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Yeah but, we have to be practical.

But I'm thinking:

Joker Steam Roller: Joker, Batman, GL, Henchman, Two-Face.

Manbat attack: Batman, Manbat, Batgirl.

I for one don't think Batgirl should be put in the Man-Bat set, I feel like she would be more fitting in the steamroller (that, and I really don't want Man-Bat) yet this year Lego put Aquaman in the $25 set so I wouldn't be surprised if she were the new fig put in the Man-Bat set. I actually think your list is spot on.

Why are we so sure that GL is gonna be in this wave? I would love to see him but we already have Flash coming with the batmobile so I find this unlikely. Was there a rumor about this?

We could possibly even see a new 52 Nightwing with the steamroller.

Why are we so sure that GL is gonna be in this wave?

I heard on Brikipedia.

I for one don't think Batgirl should be put in the Man-Bat set, I feel like she would be more fitting in the steamroller (that, and I really don't want Man-Bat) yet this year Lego put Aquaman in the $25 set so I wouldn't be surprised if she were the new fig put in the Man-Bat set. I actually think your list is spot on.

Thank you sir!

I am also not to fond of getting ManBat, but I was gonna get it for the non-Batman hero.

Why are we so sure that GL is gonna be in this wave? I would love to see him but we already have Flash coming with the batmobile so I find this unlikely. Was there a rumor about this?

We could possibly even see a new 52 Nightwing with the steamroller.

A couple of pages back I linked to an article on Brick Fanatics, where they stated that they can say we will see Green Lantern this year. However I believe he will be included in the LEGO movie sets, mainly as Superman, Wonder-woman, Batman and Green Lantern have semi big roles. Plus the fact that Jonna Hill is voicing Green a Lantern, means they have spent some cash finding a famous actor to voice him.

I heard on Brickipedia.

Nowhere does it say anything about him being released in the 2014 sets.


I heard on Brikipedia.

Actually, it was on Brick fanatics, just like others have said. since so many are confused heres the link: http://brickfanatics...r-heros-update/

That would be great as it would give us villain wise next year judging by sets rumoured: Joker (new variant), penguin (new variant or carry over), riddler (new variant) killer croc, manbat,mad hatter. Which for four sets is a lot of new villain designs and new villains.

Its funny that for the first 25 pages of this discussion we were complaining how crappy this years waves was gonna look -and now look how much of a 180 it has taken- everyone is excited for a Batgirl fig (with molded cowl), a great new joker redesign, a Man bat, a penguin (possibly redesigned) in a small set, a new Batman design, a new riddler, and possibly more great things to be revealed. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, I guess.

Edited by TheStrategist

Actually, it was on Brick fanatics, just like others have said. since so many are confused heres the link: http://brickfanatics...r-heros-update/

Its funny that for the first 25 pages of this discussion we were complaining how crappy this years waves was gonna look -and now look how much of a 180 it has taken- everyone is excited for a Batgirl fig (with molded cowl), a great new joker redesign, a Man bat, a penguin (possibly redesigned) in a small set, a new Batman design, a new riddler, and possibly more great things to be revealed. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, I guess.

I don't think Penguin will have a redesign, i think he will be the same, like Ivy from Arkham

Batgirl's cowl could be used for Hawkgirl.

Not really.

Lego must know the fanbase, I think I quote from mostly everyone "We don't want the same figures" (Excluding Penguin and joker). So please don't put two face or a henchmen in the sets! PLEASE!

I wouldn't mind a new Two-Face only because the orange and purple suit looked horrible on the last figure. Aside from that, I'm with everyone else that prefers getting some new characters over variants.

I wouldn't mind a new Two-Face only because the orange and purple suit looked horrible on the last figure. Aside from that, I'm with everyone else that prefers getting some new characters over variants.

I don't mind the Orange and purple variation, but I still wouldn't say no to a classic Black and White version. Throw in a new facial expression like they have with the upcoming Joker, and that will be more than enough for me. Most of the Bat villains LEGO has left to make I couldn't give a crap about. Villains like Killer Moth, Fire Fly, Clayface and Mad hatter are scraping the bottom of the barrel for me. I would rather see variants of other Villains. Killer Croc is the only one I care about to be honest and even then I don't really want him that bad, mostly as I have the old one.

Its funny that for the first 25 pages of this discussion we were complaining how crappy this years waves was gonna look -and now look how much of a 180 it has taken- everyone is excited for a Batgirl fig (with molded cowl), a great new joker redesign, a Man bat, a penguin (possibly redesigned) in a small set, a new Batman design, a new riddler, and possibly more great things to be revealed. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, I guess.

Well eventually, fan optimism and enthusiasm for the theme will win out. That is until the pictures come and the inevitable DC disappointment. :grin:

A new two face I think would be welcomed by all.

I want new unusual figures like clay face and Solomon Grundy.

Do we know if man bat will be the same size as normal minifigs?

I am guessing that batgirl comes with a purple motorcycle like in the catwoman set.

I am guessing that batgirl comes with a purple motorcycle like in the catwoman set.

Mostly likely.......well it wouldn't be a car, because 'Chicks dig the car' and 'That's why Superman works alone !'. :laugh:

Lego must know the fanbase, I think I quote from mostly everyone "We don't want the same figures" (Excluding Penguin and joker). So please don't put two face or a henchmen in the sets! PLEASE!

I couldn't give a crap about the other villains, except for maybe killer croc and clay face.

Besides you really do need multiples of henchman, not just 1.

Edited by korpen4444

I'd like some more henchmen...

This is why a super hero-themed CMF line would be superawesomecoolgroovy.

I'd only welcome new henchmen if they were varied from the existing.

I'd only welcome new henchmen if they were varied from the existing.

Totally agreed.

Yeesh, already over 50 pages? I'm not going to bother to catch up right now. Just wanted to share some transparent yellow windscreens from next year's sets. My best guess is that they're from sets based on Beware the Batman since there are no other themes I know of that would have vehicles with transparent yellow windscreens (except maybe next year's Chima sets since there's a new faction whose vehicles we haven't seen).

Found these while trawling LEGO's customer service database (checking one part at a time starting with the decorated pig face from the Minecraft sets so I had a good shot at finding new stuff). No matter what theme they end up being in, I'll bet spacers will love them.

6065598 (same windscreen from the new UCS X-Wing, but in Transparent Yellow)

6065600 (old-school space windscreen that has never been in this color)

6065601 (this came in Tr. Yellow in the Space Police III Lunar Limo, but this is a new Element ID for it, hinting that it's appearing again)

I also found a white Jedi hood. I had no idea what theme it might be from, but when I did a google image search for Beware the Batman screenshots to verify that I remembered the color of the Bat-vehicles' windscreens correctly, I saw that Anarky is a villain who has appeared in that show. Perfect candidate for a white Jedi hood right there.

We haven't seen any leaked/escaped "Beware the Batman" characters with their proper heads as far as I recall, but I hope it follows the precedent established by Spectacular Spider-Man and translates the cartoon characters into LEGO according to the usual minifigure standards, rather than the precedent established by the Avatar: The Last Airbender and Star Wars: The Clone Wars sets, which created new minifigure design standards to better fit the stylized look of the cartoon. It's not that I dislike alternate minifigure design standards (I love the figure designs in LEGO Friends and LEGO Exo-Force), but Super Heroes has done a good job keeping its figures interchangeable no matter what brand or medium they're based on. Sure, a Superman from Man of Steel and a Superman from the comics will have slightly different costumes, but they'll all have that same beady-eyed minifigure face.

I wouldn't mind a few henchman. Honestly though I'd prefer some supporting characters over henchman any day. It would be nice to get a new Alfred, Lucius Fox, Vicki Vale and a comic version of Lois Lane (I just am not impressed with the Amy Adams one). I would like to flesh out the DC world a little bit more and I feel like some good supporting characters are needed at this point. My Gotham city looks so bare with only heroes and villains running around.

Most of the Bat villains LEGO has left to make I couldn't give a crap about. Villains like Killer Moth, Fire Fly, Clayface and Mad hatter are scraping the bottom of the barrel for me. I would rather see variants of other Villains. Killer Croc is the only one I care about to be honest and even then I don't really want him that bad, mostly as I have the old one.


Whatever about Killer Moth and Firefly, Clayface and Mad Hatter are hardley peripheral members of the rogues gallery like you make out. Each to their own, though - personally I'm not interested in variants at all.

I'm also taking it has encouraging that with Batgirl, TLG is showing that it isn't afraid to pull from the New 52 universe even if there aren't any obvious film/TV tie-ins. So much potential there.

Aanchir, it hasn't been confirmed that anything will be branded with "Beware the Batman". The Riddler Chase has some elements that are obviously inspired by it but it also includes Riddler and Flash and neither are featured in that show to my knowledge. It's entirely possible that inspiration will be as far as it goes with the cartoon affecting the sets. This would mean, of course, that there would be no significant difference in overall aesthetics of the minifigures.

Yeesh, already over 50 pages? I'm not going to bother to catch up right now. Just wanted to share some transparent yellow windscreens from next year's sets. My best guess is that they're from sets based on Beware the Batman since there are no other themes I know of that would have vehicles with transparent yellow windscreens (except maybe next year's Chima sets since there's a new faction whose vehicles we haven't seen).

Found these while trawling LEGO's customer service database (checking one part at a time starting with the decorated pig face from the Minecraft sets so I had a good shot at finding new stuff). No matter what theme they end up being in, I'll bet spacers will love them.

6065598 (same windscreen from the new UCS X-Wing, but in Transparent Yellow)

6065600 (old-school space windscreen that has never been in this color)

6065601 (this came in Tr. Yellow in the Space Police III Lunar Limo, but this is a new Element ID for it, hinting that it's appearing again)

I also found a white Jedi hood. I had no idea what theme it might be from, but when I did a google image search for Beware the Batman screenshots to verify that I remembered the color of the Bat-vehicles' windscreens correctly, I saw that Anarky is a villain who has appeared in that show. Perfect candidate for a white Jedi hood right there.

We haven't seen any leaked/escaped "Beware the Batman" characters with their proper heads as far as I recall, but I hope it follows the precedent established by Spectacular Spider-Man and translates the cartoon characters into LEGO according to the usual minifigure standards, rather than the precedent established by the Avatar: The Last Airbender and Star Wars: The Clone Wars sets, which created new minifigure design standards to better fit the stylized look of the cartoon. It's not that I dislike alternate minifigure design standards (I love the figure designs in LEGO Friends and LEGO Exo-Force), but Super Heroes has done a good job keeping its figures interchangeable no matter what brand or medium they're based on. Sure, a Superman from Man of Steel and a Superman from the comics will have slightly different costumes, but they'll all have that same beady-eyed minifigure face.

The Jedi hood might be for a different character, but Anarky fits the build perfectly. I thought we were only going to a BtB Batman and Batmobile. We might get Anarky in the Steam roller or an exclusive set.

That white hood would be great for a few purist customs...namely, Taskmaster!!!

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