are those that already watch everything Marvel. With the failing of nearly every Sci-Fi film made that wasn´t already a household name in the last few years it seems riskier to do that instead of a Superman movie considering they at the very least break even alone through the name. Superman Returns made enough money and that was a sequel to some movies from the 70s that are abysmal for new audiences.

I think you need to get your facts right. There are way more comic fans than AFOLs so tell the thousands of comic collectors that nobody gives a crap. If that's not what you meant, you are still wrong as LEGO has unveiled sets at plenty of comic cons, not just SDCC.

I talked about LEGO not giving a crap about comic cons. We got a high-res pic of a single Batman wave 1 set in 2011 from NYCC (and right around the same time we got okay quality confidential pics of all sets from france anyway). That was basically it. Sets only get announced through fully LEGO themed cons and events and the San-Diego con. LEGO never gave a crap about comic conventions. They always send somebody over who sells their newest sets but that´s it. Before 2011 the biggest thing from LEGO during San-Diego were the crappy con-exclusive sets that are only relevant for scalpers and the few people that actually go to the con, it practically never happened that LEGO announced something. They prefer to keep every information to themselves and let everything show up without a warning in stores.

On topic: When do you all think we'll see pics of the new sets or at least a set list, because I really want a Green Lantern figure and I don't want to make/buy a custom if they're putting one in a set.

Set lists for the superhero lines take always much longer than the other themes. I think Around October/November or worst in December when they are already in US stores.

Also there are rumors that DC plans to put MOS, Arrow and the new Flash show in the same universe which could mean we will get Arrow sets in the next few years or at least get him when they are finally doing Justice League in 2023. Also there is a rumored JL cartoon and the DC cartoon line-up is constantly changing anyway. I would think a Green Arrow fig is on their to-do list right beside the other major Justice Leaguers like GL and Aquaman.

Oh oops, I forgot that, yes but if there would be sets, they would have been already announced. The movie starts in 2 and a half months here in Germany. Or they'll do that like the TDKR Set. We'll see, but I hope for sets. I would really like Jane Foster, Darcy and Sif minifigs and a hairpiece for Loki

Thor 2 is a November release, the december release Hobbit has only a single set announced. We will probably only know for sure in October/November when the first 2014 wave gets detailed.

Since when are the web shooters visible?

They were actually visible in Amazing Spider-Man on the wrist. This was verified when Peter charges them too in one closeup shot. And because they were visible, it was how Lizard spotted them and destroyed them in the final battle.

And sometimes they can be seen in some comic iterations.


now THAT'S how Doc Ock should have looked like for his minifigure, a bit simplistic but way better than Ozzy Octopus. and loving that Classic Wolverine mask, hope to see it in a set!

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