October 22, 201311 yr Tigra. The Heli has two cockpit seats and I doubt they would let one of them go to waste with nobody in it. My second guess would be Power Man but since Sir Lego said it´s definitely a girl in the set I guess he would have been able to differentiate girly hair and no hair. I thonk the girl is MJ, the rest being Spidey, Goblin, and a teamate that couldnt be noticedin the second cockpit. Imguessing wwe'll see Power Man
October 22, 201311 yr yes, I like the new lighter blue batman, but I've always preferred the black + grey one seen in Batman TAS. Tim Drake is my fave Robin, the contrast between the black, red and yellow works for me, I much prefer it to the green, red and yellow or black, green, red and yellow coloured suits. But back on topic, I think the spiderman sets seem pretty underwhelming, I'm holding out hope that the X Men set will be really good (and will have Wolverine with his mask. :D).
October 23, 201311 yr I'm hoping we'll get more than just one X-Men set. I do aswell, however if it's just the one them a large set would be the best.
October 23, 201311 yr ^ one big set could work out better then 2 or 3 smaller ones as we might get a nice build that way but what we really need is as many figs as we can get
October 23, 201311 yr http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-batman-minifigure-/271302936290?clk_rvr_id=535083528675 The new 2014 Batman, see how it's light blue. Not dark blue! This could be the Juniors Batcave set's Batman! (Well it most likely is )
October 23, 201311 yr http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-batman-minifigure-/271302936290?clk_rvr_id=535083528675 The new 2014 Batman, see how it's light blue. Not dark blue! This could be the Juniors Batcave set's Batman! (Well it most likely is ) Sorry, yesterday's news! Edited October 23, 201311 yr by The_Creator
October 23, 201311 yr Hello, better pictures of the BTB Batman from the same guy as the blue Batman http://www.ebay.com/itm/271302827913
October 23, 201311 yr I know im just going to bring up an age old moan here but it's silly for Lego not to announce any more sets officially when half the new figures are already finding there way online, The set lists have been backed up and confirmed by numerous people and we have seen a leaked picture of the penguin set! Thinking as a business minded person what do they have to lose? They are only unnecessarily aggravating people for no logical nor profitable reason .
October 23, 201311 yr Hello, better pictures of the BTB Batman from the same guy as the blue Batman http://www.ebay.com/itm/271302827913 So we getvlight blue bats, normal Joker and probably a normal Robin
October 23, 201311 yr So we getvlight blue bats, normal Joker and probably a normal Robin No, the set will have a new Joker with a purple fedora. Pics are a few pages back.
October 23, 201311 yr No, the set will have a new Joker with a purple fedora. Pics are a few pages back. The purple fedora Joker is rumored to be from the Steam Roller set. But there's also rumored to be a Joker in the Juniors Batcave set, which I think is what daniel gourhan22 was talking about. That Joker very well could be the same old plain one.
October 23, 201311 yr No, the set will have a new Joker with a purple fedora. Pics are a few pages back. I was yalking about the Juniors set
October 23, 201311 yr What I am most bemused about currently is the fact that Thor The Dark World already is getting positive responses, yet the best Lego can do is flaunt impressive minfigure designs for the characters on a poster and then restrict them to a videogame. Really we should be getting at least one Thor The Dark World set. Instead we get three very juvenile sounding Spiderman sets one with an outrageous price tag and one with a recycled villain that was the most unpopular version of the character ever. I have no issues with the sounds of the "avengers sets" such as modok, winter soldier, a new variant of Captain America and whoever the black hooded person was sound good. What I have issue with is Thor the dark world and amazing spider man 2 which seem to be very anticipated movies are being snubbed in favour of two, in my opinion rather juvenile run of the mill television shows. In my opinion although the avengers set with modok sounds very interesting I would have preferred to see one with the likes of Odin, Jane foster, Malekith the accursed and perhaps the warriors three. After those brilliant designs they showed us it just seems such a shame that they will never be in sets. In 2011 after seeing the first thor I couldn't help but think wow it would be cool if there were Lego sets of it. So as we came round to the second film and in knowledge that Lego had the authority to make marvel movie sets. I can't help but be a bit disappointed that Thor 2 has missed out on sets especially after the slightly disappointing iron man 3 sets this year. Thankfully the winter soldier seems to be getting a set in the march wave and guardians of the galaxy has sets confirmed coming along with X-men sets. Hopefully the hooded figure in the avengers set is Malekith as in the poster he is wearing a new hooded piece and a black regular hood could've been supplied as a stand in. if this is the case and thor is TDW design then it will be fine but it is a shame we probably will never see Odin, Heimdall, Jane or the warriors three.
October 23, 201311 yr Agreed ^ This Thor movie seems to be the best movie marvel has given out of 2013 (I haven't seen it yet, but it looks so promising) and the fact that Lego has made such small sets for this entire theme, Thor seemed like one of the only themes that could either pull off small sets, or bring in very large ones. I would buy every Thor set hands down if Lego made them, but they didn't so... Also the minifig designs in the poster to me were more insulting than they were teasing. Of course Lego is making sets for children, and children seem to love the same 10 characters. The MODOK set only really sounds nice because I don't think anyone would have predicted a MODOK FIG, and he has an extremely cool design. As for the entire theme, it's nice, but could be WAY better. Seriously Lego, I'd rather have every single comic-book character once than see the same 10 over and over again. At least the penguin set looked great, I didn't think I would want it, but it's even looking better than the 2012 Catwoman set (which I loved). We also about a week or 8 days until October ends, do you guys think we'll see pics? I'm thinking the third minifig in the man-bat set will be Vicky Vale, and that "Robin" in the steamroller is really Nightwing, and GL will be included in some Lego movie sets or a retail exclusive during the summer. I only say this because Vicky Vale is the only character in Lego Batman DC superheroes who appeared in 80% of the cut-scenes and didn't get a fig. Lex, Joker, Batman, and Superman all got figs, I'm so sure Vicky will too. Edited October 23, 201311 yr by Freddy Bricker
October 23, 201311 yr Since playing the LEGO Marvel SH game, I'm even more excited about the potential to see some more Avenger figures, and ANY X-Men Minifigs. But, it seems LEGO is awfully reluctant to sell a Minifig that doesn't have "-man" in its name. Iron Man, Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman have so oversaturated the Super Heroes line, it's to the point where I'm gonna score customs off the 'net instead of waiting for the possibility of the character getting around to making even other mainstream characters. Besides, I'm pretty sure that X-Men's Storm wearing a Mohawk hairdo or Cyclops with his visor as an accessory, not a print, are gonna see the light of day.
October 23, 201311 yr After playing the new video game, I'm dismayed at all the great designs we may never see. I just don't trust TLG to make good super hero sets, nor do I trust them to give us a true variety of minifigs. I can only hope these sets do well, convincing TLG of the merit of expanding these lines.
October 23, 201311 yr The purple fedora Joker is rumored to be from the Steam Roller set. But there's also rumored to be a Joker in the Juniors Batcave set, which I think is what daniel gourhan22 was talking about. That Joker very well could be the same old plain one. D'oh my bad. I forgot about the juniors set. I Apologize. :). Yeah, I figured that would be the same 2012 Joker
October 23, 201311 yr What I am most bemused about currently is the fact that Thor The Dark World already is getting positive responses, yet the best Lego can do is flaunt impressive minfigure designs for the characters on a poster and then restrict them to a videogame. Really we should be getting at least one Thor The Dark World set. Instead we get three very juvenile sounding Spiderman sets one with an outrageous price tag and one with a recycled villain that was the most unpopular version of the character ever. I have no issues with the sounds of the "avengers sets" such as modok, winter soldier, a new variant of Captain America and whoever the black hooded person was sound good. What I have issue with is Thor the dark world and amazing spider man 2 which seem to be very anticipated movies are being snubbed in favour of two, in my opinion rather juvenile run of the mill television shows. Well I'm still holding out hope that TLG will put in either movie designs or game designs for the minifigures. Who know's, maybe the sets aren't actually based on those cartoons, after all do we really have any confirmation that the Avengers sets are based off the show or that the Spiderman sets are based on USM? Most of the Avengers sets and even some of the Spiderman stuff sound sort of as if they're based on the game based on the description we've gotten. So for now I'm going to be hopeful that's the case. At the very least if they give us a variation of Spiderman that looks like that Comic Con exclusive I will be immensely happy. Personally if we do get a big Marvel exclusive set this year I hope it's either Xmen related or based on something iconic from Spiderman (#121 comes to mind, especially after I saw this screenshot on Brickipedia: http://images.wikia.com/lego/images/2/2e/Gwen_Stacy.JPG). Either one of those things and the Marvel line will be a hit to me.
October 23, 201311 yr I am liking the new adam west batman minifigure we are getting. The only thing missing is the old batmobile.
October 24, 201311 yr It could be Lego doesn't see Thor as a strong enough name to sell any sets on his own. Throwing him in a generic Avengers set might have been a safer option.
October 24, 201311 yr It could be Lego doesn't see Thor as a strong enough name to sell any sets on his own. Throwing him in a generic Avengers set might have been a safer option. I'll admit, as much as I like Thor, I wouldn't buy a set just based on him. Part of my problem is that I imagine a purely Thor based set looking mostly like something from LOTR. In fact a lot of those characters designs for the minifigures on the Thor 2 poster mostly look like LOTR characters, so to me it's just a bit boring. Even the prospect of a new Thor and Loki isn't that appealing based on how they look pretty much the same in the poster as they did in the Avengers sets. Now if they gave us a much better printing, new facial expressions and new molds for hair that actually look like they do in the movie then I might bite. Even the potential of getting Jane in minifigure form doesn't wow me (It's not like we don't have a Natalie Portman face already). And I like the idea of the Avengers sets next year, instead of focusing on just one comic book franchise they're putting in characters from many franchises. I'd rather have a wider range of characters than just a Thor based set.
October 24, 201311 yr I think a Thor: The Dark World set would have just as much, if not more potential than an Ironman 3 set. The characters are way more interesting as is the story (if they use Walter Simonson's which has been rumored) than Ironman 3. I, unlike most Marvel fanboys really liked Ironman 3 but I don't think it was necessarily worthy enough for three sets. I know I haven't seen Thor 2 yet but the first movie has endless possibilities for excellent sets. A citadel for Asgard could've been done. They did Helm's Deep and a castle for Chima, why not Thor? They could've made a Thor vs. The Destroyer set or a Rainbow bridge set. Maybe a reason why Thor: The Dark World isn't getting attention from LEGO is because it's not necessarily a movie for children with the Game of Thrones director taking over. I wouldn't consider Man of Steel a kid friendly movie though but we got sets for that. Another reason is that it's possibly too similar to LOTR. One thing that you can't say however, is that Thor isn't a "strong enough name". He's an Avenger, you can't be bigger than that in the Marvel universe. He's definitely a bigger character than Deadpool and we got a Deadpool minifig. If you also find Thor an uninteresting superhero I would highly recommend checking out Walter Simonson's Thor or Thor: God of Thunder. You can't find a better series than Thor: God of Thunder right now. Edited October 24, 201311 yr by Moon_Knight
October 24, 201311 yr ... It's also because Marvel didn't tell TLG to do a set based on Thor: TDW. Once more, Marvel/Disney tells TLG what they want to see in sets (which characters together, which locales, vehicles, etc), and TLG makes them. TLG just does what the property owner asks for. TLG does not make the character or property decisions.
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